بهية الحريري: لا نريد وجودا لسرايا المقاومة في صيدا ونقطة على السطر

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أعلنت النائب عن مدينة صيدا بهية الحريري أن المدينة "لا تريد سرايا المقاومة" بعد اليوم فيها رافضة خطوط التماس "بين الناس" داخلها.

وقالت الحريري في أحاديث صحفية نقلتها الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" عصر الثلاثاء "نريد خطة امنية سريعة تعيد الاطمئنان للناس وان يكون الجيش على مسافة واحدة من الجميع".

أضافت "نريد ان تحمينا الدولة وان يكون الجيش ممسكا امننا ولا نريد اي امن ثاني، ونريد ايضا ان نخرج مما حصل بالأمس وانا حاملة لهذه الأمانة واريد ايصالها بحكم موقعي".

وردا على سؤال قالت الحريري: "لا نريد وجودا لسرايا المقاومة في المدينة ونقطة على السطر. اسرائيل كلنا نقاومها لكن خطوط التماس التي يخلقونها بين الناس لن نسمح بها".

وشرحت قائلة "نحن لسنا ضد احد، سلاح حزب الله هو موضوع خلافي على مساحة لبنان وخاضع للنقاش ، لكن سرايا المقاومة ليس لها مكان في المدينة".

كما تابعت "اما كمدنيين فمدينتنا مفتوحة للجميع للسنة وللشيعة وللمسيحيين وللفلسطينيين وللسوريين، وهذا رأي من أمثل، وأعرف أنه رأي كل انسان لديه محبة لمدينته".

ولم تخف عضو تيار "المستقبل" أن "ما مررنا به خطير واذا لم نعرف كيف نتلقف حالة الأهالي تعود الأمور الى التشرذم".

واستشهد 17 عسكريا وجرح أكثر من مئة في اشتباكات استمرت من بعد ظهر الأحد حتى عصر الإثنين مع مسلحي إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير الذي هرب مع عدد من أنصاره خارج بلدة عبرا.

التعليقات 36
Thumb benzona 19:38 ,2013 حزيران 25

Bravo sit Bahia. Yalla, our national heroic army, clean the city. Don't stop halfway!!!!

Thumb bigsami 22:11 ,2013 حزيران 25

Absolutely right benzona! Weren't we all sold on the fact that HA's role was a 'resistance' against Israel? So get the hell off the street and let the army do their job! No one asked for your help nor do we recognize you lying scum Persian scums!

Thumb benzona 23:14 ,2013 حزيران 25

Yes, exactly. 3 squads of hezb is were shooting at Assir's mosque along side the army.


Thumb benzona 23:13 ,2013 حزيران 25


Thumb benzona 00:36 ,2013 حزيران 26

the day you involve the 500.000 palestinians of lebanon, is the day lebanon is lost forever. so will be the Lebanese Chabiha.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 20:13 ,2013 حزيران 25

This woman is very dignified and rational. As a matter of fact, all harrrir clan are dignified and loyal to Lebanon. i am not a Sunni (Christian) and have respect for anyone who puts Lebanon first. harriri family is one of the best in terms of putting Lebanon first. I am very disappointed from Aoun. he's lost his mind.

Default-user-icon foreigner (ضيف) 21:36 ,2013 حزيران 25

hrm...she's not right about the brigades.. they need to be CONVERTED into army trained people. Keep converting until everyone is part of the army. Job done. idiots.From a foreigner.

Missing realist 21:38 ,2013 حزيران 25

Either way , in the bigger picture he is an enemy of Hezbollah and if left alone would grow versus time, anyone who believe the army is not infiltrated should have their head examined. Lebanese are funny, this army is from Lebanon not Mars and suffers the same illnesses lol, the army disintegrated in the 70s and couple more incidents like these and it will break apart into sects. The army did the dirty work of Hezbollah in Sidon, the rest is details

Thumb shoo-yaba 21:50 ,2013 حزيران 25

HA probably told the Army either deal with him or we will take over, so they were pretty much black mailed to do their dirty work. Either way, they did the dirty work, and I do agree that Assir is an idiot

Missing zahle_nights 22:19 ,2013 حزيران 25

wolf, the only idiot is you.. Tell your Farsi militia and their supporters that they need to start paying for electricity... We are tired keep picking up the bill...

Missing zahle_nights 22:49 ,2013 حزيران 25

Maybe they are tired of your cannibal story..

Thumb general_puppet 05:04 ,2013 حزيران 26

zahle_nights, according to the Iranian cheerleaders the rebels fighting Assad are Zombies and eat human flesh at every meal... so obviously the Great Protector Nasrallah from the safety and comfort of his underground bunker, is sending his Saintly thugs to save the Lebanese before they are consumed.

Missing thomas... 08:00 ,2013 حزيران 26

according to your avatar ! whoever exercise that hard will live about 100 years minimum. boy you are going to hate your life.

Missing thomas... 07:58 ,2013 حزيران 26

lebpatriot. don't worry about the chopper. he is confused here,he said your avatar is western,and your mind is hizb.how could that be? give him a 40 more years he will get it right.

