مشروع قانون في الكونغرس يحمّل الحكومة المسؤولية عن نزع سلاح "حزب الله"

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طرح النائب الديموقراطي في لجنة الشؤون الخارجية هوارد بيرمان في مجلس النواب أمس الخميس مشروع قانون "مكافحة ارهاب "حزب الله" لسنة 2011"، برعاية مشتركة مع ثلاثة نواب من أصل لبناني هم الجمهوريان تشارلز بستاني وداريل عيسى والديموقراطي نيك رحال.

ويعتبر مشروع القانون أن الحكومة اللبنانية هي المسؤولة المباشرة عن نزع سلاح "حزب الله"، ويترك مرونة لوزارة الخزانة في احتمال الضغط على القطاع المصرفي، كما يعطي مرونة مشابهة للرئيس باراك اوباما في اتخاذ مبادرات في سياسته تجاه لبنان.

ويحمل المشروع رقم 2215، ويقول في مقدمته بأنه يسعى لضمان أن "حزب الله" لن يستفيد من أموال دافعي الضرائب الأميركيين، و"يحث أعضاء المجتمع الدولي على تجنب الاتصال والامتناع عن دعم منظمة "حزب الله" الإرهابية حتى تنبذ العنف وتنزع السلاح".

ويضيف انه سيحظر توفير مساعدات أميركية لـ"حكومة لبنانية تعتمد على "حزب الله"، أي حكومة يكون فيها "حزب الله" جزء من تحالف الأكثرية"، إلا إذا قال اوباما إن "حزب الله توقف عن دعم الإرهاب ونبذ العنف ونزع سلاحه وتوقف عن استخدام أراضي لبنان كقاعدة لإطلاق الصواريخ ضد دولة إسرائيل" أو إذا "أظهرت الحكومة اللبنانية تقدما ملحوظا في تفكيك كل البنى التحتية العسكرية لـ"حزب الله" داخل لبنان، وجلبت للعدالة إرهابيي "حزب الله" وأوقفت كل وارداته العسكرية".

وبالتوازي مع هذا المشروع، هناك دعوة رئيسة لجنة الشؤون الخارجية في مجلس النواب اليانا روس ليتنن، لقطع كل المساعدات الاميركية للبنان بسبب وجود "حزب الله" في الحكومة اللبنانية.

وتوقعت المصادر اقرار مشروع القانون، وخصوصاً في ضوء تأليف الحكومة اللبنانية الجديدة التي يرى الاميركيون – في الحكومة وفي الكونغرس - انها تعكس نفوذ "حزب الله" وحلفائه، ومتعاطفة مع الحكومة السورية التي تتعرض لانتقادات وضغوط كبيرة بسبب قمعها حركة الاحتجاج في سوريا.

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:35 ,2011 حزيران 17

Lebanon will be much better off if the US of A would just leave us alone. We do not require that assistance, nor US support. We need nothing from the USA. normal relations regulated by embassies at each others capital city, the occasional ceremonial photo shoot at the oval office, once every 10 years.. and that is it. Thank you very much..

Default-user-icon LC-CH (ضيف) 15:08 ,2011 حزيران 17

Where was US assistance when Israel was bombing the hell out of Lebanon and killed more than 1200 people in the process??

Ah yes they were assisting... in the provision of cluster bombs to Israel which are still killing people to this day... such hypocrites!

The only way to get rid of Hizballah is to take out the Assad regime, with them out of the picture then Hizballah weapons life line will be gone and their power significantly diminished.

Missing allouchi 15:30 ,2011 حزيران 17

God bless the USA.. Much better than getting aid from IRAN and the Syrians...to the ones that disagree...either go live in Syria or Iran and leave us in peace....oh I see, you will rather to live in the USA ...LOL

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:18 ,2011 حزيران 17

Look at those 2 dummies and irrealistic persons, Mowaten and Mazen, always inspired by hatred and the worthless resistance of Hezbollah, which is an indirect agent of chaos for the benefit of Iran and indirectly of Israeli zionists.

- Iran uses Hezbollah as a base in Lebanon , not against Israel, but to to be a copycat of the model of Islamic republic they have in Iran , it is obvious that Hezbollah and Iran do not want to bother Israel, they just want Lebanon. So all this crap about resistance is nothing, with 2 F16's , they transformed Dahieh into a parking lot

- Israel is happy that Hezbollah is here, because they have been protecting it in the south from any vengeful attack from palestinians , who do not dare operate without Hezbollah permission, which himself doesnt operate without Iran's permission. we can see that when their supposedly '' palestinian brothers'' were shot during latest demos, they didnt act, too scared now for round 2? Israel, hezbollah, two evils for lebanon

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:32 ,2011 حزيران 17

this is the best way to show our soft, but firm side without the use of force, showing the world that we are ready to negotiate but we will not give up any rights of ours, and Mazen and Mowaten, from that moment on, Israel will have to choose, and cannot lay back anymore and accusing Hezbollah and this and that, if it doesnt accept our conditions which are in my opinion the least we can ask for, than from this moment on, the resistance will have full and wider support around the world, but of course, when you shout aloud all the time, saying you want to wipe out Israel, you want to liberate palestine ( which is a noble cause but not our fight , we are a tiny country you know, we can barely provide our own needs ) , of course the world will reject such hateful statements. And i repeat, Israel is an ennemy right now, but so Hezbollah, not giving the chance for peace, and maybe to prove diplomatically that Israel doesnt want it ...

Default-user-icon Jean Anid (ضيف) 17:42 ,2011 حزيران 17

God bless the USA, land of freedom and liberty. What abou Iran's mollahs intervention and owning a militia in Lebanon,not to mention the syrian dictatorship?
Guys criticizing the USA and their interventions calm down,you line up at dawn to get visas to the USA , if you want to go to Iran you dont have to wait,Iran having all its intellengentsia in the USA and fleeing daily will be happy that you go there and return to the dark ages.

Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (ضيف) 17:44 ,2011 حزيران 17

the escenaries are different now, they are at power, so they recieving or not the assistance, wont be make different for them, on the contrary, if this is cut, they will get enough sources into own side, dont mind if for that the evil open his account for this goal, the points are: a) with which they will reinforce themselves, b) how will weapons delivery be in favor of lebanese army?????.

Missing allouchi 18:25 ,2011 حزيران 17

Jean Anid...I agree with you....VERY good point...long live the USA and Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Danny Brand (ضيف) 12:00 ,2011 حزيران 18

You want assistance from the US against Israel claiming that Lebanon paid price of 1,200 livers?
Why did you let Hezballa attack Israel on the 1st place by killing 7 soldiers and kidnapping 3 others from Israeli territory?.
You let Lebanon become a nest to all terror groups and later your cry for paying the price?
In the 70th and 80th you gave shelter to PLO and Black September.
All actions against Israel planned in your country by groups who got a safe shelter at yours.
Same with Hezballa whom is part of your government.
Don't mess with us and Lebanon will be quiet as the coins has 2 sides.
Don't expect us to sit quiet while we are targeted.
If Lebanon being a free country thinks that have any territorials claims against Israel, there is a negotiation table.
If you choose to speak to us through the rifle sight , Ahlan Wa Sahlan but be ready to pay for it.