ميقاتي يؤكد أهمية ملف التنقيب عن النفط وباسيل ينقل عنه "إيجابيته" في عقد جلسة لبت الأمر

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شدد رئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال نجيب ميقاتي على أن ملف التنقيب عن الغاز والنفط هو من أولويات الدولة اللبنانية، مؤكداً في الوقت عينه على المتابعة الحثيثة من قبل نجلس الوزراء لما خص قدرة اسرائيل على التعدي على الثروة النفطية اللبنانية.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الاثنين، أكد ميقاتي أن ملف التنقيب عن النفط والغاز "هو في صلب اهتمامنا وأولوياتنا، لأننا شديدو الحرص على الحفاظ على كل مواردنا وثرواتنا الوطنية الطبيعية".

ولفت الى اهمية حسن استثمار هذه الثروة "بما يؤدي إلى تأمين الإيرادات المالية اللازمة منها، للمساهمة في سد جزء من الدين العام المترتب على الخزينة اللبنانية".

وعن ما كشفته وزير الطاقة والمياه بحكومة تصريف الاعمال جبران باسيل، في مؤتمر صحافي عقده الجمعة، حول إمكان قيام إسرائيل بالتعدي على النفط اللبناني، أكد ميقاتي أن هذا الأمر سيكون "موضع متابعة حثيثة من قبل الحكومة".

وأوضح "سنواصل التحرك لدى الأمم المتحدة، لمنع إسرائيل من التعدي على حقوقنا وثروتنا النفطية، وأيضا لشرح المخاطر الناجمة عن إمكان حصول أي تعدٍ إسرائيلي في هذا السياق".

الى ذلك، ذكر ميقاتي بأن الحكومة كانت قد "خصصت لهذا الملف أكثر من جلسة واتخذت سلسلة من القرارات الأساسية".

من جهته قال باسيل بعد لقاء ميقاتي بعد ظهر الإثنين إلى أنه نافش معه " عقد جلسة إستثنائية للحكومة من أجل إصدار المرسومين المتعلقين بالبلوكات البحرية وعقد استكشاف انتاج النفط كي يتمكن لبنان من تنفيذ قرار مجلس الوزراء الذي صدر قبل استقالة الحكومة باطلاق دورة التراخيص، وكي يفي لبنان بالتزاماته الدولية خصوصاً تجاه شركات عالمية كبرى أقامت استثمارات".

عليه أعلن باسيل انه وجد " كل التجاوب والتفهم والإستعداد للسير في هذا الموضوع وبحثه إيجاباً وبالسرعة المطلوبة" .

كما شرح أن "هناك 46 شركة دولية تأهلت وستشارك وتتابع معنا المناقصة، لذلك لا يمكننا أن نراهن أن لبنان داخل في "اللادولة" في هذا الموضوع".

وإذ شدد باسيل على الجو الإيجابي مع ميقاتي سئل عن موقف رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري فأجاب "هناك موعد محدد معه غداً لاستكمال هذا الموضوع وتفاصيل أخرى تتعلق به".

يُشار الى أن باسيل كان قد كشف أن اسرائيل إكتشفت حقلا جديدا للغاز، إسمه "كاريش"، يبعد حوالى 4 كيلومترات عن الحدود اللبنانية "مما يعني أنه بات لدى اسرائيل الامكان الوصول الى النفط اللبناني، وهذا أمر خطير وجديد".

يُذكر انه في تموز الفائت، تمكن لبنان من تثبيت سيادته على 530 كيلومتراً مربعاً من منطقته الاقتصادية الخالصة من أصل 854 هي موضع تنازع مع إسرائيل، بعدما استطاع انتزاع اعتراف من الولايات المتحدة والامم المتحدة بحقه في هذه المساحة من بحره.

التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 08:43 ,2013 تموز 08

Energy Minister Jebran Bassil ... the one who failed the parliamentary is congratulated by 'Eins.aoun' to the ministry (ENERGY).
keep designing people like bassil and Israel will take all the oil!
they design people with high degrees in the matter to follow the oil and we appoint a stupid boy failed in everything to face him!
Do u ask yourself why we keep loosing through history with our neighbours?
we put idiots to rule us and family ties, and they bring the most experimented in the field!

Default-user-icon amir (ضيف) 09:15 ,2013 تموز 08

False Alarm
Election propaganda
Release the resistance back home

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 09:47 ,2013 تموز 08

or stupid lebanese?

Thumb mobious125 10:07 ,2013 تموز 08

No, clever Jews, stupid Arabs.

Thumb veritas 10:24 ,2013 تموز 08

I second the opinion!!!!!

Missing phillipo 12:25 ,2013 تموز 08

Years ago Israel offered to sit down with Lebanon to discuss the development of the gas fields, and the correct division of the disputed area. Lebanon as usual refused (it was then still under Syrian influence), and hasn't changed its stance since then.
Wake up Lebanon, instead of Minister Bassil complaining all the time, let him even just once say "I'm going to sit down with the Israeli Energy Minister to solve all these problems."

Missing beirutbastard 14:45 ,2013 تموز 08

Sure thing Philipo, we'll just have a seat next to the Palestinians. And we've ALL seen how that's helped the Palestinians guard they're property rights.

How about this... Israel just stops stealing.

Give us back shib3a, even if it is still missing papers from Syria blah blah, just pull out of that tiny tiny bit of land already.

Israel is like a crazy ex... No I don't wana f#%^{>g talk to u! Just leave me the f^%k alone!

Default-user-icon Ron in LA (ضيف) 10:21 ,2013 تموز 08

Israel first discovered oil in that general area years ago. All Lebanon had to do was hire a "greedy" oil exploration company and they would have discovered the richness of her resources. It's not that hard.

