"المستقبل" لحزب الله: محاربة التكفيريين من مسؤولية الدولة و للانسحاب من سوريا لاستئناف الحوار
Read this story in Englishرأت كتلة المستقبل النيابية أن قرار حزب الله بمحاربة الارهابيين يعني انه "قرر ادخال البلد في معركة لم يستشر بها الدولة"، مشددة على أن ذلك من مسؤولية الدولة ومؤسساتها فقط، داعيا الحزب الى "الانسحاب من سوريا من أجل استئناف الحوار الوطني الكبير".
وردت الكتلة في بيان صادر عنها بعد اجتماعها الاسبوعي عصر اليوم الثلاثاء على خطاب الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله الذي أعلن فيه استعداده بالذهاب مع الحزب الى سوريا من اجل القضاء على "التكفيريين"، وقالت: "اعلان نصر الله ما افترضها انها الحرب على التكفيريين هي معركة لم يستشر بها الدولة اللبنانية ولا الشعب اللبناني قبل خوضها".
ولفتت الى أن نصر الله "لم يراع بذلك مصالح لبنان واللبنانيين الوطنية في هذه الحرب التي قرر خوضها في الأراضي السورية انطلاقا من لبنان"، مؤكدة ان "لا مصلحة للبنان واللبنانيين وكذلك لا مصلحة للمسلمين شيعة وسنة في المشاركة في الصراع المسلح في سوريا الى جانب النظام".
وأضافت: "محاربة الإرهابيين أو المجرمين أو الخارجين عن القانون، هي مسؤولية الدولة اللبنانية ومؤسساتها المعنية".
وفي هذا السياق، لفتت الكتلة انه سبق للبنان وجيشه ان خاض هذه التجربة ببطولة في معارك نهر البارد"، مذكرة ان حزب الله حينها كان يقف الى جانب منظمة فتح الاسلام".
وحملت الكتلة الحزب "مسؤولية الحالة التي وصلتها البلاد امنيا وسياسيا واقتصاديا"، مشددة على أن "الاوضاع لن تستقيم في لبنان اذا استمر حزب الله بالمشاركة بهذا النزاع".
وإذ استنكرت "الجريمة التي ارتكبتها يد الارهاب في ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية واستهدفت اهلها، طالبت الكتلة "الاجهزة القضائية والامنية المختصة بتكثيف تحقيقاتها لكشف المجرمين وانزال العقوبات بهم".
وعليه، أكدت الكتلة أن "الأجهزة الامنية تتحمل وحدها مسؤولية دور الكشف عن المجرمين ووحدها من "يتمتع بالغطاء الشرعي والسياسي والشعبي الكامل لحفظ الامن"، مطالبة السلطات السياسية المعنية بـ"دعم هذه الأجهزة وتحصينها ضد التدخلات السياسية والحزبية والطائفية وحمايتها من الحملات الفئوية و الموجهة للنيل من معنويات عناصرها".
كما رفضت الكتلة ما وصفته "بالاجراءات الميليشياوية الامنية التي شرع حزب الله القيام بها وتنفيذها في بعض مناطق الجنوب والبقاع بذريعة مواجهة الارهاب في مناطقه"، لافتة الى أنها تذكر "بتجربة سابقة لاعتمادالأمن الذاتي التي أدت إلى انفصال ديمغرافي بين اللبنانيين".
واعتبرت أن "هذا يشكل اعتداء على الدولة والشرعية، وأن وعليه ترك الامر للاجهزة الامنية"، موضحة "حزب الله يعطي نفسه الفرصة للانتقاص من سيادة الدولة".
وفيما سألت "إلى متى ستظل مسألة تأليف الحكومة عرضة للابتزاز المتمادي الذي يؤدي إلى تعطيل المؤسسات الدستورية، دعت الكتلة حزب الله أن "ينسحب من سوريا من أجل استئناف الحوار الوطني الكبير على قواعد الايمان بالدولة اللبنانية ومؤسساتها ولنكن جميعا مع الدولة".
I dont support Mustaqbal but I admire how they fight against a Lebanon dominated by HA and acting for iranian interests. They have cojones, it's not because shias are the biggest sect and have the strongest militia that they will decide of sunnis future. No way we'll accept an iranian-style dictature, better off with a civil war then...
Well, I support Future/Mustaqbal however I'm not married to them. The day they mess up big time is the day I'll stop voting in Lebanon (or anyone) .
