عون يعلن عن عزمه تأليف "جبهة وطنية للدفاع عن الدستور": كل ما ينتج عن التمديد لقهوجي غير شرعي
Read this story in English
أعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون عن عزمع إنشاء "جبهة وطنية" للدفاع عن الدستور ومنع تفكيك الدولة، مؤكدا أن كل النتائج المترتبة عن قرار التمديد المرتقب لقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي "غير شرعية".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "نحن نريد تحصين المؤسسة (العسكرية) ضد من يحاولون اللعب بهيكليتها ويصدرون فتاوى تمس بالتراتبي العسكرية وتتلاعب بالقانون".
وإذ شرح أن "الإدعاء بالفراغ كذبة كبيرة وعلى الأقل كان يجب طرح الأمر في مجلس الوزراء ولا لزوم لهذه المعركة وللإحتيال على القوانين" سأل "إلى أين سنصل؟ هل أن القرار غير الشرعي يخلق شرعية جديدة؟ لا. كل ما ينتج عنه قرار غير شرعي وهو قابل للطعن ولكل شيء وفقا للقوانين".
كذلك لقت قول عون "قمنا بالتفاهم في 2006 دعينا الجميع للدخول فيه كي يصبح تفاهما بين كل اللبنانيين وقلنا أن أي تعديل نتفق عليه لكن مع الأسف اكتشفنا ان ما قمنا به هو جريمة ولا يجب أن نكون متفقين ودائما مختلفين مرة إقليميا ومرة دوليا".
وإذ شدد على أن "المخالفات الدستورية انقلاب أبيض للتحكم بالسلطات الدستورية في المواقع المهمة في الدولة من تجاوز للقوانين" تابع "لن نسكت عن هذا الإنقلاب".
عليه قال عون "أخذنا القرار بإنشاء جبهة وطنية للدفاع عن الدستور تتألف من أناس لديهم صفة تمثيلية للحفاظ على دولتنا ومنعها من التفكيك".
أضاف "لن نقبل بمساس أي حرف من الدستور وإذا شاء مجلس النواب يجب أن يعدل وفق القواعد القانونية".
كذلك لفت إلى "خرق للدستور في قرار التمديد في المادة 65 وهذا يحيل الوزير صاحب العلاقة إلى المحكمة" مضيفا "أخذنا قرارنا بمواجهة كل شطط يحصل على مستوى الحكم لأننا لن نستغني عن أرضنا ولا عن هويتنا".
وعن رأي حلفائه بالأمر أجاب عون "إسألوا الغير عن موقفه ويمكن أن يكون غير قادر أن يسير معنا لسبب أو لآخر".
ثم كرر رئيس أكبر تكتل نيابي مسيحي في لبنان أن "قرار التمديد نعم غير شرعي وكل النتائج التي تترتب عنه غير شرعية ويمكن لأي كان الطعن".
ومن المتوقع أن يوقع وزير الدفاع في حكومة تصريف الأعمال فايز غصن الأربعاء على مرسوم تمديد مهلة تسريح قهوجي من منصبه لسنة واحدة على الأقل.
وعون الذي رفض التمديد لمجلس النواب ولقادة أمنيين آخرين كان قد وجه الإثنين نداء إلى اللبنانيين دعاهم فيها "لمواجهة تفكيك الدولة ومؤسساتها وإلغاء الوطن".
17:23 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: اتركوهم يبكوا على وضع اللاجئين ويجب ان يعلموا أن الحكم هو ملاقاة الحدث وليس السير وراءه وليتعلم من يقول "معليش" مع تعابير وسخة مثل وجوهم عندما نبهناهم
17:22 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: قرار التمديد نعم غير شرعي وكل النتائج التي تترتب عنه غير شرعية ويمكن لأي كان الطعن
17:21 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: إسألوا الغير عن موقفه ويمكن أن يكون غير قادر أن يسير معنا لسبب أو لآخر
17:20 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: حدود الحرية هي الحقيقة وأنا لا أتكلم إلا الحقيقة
17:20 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: أخذنا قرارنا بمواجهة كل شطط يحصل على مستوى الحكم لأننا لن نستغني عن أرضنا ولا عن هويتنا
17:16 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: هناك خرق للدستور في قرار التمديد في المادة 65 وهذا يحيل الوزير صاحب العلاقة إلى المحكمة
17:16 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: لن نقبل بمساس أي حرف من الدستور وإذا شاء مجلس النواب يجب أن يعدل وفق القواعد القانونية
