معلومات عن تسلم السلطات اللبنانية نسخة عن القرار الاتهامي تؤكد صدوره قريبا

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كشفت مصادر في قصر العدل عن مغادرة القضاة اللبنانيين الاعضاء في المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان الى لاهاي، كل بطريق مختلف، وبعيدا عن الاضواء.

واشارت هذه المصادر لصحيفة "الانباء" انه "تم استدعاء القضاة عفيف شمس الدين ووليد عاكوم وميشلين بريدي ورالف رياشي المقيم في مقر المحكمة"، معتبرة ان في هذا "اشارة مؤكدة على قرب صدور قرار الاتهام في الاسبوع الاول من تموز المقبل".

وشاع في بيروت ان القرار وصل بالفعل الى العاصمة اللبنانية لكن مختلف الجهات المعنية نفت ذلك.

وفي نفس الاطار، ربطت صحيفة "النهار" بين الكلمة التي ألقاها الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، بتسلم المراجع اللبنانية نسخة عن مضمون القرار الاتهامي.

لذلك سرت توقعات لدى قوى 14 اذار بأن يعلن السيد نصرالله موقفا من مضمون هذا القرار على نحو مسبق وان كلامه على هذا الموضوع سيكون مؤشرا الى تسلم لبنان الرسمي القرار الاتهامي.

واشارت الى ان هناك انطباعا لدى الاكثرية والمعارضة ان الكلمة تقررت آخر لحظة من غير مناسبة وفي اطلالة لم تحمل في الشكل اي رسالة محددة. وتاليا إن ما لم يقله نصرالله هو اهم مما قاله في ضوء هذه المعطيات، مع انه قال في موضوع المحكمة انه غير معني.

التعليقات 10
Default-user-icon xen (ضيف) 09:42 ,2011 حزيران 26

am going on vacation to leb. on the 7th july so please keep everything calm cause i wanna enjoy it
ma twal3o el dene please
ntaha el bayen

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 10:20 ,2011 حزيران 26

March 14 spokesman or what is left from it , has become"a sort of a " Madame Soleil " or a fortune teller ...!!

This " fonds de commerce " they have been using for the last 6 years , has turned against them . They are today out of power , in exile and in a very bad shape by all means , because of that joke they call STL . And they keep talking about something that doesn't exist and will never exist .

And they wonder why the Lebanese people in their big majority , dont want them anymore ..!!

Thumb Marc 13:32 ,2011 حزيران 26

What big majority? Slim at best, if it wasn't for the guy you attacked and called cammilion for many years, there wouldn't be a Miqati government.... That is our problem in Leb. Groups trying to cancel others completely!

Did you notice some of the new ministers distancing themselves from Hizballa and siding with the STL in recent days??

Default-user-icon lesch (ضيف) 13:51 ,2011 حزيران 26

that happened because they see teality opposite to le phenicien. with small minded and uneducated individuals like him, lebanon will never have a chance. his future is in mullah-land

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:36 ,2011 حزيران 26

hassan trying to open a solution for hizb as he realizes he can't confront the international community,the hizb people indicted will be "spies" or "planted elements",and he escapes with his fatwas.....he should give a hint to the orangy guy how to deal with fayez karam case....

Default-user-icon Davidovitch (ضيف) 17:01 ,2011 حزيران 26

Please hurry up by cutting the 2974-page document, which is printed on fine and soft paper, into squares, to be equally distributed to the city restaurants where they will be used as coasters and in their bathrooms as toilet paper. This is called being Green.

Thumb thefool 17:39 ,2011 حزيران 26

Pray No Lebanese is involved in the Killings of 2005/06 of M14 politicians!

Everybody knows it started it off with the finger pointing at Syria... Hezbollah has no benefit, nor has it ever been it's motive to kill R. Hariri, Samir Assir, Gebran Tueni, Pierre Gemayel, ...

The U.N. Will loose all credibility if Hezbollah is blamed. They won't be able to convince the Lebanese people.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 18:21 ,2011 حزيران 26

The fool, properly names, and his opinion that Hezbollah had no motive in killing Hariri??? Please! Hezbollah of course had no interest in killing Hariri, Hezbollah is not a player, but a party that is played. It is an instrument of policy, it does not create policy.
The policy was created by Hezbollah's master, Iran, to curb Syrian control of Hezbollah in Lebanon by killing Hariri, expecting that it would result in the Sunni turning on the Syrian occupier and leaving Hezbollah in Lebanon free to serve Iranian interests only.
This happened just as Iran moved to seriously pursue its nuclear development program and needed Hezbollah as an Iranian directed advance brigade/tripwire on the Israeli border to cause Israel to forebear on a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.
This is, what I think happened as do most Lebanese who will welcome the indictments as validation of this, as of now, speculation on causation.

Default-user-icon nuance (ضيف) 22:04 ,2011 حزيران 26

I doubt HA did this bomb. Probably the assad regime... Hezbollah with all its defaults is not into creating civil strife in Lebanon. Plus the Assad regime has proved time and again its a petite for savage murder

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 23:58 ,2011 حزيران 26

The truth is coming out soon enough.