واشنطن تدين هجوم القوات السورية وحزب الله على القصير
Read this story in Englishدانت الولايات المتحدة الاربعاء الهجوم الذي شنته قوات الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد وحليفه حزب الله على مدينة القصير الاستراتيجية وتمكنت في اعقابه من السيطرة على هذه المدينة الواقعة في ريف حمص بوسط سوريا.
وقال المتحدث باسم البيت الابيض جاي كارني ان "لولايات المتحدة تدين باشد العبارات الهجوم الذي شنه نظام بشار الاسد والذي خلف اعدادا لا تحصى من الضحايا المدنيين وتسبب بمآس انسانية مروعة".
واضاف "من الواضح ان النظام لم يتمكن من ان يستعيد لوحده من المعارضة السيطرة على القصير وانه يعتمد على حزب الله وايران لتحقيق هذا الهدف".
وجدد كارني من جهة اخرى نداء الولايات المتحدة الى كل من حزب الله وايران بسحب مقاتليهما من سوريا، داعيا كل اطراف النزاع الى "تجنب الاعمال التي من شأنها ان تزيد عدد الضحايا المدنيين المهول اصلا وتفاقم العنف".
كما جدد البيت الابيض مطالبته النظام السوري بالسماح للمنظمات الانسانية بالدخول الى القصير للمساعدة في "اجلاء الجرحى وتأمين المساعدة الطبية".
To White House,
FYI, 90% of the world doesn't give 2 flies what you condemn and doesn't give a damn about your opinions!
Thanks for your keen but unproductive observations. Obviously the regime is desperate, and obviously they re relying on a sectarian militia.
If you want to help, give the FSA arms and help Lebanon strengthen its army as well so we can rid ourselves of this filthy militia.
While you re at it, tell the zionists to the south to stop violating our sovereignty so we can focus on our more immediate problems.
Washington wanted hezb Ebola to take Qusayr back. Bachar being Israel's protector.... Another shield has been consolidated thanks to Nasrallah's meddling. The only traitors in the region are the Shiite collaborators..... The Sunni being the sole enemy of the zIonist.
Lol, yes, because Bahrain and Qatar (not tom ention most other Sunni countries) don't have open diplomatic ties to Israel, right?
Right? Well, they do, unlike any Shia country, apart from Azebaijan.
Yes . The Sunni. Some have diplomatic ties because you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So far, the Farsi have proven to be king David's best friends.
they blindly follow 1 leader and have irans cash at there fingertips.....give any group unlimited resources and they can do the same.
Translation: The US thanks Hizbullah for doing the great job of finishing off the lunatics in lighting speed and better than anyone. So, keep it up, Hizboyz!
The USA is really to cry at and to laugh at. As if they are saying something we didn;t know about; it has been in the news for more than a month and here comes the stupid American to tell us that the Huzbollah and Iran were the tipping point in taking over Qasher. I think the americans with the Russian and the Israelis are concocting a scenario of splitting Syria by creating the Shia crest from Iran to Iraq to syria and lebanon. It can't be explained why the USA is chickening out so much in arming the rebels? The USA is playing a dirty games not only against the Syrian people but also against the Arab Sunni world. They want us Shai and Sunni to fight forever and buy from them weapons. It's time for us the Arabs to wake up before it's too late.
Lol, Hezbollah is a problem, but not the thousands of Jihadis entering from all over the world?