17:15 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: أخذنا القرار بإنشاء جبهة وطنية للدفاع عن الدستور تتألف من أناس لديهم صفة تمثيلية للحفاظ على دولتنا ومنعها من التفكيك
17:15 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: الحاكم هو القدوة باحترام القوانين وهو حامي الدستور والقوانين ويجب أن يخضع لها والتمديد التدريجي أصبح قاعدة لا نعرف متى تنتهي من قبل الجشعين بالسلطة الذين لا يشبعون
17:14 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: نعم هم يفككون الدولة وأصبحت كل الدولة مع التمديد والأمر مخز تماما وندعي أننا دولة نشأت في 1926 قبل إسرائيل التي تدعي أنها دولة ديقمراطية وحيدة
17:13 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: أي تلاعب لو كان 1% في النصوص الدستورية يبدأ الإنقلاب به وكل القوانين يجب أن تكون متلازمة مع الدستور ومن يمس بها يمس بمعالم الحكم مع الدولة وهذا يعني ان لا خيار يوجهنا في المصلحة العامة ونصبح كالقارب في العاصفة
17:12 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: المخالفات الدستورية انقلاب أبيض للتحكم بالسلطات الدستورية في المواقع المهمة في الدولة من تجاوز للقوانين ولن نسكت عن هذا الإنقلاب
17:12 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: لا نفرق بين كل زملائي الأمنيين وليس لدي هذا التمييز ونحن عندما قمنا بالتفاهم في 2006 دعينا الجميع للدخول فيه كي يصبح تفاهما بين كل اللبنانيين وقلنا أن أي تعديل نتفق عليه لكن مع الأسف اكتشفنا ان ما قمنا به هو جريمة ولا يجب أن نكون متفقين ودائما مختلفين مرة إقليميا ومرة دوليا
17:10 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: موقفنا مبدئي فلا يجوز أن نرفض التمديد لمدير قوى الأمن الداخلي ونمدد لقائد الجيش أو لرئيس الأركان ونحن حين نلام على موقفنا المبدئي يقولون أننا ضد السنة والشيعة ولكن المبدأ في جيناتنا وطريقنا جالسة لا اعوجاج فيها
17:09 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: إلى أين سنصل؟ هل أن القرار غير الشرعي يخلق شرعية جديدة؟ لا. كل ما ينتج عنه قرار غير شرعي وهو قابل للطعن ولكل شيء وفقا للقوانين
17:09 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: الإدعاء بالفراغ كذبة كبيرة وعلى الأقل كان يجب طرح الأمر في مجلس الوزراء ولا لزوم لهذه المعركة وللإحتيال على القوانين
17:08 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: السلطة اليوم كالرؤساء الذي يأكلون أكثر من حصة فبأكل مجلس النواب وأكل مجلس الوزراء يتم التمديد
17:08 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: الخطورة أن السلطات العالية المسؤولة هي من تتلاعب بالعملية وهي لا تؤتمن لا على الدستور ولا على القوانيين لذلك هناك مع السلطة المتسلطة السلطوية حاليا
17:07 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: الناس تريد الإحتفال بعيد الجيش ومعروف عنا أنني قائد جيش ومحطتنا مع الجيش وعندما يخدش رجل عسكري نفتح الهواء لدعم الجيش ونحن نريد تحصين المؤسسة ضد من يحاولون اللعب بهيكليتها ويصدرون فتاوى تمس بالتراتبي العسكرية وتتلاعب بالقانون
17:06 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: يا ليت الجميع يجتمع ويقوم بوحدة وطنية ليس ضد الدستور بل للمحافظة على القوانيين وهذا الأمر ليس انتقاصا من الموجودين بل يجب أن يكون الأمر تنافسيا
17:05 ,2013 تموز 30
عون: وصلنا إلى مجلس النواب وجمعنا الأضداد بوحدة وطنية كبيرة ومددوا للمجلس وطار المجلس الدستوري واليوم وصلنا للتمديد لقائد الجيش وسنصل لتمديد آخر تتكلم عنه الصحف
17:04 ,2013 تموز 30
رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل: تركنا الحكم أكثر من مرة وكان الجميع مشتركا فيها ولم تبق حكومتهم سنة وبعد ذلك أتت قضية رئاسة الجمهورية والكل في الدوحة أعلنوا تأييدهم للرئيس الجديد وقلنا لهم مبروك وقمنا بوحدة وطنية

