بري ينتقد الموقف الأميركي: المسموح عند الحريري ممنوع عند ميقاتي
Read this story in Englishجدد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري "التأكيد على ضرورة الإسراع في إنجاز البيان الوزاري لكي تنصرف الحكومة الى العمل ومواجهة التحديات الداخلية والخارجية".
وقال الرئيس بري أمام النواب في "لقاء الأربعاء" اليوم "إن التحدي الأساسي أمام الحكومة الجديدة هو ان تنجح في عملها وأدائها ويجب أن تنجح، وهي قادرة على إعادة الثقة بلبنان على الصعيدين السياسي والإقتصادي".
وسجل الرئيس بري مفارقات في الموقف الأميركي بالتعاطي مع الحكومة في لبنان، ملاحظا انه موقف مزدوج قائلاً:"الغريب انه ما كان مسموحا في حكومة الرئيس سعد الحريري لم يعد مقبولا في حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي وهذا أحد شواهد هذا الموقف".
وأخذ موضوع النفط حيزا كبيرا من "لقاء الأربعاء" اليوم، فاستعرض الرئيس بري "التباطؤ الذي اتسمت به عملية متابعة هذا الملف رغم الخطوات التي كان تبناها شخصيا والتي أدت الى إقرار قانون النفط".
وأكد على "الإسراع في وضع المراسيم التطبيقية للقانون"، مشيرا الى "العائدات المالية الكبيرة التي يمكن أن يحصل عليها لبنان من جراء هذه الثروة الحيوية أي النفط والغاز".
واستشهد بكلام لخبراء إيطاليين أشاروا فيه الى ان كمية النفط المتوقعة في أحد الآبار ستدر على لبنان ما يقارب السبعين مليار دولار، هذا عدا عن مبلغ مماثل متوقع من الغاز أيضا.
The issue of oil discoveries and plan of Lebanon how to deal with it is very embarrassing.
All are trying to figure out how to take advantage personally and not nationally
is proves Lebanon failure to tackle serious international technical legal issue with eternal delay and no action.
It will be too late soon
This is too confusing. Whos is running the show now? Every politician is stating the government policy. Who is Calling the shots? Yesterday it was Aoun, Today is Berri, Who is going to be the messenger tomorrow?
Where is Miqati? Afraid to say it like it is?
Mr. Berri: You just don't get it, do ya? Unfortunately Lebanon politic was always based in sharing the power/government.... This government of yours is not only one colour, but also controlled by extremists such as Aoun and others! Statements made by Aoun yesterday are disgrace for any politician and if I were you I would distance myself from this guy.... The government barely represents 50+ % of the population and already divided based on the news and announcements made in the past 48 hours.
ya esteez nabayh: what was acceptable under syrian hegemony will not anymore BE acceptable with weakened alawi regime.
Let's talk about double standards, Mr. Berri:
- Remember when you were cheering the "revolutions" in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya? Why don't you cheer the one taking place in Syria?
- Remember when you were claiming that this country cannot be ruled but by a coalition government that brings together all Lebanese factions? Why is it all of a sudden acceptable to have a government that excludes several major Lebanese factions?
- Remember when you said that it would be unconstitutional to hold a parliamentary session because the government was virtually non-existent? Why did you call for such a meeting earlier this month when there was no government at all?
Before giving lessons to others, perhaps you should review the definition of double standards.
Dear Mr. Berri,
Here’s a list of what you found “acceptable under Hariri,” but perhaps you now have second thoughts after the coup:
• The Parliament was shut down at the whim of one person…you
• A group of thugs with back shirts and guns took over the streets of Beirut and terrorized the country into submission
• A group of thugs occupied Beirut central square, causing insurmountable economic damage to regular Lebanese citizens
• The minority paralyzed the functions of the government at every turn preventing even the simplest actions to move the country forward
• Your TV station announcers, who I suppose speak for your true feelings, joked while the camera was rolling about the assassination of a key figure in M14
The list is too long to capture here, but you found them all acceptable.
Mr. Berri, you strike me as a transparently unprincipled person…
Spare us your false self righteousness.
Everyone knows that the US only supports those who work for the Interest of Israel because the US leaders are paid prostitutes for the Israeli entity.
As far as Aoun or anyone else, why are you so defensive of what persons say? You have such a guilty consciense. Aoun wants to aggressively tackle corruption and that is good. His FPM does not represent a majority in government. Calm down you sinners!
and nothing will be acceptable with the idiot cover of "adou el sahyuni", while we give israel the golan hights for tens of years.yalli stahu matou.
bilad el arz is the only acceptable reality
These are the last days for these despots. Shamefully, we have to wait for more Syrians to die till we have a true freedom!
The biggest mistake March 14 made was not voting you out of office. You are the master of deception, corruption and a dedicated slave for the Syrian and Iranian regimes. Next time you mention the USA, you have to wash your mouth prior to critisizing it. I wonder what Moussa Al Sadr thinks if you looking at you from above.
Lebanese government can not manage water that falls from the sky. How is it going to manage drilling oil underneath the seabed?
Why are they complicating things? Miqati or any average intelligent being would earn love of the people if they would implement 5 things. That's it. Just 5 things.
1) Give 24 hour electricity. HOW difficult is this? Wind and Solar (nanosolar.com)
2) Improve Environment: Clean up garbage, air quality and beaches (Saida is disgusting......sorry, but it is, and that's the truth. lots of other dirty places need clean up too)
3) Increase Internet bandwidth
4) Manage water
5) Drill for oil and spread the wealth to stimulate economy.
JUST DO IT! (borrowed from Nike)
Dear eternal speaker...
The difference now is that 2/3 of the present government is openly anti US , pro Hizbollah & would not mind Syrian influence in our affairs.
Is this so difficult to understand ?