قوة كوماندوس اسرائيلية تجناز الخط الحدودي عند مزارع شبعا وتعتقل راعيا

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إجتازت قوة كوماندوس اسرائيلية قوامها حوالى 15 عنصرا اجتازت عصر الإثنين الخط الحدودي في محور مزارع شبعا المحتلة لمسافة 600 الى 800 متر شمالي موقع المرصد، واعتقلت راعي الماشية يوسف حسين رحيل من بلدة شبعا.

وبحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" اقتادته الى داخل المزارع المحتلة، فيما قامت قوات "اليونيفيل" بالاتصال بالقوات الاسرائيلية للافراج عنه.

ومساء أفادت قناتي "المنار" والـ"LBCI" أنه تم الإفراج عن رحيل.

والأربعاء الفائت تسلمت قوات اليونيفل من الجيش الاسرائيلي الراعيين اللبنانيين يوسف زهرا ويوسف رحيل (الشخص عينه) من ابناء بلدة شبعا اختطفا قبل يوم.

وكان قد خطفهما الجيش الإسرائيلي بينما كانا يرعيان الماشية في منطقة جبلية.

وكثير من الأحيان ما تحاول القوات الإسرائيلية خطف رعاة في المنطقة إلا انها تفشل أحيانا وتنجح أحيانا أخرى.

وحتى عندما بدأ الجيش الاسرائيلي ببناء جدار على امتداد اكثر من كيلومتر واحد على الحدود مع لبنان في أيار الماضي قرب بلدة المطلة حاول اختطاف راع.

التعليقات 13
Thumb cedre 19:48 ,2013 تموز 08

where's the unifil/LAF ?

Missing phillipo 11:39 ,2013 تموز 09

where's the unifil/LAF.
Cedre - as far as UNIFIL is concerned LAF is spelt laugh !!!!

Thumb cedar 19:58 ,2013 تموز 08

I guess the Israelis are trying to pick a fight... They keep getting the same Shepard ...

Missing zahle_nights 20:25 ,2013 تموز 08

I guess they did not like the way the shepherd is milking his goats…

Thumb bashir 20:36 ,2013 تموز 08

So how many crack Zionist troops does it take to capture one shepherd?

Too bad 'The Resistance' is too busy killing Syrian men,women and children to protect Lebanese from Israelis.

Thumb Senescence 21:14 ,2013 تموز 08

Again ? Someone explain this mockery.

Dirtbags crossing our borders with impunity, there should be formal charges.

Is Lebanon their next foreseeable step after Palestine, perhaps using HA as an excuse to wage war on the country and claim the south for themselves ?

Missing helicopter 03:34 ,2013 تموز 09

Why don;t we start with the truckloads of weaponry and armed men crossing our formal crossing without objection from our Government.
Why bother with the straw when the bridge is right in front of our eyes.
We need to demarcate, build an army, disarm thugs first.

Default-user-icon Fashon Drubay (ضيف) 23:25 ,2013 تموز 08

Just give the Israeli sickos a few female sheep to impregnate and they shall relax. This should improve the genetic quality of the future generation of Israelis and perhaps bring them closer to being human.

Missing VINCENT 01:16 ,2013 تموز 09

These must be Iranian build sheep drones that spy on Israel.

Missing helicopter 03:32 ,2013 تموز 09

Why not, they are learning from Mr. Nasrallah. Remember how the Sayyed was boasting about how the primitive way of communicating was able to allude all sorts of eaves dropping.

Missing spirit 05:21 ,2013 تموز 09

How stupid are you so called MPs of our country called Lebanon, while you are bickering about our LAF the Jews are kidnapping our poor Shepards .
Not because of their importance , but because to keep you divided whilst the Jews are siphoning our natural resources !
Let us all agree only on one thing, that is to strengthen our ability through our military. Cast the net & drag in all the traitors of our land & give our LAF the upper hand .
Amtu Bahia & Amu Saniora stop this hatred in our motherland let us continue to progress hand in hand , we can beat this Jewish State whether Lady Gaga & co likes it or no .
Long live our LAF ! Forever & ever Amen .

Thumb terminator 06:13 ,2013 تموز 09

Anyone Remember the blind guy from ban al hara ? Wahidooo!
Remember his disguise as a Shepard ? Wahidooooooooooooo

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 11:21 ,2013 تموز 09

we are biased even in our vision... Syria's Assad is Lebanon's ennemy like Israel .. in reality worse! Assad has done much more to us Lebanese than Israel and few idiots call him brother..