الجيش السوري الحر يخطف 3 أشخاص من بريتال في البقاع

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خطف عناصر من الجيش السوري الحر الجمعة ثلاثة مواطنين من البقاع.

وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة "الجديد" عن "دخول عناصر من الجيش السوري الحر الأراضي اللبنانية وخطف 3 أشخاص من آل اسماعيل من جرود بريتال".

ولفتت القناة إلى "إصابة شخص رابع".

كما رجحت معلوماتها "أن تكون عملية الخطف حصلت على خلفية مادية".

من جهتها قالت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن "مجموعة من الجيش السوري الحر متمركزة على السفح الغربي من السلسلة الشرقية لجرود بريتال المحاذية لسوريا اقدمت على خطف شخصين في منطقة عين القرقوز ( 6 كلم داخل الاراضي اللبنانية) في جرد بريتال، نقلا الى الاراضي السورية وسط عملية اطلاق نار كثيفة اصيب خلالها شخص ثالث يدعى ابراهيم حكمت اسماعيل".

وأضافت أن اسماعيل "فر باتجاه الاراضي اللبنانية، وابلغ عن خطف شقيقه حسن اسماعيل وصهره السوري صالح كردية المصاب بطلق ناري".

في آذار الفائت شهدت بلدة عرسال عمليات خطف لشاب من آل جعفر ما دفع العشيرة المذكورة إلى خطف أشخاص من عرسال ليتم التبادل في الخامس والعشرين من الشهر عينه. وتحدثت تقارير صحفية حينها أن المخطوف من آل جعفر نقل إلى الأراضي السورية.

وفي أيار 2012 أقدمت مجموعة من المعارضة السورية على خطف مواطنين لبنانيين اثنين أحدهما من آل جعفر، وآخر سوري من بلدة زيتا الحدودية البقاعية، ما دفع بآل جعفر الى خطف عدد من المعارضة السورية.

التعليقات 18
Thumb benzona 19:56 ,2013 آب 09

20+ years ago, before even FSA was born, Hezbollah was abducting people and killing them in Beirut. The same people are continue their terrorist activities. If you want more recent news, Hezbollah in 2006 crossed into Israel and abducted soldiers there.... Then, they brought doom to the entire country. Now, they abduct and KILL Syrians inside Syria.

Va jouer a wireless. Plug in a wire because you're disconnected from reality ;-)


Thumb benzona 20:45 ,2013 آب 09

Who cares if israel, Syria or nazi Germany abduct people. We're talking about Lebanon here by «Lebanese» people. And I don't give a damn about factions killing and slaughtering people (each other) during the long civil war.

We're talking about today's abductions, the abduction of FOREIGNERS inside Lebanon. It's a Hezbollah speciality. Your friend moussa sadr was in libya....

Do you or do you not condemn the abductions, that's what matters. Because civilized people regardless of their religion condemn such lo-life behaviour.

And FSA abducts terrorists, not tourists or flight crews....

Thumb benzona 19:58 ,2013 آب 09

Allahū Akbar. Indeed, terrorists they're ! It seems that the EU MPs read naharnet before voting the law to blacklist them...as I always labelled them as a terrorist organization. Well, at least since 2005-2006.

Thumb cedre 20:51 ,2013 آب 09

dont worry southern, less than 15 billions got rid of USSR in a-stan...
If they were not men enough, why so many hizbos come back in bodybags ???

Thumb cedre 22:47 ,2013 آب 09

if rebels did it, I condemn it big time, but I really doubt it...

Thumb primesuspect 00:04 ,2013 آب 10

Source MTV.com.lb

14:14 Fireworks launched in front of Badr al-Kubra's trip in Bir al-Abed in celebration of the abduction of the Turkish pilots.

Thumb Senescence 02:39 ,2013 آب 10

Despicable cavemen.

Thumb Senescence 02:44 ,2013 آب 10

No surprise really, abduction for ransom has been a traditional staple of raising funds for terrorists, particularly Al-Qaeda.

Just ask any Al-Qaeda operative (e.g. Mr. Oumar "the west is paying for Jihad" Hamaha (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/13/world/africa/kidnappings-fuel-extremists-in-western-africa.html)).

These people were probably under the instruction of Al-Qaeda, who are totally going to leave Syria when the war's over.

Thumb Senescence 02:47 ,2013 آب 10

Yeah, let's kidnap some Tibetan monks for the release of Lebanese prisoners in Indonesia. Unprincipled pilgrim-kidnappers and their nonsensical demands.

Default-user-icon mike alam (ضيف) 03:39 ,2013 آب 10

Lebpatriot u make a lot of accusation without the proof to back it up.. m14 are the less of two evils..go back to Iran you slapper

Missing canadianadam 05:51 ,2013 آب 10

Please relieve us of some Meqdads and Zoaiters and other Iranian toss aways in our country.

Thumb scorpyonn 07:29 ,2013 آب 10

Yes, the Iranian servants living in Lebanon who pay homage to those nasty Islamic clerics in Tehran and are turning Lebanon into a country that is sliding backwards in time. Pretty soon we will be as uncivilized as Yemen, Jordan and Iraq and some of those less fortunate countries.

Missing pureleb 18:05 ,2013 آب 10

This is a tiny payback to hizballah crimes in Syria. I am surprised that it took them that long to retaliate

Missing phillipo 18:29 ,2013 آب 10

"FSA rebels entered Lebanese territories and kidnapped three members of the Ismael family in the Brital plains in eastern Baalbeck,”
So, can we now expect the Foreign Minister send in a complaint to the UN Security Council ? I very much doubt it.

Thumb Senescence 22:59 ,2013 آب 10

Wh-what? 2 people compared to tanks and warplanes is a bit different you see.

Thumb Senescence 23:50 ,2013 آب 10

But anonymetexasusa, how could the FSA possibly rationalize their demands? It's not like they kidnapped Syrian generals or something of the like. It's like kidnapping your neighbor's dog because your boss at work fired you. Ridiculous really.

Thumb Senescence 23:52 ,2013 آب 10

anonymetexasusa, perhaps it was because the families of the pilgrims realized that there is no way the Syrian regime would release 160 prisoners for pretty much any cause whatsoever. They also have no incentive or interest to do so.

Default-user-icon dateam (ضيف) 01:16 ,2013 آب 11

The female detainees have already been released...after their release the kidnappers came up with more demands.