"المستقبل" تضع المواقف "الإنتقامية" برسم سليمان وميقاتي:لا خيمة فوق رأس أحد بطرابلس

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رأى كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية أن كلام رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون وفريقه السياسي يظهر "مدى الحقد والتوتر ويكشف حقيقة النوايا الإنتقامية لإلغاء الآخرين" مشددة على أن "سياسة الإلغاء والكيدية هذه لن توصل إلى أية نتيجة".

وقالت الكتلة بعد اجتماعها الأسبوعي الدوري الثلاثاء أن كلام عون "يظهر مدى الحقد والتوتر، وعلى ذلك تعتبر الكتلة ان كشف حقيقة النوايا الثأرية والانتقامية التي تهدف إلى إلغاء الآخرين في الوطن".

وأشارت إلى أن هذه السياسة "كان قد ابتدعها وأتقن ممارستها حزب الله في توجهاته وممارساته السياسية وجاء جناحه المستحدث في الرابية لاستكمالها وترسيخها".

واعتبرت انه في السياق نفسه "يأتي إعلان وزير المالية محمد الصفدي يوم أمس انه سيبني سياسته على مبدأ الشفافية في الأرقام، وانه سيدقق في الحسابات انطلاقا من العام 1993 وسيحاسب من يتبين انه ارتكب الأخطاء".

وإذ أكدت إلى أن هذا الأمر "ايجابي" لفتت "عناية وزير المال أن هناك مشروع قانون لتدقيق حسابات الادارات العامة والمؤسسات العامة والبلديات واتحادات البلديات والمجالس والمرافق العامة الذي احيل الى مجلس النواب منذ 25 أيار 2006 وكان قد وافق عليه ، حين كان و زيراً في حكومة فؤاد السنيورة الأولى".

وذكرت أن "هذا المشروع يهدف إلى إجراء التدقيق المحاسبي وفقاً للقواعد الدولية للتدقيق وذلك ابتداء من العام 1989 وحتى اليوم وبشكل مستمر" مضيفة:"من الأجدى أن يعمل معاليه على إقراره وتطبيقه لكشف حقيقة الامور المالية في لبنان بعيداً عن الاستغلال السياسي".

كما توقفت الكتلة أمام "الكلام الصادر أمس عن وزير العمل شربل نحاس بحق احد المدراء العامين (مدير عام هيئة أوجيرو عبد المنعم يوسف) والذي أعلن جهارا إن أيام هذا المدير العام في الدولة إما معدودة أم انه يجب أن يدخل إلى السجن".

وعليه ردت على هذا الكلام قائلة:"هذا الكلام الصادر تجاه مدير عام في إدارة لم تعد تابعة لوصايته وقبل اجتماع مجلس الوزراء وقبل انجاز البيان الوزاري هو الكيدية بعينها التي حذرنا منها لحظة إعلان الحكومة".

وأشارت إلى أنه "لا يحق لوزير سابق أن يطلق الأحكام والقرارات تجاه أي موظف كان ولاسيما انه أصبح غير تابع لوصايته".

وشددت على أن "هذه الممارسات والمواقف الانتقامية تنم عن خطورة كبيرة" واضعة إياها بتصرف رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي "المؤتمنين على الدستور والقانون كما ونضعها أمام الرأي العام اللبناني".

وإذ استنكرت الكتلة أحداث طرابلس أكدت "رفضها وادانتها بالمطلق حمل السلاح و ممارسات المسلحين" مهيبة بالسلطات المسؤولة السياسية والأمنية الضرب بيد من حديد على كل يد تمتد للعبث بأمن المدينة".

وإذ لفتت إلى أن "لا خيمة فوق رأس احد" أكدت على "وجوب أن يكون الجميع تحت القانون حيث ان أمن طرابلس وأهلها فوق أي اعتبار".

وأكدت الكتلة "على المواقف المعلنة والمنسقة مع قيادات المدينة فان الكتلة تتمسك بمواقفها التي طالبت بجعل طرابلس مدينة منزوعة السلاح كمقدمة لنزعه من كل المناطق اللبنانية".

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 18:52 ,2011 حزيران 21

One way ticket in or out !! chose ya mustakbal .. Many of you are already out , and many others will definitely go in ... this is a promise from GMA..

GMA & Sayed Hassan , always do what they say , and always say what they do .. so be very careful ..

Missing bigdigg 19:26 ,2011 حزيران 21

The tone of Mustaqbal members is showing that they are finally starting to understand that they are no longer in power. After 21 years in power, they are slow to accept that they are OUT, but eventually they will.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:33 ,2011 حزيران 21

bilad el arz is more important than mustaqbal or aoun,any proved corruption from national treasury or any trahison to the country wether financial or patriotic will be punished severely.
but corruption must be proved like stl will prove the crime of our prime minister wether it's hariri or any other, gebran bassil stayed years in telecommunications ministry after marwan hamade, he didn't prove nothing on the contrary he owns now most of rabieh...all our political class are rubbish,sorry to say it.

