ريفي يقول أن فرنجية "يسلّح" جبل محسن: حزب الله نصب مدفعيات وأقام حواجز في صيدا

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كشف المدير العام السابق لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي أن رئيس تيار "المردة" النائب سليمان فرنجية يدعم جبل محسن بالسلاح.

وقال ريفي في حديث إلى قناة "المستقبل" مساء الأربعاء "عندما توهم من أسقط حكومة الحريري أنه سيحكم السنة بمجرد الغاء الإعتدال توقعنا أن تظهر ظواهر شاذة كأحمد الأسير" كاشفا أنه "ضد حمل السلاح ومع المقاومة المدنية".

وتابع "هناك شهود عيان أكدوا أن مرابض مدفعية لحزب الله نصبت إلى جانب البيوت وحواجز نصبت أمام الناس"

وكرر ريفي أكثر من مرة مشددا على أن "الإصابات التي ألحقت بصفوف الجيش أكبر من قدرة أحمد الأسير على إلحاقهم بهم" طالبا من الجيش "تحقيقا شفافا".

كما أشار إلى ""سلوكيات غير مقبولة (من الحزب) تجاه النائب بهية الحريري في صيدا".

من جهة أخرى أعلن ريفي أن "لا شيء اسمه قادة محاور و رهان أهل طرابلس هو دائماً على الدولة ومؤسساتها".

أضاف "سليمان فرنجية يدعم جبل محسن بالسلاح عند الضرورة (..) السلاح يصل الى زغرتا من سوريا عبر الحدود ومنه الى جبل محسن".

أما عن موضوع الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة، كشف ريفي عن "ضبط 24 متفجرة في سيارته بينها 4 كبيرة كنت لتفجر في عكار والـ 20 الباقية كالتي وضعت لمي شدياق والشهيدين سمير قصير وجورج حاوي".

وقال أن "توتر" المدير العام الأسبق للأمن العام اللواء جميل السيد "الذي يدعي انه امني محترف دلنا على تورطه والقانون لا يحمي المغفلين".

كما تابع "لم يكن لدينا اي معلومات عن تورط جميل السيد بعملية ميشال سماحة.. لكن طبعه الطاووسي وتضخيم الانا واصراره على الدخول الى شقة ميشال سماحة في الاشرفية هو من أعطانا الاشارة الأولى الى دوره وبالتالي عرفنا انه كان موجودا بالسيارة مع سماحة".

وخلص إلى أن "السيد وضع نفسه أمام حدين في قضية سماحة: اما انه "مجرم" أو "حمار" حين قال ان السيارة لا تتسع لحمارين".

هذا وأشار إلى "أننا لم نملك أي دلائل على أن لحزب الله اي علاقة بعملية ميشال سماحة" مستدركا "لكن هناك أدوار له في قضايا أخرى".

في سياق آخر شدد على أن "الكل تورط في سوريا عسكرياً فحزب الله ارسل قوات مدربة ومنظمة بينما البعض في تلكلخ وغيرها ارسل مجموعات مبعثرة وغير منظمة وكل من فعل ذلك اخطأ استراتيجيا" داعيا الحزب إلى التراجع عن قراره لأن "إيران تغيرت والمنطقة تتغير".

وأشار إلى أن "تبريرات حزب الله بالقتال في سوريا ساقطة سياسياً وفي القانون الدولي" سائلا "والا لماذا لا يرسل مقاتلين الى الشيشان لانهم يكرهون حزب الله هناك؟".

التعليقات 30
Thumb benzona 22:42 ,2013 حزيران 26

God bless you General, you were the only one working in the interest of Lebanon.... They even manage to wipe out your successor. Allah yo tawwilak 3mrak.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for eveything you've done in the interest of Lebanon, including the things that weren't released to the media.

Missing --karim_m1 23:41 ,2013 حزيران 26

Working for the interest of Lebanon? All the assassinations that occurred in Lebanon the last 8 years occurred under his watch. He was one of the most incompetent figures this country has ever seen, and he's an AL Qaeda sympathizer on Saudi Arabia's payroll.