What has Lebanon been doing these last few years other than talk about the oil out there? Nothing. All they talk about is the resistance, and how Israel, a country of 6 million, has stolen the identity and threatens the existence of the Muslim world, a religion with more than a billion followers.

When will you sheep learn?

Missing beirutbastard00 23:31 ,2013 تموز 08

Lol @ Ron. The 6mil doesn't account for the full unwavering support of America.

Default-user-icon Ron in LA (ضيف) 10:31 ,2013 تموز 08

There you go. Blame the Jews. A country of 6 million once again threatening the existence of the Muslim worlds 1 billion + followers.

Israel discovered oil years ago...drilled exploratory wells, commercialized them, and now reaping the benefits. What has Lebanon done in this time? The answer is nothing. They have focused on pandering to hezbollah and iran while ignoring the majority of the people that simply want a government to help them lead a safe and prosperous life.

It's amazing how a people and a religion fails to look at themselves and figure out what it is that THEY are doing wrong. That would require thought and introspection. That's hard. It's much easier to blame the Jews...and all the while nothing happens. Laughable.

Missing roger@10452 11:16 ,2013 تموز 08

One is an idiot and the other is trying to validate his incompetency...

No matter what these corrupt bureaucrats do Israel can and will steal our oil, and they can even do that from offshore Tel Aviv without even getting close to the Lebanese water. This is called drilling lateral wells that in some cases will extend by several miles horizontally away from where the well was initially drilled...It has been done all over the world.

How can we trust a bunch of idiots to run our country or even manage our natural resources???

Missing beirutbastard 14:52 ,2013 تموز 08

Ya zalami, we waited for ever for those "electricity ships", when they finally got here, we gave em dirty fuel!

All we care about here is shatara. Some idiot lebanese guy thought he was being slick, buying cheap fuel and pocketing the difference. When they calculate how much the reserves are worth they should release two figures, one for before and one for after the politicians cuts.

Thumb jabal10452 21:42 ,2013 تموز 08

Phoenix. Look at the Norwegian. The have something called the National Oil Fund. All proceeds from the oil that is sold ends up in this fund. The capital is never used. It is invested in low-risk assest and securities. The Norwegians live off the returns of the fund, and only if their parliament votes for using the returns. Sometimes they vote against it for fear of flooding their market with too much currency, thus triggering inflation. In this case the return is added to the capital. I read a report that Norway will never run out of money, ever! The key is good governance, transparency and competent, honest management. We have so many highly educated and competent people in Lebanon. Some of them are stars in their fields, all over the world. But at home, we put our future, and the future of our children in the hands of people who have nothing but a family name to offer. It is tragic beyond belief.

Thumb jabal10452 21:43 ,2013 تموز 08

Apologies for all the typos in the post above.

Missing roger@10452 02:21 ,2013 تموز 09

phoenix, the oil company drilling offshore israel is american (Noble Energy) and they do have access to this technology...the same happened with the gulf countries...they bought this technology and they started drilling along their maritime boundary with iran...

No worries, hassouni and bassil will protect our oil...

Thumb jabal10452 13:24 ,2013 تموز 08

Allow me to repeat what I posted a few days earlier: if we have a problem with the Israelis about those oil fields, may I suggest we sit down with them and resolve it? I am sure that talking will produce more results than the empty bombast that Mr Basil blurted out the other day about fighting the Israelis with the LAF and HA.
I know, I know, Nasrallah won't let him talk to Israel.... HA prefers war to dialoge.

Missing phillipo 14:53 ,2013 تموز 08

Mr. Bassil doesn't know the reason why there is a permanent shortage of electricity in Lebanon, he doesn't know why Lebanon is not progressing in the drilling for gas, like Cyprus and Israel. So what does he know ?
When in my earlier comment I said that he should make an effort to sit down with the Israeli Energy Minister, he should also remember that the Republic of Cyprus is also not recognised by the Republic of turkey, but when important economic matters are concerned, they know how to sit down and talk.
Let Mr. Bassil try, if he can, to work out just how much annual income the lack of development of the gas fields is failing to bring into the Lebanese economy, then stand up in Parliament and explain why he refuses to discuss the matter with the Israelis.

Missing beirutbastard 15:03 ,2013 تموز 08

Lool how does this involve discussion with Israel?? What for? There are international laws. Our oil is on our side, end of discussion.

Saudi offered them FULL RELATIONS WITH ALL ARAB STATES... Did they sit down and discuss it?

The only discussion we need, is between each other, here inside Lebanon. We more to worry about, for now the best thing for that oil is to stay under ground.

Missing beirutbastard 14:55 ,2013 تموز 08

I know what ur saying, and ideally it's right.

But Israel doesn't want that. U think they're stealing by mistake? Or are making plans to steal, let's say, my mistake?

So lets say we sit with them. Then what? Lets ask Abu Mazen.

Thumb jabal10452 21:30 ,2013 تموز 08

FT: I am a firm believer that we can put all these issues on the table and work them out without a single shot being fired. The whole Sinai, and a good chunk of Jordan were returned to their respective countries through long and patient negotiations. It took a lot of give-and-take, but most critically it took negotiations in good faith from both parties. It is time to turn the page. The peace dividend is too immense for us or the Israelis to ignore. Just a humble opinion.

Missing beirutbastard 15:12 ,2013 تموز 08

Very clever these Jews, if stealing, lying, and just being all around evil is clever.

Default-user-icon NOR (ضيف) 14:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 01

Beirutbastard you are exactly what you call yourself: A Bastard from Beirut. Your birth lacks legal legitimacy. YOU ARE A SMALL-MINDED PERSON WITH A VERY LAW INCOMPETENCE! WHO ENJOY SPREADING WAR AROUND.