دبلوماسي أوروبي: هناك إجماع يتشكل حول اعتبار حزب الله إرهابيا
Read this story in Englishأفادت مصادر دبلوماسية اوروبية الاثنين ان دول الاتحاد الاوروبي ستناقش مجددا الخميس مسألة ادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، وهي مسألة لا تزال موضوع خلاف بين الدول الاعضاء.
وسيناقش هذا الموضوع الخميس خلال اجتماع لسفراء دول الاتحاد الاوروبي في بروكسل ويمكن ان يناقش ايضا خلال الاجتماع الشهري لوزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي في الثاني والعشرين من تموز في بروكسل.
ولادراج حزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية لا بد من موافقة جميع دول الاتحاد الاوروبي.
وتطالب الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل منذ فترة طويلة الاتحاد الاوروبي باتخاذ هذه الخطوة. وقد قدمت بريطانيا الى نظرائها الاوروبيين طلبا في هذا الشان في ايار الماضي متذرعة خصوصا بالتورط المتزايد لحزب الله في المعارك في سوريا.
وقال دبلوماسي الاثنين لوكالة فرانس برس "من الواضح ان هناك اجماعا يتشكل" حول هذه النقطة.
والدول التي لا تزال متحفظة عن هذه الخطوة هي بشكل اساسي النمسا وجمهورية تشيكيا وايرلندا ومالطا وسلوفاكيا معتبرة ان اقرارها قد يؤدي الى زعزعة الاستقرار في لبنان حيث لحزب الله التأثير الواسع، كما قد يشجع على حصول هجمات على قوة الامم المتحدة المنتشرة في جنوب لبنان.
وقامت بريطانيا وهولندا بادراج حزب الله على قائمتي بلديهما للمنظمات الارهابية. واعتبرت هولندا ان جميع مكونات حزب الله ارهابية، في حين ان بريطانيا اكتفت بالجناح العسكري للحزب.
وكانت السلطات البلغارية اعلنت في الخامس من شباط الماضي ان لديها ادلة على تورط حزب الله في الاعتداء الذي وقع في الثامن عشر من تموز 2012 في مطار بورغاس البلغاري واوقع ستة قتلى هم خمسة سياح اسرائيليين وسائق الحافلة التي استهدفها الانفجار.
the EU is all about BS, I know this first hand. They forced president Morales t land in Vienna.... Because Obama asks them to do so (yet against their own interests) and when its about doing something good.... They are divided. They just flash the cash and take my taxpayer money to corrupt politicians in Lebanon and elsewhere.
:) iranpatriot: yes, Shia heritage and phoenician ancestry :)) I thought you were in New York?:)
Ya khayeh why arguing with idiots like lebpatriot1 anymore? Logically debating these blinded trolls is useless. We have tried since Rafik Harriri was assassinated to fight them with the pen and logic but it's useless. Obviously militarily the rest of Lebanon is NO match to Hizbullah and the Lebanese army is to say the least controlled by them, so why kid our selves anymore? Why continue resisting the inevitable and prolonging the misery which is intentionally put in place to keep them afloat?
Surrender to them. Yes, I know it's crazy but just surrender, disable the government and all political parties and involvement allow Hizbullah and Aoun complete hegemony over the state, collapse the Lebanese army or make it a wing of the "resistance" and have them run the country for 5-10 years. Let them change Lebanon to Hizbnation and lets watch them destroy Lebanon economically and once they are finished and TRUST me they will be FINISHED. We will come back and rebuild this country in a democratic peaceful way. This country has been destroyed MANY times but the Lebanese will have always been able to rebuild the country stronger and better, and I'm sure we can one more time.
It's just the idea of us continuously lingering on the edge of the abyss and struggling like we are being pulled toward a black hole and trying so hard to go against the current is simply prolonging the painful suffering. Let "hizbpatriot1" have her way, let her enjoy the ninja dress that'll replace her bikini and see how she'll be coming to NYC next.
ex-coma, we fought them and have already lost who are we kidding? All our intelligent leaders except a handful have been assassinated and what is left is either in exile or under house arrest (I do not consider Saad Harriri as an intelligent leader). This is not giving up, this is us living to fight another day. I do not see ANY potential way anymore of us going out of this Terrorist organization hegemony without allowing them to take the spotlights undisputed.
It's like calling a man beating his wife a brave man. They are nothing but scum, they can't even be recycled, can't even be used for landfills they would pollute the earth they touch. The World Health Organization should revoke their right to continue consuming air and polluting earth with CO2 with their breathing. Quite frankly I'm not sure what to do with such a scum. TFEH!
Yes, I'm a coward and I will never pull a gun on an unarmed civilian. Yes, I'm a coward I will never shoot a man because I disagree with his ideology.
Yes, I'm a coward I will never raise a hand on a woman despite her actions.
What are you though? What would you call a man who kills unarmed civilians because they are against his ideology? What do you call a man who kills politicians with innocent bystanders because they pose a threat to their rule? What do you call a man who goes and fight in another country against the people to keep a dictator in rule?
You are pathetic, you are not worth the energy I spend typing this reply.
Show me ONE place I have even said the word "Shia". I don't for a GOOD reason. Now let me see how many times do you sit behind your PC screen and post categorical insults calling Sunni's wahabi's, salafists, cannibals, heart eaters? I don't think I see a SINGLE post of yours that doesn't have this kind of insult.
Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Fadi Shaker are as much of a terrorist organization as your Hizbullah trolls, no longer any of them is as capable of oppressing an entire population as your friends at Hizbullah. I am REALLY surprised they are allowing you in the US.. enjoy it while you can.