جرح أربعة أشخاص بسقوط صاروخين على منطقة مار مخايل في الشياح.. شربل: الهدف هو التخريب ونحن بصدد التحقيق

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أفادت معلومات صحافية عن "سقوط صاروخي غراد على منطقة الشياح في الضاحية الجنوبية، ما اسفر عن سقوط جرحى".

وفي هذا السياق، صدر عن قيادة الجيش - مديرية التوجيه، بياناً أكدت فيه أن "صباح اليوم، سقط صاروخان احدهما في معرض سيارات بالقرب من كنيسة مار مخايل، والاخر في حي مارون مسك، اديا الى اصابة اربعة اشخاص بجروح مختلفة وحصول اضرار مادية في الممتلكات".

وأردف البيان أن " قوى الجيش قد فرضت طوقا امنيا حول المنطقة وعملت بالاشتراك مع الاجهزة المختصة على نقل المصابين الى المستشفيات للمعالجة، فيما حضر عدد من الخبراء العسكريين الى المكان، وبوشر التحقيق لتحديد نوع الصاروخين ومصدر اطلاقهما وكشف هوية الفاعلين".

كذلك، أشارت "الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام" صباح الأحد، الى "اصابة أربعة اشخاص بجروح جراء انفجار وقع عند السابعة الا عشر دقائق في موقف للسيارات قرب كنيسة مار مخائيل في الشياح في الضاحية الجنوبية".

وأضافت الوكالة ان "بين الجرحى 3 سوريين اصابة احدهم خطرة"، مردفة عن "سماع دوي انفجار في شارع مارون ميسك من دون ان تعرف اسبابه".

وفي غضون ذلك، تفقّد وزير الداخلية بحكومة تصريف الأعمال مروان شربل موقع الإنفجار، مردفاً أن "الهدف من اطلاق الصواريخ هو التخريب والاصطياد بالمياه العكرة، ونحن بصدد التحقيق".

وأشار الى أن "الصاروخين أطلقا من الجهة الجنوبية الشرقية للشياح"، مضيفاً أن "لبنان لا يتحمل المزيد من قلة الوعي ونأمل معرفة متسببي الانفجار".

كذلك، كلف مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر الشرطة العسكرية باجراء التحقيقات الاولية لكشف ملابسات سقوط الصاروخين ومصدرهما.

ولفتت الـOTV الى "العثور على منصة لإطلاق الصواريخ في منطقة حرجية واقعة بين بسابا وعيتات يرجح انه تمّ اطلاق الصاروخين منها".

وفي السياق نفسه، أفادت الـMTV عن "انتشار كثيف للجيش في موقع الانفجار في منطقة مار مخايل حيث ضرب طوقاً أمنياً".

وأكدت إذاعة صوت لبنان (100.5) "سقوط صاروخ غراد من عيار 107 ملمترا داخل معرض للسيارات و اخر على شرفة احد الابنية السكنية"، مردفة أنه "تم نقل جرحى الانفجار الذي وقع داخل معرض السيارات على طريق صيدا القديمة الى مستشفى جبل لبنان".

وأفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) عن " اجراءات امنية مشددة في منطقة الشياح حيث يتم منع المواطنين من الاقتراب من موقع الحادث".

التعليقات 37
Thumb condor 08:03 ,2013 أيار 26

Well, there you go Nassrallah. You got the reply.....

Missing peace 18:54 ,2013 أيار 26

yes and where? at the limit of christian chia neighborhoods , aimed at frightening christians too! LOL
and why didn t they fire yesterday when all hezbi supporters were in the streets firing in the air if they really wanted to kill people?

Thumb LebDinosaur 08:10 ,2013 أيار 26

Dahieh is infested with Hezb arms. What a joke.

Thumb turmos 08:14 ,2013 أيار 26

I don't think history has seen arrogance remotely equal to that being exhibited by Nassrallah. Even Hitler was more subtle and humble. This criminal openly promises victory in Syria where he is committing "sectarian" cleansing, burning houses, and turning entire villages into rubble, and he expects no retaliation?! He single handedly dragged Lebanon into the abyss.

Thumb benzona 15:24 ,2013 أيار 26

allahu akbar ;-) T'as raison, c'est un criminel reckless.

Default-user-icon Nonsensical (ضيف) 08:26 ,2013 أيار 26

The battle for Beirut has begun.

Default-user-icon US (ضيف) 08:54 ,2013 أيار 26

Wow! Judging by the comments, it looks like Israel's Water Army are out in full force today ... almost makes you wonder who staged this attack ...

Missing baba_oreily 09:07 ,2013 أيار 26

I love Lebanon, so it pains me to say this...but we Lebanese deserve everything we're going to get...and we're going to get some really bad things happening to us. Worse than we've ever seen before.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 09:09 ,2013 أيار 26

Good job Hizb Allah get us involved in other people's revolutions.

Default-user-icon Michel (ضيف) 09:15 ,2013 أيار 26

Partition... Let the Feb 14 supporters share their country with the takfiris

Default-user-icon Dimyl452 (ضيف) 09:23 ,2013 أيار 26

i find it odd that the "men in black" did not cordoned off the area themselves...looks fishy...perhaps to guarantee the extension of the parliament's term.
Also the launch area of the two rockets does not mean anything since these kind of rockets are easily carried in a trunk of a car and launched with ease.

Thumb phoenician 09:26 ,2013 أيار 26

Partition is the answer.

Missing -karim_m1 10:09 ,2013 أيار 26

Exactly, read my above comment. Would you want to live with people who want to literally eat your heart?