if saying the truth as is being a hate monger, then so be it.
aoun is upset for being unable to appoint his son in law as army chief.
just imagine aoun, an Iranian terrorist militia supporter, wants to appoint the army chief!
what does that tell you guys?

who talked about his son in law? he is talking about respecting the law, keeping a key official in place after his retirement age is not legal, and there are hundreds of officers who could be promoted.
but then again, we all know M14 is all about blocking the normal functioning of institutions, and then crying that they are being undermined.

Wow you claim to know the truth! If there is one thing that is certain in Lebanon is that truth is an illusion. Truth what truth?
Look at the state of our country! In fact look at the state of naharnet. If people here are so divided in their "opinions" because of all the "truth" they claim to believe then Lebanon has no hope.
Lebanon is filled with corrupt politicans and sheep that are herded up to their annihilation completely clueless of what's happening. This my friend is the only truth.
You keep defending your leaders everyone. Please continue in facilitatimg the destruction of our beloved country.

mowaten: whatever.....
you talk to say nothing of substance!
everyone knows his agenda: he wants his son in law as army chief, and he is the judas supporting the Iranian terrorist militia.
and that's it. everything else means nothing....

yea, "whatever" really sums up your arguments actually.
the law is not of substance, blocking the institutions is not of substance, who cares about laws and institutions huh? :)
but some speculation about his intentions, this is substantial.

I wonder why such a big fuss about one extension for one year. There are so many ILLGELAL things in the country. From the Hezbollah arsenal to the four wanted terrorists at the Hague. No to mention the phat rat in hiding....
Aoun, stop your nonesense because you fled the army and left your men die behind. You didn't get judged, yet you comment on the institution and Qahwaji who didn't do anything comparable to your lowesness.

Wow Motormouth...your quite a bitter & frustrated individual. Take a deep breath!

Movaten of Isfahan. This is no forum nor a tea room. Nobody's here to debate but to comment news articles.

Hehehe -.FT.-
Unlike you, I'm not getting monthly shekels to comment.
I commented about the article one hour ago. Check it out and don't forget to rate it!
Much appreciated.

ben of zona, if you dont want to "debate" dont argue, just say your comment and GTFO, because when we exhange multiple comments with arguments and counter-arguments, that's called debating.
but maybe it's the language barrier, so i'll say it in your people's tongue: דיון

@moowateh... you said "who ever talked about his son in law" :)
Aoun however volunteered the name of “Brigadier-General Chamel Roukoz,” who “has a CV” that could be reviewed by executive authorities “should they decide to appoint him as army commander”.
“And this has nothing to do with him being my son-in-law,” he said.

on a different note, this is one of the few things i agree with Aoun, we have to start learning how to follow the constitution, not change it every year. let them choose a new army chief, for just like our politicians, we need new and young blood in our army as well.

as i said before.. i am no m14er...and if i get 100 thumbs up wont make me become one.. and 100 thumbs down wont make me become an m8er... whats right is right, and this changing the constitution and keep the old guard in place is ridiculous. by all means Qahwaji is a great man and a great army chief.. but let us abide by the laws that are set. i mean we had to change the law so Slaiman to become president.. and this has happened often.. lets move on.. find new brains.. new thoughts.. new ideas. as they say you cant teach an old dog new tricks.

arzak: why do you keep following him around and attacking his picture? i know we are not on the same wavelength, but you're better than that, you usually have more to say and share than those pesky personal attacks

"money from the devil while in france"? uuuh lol?
man, i think you have to consult about that cukoo you keep seeing

Motormouth.....reading at your posts it seems that you are defending Aoun as if you are one of his illegit child. Are you getting a cut?

lololol....you crack me up Traitor-Lebanese. More please....Between you and this Aoun clown you may have something.

Lame_Bore calling the kettle black.....King of Hypocrites himself!

Not at all BORE....you and Motormouth seem to be in a rage today defending Aoun....Calm down...both of you. Nothing to get all hyped up about. We understand you love the clown and that's your given right. Relax,,, take your Prozac!
We will stand at your grave and laugh,
Rejoicing that it is deep enough,
So that no one would have to weep
And have nightmares when at sleep.
Our dream would have been fulfilled;
Your cynical face, permanently hate filled,
Will no more appear on the News,
And will be rotting as do old shoes.
You have always been slanderous,
Liar, deceitful, shrewish and treacherous!
Confident that all people will remain blind,
You have messed with their minds.
You were cause for the death of many,
Innocents and soldiers, and did not regret any.
Cowardly, your criminal ego chose
To run away and hide; in your nightclothes.
No one will stand at your grave and cry,
For, at all times, you were a lie!
I did not wish bad upon anyone. I have only said to your beloved how people will react when God will call him !
What you are saying is not consistent with your reaction:
Back at you & your loved ones ..mouallek!
I would have accepted without any comment "Back at you ... mouallek". I doubt that Jesus-Christ has inspired you to extend your wishes to my loved ones!
You are a bad christian and a hypochrite !
I will not be loosing my time anymore to comment on this matter ! I was just saying to a criminal that his crimes will not be pardoned by the public opinion. I have no regrets !

