المندوب الألماني لدى الأمم المتحدة: على الحكومة التقيد بإلتزامات لبنان الدولية
Read this story in Englishدعا المندوب الألماني الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة السفير بيتر فيتيغ حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي الى التقيد بـ"الإلتزامات والإتفاقات الدولية" للبنان.
وإذ وصف فيتيغ في حديث لصحيفة "النهار"، السياسة في لبنان بأنها "معقدة" تستوجب "تبصراً" على غرار العمل السياسي في المنظمة الدولية، ناصحاً اللبنانيين بصورة غير مباشرة بالحفاظ على توازناتهم والاعتناء بمصلحة بلدهم.
وأبدى "قلقه البالغ" من التطورات الجارية في سوريا، حذر من "مضاعفات اقليمية حادة للأحداث المأسوية والفاضحة" هناك.
وأكد أنه من غير المقبول أن يبقى مجلس الأمن صامتاً حيال هذه الأحداث، رافضاً اعتبار مشروع القرار الذي قدمته ألمانيا مع بريطانيا وفرنسا والبرتغال للتنديد بما يحصل "تدخلاً أجنبياً"، في تعبير يستخدمه العقيد معمر القذافي وأمثاله لتقليل شأن "الإنتفاضات التاريخية" للشعوب العربية.
وعارض الاعلان الأحادي للدولة الفلسطينية لأنه قد يؤدي الى "خيبة أخرى" من "توقعات زائفة"، داعياً الى احراز تقدم ملموس عبر مفاوضات ذات مغزى وعلى أسس واضحة مع اسرائيل.
International commitments:
I will repeat my question: what was and what is the idea of the 7 Estonian cyclists kidnapping in Lebanon, are they in Lebanon or probably in Syria? Who can answer, how to solve the problem and release them??? Father of Kalev
Juri...There are many theories. But I believe the most rational is that Palestinians were responsible. Firstly because Lebanese highly value tourism, and no lebanese party would benifit, and secondly, it is related to the palestestian that was kidnapped by the Mossad in Kiev, Ukraine. They most probably are looking for a prisoner swap.
To Juri: It is shame that your son and 6 other decent athletes, enjoying cycling, were caught in this ugly game. As a doctor of lebanese origin, I want to apologize to you and the families of these cyclists. This is so far from our traditions, warmth and our hospitality. Lebanon unfortunately is a garden with no fences. I am sure they are safe and I wish them well and early release.
Ado, all those arrested regarding this case have been lebanese with the exception of one or two syrians. The group that kidnapped them is a known (to the police) criminal smuggling group operating between Lebanon and Syria. Has nothing to do with any Palestinian being kidnapped in kiev and this theory was dropped a long time ago by the authorities so there is no reason for you to believe such a thing.
Ado/Australia, it really shows you live in australia from your ignorance. Only someone who doesnt live here would think lebanese care about tourism. Only those who get money from it care, not the average people who have turned saida beach in to a garbage dump, who throw their garbage out in the open all over beirut, who kidnapp 7 innocent estonians (yes lebanese did this), who throw stones on american convoys, who steal rented cars and take them to britel, who set fire on forests simply because they couldnt bother making sure their argileh was shut down, who cheat tourists with high prices, who rape tourists who seem to be south asian cuz they think they are maids etc etc. All of this and more take place in lebanon, many of these things take place every second actually so update yourself habibeh.