المجلس الوطني السوري يكشف مقابر لـ"المئات" من حزب الله في سوريا

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أعلن المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض، عن توثيقه لعدد من المقابر الجماعية التي تضم المئات من العناصر المقاتلين لحزب الله على الأراضي السورية.

وقال الناطق باسم المجلس الوطني السوري، مؤيد غزلان في تصريح لـ"CNN" الإثنين "اكتشفنا عدد من المقابر الجماعية التي كان حزب الله يدفن فيها عناصره بعد كل معركة تدور على الأرض السورية، وعدم ارجاعها للبنان".

وأضاف غزلان: "هناك هدفان لهذه المقابر بالنسبة لحزب الله، الأول يتمثل بعدم ترويع أهالي القتلى وبالتالي تجنب ردود فعل قوية للرأي العام اللبناني، والأمر الثاني يتمثل بإخفاء حجم الخسائر الحقيقية أمام المقاتلين والثوار في سوريا".

ويتدخل حزب الله بقوة في سوريا بعد مشاركته في معارك القصير الإستراتيجية القريبة من الحدود اللبنانية.

وقال الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله بعد المعركة التي اندلعت في حزيران الماضي أن الحزب "سيتحمل المسؤولية" وماض في المعارك "حيث يجب أن يكون".

التعليقات 15
Thumb shoo-yaba 21:11 ,2013 تموز 23

I hope their parents see these pictures and wake up to recognize how HA treated their sons that fought for Nasrallah. All they got was a stick and a piece of cardboard with their name onit. Yalla keep chanting, br-roo7, bid-dam, nafdeek ya Nasrallah. Was it worth it? Did you give those young men a chance to decide their life and faith or just brain wash them since childhood so that they will serve their master when they are older?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:21 ,2013 تموز 24

what parents? HA never hid its fighters and martyrs. the SNC are once more serving us lies, and soon they will once more proven to be full of it.

Thumb thepatriot 12:37 ,2013 تموز 24

hehehehe...momo :)

Thumb benzona 21:44 ,2013 تموز 23

Mon Dieu, des charniers! God bless thé FSA and help them face the human incarnation of Ibliss.

Missing zahle_night1 21:45 ,2013 تموز 23

anonymetexasusa, yes I feel the same way that something is not exactly right since the rebels did not retake territories occupied by the regime (At least not just yet)...
However, there are a lot of Shias from Iraq fighting a long side Hizbullah there... It could be from them...

Thumb benzona 21:45 ,2013 تموز 23

Yes, yesterday or today I read that the FSA took back some territories from the Syrian army. I can't remember if I read it here or on lorientlejour lejour.

Missing helicopter 02:26 ,2013 تموز 24

The territories they took back were around Allepo........... so not sure about the credibility of this article.

Missing zahle_night1 23:03 ,2013 تموز 23

inside_man, you can also add my name as well, because I also believe them. The only rats are the murderers Baatth party gangs. Soon they will hang Bashar upside-down and soon I will pop the champagne…

Missing zahle_night1 23:34 ,2013 تموز 23

Yes inside_man, you are right; we thought he will be gone much sooner... But trust me it is coming sooner or later and he will be hung... Man I have been so thursdy for those champagne...

Thumb cedre 01:21 ,2013 تموز 24

nusra cant win in syria, they got kicked by few kurds, let alone FSA...

Missing Cyanide 18:35 ,2013 تموز 24

flame the word bani ma3roof represents my religion and you keep insulting us mate! I take it that you didn't know that. no need to bring religion into your arguments please.

Default-user-icon Windanur Simonaj (ضيف) 05:58 ,2013 تموز 24

...see who DON'T... huh! Is carpal tunnel syndrome starting to get to you, gabbaguybo, or is it your lack of attendance to medical school that Dr. Arreet 7akeh never knew he was enrolled in until he graduated, virtually? Allouchti, where are you my compatriot? GabbyMarch14 needs your typing and linguistic skills, smalla. w Hezz ya nawa3em khasrak l 7ariri!

Thumb shab 16:45 ,2013 تموز 24

More dead filthy militia. Good. keep them comming

Default-user-icon Chadia (ضيف) 18:30 ,2013 تموز 27

Really impreesive...who will believe???

Default-user-icon much jectsfa (ضيف) 19:13 ,2013 تموز 27

I Dont think Lebanese needs to hide their men...because their families....many families in lebanon support hezbollah, and even if their son dies..they accept this, as a honor, which is. So hide a corp, is not the face of hezbollah, or lebanese families.