شربل التقى اوزلديز: الدولة ستقوم بحماية الاتراك في لبنان

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شدد وزير الداخلية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال مروان شربل على أن الدولية اللبنانية ستعمل على حماية المواطنين الاتراك في اراضيها وانها ستجهد من أجل تحرير المخطوفين.

وخلال لقائه، السفير التركي في لبنان انان اوزلديز، ظهر السبت، استنكر شربل عملية خطف التركيين الاثنين، قائلاً "نحن سنقوم بحماية الاتراك في لبنان وبحماية كل الناس وحتى اللبنانيين".

ولفت الى أن التحقيق سيستكمل في موضوع الخطف "سنسترجعهما عندما نحدد موقعهما، وعندما نعرف اين هما لن نقصر وسناتي بهما".

وشدد على أن لبنان يرفض "الخطف والدولة تسعى بكل قواها لتحريرهما"، مؤكداً خلال لقائه أوزلديز، أن "الاهتمام اللازم والاستثنائي للدولة اللبنانية بجلاء عملية الاختطاف التي هي قيد المتابعة الدقيقة من قبل الاجهزة الامنية التي لن توفر اي جهد للافراج عنهما".

واتصل شربل برئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ووضعه في اجواء اللقاء. يُذكر أن السفير التركي غادر منزل شربل في الحازمية دون الادلاء بأي تصريح.

وأقدم مجهولون مسلحون، الجمعة، على خطف طيّار تركي ومساعده، وهما في طريقهما على طريق المطار.

الى ذلك، زار اوزيلديز، رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة في منزله في بلس، حيث أعرب الاخير، عن "استنكاره لهذه الجريمة"، معتبراً أنها "موجهة ضد لبنان قبل تركيا، وانها جريمة لا تمثل لبنان، ولا اللبنانيين، وتضر بالاستقرار في لبنان، وهدفها الحاق الضرر بالعلاقات بين البلدين".

وتمنى السنيورة على أوزيلديز ان "لا يتم الربط بين الشعب اللبناني والذين قاموا بهذه الجريمة، وأن بنقل تضامنه مع عائلات المخطوفين التركيين، كما سبق ان تضامن مع عائلات المخطوفين اللبنانيين في اعزاز".

التعليقات 15
Missing phillipo 18:22 ,2013 آب 10

Minister Charbel must be a joke. He vows to protect Turkish citizens in Lebanon, when he can't even protect Lebanese citizens. What is he going to do, attach 10 soldiers to every one of them?

Thumb Senescence 22:46 ,2013 آب 10

banima3roof, read this 3mol ma3rouf:


Thumb Senescence 08:31 ,2013 آب 11

They did it for march8 people too.

Point is, politicians from both camps have way more officers than the LAW permits them to have, DOZENS more, and treat them like maids and servants making them prepare their nargilehs and doing errands and grocery shopping and such. Finally got to use their training to good use eh.

'bout time they lowered the number of officers so it coincides with the law, and also lowers these pompous politician's haughtiness, sense of self-entitlement, and self-righteousness.

Read the link before making ignorant comments please.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18:30 ,2013 آب 10

Amman Ya Rabbi Amman…. Biytla3 Zuwaar Byirja3 Kubtaan-:))

Missing ___-wolf-___ 18:49 ,2013 آب 10

Isn't also a joke when Israeli commandos kidnaps & even murder Lebanese citizens inside our own territory ?
Signed Wolf.

Thumb Maxx 01:38 ,2013 آب 11

Definitely. But at least the Israelis have the courage and honour to do it overtly, and not hide underground and bull.S their own people about what they had done. 3ala ma yabdù, el-3adùw tili3 âshraf min âshraf el nès.

Thumb Senescence 02:06 ,2013 آب 11

Courage? Honor? They'd do none of those things if they didn't have the US on a chain. The Middle East would obliterate it, but good ol' US of A endorses Israel's violations of international law, and its sycophant followers and nations pay no mind to it as a result. There's nothing courageous or honorable about what Israelis do to Arabs.

Thumb general_puppet 19:36 ,2013 آب 10

“We will bring them when we know where they are,”... I am sure the Turkish ambassador was reassured by that statement.

Missing helicopter 22:11 ,2013 آب 10

This is why he left without making any statements, but I am sure he left shaking his head in disbelief.

Thumb general_puppet 00:19 ,2013 آب 11

Next the illustrious Mansour will tell the Turkish ambassador, that it was the fault of the pilots for getting in the van.

Default-user-icon canada (ضيف) 21:05 ,2013 آب 10

You Lebanese are useless...u can not even protect each other u wanna protect Turks....r u idiots...some countries should disappear from the map of this planet...good I do not live in LEBANON anymore.

Default-user-icon Marius Polandyi (ضيف) 21:50 ,2013 آب 10

I suggest that all the Turks in Lebanon wear a collar stamped with the words: MADE IN TURKEY.

Thumb Maxx 01:30 ,2013 آب 11

So the kidnappers knew which of the six in the van were the pilots, and which were just crew members. Remind me again, who runs the cameras at the Airport? Who invaded Beirut in May '08 to reinstall their agent as head of the Airport? Khalleena ma nitda77ak 3a 7alna: we all know who's behind the kidnapping. And now with Turkey - who has been outspoken in denouncing Baschar's mass-murder spree - also issuing a travel ban on Lebanon, the Syrio-Iranian Occupation Force has finally got what it wanted: the only "tourist" money that's coming into Lebanon is from Syrians. Don't you just love how "business as usual" manifests itself on our occupied Lebanese soil?

Missing phillipo 07:00 ,2013 آب 12

____-wolf-____ You are at it again with your nonsense.
"high profile diplomat in a Dubai Five Star Hotel"
To be a diplomat, you need to represent a country.Just what country did he represent? Hamastan ? Hizballahland ?

Thumb Senescence 17:19 ,2013 آب 13

He represented the will of the people whose lands have been unlawfully usurped by a foreign entity. Simply because the lands haven't been recognized thanks chiefly to the US, does not mean he doesn't represent said lands. Your post is a shameful disregard for human justice, and an even more shameful stance on the Palestinian issue. The day will come though when you will realize the error of your ways, no doubt.