Thumb geha 10:18 ,2013 أيار 26

for once you are right karim: who would want to live with the antichrist nasrallah?
but no for partition and in spite of the antichrist, we will recover our country.

Missing greatpierro 14:58 ,2013 أيار 26

karim, what is all this issue about sunnis that you are treating them as wahabis. this wahabis issue is there to justify the wilayet al fakih and christians are divided either with the shia or the sunnis. But common, except a few fanatics, sunnis are no wahabis or takfiris. If you listen to what m14 say on and on, sunnis wants a strong multi confessional country. they are not holding weapons, they are not occupying christians land, etc....

Missing greatpierro 15:15 ,2013 أيار 26


the past year who was the victim of whom? christians and sunni leaders who are against syria and iran hegemony in lebanon were killed or gone in exile. The Sunnis that you are develizing in Lebanon have not attacked neither christians nor shia. Please also remember that it was an M14 government led by Saniora that fought the sunni extremist in nahr al bared camp while hassan said that the camp was a red line.

Thumb Chupachups 09:27 ,2013 أيار 26

And Sunni Shia war in Lebanon starts in..3..2.1...

Missing greatpierro 15:17 ,2013 أيار 26

it could just as well but the sunnis have no weapons except the few salafist in tripoli. We may expect that sunnis salafist in syria may come into lebanon to fight ha just as ha is fighting in syria. those are bleak and dangerous days. god help.

Thumb Dimyl452 09:30 ,2013 أيار 26

i find it odd that the "men in black" did not cordoned off the area themselves...looks fishy...perhaps it's to guarantee the extension of the parliament's term.
Also the area where the rockets have been launched tells nothing since these kind of rockets can easily be carried in a trunk of a car and fired with ease.

Default-user-icon Nonsensical (ضيف) 09:38 ,2013 أيار 26

One day we can all look back and say it all started with Nasrallah's liberation day speech. Similar to the bus incident in Ain Al-Rummaneh.

Missing maroun 10:42 ,2013 أيار 26

sounds like the attempted assassination of the demented general..fabricated..

Missing 11-11 10:55 ,2013 أيار 26

Nasrallah did tell the Syrian rebels to restrict the fight to Syrian and they would never dare to disobey the Sayyed. Most likely just another argument between car dealers.

Default-user-icon Idiots (ضيف) 11:00 ,2013 أيار 26

The Fsa will target christians in Lebanon as 'kuffars' you idiots, support the freedom fighters or you will be next has the civil war taught you NoTHiNG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Thumb mobious125 11:41 ,2013 أيار 26

Dimyl452 has an excellent point! No men in black to stop the authorities, I find this very very strange.

Thumb mobious125 11:41 ,2013 أيار 26

Dimyl452 has an excellent point! No men in black to stop the authorities, I find this very very strange.

Missing peace 11:47 ,2013 أيار 26

LOL!!! what a nice make up... hezbi fire rockets on a car park a sunday morning to make sure no one get killed just to justify nassy s speech on the evil salafis! LOL

they fool no one with their little self victimization....

Missing maroun 13:45 ,2013 أيار 26

no josh is your kind that do that ...trying to help the Syrian regime at the expense of Lebanon..

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 14:48 ,2013 أيار 26

Look on the bright side people. Those rockets could of contained chemical weapons. Anyway ,it's difficult to speculate who was behind it as many would like to see Lebanon at war with itself (especially the Syrian regime).

Missing greatpierro 14:52 ,2013 أيار 26

The issue is that HA and co are refusing the disarmament of all pro syrian militias in lebanon, the alawits, fplp, tawhid, and last but not least ha.

Missing greatpierro 15:03 ,2013 أيار 26

Come on josh this is stupid from yourself to make such comments. Maybe it is true, and maybe it is wrong. You cannot let your fear transform you into a hatred freak. Before you make accusation you should have strong facts. Learning from history, we all know how much the Syrian have created strife in Lebanon. In 1975, the agression against Christians in the south suburbs were all done by fplp and saika: all prosyrians but no sunni lebanese.

Missing greatpierro 15:04 ,2013 أيار 26

most sunni? Are you talking about the sunnis that live in hamra, mazraa, ras beirut, side, ....?

Missing greatpierro 15:18 ,2013 أيار 26

dear josh, what about the explosives taken by samaha from syria to created havoc in lebanon. this is not just wishful thinking. It is a fact that you ignore because your hatred of sunnis is blinding you.

Thumb benzona 15:27 ,2013 أيار 26

And I'll pay them a visit in Holland. They better start learning Serbian, Milosevic wants to speak to them.

Missing weallhumans 18:57 ,2013 أيار 26

expect a war with Israel soon, this whole conflict is growing out of control. Israel will not let HA lay hands on chemical weapons which they might already have. Israel is going to bomb all of Lebanon again including parts of Syria. thank you Nasrallah for protecting Lebanon, now you can take all of our country and give it to Iran and Syria as a gift.

Missing siyeseh 20:15 ,2013 أيار 26

If that had been true password then shiites would not have existed today.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 22:19 ,2013 أيار 26

Dahieh is not Lebanese territory anyway, it's an Iranian colony.

Default-user-icon Sergio Bianchi (ضيف) 22:59 ,2013 أيار 26

Hi gauys why don't you give me a break? A couple of 107 mm Grad can not make serious damages. Only a repetition of the civil war, can produce serious damages. Don't you think Lebanon has already paid its price to sectarian clashes?