Missing beirutbastard00 00:15 ,2013 حزيران 27

I don't think any lebanese official had or has the ability to stop these things.

Missing freemind 01:08 ,2013 حزيران 27

He just gives me the creeps.
Now he is enlarging the scope and including the christians in the equation.
May god forbid he ever becomes PM, all hell will break loose.

Thumb nodelet 06:03 ,2013 حزيران 27

lol r u 4 real!

Thumb nodelet 06:10 ,2013 حزيران 27

lol dazed and confused my deepest sympathy, then again what have rifi accomplished? oh no one remember coz the answer is ....?

Missing ulpianus 22:44 ,2013 حزيران 26


Missing ulpianus 22:45 ,2013 حزيران 26

Suddenly, the "terrorists" seems to be the one that were just defending themselves in Sidon...

Thumb benzona 22:59 ,2013 حزيران 26

Yes, Tyrian.

Thumb geha 23:04 ,2013 حزيران 26

each day the truth is coming up in spite of all efforts to cover it up bu hizbushaitan.
asir is scum but hizbushaitan are worse.
what hizbushaitan did in saida to both the army and the city should be out there in the open for all to see this filthy militia wrongs to the country.
and they call themselves ashraf el nas?
they are the lowest scum on tis earth.

Missing ulpianus 23:16 ,2013 حزيران 26

Wrong. The result is not good. The first ours one felt the result is going to be good, getting rid of an armed group. But Hezbollahs involvement took all the good out of it.
Now we are just left with questions. Like why would Ahmad el asir attack the army in his own city? Doesnt make sense.
Could it be that Hezbollah and Amal wanted to get rid of Asir and the army felt forced to do it instead of allowing Hezbollah and Amal to doing so and risking a civil war?
Could it be that Hezb members dressed as military attacked them?

I´m against all groups with weapons. Specially Asir. Particulary Hezbollah and Amal. Because these to groups are to "thank" for 100 asirs popping up in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 23:19 ,2013 حزيران 26

"Rifi quoted witnesses..."

Unless you have actual evidence, I'm not interested. Next.

Missing beirutbastard00 00:07 ,2013 حزيران 27

All of this is to get hizballah and the resistance brigades out of Sunni areas. Can u blame them really?

Who the hell is this assir? He just popped up 2 yrs ago. No one is supporting him, only what he represents. Because in reality it is not fair for one sect to have so much power.

Hizballah has to take a step back and recalculate things. Seems like Qatar has begun doing the same.

Missing beirutbastard00 04:57 ,2013 حزيران 27

I was strictly talking about the general population. Of course he's being funded by Lebanese politicians... Just like Fatah Islam n jund lsham.

We know that already. The question is y would so many young, educated, and otherwise level headed ppl identify with this man assir?... People r fed up, no amount of publicity can buy that. At the very least we have to admit he was right about the apartments being full of men and arms.

Anyway my point was that the average m14, or Sunni to b more specific, is against assir, and against any attack on the army. As is any average lebanese citizen. But ppl r identifying with what assir stands for... A person fed up with hizballah rule.

Thumb benzona 00:17 ,2013 حزيران 27

Why, is the truth too disturbing to your taste?

Missing beirutbastard00 00:17 ,2013 حزيران 27

Well I think we can guess who arms bab tabanneh...

But the franjiyi thing is new to me sara7a!

Missing beirutbastard00 00:21 ,2013 حزيران 27

Ppl have never before been so vocal against hizballah. They have lost sooo much prestige!

Are they smart enough to do something about their image problem? I hope so. Some kind of a weapons transition deal would be awesome. Wishful thinking.

Thumb benzona 00:22 ,2013 حزيران 27

The Shiites never were threatened by anyone. If criminals are hiding among them, they need to take them to the nearest police station.

