الأسد يدعو إلى حوار وطني: ستتم محاسبة كل من أراق الدماء
Read this story in Englishإعتبر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الإثنين من سوريا تتعرض الى مؤامرة داعيا الى "حوار وطني" قد يفضي الى دستور جديد ويخرج سوريا من الازمة التي تواجهها، وذلك في كلمة اعتبرها معارضوه "غير كافية" وستؤدي الى تأجيج التظاهرات ضد نظامه.
وصرح الرئيس السوري في الكلمة التي القاها في جامعة دمشق ووجهها الى الشعب السوري ان "المؤامرة" ضد سوريا تزيدها "عزة ومناعة"، مؤكدا ان سوريا في "لحظة فاصلة" بعد "ايام صعبة".
وعبر الأسد الذي استقبل بتصفيق حار عن تعازيه "لعائلات الشهداء" الذين سقطوا في الاحتجاجات، مؤكدا ان "الشهداء الذين سقطوا خسارة لأهلهم وللوطن ولي شخصيا ايضا".
واكد انه ستتم محاسبة "كل من اراق الدماء" او "تسبب في اراقة دماء" بينما تشهد سوريا منذ ثلاثة اشهر حركة احتجاجية لا سابق لها سقط فيها اكثر من 1300 قتيل حسب منظمات حقوقية.
واضاف "ان استمرت هذه الأزمة أو غيرها لأشهر أو لسنوات علينا أن نتأقلم معها وعلينا أن نطوقها لكي تبقى أزمة محصورة بأصحاب الأزمة فقط".
ودعا الاسد الى "حوار وطني" لاخراج سوريا من الازمة التي تواجهها منذ بدء الحركة الاحتجاجية في آذار ، مؤكدا ان هذا الحوار يمكن ان يفضي الى دستور جديد.
وقال ان "الحوار سيكون شعار المرحلة المقبلة".
واضاف ان "مستقبل سوريا اذا اردناه ان ينجح مبني على هذا الحوار" الا انه اكد انه "لا يوجد حل سياسي مع من يحمل السلاح".
ولفت الى ان "الحوار الوطني لا يعنى نخبا محددة ولا حوار المعارضة مع الموالاة او السلطة وليس محصورا بالسياسة فقط بل هو حوار كل اطياف الشعب حول كل شوءون الوطن".
واشار الرئيس السوري الى ان "الحوار الوطني قد يؤدي الى تعديل دستوري او دستور جديد" في اشارة الى امكانية تغيير المادة الثامنة التي تنص على قيادة حزب البعث للبلاد والتي تطالب المعارضة بالغائها.
كما دعا السكان الذين فروا من جسر الشغور وقراها الى تركيا للعودة الى بيوتهم، مؤكدا ان الجيش السوري موجود هناك "من اجل خدمتهم".
assad is not getting it: it's a revolution for freedom not a revolution for hungry people ,the "syrian economy" is for a few family members ....
There is no comfort in Assad's words that certain things "might be " discussed adn that the constitutional provision allowing only the Baath Party "could be" amended. Nor is there any comfort in his words of "total commitment to dialogue".
Look at the "peace process" where many things might be discussed, but where nothing is ever decided nor acted upon. The Assad's have played this game for 40 years hoping to sucker in each new group of potential opponents.
And as to Assad's "commitment" it is only to survival, by whatever means necessary. Killing his fellow countrymen, lying to them, offering false promises to releave pressure from himself. It is a mendacious regime, it engages in prevarication and lies without batting an eye.
The works of this guy are completely meaningless when every Friday, his goons engage in indiscriminate killing of Syrians who simply want a say in their country and in their own futures as Syrians.
Let's hope the Syrian National Dialogue will not be similar to our National Dialogue.
It's only logical. First, the fundamentalist and terrorist Sunnis, Salafis and Wahhabis must be pursued to the end of the earth, if necessary, and terminated. Then, dialog with those who really seek reform not terror begins.
to be objective, his biggest mistake is to think mentioning the economy has any effect on what is going on.
