تقارير: عشاء "ودي" بين عون وعسيري بحث في مختلف الملفات

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شهدت دارة رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، مساء السبت، "عشاء ودياً" جمعه بالسفير السعودي في لبنان علي عواض عسيري، تم خلال البحث في مجمل الملفات، وفق ما أفادت معلومات صحافية.

وكشفت صحيفة "الراي" الكويتية، الاحد، أن عسيري زار عون، وتناول العشاء في الرابية حيث تم البحث في مختلف "قضايا الساعة" في لبنان والمنطقة و"خصوصاً في ضوء الأزمات المتعاظمة في لبنان بسبب تداعيات الصراع في سوريا وآخرها مشاركة حزب الله في القتال الى جانب نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد".

الى ذلك، لفتت المعلومات الى أن عسيري جدد دعوة عون لزيارة المملكة.

يُذكر، أن عون وفي مقابلة له، الخميس الفائت مع صحيفة "الاخبار"، سئل عن علاقته بالسعودية، فأجاب أنها "لا تزال علاقة اجتماعية. ولكن لماذا نعاديها؟".

وعن امكانية زيارته المملكة قال: "يمكن. أنا لا أستبعد شيئاً"، أما عن تلقيه دعوة لذلك، رد "محتمل، لم لا؟ نعلنها في حينه".

يُشار الى أن هذه المعلومات أتت متزامنة مع معلومات لاذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) بأن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أولم على شرف السفير السعودي في بعبدا، مساء السبت.

التعليقات 27
Thumb geha 08:36 ,2013 حزيران 30

aoun to asiri: we hate you, you are a salafi, heart eater,... but we like to have dinner with you :)

Thumb general_puppet 09:31 ,2013 حزيران 30

To be fair Aoun has to keep friendly relations with all the Ambassador's, so that no doors will be closed to him if he needs to make another midnight run.

Thumb general_puppet 09:54 ,2013 حزيران 30

Mr wolf, I pay no mind to you at all.
Signed General Pupet.

Thumb general_puppet 10:32 ,2013 حزيران 30

Mon petit ex-générale has invested in a pair of bulletproof pajamas, made in Russia by the same company that created Nasrallah's bulletproof turban for his Iranian pilgrimage.

Thumb general_puppet 10:33 ,2013 حزيران 30

Mon petit ex-générale has invested in a pair of bulletproof pajamas, made in Russia by the same company that created Nasrallah's bulletproof turban for his Iranian pilgrimage.

Thumb general_puppet 11:03 ,2013 حزيران 30

Why would I delete your silly post and it is called "Midnight Run" in reference to Aoun's heroic charge. Why do you keep mentioning "Midnight Express", has your idol spent time in a Turkish prison?

Thumb justice 08:50 ,2013 حزيران 30

hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha.... so damn funny))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Thumb justice 08:50 ,2013 حزيران 30

Aoun told al-Akhbar daily in an interview on Thursday that he had “social ties” with the Saudi embassy.

"Social" ties always lead to monetary rewards)

Missing --karim_m1 08:55 ,2013 حزيران 30

"...the Kuwaiti al-Rai daily reported."

There goes this article's credibility lol.

Thumb geha 09:47 ,2013 حزيران 30

even if you see it with your own eyes you will not believe it until your leader tells you so :)
you are programmed in such a way that you are unable to think for yourselves :)
stupid m8.

Missing samiam 19:52 ,2013 حزيران 30

but there is a conformation by al akhbar--you know, your holy grail of reporting so it's probably a wash....

Thumb general_puppet 09:03 ,2013 حزيران 30

Maybe the Lunatic ex-general has figured out away of getting paid by the Iranians, Assad's and Saudis all at the same time.

Thumb _citizen_ 09:05 ,2013 حزيران 30

you missed stuffed intestines with minced meat marinated in a special FPM sauce ala Saudita)

Default-user-icon Eli (ضيف) 10:48 ,2013 حزيران 30

Wolf you are pathetic.

