بري يستنكر اتهام حزب الله بـ"صواريخ بعبدا": ليست من اخلاقياته
Read this story in Englishرد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على الذين اتهموا "حزب الله" بالوقوف وراء صواريخ بعبدا، معتبراً أن هذا الاتهامات "سخيفة"، مشدداً على أن هذا الامر ليس من "اخلاقيات ومسيرة المقاومة".
وفي أحاديث صحافية، الاثنين، اعتبر بري أن اتهام بعض قوى 14 آذار لحزب الله "مباشرة او تلميحاً بالوقوف خلف هذا الاعتداء هو أمر سخيف".
وأردف قائلاً "عيب وحرام توجيه مثل هذا الاتهام الى الحزب الذي لا يُعرف عنه استخدام هذا الاسلوب".
وأكد أن "حزب الله ليس بريئاً من هذا العمل فحسب بل ان اخلاقياته ومسيرته المقاومة تمنعه من الاقدام على هذا النوع من التصرفات التي يرفضها في الاصل".
يُذكر ان صاروخين سقطا ليل الخميس أحدهما على مقربة من القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا والآخر على قرب من وزارة الدفاع. وأتى إطلاق الصاروخين بعيد موقف لسليمان في عيد الجيش، الخميس، قال فيه: "اذا استمرت ازدواجية السلاح الشرعي وغير الشرعي يصبح دور الجيش صعباً".
وأكد سليمان أنه "يجب إعادة النظر بالإستراتيجيّة الدفاعيّة خصوصاً بعد أن تخظى سلاح المقاومة الحدود اللبنانيّة إنطلاقاً من تصورنا للإستراتيجيّة والتي وضعناها أمام الرأي العام" معلناً أن " الوقت حان كي تكون الدولة هي الناظمة الأساسيّة والمقرّرة لإستعمال القوّة".
وكان رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع قد لفت في حديث اذاعي، الاحد، الى أن "الخبراء العسكريين توصلوا إلى نتيجة أنهما أطلقا من على منصات متحركة، فمن لديه القدرة على التحرك بطلاقة وتحريك منصات إطلاق صواريخ؟".
ولفت الى أن الجهة التي تسيطر عسكرياً على المكان الذي قيل أن الصواريخ اطلقت منه معروفة (ملمحاً الى حزب الله).
الى ذلك، شدد بري على أن الحزب "فريق سياسي لبناني محترم لا يقدم على أعمال تخريبية في البلد"، مشيراً الى أن المستهدف الاول من هذه العملية هو "الجيش وما يمثله في المنطقة التي سقطت فيها الصواريخ، فضلا عن عدم القبول باستهداف القصر الجمهوري أو أي عمل ضد رئاسة الجمهورية".
أما عن من اعتبر أن "حزب الله" رد على خطاب رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في عيد الجيش في الاول من آب بإطلاق صاروخين على محيط القصر الجمهوري هو "قول يخالف المنطق وينطوي على الكثير من الخفة".
ولفت الى أن من نفذ الاعتداء اراد ان "يوجه أكثر من رسالة، كون المنطقة المستهدفة تضم القصر الرئاسي ووزارة الدفاع ومراكز عسكرية ومنازل سفراء، والأرجح ان ما جرى هو امتداد لإطلاق الصواريخ سابقاً من منطقة بلونة".
hizbushaitan is a terrorist Iranian militia that is terrorizing the Lebanese people constantly, and is responsible for numerous acts of kidnappings, killings, bombings,....
berry is in denial....
blinded by what your leaders tell you as usual...
stop these stupid remarks that are on EVERY article please and focus on more important Lebanese problems.. use your brain to come up with unique statements...
geha is probably the only person, even among m14 supporters, who bought the silly story and baseless accusation against HA...
look around geha, even your friends say it's clear that this was not HA, but probably someone side trying to create trouble.
@geha... explain the below. Ashraf Rifi "belongs" to M14, and was facilitating arms to Al Assir.
من يتجول في شوارع طرابلس في هذه الايام اول ما يلفت نظره ثلاثة أمور:
الامر الاول : ظاهرة الرايات الاسلامية السوداء ـ رايات القاعدة وجبهة النصرة وصور الاسلاميين المتشددين الذين قضوا في سوريا وصور الاسلاميين السلفيين الموقوفين.