My neighbours in Beirut are mostly Shia, although my neighbourhood was orthodox Christian when my folks bought the house, I've never had a single problem with them. Them, I mean dozens of homes. They even came to protect us when Hezbollah Shiites were trying to abduct us in the 80s. Literally at my door, I was a kid back then.... But being half foreigner was enough for them.

The people are good, the problem is the man hiding in the sewers creating a strife.

Missing beirutbastard00 00:48 ,2013 حزيران 27

There are stories for both sides from the 80's, good n bad. But no one can argue that today hizballah is just a militia for Iranian interests. They can no longer maintain their level of power.

As far as the Shia population goes, from what I see, they mostly love nasrallah. They are not forced to. Hizballah gave the Shia the power they deserved. But now it's time to let go of the weapons, they have a voice now.

Thumb nodelet 06:18 ,2013 حزيران 27

maybe this is why you never managed to grow up, i recommend some therapy, bring a pillow, make sure its soft enough so it wont hurt ur hand and visualize ha and beat it
i love trolling in the morning

Missing beirutbastard00 05:17 ,2013 حزيران 27

I can only speak for myself. And im only speaking for myself when I say hizballah has fallen from grace, in my eyes.

I still have 100% respect for em as a fighting force, as a strategical, disciplined army. But we can be honest about the facts as they appear today; hizballah's arms are for the strategical benefit of Iran. Sometimes it coincides with Lebanon's interests, sometimes it doesn't. CONT...

Missing beirutbastard00 05:17 ,2013 حزيران 27

Of course the Syrian conflict was never 50/50. There would have never been a need for nusra. Had Assad called for early elections he woulda prolly got 70% of the vote... But he chose to stick to the 97% his family is used to. And Qatar, the birth-place of democracy, just ushered in a new king :) I'm tired of kings. Meanwhile, Palestine is lost. And our proud Arab armies turned out to nothing more than riot control... And bad ones at that!

Both sides are messed up. I watched u on here go from one of the most even handed is his arguments, to being almost pro Ba'ath, and repeating Assad propaganda.

Missing greatpierro 21:58 ,2013 حزيران 27

This is what you want to believe hence justifying your opinion. Better give us hard evidence of what you are putting forward that the Syrian revolution is a Qaeda Nusra affair.

Missing beirutbastard00 02:38 ,2013 حزيران 27

Or it could mean assir had help from the nusra front. After all they did say they found nusra flags in his compound, n he was being aided by Fatah Islam n Jund sham... It's not so far off to think some of these elements within assir's movement jumped the gun, no pun intended, and attacked the army...

But now here are the "fishy" parts:

1. Assir has been talking bout these apartments for a very long time. Why weren't his legitimate complaint investigated.

2. All this started on Sunday, the day before assir was suppose to "do something" about those apartments. Was it a pre-emptive strike against assir?

3. Did the army fight a battle, and lose brave soldiers, just to protect a hizballah spy operations?

Missing beirutbastard00 05:26 ,2013 حزيران 27

Yea, something that khalij doesn't seem to understand, is that money doesn't buy discipline. They throw weapons and ideology at theses ppl, but nothing on how think ahead. I guess most of em are there just to die anyway, so they don't care when it happens, since they won't be around to see it. Gotta almost feel bad for their handlers, its gotta b a tough job.

Missing beirutbastard00 02:49 ,2013 حزيران 27

I c this as a tactical move to try n get hizballah or the resistance brigades out of saida. I think if u look at the top, ull find Bahia up there somewhere.

Thumb dasphinx 11:57 ,2013 حزيران 27

Jamil Al Sayyed: a peacock and a donkey. Classic!

Missing allouchi 14:50 ,2013 حزيران 27

God bless you Mr. Rifi.

Thumb christianimmigrant 15:27 ,2013 حزيران 27

Thank God you are well retired now. How could we trust someone like him heading our internal forces? He is so anti Hezbollah and Tayyar and extremely biased to Hariri/salafi block. What a shame.

Missing mohammad_ca 19:24 ,2013 حزيران 27

you mean the same "army" that let armed thugs who have a checkopint at Irsal roam free and passed them without detaining them?