"The extension decree violates Article 65 of the Constitution and this should send the minister concerned to court."
Marada minister concerned Fayez Ghosn should be sent to court? Obviously Sleiman Frangieh in 2009 was very shrewd not to include wannabe MP and the later convicted Israeli spy Aoun's Fayez Karam on his electoral list, little Sleiman knew the FPM leader would eventually betray him if his family's interest were not met.

Z general is going to cry, he wants another one of his relatives in government...A aouni Commander of our military so he can leave our troops behind and flee ..NEVERRRRRRRR again....

"I have been assured..."
I can't stop laughing

Did you get this assurance directly from the Deserter himself?
Hahahahah, you so funny, Bore

@roar...yeah...ur probably right...
Aoun however volunteered the name of “Brigadier-General Chamel Roukoz,” who “has a CV” that could be reviewed by executive authorities “should they decide to appoint him as army commander”.
“And this has nothing to do with him being my son-in-law,” he said.

"simpletons".....impressive BORE....did not know you had such a expanded vocabulary. Well at least on HA preacher has more than a 5th grade education. lolol!

Wow....because of a typo (worse....in case your still puzzled)...you are about to ejaculate in joy for this? Pathetic! And please...get over this M that M this. Seriously you are warped!

"LMFAO @ your inability to construct a valid sentence." By the look of things I would say it's more like EAMF....Ejaculating Allover My Face! Seriously dude you have issues. Go ahead self-amuse yourself, it will only go hand-in-hand with your ignorant posts!

hey Gabby
I didn't know you could read minds
I read the whole story and I didn't once notice him say I I I .
all he said that follow the constitution, You know what constitution is right?

We deserve much better leaders than this, it is a pity that some Lebanese are still siding with Napo-Aoun

I got an idea--why don't you have your SIL announce that he will not seek that position for a period of 5 years or so to show that there isn't a conflict of interest with him...
Of course, 'honor' is a 4 letter word for him (six letters for others).

wrong roar--if he is truly 'defending' the constitution as he claims, he should be removing the doubts of his authenticity. There have been many questions about him wanting his SIL as the successor--remove this issue and he sounds more sincere.
this is lebanon roar--everything a politicians says should be questioned. Actually, upon further examination, every politician in every country should be questioned.

your M14 idols said they are guilty?
So your guilty Samiam until you can prove your innocent? Wow M14ers
Hey the_BORE....anything else you can spew other than M14 this/that? BORRRRRING!

Disney world.....really? I'm surprised that you didn't find any conspiracy of M14ers within the Magic Kingdom. Hable!

Looking back at the_Bore and his posts, there is a lot of similarities to Motormouth and BSThrower. The thing to notice is that you rarely see this BORE simultaneously (or time-wise) present when these other two morons appear. Aliases....I would very much say so. Pathetic terror-loving sheep!

Aoun: "we have principles in our genes". Sincere Aoun supporters: *squirming in seat, embarrassed*, "Erm, let's talk about something else."

I think what Aoun said about the term extension is spot on. No one should remain in the office past his term not MPs not Military figures (except in time of war and last I checked the Lebanese Army is not at war).
This doesn't negate the fact that Aoun is a complete nutjob and his only interest above ALL is personal gains, so I don't know what's behind his statement and how will this benefit him.

1) We can't reject the extension of the ISF chief's term and accept to extend the terms of the army commander or the chief of staff........
General, I am with you on this issue and on the issue of ectending the Parliament term. Both would be unconstitutional.
However, let make jardet 2hsabat on all the other unconstitutional events you either supported or blessed those who committed them:
* Closing the Parliament for 18 months. * Demanding veto power to enable the formation of Cabinet. * Allowing Hez fighters to cross the borders unhindered despite Lebanon's official position of neutrality. * Allowing HA not to turn in to the courts suspects in crimes or attempted crimes. * Allowing Arms in the hands of Palestinians and HA/affiliates. * Allowing HA to have its own communication network and military zones that are off limits to the LAF and ISF.

2) Not allowing the election of a President according to the constitution which necessitated the Doha accord to appease M8. And the list is long. However I support you on the above issue, even though my mind is not made up regarding which is worse: Someone who always violates the constitution (aka HA and Amal) or someone who often violates it but occasionally brandishes it if it suits his purposes.