ميقاتي: الانتهاكات الاسرائيلية يجب ان تحفز اللبنانيين على تقديم الوحدة على ما عداها
Read this story in Englishجدد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي تأكيد "الرفض اللبناني الجامع لتوطين الفلسطينيين في لبنان وحقهم في العودة إلى بلادهم، وفي دولتهم المستقلة وعاصمتها القدس".
ولفت خلال استقباله المبعوث الشخصي للرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس، عزام الاحمد في السراي الى "أن الحكومة اللبنانية ستعمل على إيلاء الشأن الانساني والإجتماعي للفلسطينيين المقيمين في المخيمات، الإهتمام اللازم بالتعاون مع المنظمات الدولية المختصة".
ورأى "أن الانتهاكات والاعتداءات الاسرائيلية يجب أن تحفز اللبنانيين على التنبه للخطر الاسرائيلي المستمر على لبنان وتدفعهم الى تقديم الوحدة الوطنية على ما عداها من قضايا، أيا تكن درجة أهميتها".
وأكد ميقاتي "أن تعزيز اللحمة بين مختلف مكونات الشعب الفلسطيني وتوحيد الموقف من الصراع تجاه العدو الاسرائيلي، يعطي الموقف الفلسطيني المناعة المطلوبة ويمنع اسرائيل من إستفراد الشعب الفلسطيني للنيل منه وحرمانه إستعادة حقوقه الشرعية في أرضه وهويته وكيانه".
Lebanon need to naturalize the good Palestinian citizens who will learn the national antem, disarm and look seriously to become Lebanese citizens without any provocative support to Palestine and terrorism. All other Palestinian criminals terrorists and armed must be deported back to Israel where they came from.
Palestinians in lebanon will not be naturalized. They are Palestinians, they do not need to become Lebanese; however they will remain living in Lebanon and hopefully they will get full rights to work in our country. They will eventually carry Palestinian identity papers issued by the Palestinian authorities once a viable palestinian state will be created (hopefully by 2012)..and remain living in lebanon, if they wish to, as foreigners the way many syrians reside and work in lebanon.
This situation will go on until a comprehensive and just solution is found for all Palestinian victims of the creation of the illegitimate state of israel.
this is not there country never was never will be
shame on any Lebanese who stood with foreigners against his fellow lebanese
There is no such thing as "good palestinians" so let's stop singing this song and work on sending these people to where they belong and that is definitely not in Lebanon.
Hahaha! Le phenicien will never be naturalised. He is a natural idiot. He will soon not even be welcomed in Syria. He can always go with GMA to north Korea and stay there or even to Mongolia to visit their relatives.
Do you know why the lebanese gov does not want to naturalize the palestinians? Because they are getting paid from the united nation on each individual. and divinding the money among each other. give me a f,n brake.
Many lebanese people do not know a thing about the gov and the same people in the gove. they are all in kahoots . haramieh all of them. Why do you think the same people are in gov for years ? its guang . laaibit kashatbeen.
Wake up my friends. you are being fooled by those haramieh. they are getting paid for allowing them to have arms. they get paid right and left. while the lebanese are sleeping . wake up people.
Roger 10452 I say I agree with 100% there is not 1 good grub among them, as I've said numerous times before I hope they never have a country and have to roam this earth like grubs.thank you
Now seriously, I am not necessarily a supporter of March 14th, but you have to give them credit for what they have achieved: They rebuilt the country, drove the Syrians out, kept steady while they were being assassinated by HA and company. In general the population is much better off: It enjoys its dignity and is economically in most cases better off.
Put on the other side of the balance what the other guys have done: Lead a destructive war against Israel-most casualty were civilians-paralysed the economy for a few years by paying people to camp in CentreVille, embarrassed the Lebanese people by heir stances and statements, killed when they could their political opponents. But I give you the ties with Tehran and Assad's Syria have improved dramatically. And they replaced the family pictures of the Assad's family by the ones of Khomeiny, Khamenei and Imad Moghnieh.
All in all i do not think I want to share the same passport with those criminals.