He fails to see that the reason behind the demonstrations are millions of people who feel cheated by a current economic boom of syria.
He did look very stressed though.
ألله يوفقكم ، حدا يقل لي ها"لأسد" وين عايش ؟ ما عم بيشوف اللي عم بيصير ؟
ممكن بس عم بيشوف الاذاعة السورية لأنو عم يحكي بوادي الظاهر إنو لحالو فيه.
Feb 2005 after anti-assad demos- Bachar Assad: "the Syrian Army will not leave but will stay in Lebanon because that's our Lebanese brethren's wish the agitators will not win..."
March 2005 more anti-assad demos but before m8 and m14 - Bachar Assad: "the Syrian Army is studding the possibility of redeployment to the Bekaa as per Taef..."
April 2005 after still more anti-assad demos and the lebanese people gave the finger to hassan - Bachar Assad: "the Syrian Army is leaving now STOP KICKING MY ASSAD"
Like every other dictator facing a revolution he's calling for reforms after the protests are over. If the protests are stopped the government will consolidate power, arrest more people and launch a more focused crackdown.
The line where he said no negotiations with those who are armed and killing others was particularly funny as those are all his own people. He gave the opposition their own argument against negotiating.
Then prepare yourself to go down like the many tyrants before you... No one will shed a tear for you and your gang of murderers, thieves and outlaws... We will all rejoice and cheer when they drag your filthy corpses through the streets...
i remember the time when aoun used to say that as long as the assad are in power no peace will ever be possible....
and to fabrice: where did you see salafis leading the revolts in syria other than in the mouth of that regime and in al manar tv?
look carefully at the demonstrators in syria...
why doesn t the official syrian tv show them demonstrating ?
More BS from the Criminal Assad Family regime's apparent gang leader. All dictators are on borrowed time, THE IRANIAN CRIMINAL REGIME remains the source of all the threats to the ME and world Peace alike.The criminal Syrian and Iranian regimes should never survive these revolutions.
Marc...dictators are not blind, but on the contrary they know very well what awaits them. The sea behind them and the enemy in front of them. Either way they are done for. assad is grasping at straws but if at any time the revolutionaries stop to negotiate, they will be rounded up and disposed off without thinking twice. Hi father before him bombed his own people to the ground while sipping coffee. He is living on borrowed time.
What and idiot he is. The people want him to leave and he is worried about what? the economy? he totaly igonored the calling for him to step down. he wants to stay by force . I got sick reading this. he looks so frail and ugly. He just shot himself with that stupid speech. More lies and lies. His army killed more than 10,000.00so farMass graves are all over syria and who knows how many people they have in custody being tortured...I hope this is the last time we see him alive.
salafis and wahabies are in najd and hijaz called now "saudi arabia,farsis are in teheran,lebanese in bilad el arz and AHRAR SOURYA IN SYRIA, u can run but not hide,freedom will be taken by the will of the opressed.
As the sun is certain to rise so the tyrants in Syria and Iran are certain to fall, and the Silent Majority's firm promise to all is that every Lebanese useful idiot or accomplice will be brought to justice for selling Lebanon to tyrants.
Assad's promise of reform is like his promise of border demarcation... only fools believe him... but his lies can't fly anymore... not even those on his payroll have any trust left in this Tyrant whose day has come, even if it may take few months as what's happening in Libya, but the end is certain and has already been engraved in rock because no people can be oppressed and abused for so long. Bon debarras to Assad and his Useful Idiots filling our government!
After all is said and done, there will be only one outcome: Assad's regime will go down. it is a matter of time and a matter of fact. Let us all watch and enjoy the domino effect.
Look at this version of Bashar's face.
He looks, afraid, pale, wrinkled, with no expression, an empty look with narrow eyes as if he is just coming out of a coffin.
Where is that sarcastic laugh ridiculing his people, making lame jokes. Well it is his own people that he is fearing now.
I am proud of the Syrian people that is facing bullets & canons with its bare chest.
This murderer is the one to be given a one way ticket, dead or alive.
He is a walking DEAD MAN.