Missing people-power 11:24 ,2013 حزيران 30

RFT.... good one, that made me laugh

Thumb geha 15:42 ,2013 حزيران 30

nasrallah = hitler

Missing people-power 11:35 ,2013 حزيران 30

Wolfie, aren't you the guy claiming to be a grandfather and war hero? Yes, of course, most grandfathers talk like that, and spend their time 24/7 trolling on the internet.

Missing peace 12:09 ,2013 حزيران 30

wolf's brain bugs! how come aoun have dinner with a wahabi heart eater? LOL!!!! so comic!

Missing pyjamaparty 16:02 ,2013 حزيران 30

Asiri : I like little boys
Aoun : I have my son in law Gigi , he has the brain of an eight year old and the height of a 5 year old and the attitude of a 3 year old.
Asiri: you have a heart of gold Micho
Aoun: you have a briefcase of dollars, its a fair trade. Tomorrow is tuesday, I will brainwash the orangutans with some gibberish . The next day the will say how I made the Saudis into a Lebanese party through my power of persuasion.

Missing people-power 17:00 ,2013 حزيران 30

Speak like a man, act like a man, look like a man, but dress like a woman..... there's a word for that...... oh yeah, it's called transvestite. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I heard that many hizzies prefer to dress like a woman, it's the latest fad, and it gives extra protection against the zionists

Default-user-icon MonkeyBits (ضيف) 21:15 ,2013 حزيران 30

Ahhh! Musical chairs once again! The honeymoon is over between Aoun and Hizb. They are divorcing. Now, Aoun's bank account is thinning, so he needs a new sponsor just like the rest of the politicians. Did Asiri set Aoun's plate on the floor to the left of his chair? Once Aoun makes it to the other side, who will replace him as Hizb's lover?

Missing helicopter 23:53 ,2013 حزيران 30

Have we reached a new low? Few years ago Lebanon seemed to be on an upward path. 2) Beirut Marathon, 2) Traffic Laws, 3) Fire-Fighting Helicopters, 4) Hosting Franco-phonic countries, .... and efforts underway to improve infra-structure and provide for basic human needs. Look at us now, bickering on small stuff and forgetting about need for civil peace, electricity, jobs, end of corruption, theft of public money, and the list is long. Our leaders have succeeded in dividing us so they continue in their path of splitting the Lebanese cheese.

Thumb barbar 01:49 ,2013 تموز 01

Well said helicopter among all the ridiculous bickering that is plaguing this website.

Missing peace 01:37 ,2013 تموز 01

LOL! brave little faithful dog.... funny as usual to defend your master! 3aw 3aw!

Missing pyjamaparty 03:11 ,2013 تموز 01

There once was a puppet who hung from a rope
within a small cage from which he would grope

He’d reach out his arms and shake like a fool
It was hard to believe that he was really a tool

And his voice was loud and angry with rage
For he hung from his rope, within this small cage

He was dressed all in orange with his arms in the air
And his eyes, like a witless chicken, would stare

Listen to me!! he would scream at the crowd
Shut up all you fools!! he shouted aloud

I am the Maraounite King and ruler supreme!
The throne is for me!!, this isn’t a dream

But then from above a vision appeared
A big hairy man with a big hairy beard

He was round in middle and raised up his hand
Then he surveyed the crowd and all of the land

I am Hassan the great, like the mullahs of old
You will listen to me and do what your told

Behold on my hand I am wearing the ring
But all they could see was a very long string

Missing pyjamaparty 03:11 ,2013 تموز 01

And the string was attached to a rope that was set
Above the very cage of the Mari-aounette!!

A lesson to those who believe what they hear
Watch out for the puppets and whence they appear

Missing thomas... 05:05 ,2013 تموز 01

i love it how general aoun still drive the farteen brezerk.looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool