تعرض إمام مسجد "القدس" في صيدا الشيخ ماهر حمود لمحاولة اغتيال: من أطلق النار عليّ يبحث عن الفتنة
Read this story in English
أفادت معلومات صحافية عن "نجاة إمام مسجد "القدس" في صيدا الشيخ ماهر حمود من محاولة اغتيال حيث تعرض لإطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين مجهولين".
وفي هذا السياق، اشارت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام، الإثنين، الى انه "بينما كان الشيخ ماهر حمود امام مسجد القدس خارجا من منزله الكائن في ساحة القدس قرب مستشفى حمود لاداء فريضة صلاة الفجر اليوم تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال حيث تعرض لاطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين محهولين"، مردفة أنه "نجا من محاولة الاغتيال ولم يصب بأذى".
ولفت حمود في حديث لإذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5) الى ان "السيارة التي اطلقت النار عليه فجر اليوم اثناء توجهه الى مسجد "القدس لاداء صلاة الفجر هي من نوع ياباني، واستهدفته بحوالي عشرين رصاصة".
واوضح حمود ان "من اطلق النار عليه في صيدا قد يكون متعاطفاً مع المعارضة السورية، او فريق اخر يبحث عن الفتنة".
وذكر ان "القوى الامنية بدأت التحقيقات بعد تصوير الاماكن المستهدفة بالرصاص".
وأضافت الوكالة الوطنية أن " القوى الامنية تمكنت من العثور على السيارة التي استخدمها مطلقو النار على سيارة الشيخ ماهر حمود، في احد شوارع صيدا، وتبين بعد التحقيقات انها مسروقة".
يذكر أن الشيخ حمود هو مقرّب من "حزب الله".
وكان الحزب أرسل مقاتليه للمشاركة بالحرب الى جانب النظام السوري في القصير.
وفي السياق عينه، أشارت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام الى ان "مجهولين اقدموا فجر اليوم على اطلاق النار على سيارة الشيخ ابراهيم مصطفى البريدي التي كانت مركونة قرب منزله في قب الياس وهي من نوع (انفوي 2003) ما ادى الى احتراق قسم منها".
وقد فر الفاعلون الى جهة مجهولة.

May Allah protect Sheikh Maher and all the proud people of lebanon from wahabi Nusra thugs.

Allah is not going to protect such people.You have to know Allah first .

may allah take him and all other clerics so we can build LEBANON

MOOOwate and flamer this is likely the work of Michel Smaha's allies.

did you know that he had plans to bomb last time around? So how do you know that he doesn't have networks "in the south"..and why wouldn't he when it's his allies that are also "in the south"?

Bani, the best avatar you had was the one with the rat, it was fantastic.

Why is it, that in our beloved country, religious leaders have to be politicians too?? Sheikhs, priests, clerics, cardinals...whatever you are do what you are suppose to do and teach people love, peace and generosity...we have enough hatred in Lebanon already and we have enough lying and racist politicians too, people come to you to pray and not to talk politics!

Because in our country, people are religious. When you are religious, you listen and follow most of what your priest or sheikh says.
Not sure why you seem surprised.
People expect sheikhs to have a political opinion, just like they expect a politician's son to succeed him. Did you think you live in Switzerland?? LOL
The people are religious, very sectarian and somewhat tribal, it's only normal for them to elect politicians that are the same, like them.

thank you jallour for pointing out the flaws of our country...

You're welcome
I was just pointing out that religious leaders and politicians are a product of the people.
I am not against religion, but the fact is that religion hinders progress, freethinking and building a civil and just society, and history proves this. The west would have never progressed had the people not curtailed the church's role in politics, but that only happened when the people were ready for that. We, as people I mean, are not ready for that in Lebanon.
Give it another 100 years :)

Better Luck Next Time! Religion means u follow God! not some bearded idiots with robes of all confessions!

I dont ache when a religious man or cleric is killed! now seriously!
They send people to die everyday in the name of GOD so may be they should die first setting the good example!

who said he was doing anything other than going to pray at the mosque? Obviously he was targeted to cause sectarian strife.

This is not good. While I disagree with the Sheikh who condones the killing of Syrian innocent people at the hands of Hezb el Devil, we don't judge people on words or intentions. Only God can do that. Hezbolshaiitan is inviting those fanatics to come into Lebanon and then they cry foul.

Anyone meddling with politics seems to be a target to assassinations, although so far, it has been only m14 politicians who were the target.
this attempt does not make sense.... unless someone (i.e. hizbushaitan) wants to create more strife.

funny how M8ers "escape" miraculously any assassination attempts... just to attract attention it seems... LOL!