المعلم يعتبر ان قرار تسليح المعارضة سيطيل أمد النزاع في سوريا
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اعتبر وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم اليوم الاثنين ان قرار مجموعة "اصدقاء سوريا" بتوفير دعم عسكري لمقاتلي المعارضة السورية خلال اجتماعها في الدوحة السبت، سيؤدي الى اطالة أمد النزاع السوري المستمر منذ اكثر من عامين.
وقال المعلم خلال مؤتمر صحافي عقده في مقر الوزارة ان "ما تقرر في الدوحة خطير لانه يهدف الى اطالة امد الازمة، الى اطالة العنف والقتل، الى تشجيع الارهاب على ارتكاب جرائمه".

Inta Allem? La2, Ana Moo Allem!
This fool.... Pardon me, fat fool, is so done.... Of course he won't hand over power to the democracy, it'll be taken away from him and his blind ophthalmologist friend.

Broad based Unity Government is the Best Option as it will lead directly to stop the war, where so many innocent people have to suffer tremendously. Mualem is perfectly right about NUSRA FRONT. They are dangerous.Ones they are in power they will do ETHNIC Cleansing! ENOUGH BLOODSHED AND SUFFERING ! ENOUGH !! SAY YES TO PEACE.

hateful thugs posting here, how stupid you, filled up to your ears with hate.. you hate Syria so much that you forget about your own problems and the shit you are sitting deep in, and despite the problems in Syria it is still controlling your shit and you know this. hehe, I would advise you to go to do something more useful then to spread your hate here, MOO ALLEM and OPHTHALMOLOGIST are still quite good in moving ahead, what about you? You are lead by them..Go it??!

Ya josh-boosTIZI....people with mentality of hatred like you and all those extremist shia need to be eliminated form this planet. You are a pathetic coward and reason why this world lives in fear!

Bigsami, let's meet this Wednesday and organize a BBQ, you bring the meat? I mean the hearts? LOL it apparently is yummy.
Btw, my little finger tells me that josh Bustany is on his way to get a dash before his nickname. ;-)

Why should a President with a majority of citizens backing him resign and hand the country over to a terrorist organization? Thanks to GCC & KSA Syria will need generations to get it to where it was prior to the meddling of the manufacturers of terror being USA and there GCC & KSA puppets. How could have this so called revolution improved Syria? All its done is improved every other country with an Islamist problem by sending their extremists over to Syria to fight under the fake banner of jihad in an ugly sectarian war. Allah Syria w Bashar.