Default-user-icon Herbert (ضيف) 19:36 ,2011 حزيران 21

Call it what you want. The dismantling of Mafia Hariri has begun. Al Mustaqbal must know once and for all that the party and their Party are both over.

Missing roxtox 19:47 ,2011 حزيران 21

bigdigg.... That must be some good stuff you are smoking cause you got your facts all wrong. Prior to 2005, the only ones ruling Lebanon were the Syrian Baath party.

Missing bigdigg 20:03 ,2011 حزيران 21

Roxtox... Not at all. Rafiq Hariri took power in 1990. He was all along in partnership with the Syrians in ruling Lebanon. Most the projects that are synonymous with corruption and squandering of public funds were done while he was in charge. Of course, it would be unfair to accuse Hariri alone with all the corruption-- many others took their share. But The Hariri legacy started in 1990 and continued after his death with his son taking over in 2005 and ultimately bringing this legacy to an end in 2011.

I think the stuff you are smoking is better, otherwise your memory would be able to go past 2005.

Missing joseph 20:04 ,2011 حزيران 21

M14 you have to take aoun with a grain of salt and a lot of pepto bismol. Beware: The guy has no mental filter, a sociopathic Juvinile delinquent, with a postraumatic stress syndrome caused by his exile. Could be contagious. No treatment on the horizon yet.

Default-user-icon Alberto (ضيف) 20:18 ,2011 حزيران 21

The government should close in on these crooks when they hold their next meeting. This way, they will net them all in one swoop. Nothing will save them but their fleeing behind Saad, the son of Rafic the Fleecer and biggest Syrian collaborator.

Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (ضيف) 20:44 ,2011 حزيران 21

From who throw POISSON not wait that he doenst enjoy looking to everybody dieing by poisson effects, it is natural in him and for that reason wont measure the consequence of his bright idea while he drink and offer his poisson coktail. Who wants to build PROGRESS,, GENERATE WORK, but who enjoy to make suffer to other, choose this action to satisfy his inside, knowing that in his inside that nothing new will happen,

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 20:55 ,2011 حزيران 21

we are already in a very dangerous zone:
mustakbal mvmt and hariri represent more than 70 pct of a certain sect.
aoun represent at least 50 pct of another sect,
are we going to another civil war??? or are we importing syria"s cancer???

Missing peace 21:15 ,2011 حزيران 21

bigdigg strange how you forget what aoun has always said... that the syrians were the ones to steal lebanon and obliging lebanese politicians even the most honests ones to participate in this system or they would be killed...
so stop accusing only hariri of the lebanese debt while everyone in power at the time stole including M8 !!!

i m not the one saying that: aoun said it!!!!!

Missing realist 00:31 ,2011 حزيران 22

to le phenicien, i am really suprised how much racism and low iq you guys have, in the midst of all the changes in the world around you and in Syria you are still so blinded to see the dynamics of the future. Come next year Bashar is history and there would be a new ball game where your GMA has to re-adjust politically to survive. This is exactly how your GMA was fired to france back in the day, for failure to properly read the situaiton. You should not be picking fights with the Sunni community at this time, this is the most horrible time to pick fights idiot. The future in the area is for the Arab majority, and the majority are sunnis, why not live in peace and harmony, can you really afford fighting all these people? and what for exactly?? how did your GMA make his millions?? off his military post salary im sure.. dont worry the hizzies are smarter than you and they will have to readjust sooner or later to the new realities, no one is gona fight anyone GROW UP!

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 01:13 ,2011 حزيران 22

Mustaqbal, which is the majority of M14, thought it was more comfortable and they do not have to answer to anything by not being in the government. They thought they will just attack the M8 majority and M8 will be on the defensive. Now with them out of the government, the Lebanese people will see the fraud and back stabbing they have commited for the lat 20 years.

Thumb joesikemrex 02:39 ,2011 حزيران 22

Aoun, we know you are perfect. Just look at your record

Missing peace 18:17 ,2011 حزيران 22

aoun and his followers just bark insult vomit at others out of fright and frustration...
they talk about corruption, ok! they are right BUT if they had a sense of state responsability and justice which they have not, they should point their fingers to ALL the politicians who have stolen money not just one party...
but as they just point at hariri it clearly shows that it is out of hatred and jealousy!! otherwise they would include lots of members of m8 in their accusations of theft and corruption!!!!

could they tell us why they don t accuse members of m8 too???
i doubt that they will answer, as they cannot think by themselves...

they should also accuse the hezb of destroying lebanon in 2006 because they acted out on their own when in this country so far the gvt takes decisions of peace and war not a party!!!!

they are just like little dogs barkin loud to try to look like big ones