بوتين: كان يمكن للأسد تفادي الحرب لو قام بإصلاحات ولبى مطالب التغيير

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أعلن الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين أنه كان بوسع الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد تفادي الحرب في سوريا لو قام بإصلاحات.

وقال بوتين في حديث مع قناة "روسيا اليوم" الثلاثاء "كان بوسع الأسد تفادي نشوب حرب من خلال تلبية احتياجات التغيير وإجراء الإصلاحات في بلاده".

إلا ان بوتين ألقى باللوم أيضا على الغرب بالقول "الجهود الغربية لفرض الديمقراطية تمخضت عن فوضى في الشرق الاوسط" مشيرا إلى أن " الغرب يحارب في مالي القوى التي يدعمها في سوريا".

وكشف الرئيس الروسي عن "اقتراحات من زعماء غربيين لتفعيل دور مجلس الأمن في الأزمة السورية".

كما قال ان "جبهة النصرة هي مكون أساسي في المعارضة المسلحة وهي مدرجة ضمن قائمة الإرهاب الأمريكية" مشيرا إلى أن بلاده لا تريد الدخول "في النزاع بين السنة والشيعة".

من جهة أخرى أعلن بوتين أنه "يوجد قوس إرهاب بين أفغانستان وباكستان وهو أمر يقلقنا لأن المنطقة قريبة من حدودنا".

التعليقات 10
Thumb liberty 19:55 ,2013 حزيران 11

oh SHTFU, please!

Thumb primesuspect 22:36 ,2013 حزيران 11

Zoroastrians are noble people.... Unlike the hizb el zib criminals.

Default-user-icon Maxx (ضيف) 18:13 ,2013 حزيران 12

Dude, would you effing stop lopping all Shia together, please? Shia were those who were beaten by Hizb-Allah hoodlums while they were protesting against Shia Iran's support of Shi3i 3alawi Baschar's massacre of innocents in Syria. Shia are those who remember the Hasan and Hussein and remember how they were massacred while they were unarmed, and would not do the same unto unarmed civilians in Syria, be they Sunni or Christian or even Jewish, could it have been the case. Hizb-Allah are no Shiites! They are what the Surat al Fati7a describes as "Al-Dalloun" - the lost ones: they have no purpose of their own; they only take orders; they are killing machines, not humans; most certainly not Shiites. And soon they shall become those "maghdouba 3alayhim" - those against whom God's wrath is focalized. When the Mahdi returns swinging his Zulfiqar left and right, it won't be to kill the Sunni and the Christians and Jews - it would be to purge the scum from Shia's own ranks.

Missing lebcan 22:55 ,2013 حزيران 11

Is this PUTIN guy serious??? he is a Hypocrite is he not doing political assassinations against journalists and does he not clamp down on protesters and freedom of expression... the hard way...

Thumb saturn 22:56 ,2013 حزيران 11

Coulda Shoulda Woulda!

Missing m.c. 23:35 ,2013 حزيران 11

Apply those principles to yourself as well. Listen to your own people and make reforms in Russia. You emboldened this creature to become a mass murderer for not losing your last Russian influence in the Middle East.

Missing idris_gray 16:35 ,2013 حزيران 12


Missing peace 00:32 ,2013 حزيران 12

bashar el assad was a true hope when he replaced his father because his early speeches showed he wanted to reform syria but the old guards of the baath party living off the privileges granted by his father got the best of him and he had to bend in front of them....

if he implemented the reforms he promised he wouldn't have been in such dire straits....

Thumb scorpyonn 05:49 ,2013 حزيران 12

We should send the Mexican drug cartels into Syria and Iran- they will make mincemeat out of Assad and those Islamic clerics in Iran-- they will cut them into pieces and dissolve them in acid.

Missing alpha 06:00 ,2013 حزيران 12

We already have the worst of the worst, Canibals, Human Organ Eaters in our region. Now thank god for Putin who can see through these Sponsors of Canibals ( GCC/KSA) aka Free Savage Animals / Al Nusra . Full time is not over yet.