الامر الثاني: خلو الساحات والشوارع الطرابلسية من صور الرئيس سعد الحريري وكثافة صور اللواء اشرف ريفي.
to all m8 critics, and they are numerous these days :)
your filthy Iranian terrorist militia is responsible for numerous acts of kidnappings, killings, bombings, ... can you deny that?
why should anyone look further? is the conspiracy theory so entrenched in your empty heads that this is always what you have to reply?
they are a terrorist militia and they are forcing their will on the Lebanese people: can you deny it? this is the conspiracy, why look further?
wow FT, i wrote that a little while ago, and just realized it didnt get posted:
"your filthy Iranian terrorist militia is responsible for numerous acts of kidnappings, killings, bombings, ... can you deny that?"
can YOU prove that?
hahaha i guess great minds think alike ;)
hizballa abducted lots of people in Lebanon in the past. the last ones were 2 soliders inside izrael.
they r probably adbucting syrian resistance/rebels/revolutionaries as we speak... but they kill them.
mowaten and ft:
great minds :) you know exactly what is the size of your m8 mind :)
therefore no comment.
You beat me to it, this is the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title of the article.
A non-ethical person knows only to defend unethical behavior (that is his natural ability).
You beat me to it, this is the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title of the article.
A non-ethical person knows only to defend unethical behavior (that is his natural ability).
Rami heda lestez bijib omma waabowa lestiz m7annak wa dowwar la zaweya bta3ref howa manfarada domokratiya tawafokiya
'ou lebnen a7la balad btetsabba7 ou bta3mol ski bi zeit el nhar'! khlessna chi3arat habal bten3ad men wahad lal teneh.. laww ma 7ekkemna kelloun zbeleh bideyatan bel Duo el chi2eh, ma ken baladna wesel la hal mestawa men el efless wel in7itat! ya za2foulon ba3ed wetzallamoulon..
el cha3eb yalli bi 2oul bel rou7 bel damm hayda cha3eb mou3ak 3a2liyyan!
God Bless you Speaker Barrrrriiiii for upholding the highest degree of ethics, values, and transparency. Thank you for emphasizing to us the lebanese that the Islamic Secular resistance aka HA ( Hussain Army) is the party of ethics. A party that never deals or manufactures drugs; a party that does not kill fellow lebanese; a party that does not plan terror attacks in other countries; a party that does not launder money; a party that fights terrorism in neighboring Syria; a party that supports the army and the constitution. That is called Ethics of Ashraf Al Nass. Tfehhhh
Berri's ethics as documented in wikipedia
During his tenure as speaker of the Lebanese parliament, Berri is estimated to have gathered a fortune of over USD 2 Billion.[16]
Among the earliest examples of Berri's corruption early in his tenure as speaker of parliament was a coastal motorway in southern Lebanon which was overpriced by three digit million USD sum, and whose contract was won by a firm run by Berri's wife, Randa Assi.
He was considered by Rafik Hariri to be "irredeemably corrupt and unreliable", as well as an opportunist,[19] and is thought to maintain his support base through access to state funds.
Berri's current wife Randa's sister, Samira Assi, is said to have made a fortune by getting a contract from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to print one million copies of Gaddafi's "Green Book".[20] Assi's deals are seen as highly controversial, since the founder of the Amal Movement, Musa al-Sadr, is known to have been disappeared on the orders of Gaddafi himself.
only Berri is corrupt?
Can you name one politician who isn't?
When are we going to place corruption at the TOP of our list of problems?
RFT, you know what happens when you quote wikipedia without checking the source? hint: it doesnt look good for you :)
[16] refers to: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2006/04/06BEIRUT1090.html
a leaked report between feltman and obeid, where feltman writes:
"Obeid asserted that the Berri family is worth
around USD 2 billion"
LOL RFT, that is definitely some solid evidence you got there!
Yes, killing an innocent civilian in front of the eyes of the Lebanese Army point blank is ethical. Even after his death denying him proper burial amongst his people is ethical.
Their actions reek of ethics!
It's not about proof FT, especially when the judiciary and government are undermined in all procedures, and by whom....
Lets start listing: invasion of Syria in blatant disregard of the govt, STL, 2006, 2008, handfuls of assassination attempts pointing to HA
Your stupid argument of prove it or it doesn't exist is illogical and blatantly ignorant of the clear proof that has come your way. No wonder you re on the Aoun payroll. You fit right in.
2 decades we need to stand this mafioso, if him and nasry think they will dictate sunnis and other what to do because of their number, tricks and weapons, they're dreaming... Disarm u filthy thugs or Lebanon is ready for another civil war.
They missed only by 100 meters. That is not bad at all for unguided rockets (in fact it shows high level of sophistication in aiming - HA style).
did u get banned ? I get banned often and when that happens all ur previous posts get deletes
Lol- they are now taking to lying like their Iranian masters! Iran is famous for lying about everything and little brother is copying!