Thumb benzona 23:15 ,2013 حزيران 25

She's 100% Lebanese. Can't say the same about Nasrallah of Najaf.

Thumb benzona 00:17 ,2013 حزيران 26

I may have 3 citizenships but I was born in Beirut as well. you can tell this to your Chabiha friends controlling the Rafic Hariri International Airport so they can silence me next time I land there!!!!

Thumb benzona 01:06 ,2013 حزيران 26

Last time I checked which was a few months ago, it was called Rafic Hariri International Airport. There are loud speakers in arabic and english confirming this when you head towards the archaic customs.

I may have a few jews left in my family, they never stepped in Israel and never were interested on doing it. your denigration is meaningless.

Thumb bigsami 23:41 ,2013 حزيران 25

Look who's speaking a FARSI who isn't even Lebanese making such comments! Go back to Tehran BSThrower!

Thumb bigsami 23:42 ,2013 حزيران 25

Because you talk out of your rear!

Missing thomas... 07:51 ,2013 حزيران 26

bigsami. was that you ? damn it stinks.

Missing realist 23:42 ,2013 حزيران 25

Soldiers are victims of dirty politics and thanks for the civilized insults. nothing happens by coincidence and to each his/her opinion. Have a good day

Missing wahabislayer 23:52 ,2013 حزيران 25

Now that Thelma and Louise are on the run from the law after years of investment from the Harriri family they are on tv every five minutes trying to blame HA for their failures. Dont worry once Thelma assir and Louise chakker are caught we will know who was financing them.

Missing enough05 00:06 ,2013 حزيران 26

i did not know that Palestinians and Syrians are a religion

Thumb benzona 00:20 ,2013 حزيران 26

sadly, I hear the same here about 'turkish religion' or 'moroccan religion'....

most of the people have little culture. it isn't their fault, it's the will the governments. enlightened people are a threat.

Missing thomas... 08:26 ,2013 حزيران 26

benzona,you pederas what is hard to understand? you spend all your time here flopping your gumms without bothering to research !according to the prophet muhammad A.S he said this, at the end of times there will be 73 sects of islam.but only one will see heaven.the jews are the chosen people according to them,according to the salafi wahhabi doctrine they are the chosen one ,the same idiology,diffrent color.real chrstians and real moslems believe in the return of jesus and almahdi to the city of damascus and they will appear togther inside the saint john the babtist church,known as algame3 al umaoui .damascus will not fall,jerusalem will.

Default-user-icon Louna (ضيف) 00:45 ,2013 حزيران 26

Hahahaha....."ne2ta 3a sater"!!!! Marah ynem sayed Hassan leyli min l faza3,,, hahahaha dahaktini....ka anno maha mayyetlo hada gheyr ente,,,h

Default-user-icon Perishan Fezifor (ضيف) 01:16 ,2013 حزيران 26

We don't want Sannis in Lebanon. Pack you filthy bags and go back to where you came from, chebh al jazira, where Sanni congregates.

Missing thomas... 02:27 ,2013 حزيران 26

we don,t want you mam in lebanon,bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze start packing.we want to live in peace.

Missing cedars 05:30 ,2013 حزيران 26

We also do not want citizens undermining the state authority by not paying for Electricity while others pay as well as tax for their property, we do not want canister gas tanks every few months to explode because two citizens are fighting over stealing the state properties such as building illegally on the airport road. Those who beat the state money collectors and local security are in the same boat as 3assir since the rules apply on ALL.

Missing helicopter 06:17 ,2013 حزيران 26

Your avatar is so Western, your mind is so Al-Manar.

Missing thomas... 07:18 ,2013 حزيران 26

bahhhhhia w3iouuuuuuuuuuuun bahhhhhhhhhhhhia wkolllllllllllllll elhekaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyya.alllllllllllsettt bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhia. i know i relly know,you want the other side to withdraw from your front and backyards.so you can keep only your boys right ? ahhhhhhhhhhhhha. you want to be the only hind ? i know.

Missing thomas... 07:51 ,2013 حزيران 26

lebpatriot. ask mr nawfal daou, he is the owner.they did this to me for 9 years i have all the records.it is nice to live in a world where no body can hide anymore. lol

Missing theobserver 10:19 ,2013 حزيران 26

so why assir atacked the army and not the hizb !?

Thumb christianimmigrant 10:26 ,2013 حزيران 26

Bahiya is disgusting. the world knows she's behind all these salafists. how in the world didnt the army arrest her and her filthy supporters yet. God bless Oussama Saad the real Sidonist, how many years do we have to wait until order is restored and moderate Sunnis come back to play their usual role. Army heros just get rid of all Salafists Please!

Missing phillipo 11:22 ,2013 حزيران 26

I am absolutely disgusted with the lot of you. Instead of trying to get together to establish a free, democratic and independent Republic of Lebanon, you are all at each others throats. One of these days unfortunately the pot is going to boil over and the previous Civil War is going to look like a childs game.
Wake up Lebanon before it is too late.

Missing phillipo 13:29 ,2013 حزيران 26

You are right, I am in the UK, and see from the outside what is going on and it sickens me.