رعد: مهمة القصير كانت الإنقضاض علينا ولا نطلق النار إلا على كل متواطئ مع اسرائيل
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب الله الثلاثاء أن قتال المعارضة السورية في القصير كان هدفه الإنقضاض على المقاومة مشددا على ان بندقية الحزب لا تطلق إلى على "متواطئ مع اسرائيل".
وقال رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد في ذكرى أسبوع على مقتل العنصر عباس حلال في سوريا خلال احتفال في بلدة حبوش "أن الذي يحصن المقاومة ويقويها هو التفاهم بين كل القوى السياسية الحاضنة لمشروع المقاومة، وهذا ما يوتر الشركاء الآخرين في الوطن الذين يحاولون أن يدقوا إسفينا أو يزرعوا شقاقا ليتسللوا من خلاله ويحققوا مشروعهم".
وشدد على أن "بندقية المقاومة ما زالت موجهة نحو العدو الإسرائيلي نفسه، لكن العدو استحدث محورا جديدا من خلفنا قرابة بقاعنا وشمالنا من أجل أن يطعننا في ظهورنا، مستخدما عبر التواطؤ من قبل أنظمة رجعية مرذولة نفطية لا صلة لها بالديموقراطية حفنة من شراذم تكفيرية لا تؤمن بشيء إلا بنفسها".
أضاف: "إن مهمة مدينة القصير كانت أن تنقض على المقاومة من الخلف تحت شعار النأي بالنفس وعدم التدخل في سوريا".
وإذ زعم أن "حزب الله لم يتدخل في سوريا، ونحن إنما تدخلنا في لبنان دفاعا عن لبنان ومقاومته ومن أجل حماية لبنان" أضاف "بندقيتنا لا توجه إلا ضد هدف نشتم منه حساسية التحالف والتاطؤ مع العدو الصهيوني، لأن بندقيتنا مبرمجة لا تطلق النار إلا على من هو متحالف أو متواطئ مع اسرائيل".
ويشارك الحزب منذ ثلاثة أسابيع في معارك الجيش السوري ضد المعارضين المسلحين وقد شيع قتلى عدة في الأسابيع الماضية. وهددت دول الخليج باتخاذ اجراءات ضد مصالح حزب الله بسبب مشاركته في المعارك.

Enough of this bull-shit propaganda...the problem with Hizib is that they are lying to the public. They are taking their supporter inch by inch to where they want by creating fake fears and mixing up everything together all under the American-zionist conspiracy...enough with these lies. Just be straight with your fans and tell them where you are taking them!

Its a shame when the resistance has become more important than Lebanon itself!

I am speachless... Does he beleive in his own words??? It is becoming so obvious that they are compulsively paranoid! The Tafkiris, allies of Israel?? Ahah! When the best ally for Israel all these years has been... Syria! Keeping the Golan quiet, transferring all the mess onto the Lebanon-Israel border. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost? Really? Re-writing history is a new job for Raad. Our Bekaa and North... Who is "our"? The Lebanese people? Or just Hezbollah trying to justify its existence? I am so tired of all that! What does they want? A global war to be able to restart from scratch - again?

The only resistance is FSA, Hizballa are the invading terroristas.

Ya Raad, Front or Back, may they all die a horrible death ! If they're stupid enough to follow you to war, they don't deserve to live.
Ba3den, stop blaming Israel to cover up for your stupid decisions and mafia organisation of thugs, thieves, drug and weapon dealers, murderers and prostitution network !
Hassan Nassrallah and Hezbollah are the Zionist front of Lebanon and Syria ! One and the same!

What a Country. Is Lebanon a country or a rebel no law land... It is time for a massive exodus from Lebanon... I wish I have sold every thing in Lebanon and left... People has no backbone to stand up and say enough is enough.

Lebanese Republic 1943 - ..
Hezballah 1983 - ..
Lebanon lived for forty years without the Iranian terrorist militia without becoming new Israel 2.0
Nasrallah if I had known the Israeli reaction to the kidnapping I would not have done it. 2006
Conclusion: waleed121 is a complete idiot. Thanks.

"We went to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The best young men among us went there. We had camps. Perhaps this is the first time we talk about this issue with this degree of clarity. We fought there and martyrs fell. Whom were we defending? We were defending Sunni Muslims in Bosnia. There are no Shiites in Bosnia." Nasrallah 25 May 2013
Were the Christian Bosnian Serbs killed by the Iranian terrorist militia in Bosnia and Herzegovina planing to "Attack the Resistance from Behind"?
Maybe the Christian Bosnian Serbs were Zionists or Takfiris. No wait the Iranian terrorist militia, Al Qaeda, the United States and the Takfiris were on the same side killing Christians together. OK maybe the Iranian terrorist militia was killing Christian Serbs because if Bosnia and Herzegovina fell, the Palestinian cause will be lost. I lost my globe years ago but I'm pretty sure Palestine was nowhere near Bosnia and Herzegovina unless something changed after the "Velvet Revolution" near by.

What Mr Raad really says is this: "If Qusayr remains under control of the free Syrian army we fear loosing our daily supplies of viagra-weapons that makes us so powerful in Lebanon that we can control whatever we want and continue with the Persification of Lebanon...."

It's funny how you all sound like moderate, objective and partial citizens!! Let be realistic here, do you all prefer the FSA, AL-NUSRA FRONT AND AL-QAEDA OVER HEZBOLLAH?? When did hezbollah eats human organs?? Or behead?? Or kill under the umbrella of Islam while shouting Allahu Akbar?? Hezbollah is doing you and the world a favour by elinating these Takfiri-Salafi thugs!!

how about none of the above, INCLUDING hizb iran.
---never thought of that smart guy.

do you know why this barbarian ate the soldier's organs...? It is because he found a video in his cell phone filming him raping then murdering a woman in front of her children, then murder the children...that certainly doesn't excuse it, but at least it puts things into perspective. Gather some infor before doing stupid comments.

Lebanon_first, quote, "But one day Iran will fall" I will not argue your statement, however please explain your analysis??

With mounting casualties, Hezbollah running out of arguments as that discover their miscalculations coming to light. Instead of protecting them hezbollah is actually taking their community to the abyss

wow, more rationalizations by hizb iran on why they are there--damage control on their end because it seems like it isn't going well with their own followers.

Anonomous, you give HA too much credit. In 2006, they started the war not to help hamas but because they thought it was a good time to free their prisoners thinking israel would be too busy to start a new front. They wanted to milk out some benefits while others were being bombed, not knowing they too would be bombed.

Every other day one of them comes out with a new spin... they are not there, they are only defending Lebanese in border villages, then defending shrines, then defending the Assad regimen because it is the "backbone of the Axis", defending Lebanon from the Takfiri, Zionist, US, West now they are claiming self defense they are protecting their backside.
Why make up so many story's... you are fighting for Assad because the ayatollah told you to.

now they will attack you from front and behind ya tabl el irani!