Nobody is politics is clean, here in Europe they're all filling up their pockets by hiring their own companies for roadworks etc... But they're not killers. M14 are not killers although many did during the civil war. M14 isn't setting checkpoints on the highways, doesn't fire at cars if they don't stop....
This is the apanage of the terrorists, incarnated today, but some M8 elements.
Allah yi se3idna
hahahahahahahaha... "within the framework of the state"
and how is Seniora's net worth close to $2b?
Fighting Takfiris is the State's responsibility??
Meanwhile they facilitate the delivery of weapons to these takfiris in Syria. Hariri along with his Saudi masters arm the salafi extremest in Nahr el Bared a few years ago. And on top of it all, defend Assir and his rats after they kill members of our armed forces, all while accusing the army of using too much force and doing the work of HA...
anonymetexasusa, naharnet has removed my post twice providing the evidence you have requested implicating Hariri quite directly in the funding of armed gangs for the FSA. Shame, really. But rest assured evidence exists.
anonymetexasusa, hah of course not. Also no tweet. It's an interview with a brigade commander questioning how he can lead such a battalion being the supple age of 27. At the end, the following is said:
"Did you see what Hassan Nasrallah said today? He was on TV." a compatriot of his.
"We are frank and he is frank too. We are soldiers of his majesty King Abdullah and his excellency PM Hariri.
Allah willing, we will stand with Israel when it destroys Hezbollah. And we will stand with the US when it destroys Iran... with everything in our power." He responds, nonchalantly as he plays with his phone.
"All this talk will not change anything on the ground. This is a confession from him, it is not just talk anymore." He then sighs and leans back. This is from July of this year(repost).
Decode this aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlbGVhay5jb20vdmlldz9pPTU3ZV8xMzcyOTAwNDE2 for the link (base64).
anonymetexasusa, they'd throw me out obviously. Probably hold me in detention beforehand. Would anyone believe even slightly that regular citizens can win court-battles with top politicians? No way. Besides, there's lots of evidence against HA and no one's doing squat, so.
(any lawyer can also argue it's just sentimental the commander's statements or something to that effect)
anonymetexasusa, yes of course, assuming all those things. Makes you wonder though, does it not? He certain is capable.
anonymetexasusa, the issue of whether or not he's of Syrian nationality is of little relevance, seeing the participation of thousands of foreigners from across the Middle East (and indeed the world); guy's probably Lebanese if true.
Also, I remember the father in your story fearing retribution from the government et. al (e.g. shabiha) once he's back in Syria. This probably applies to some of the others as well. Eh, I'm sure most of the citizens dislike and fear praising Israel in any way, yet I'm also sure that some hold quite an opposite view, as is the chasm with most things everywhere.
more BS...
In March 2007 Seymour Hersh, investigative reporter for New Yorker magazine, suggested that the Lebanese government was giving support to Fatah al-Islam, in order to defeat Hezbollah.[13] Independently, Dr. Franklin Lamb, a researcher at the American University of Beirut, a Hezbollah expert and the author of "Hezbollah: A Brief Guide for Beginners," made similar allegations. He claimed that David Welch, Assistant to Secretary of State, negotiated with the Saudis and Saad Hariri of the American-backed Siniora government to funnel aid to Fatah al-Islam, so that the Sunni group could eventually attack Shiite Hezbollah.
cleanleb, Lamb is ... well, dubious at best. Baseless allegations are of no use. He cites facts sometimes, and solid references in others, but his interpretations are very biased since he's one of the westerners who are anti-american, pro-palestinian, anti-zionism, and while that's understandable, he should regardless stay with facts and not opinions.
FT, I don't believe you should be banned for such things unless your mouth is foul. Freedom of speech should be upheld regardless of opinion or the person.
What, you want to continue what you started with PM Rafic Hariri?
@naharnet : please ban this person.
where do you get your coke from?? its always got you on the edge man..I know its hard to defend M14 because of their Al qeada backing, embarrassing traitor politicians and their love affair with Israel and Saudi but you need to relax...
But that was what was said as far as the state being responsible for fighting the Hariri-funded, sheltered, shielded and supported Sanni takfiri cowards and losers! Perhaps it was said in karchouni and we know that Sanni First only understand Sannian.
Go , go and have your bloody meeting in Saudi Arabia ! You are all traitors & criminals of past genocide murderers ! If not directly then just the mere fact of affiliation with other members that you have associated yourselves with ! Your super-sized pockets are all but full ! How much is there left of Lebanon to be sold by your gang ! You all should be in jail for treason ! Don't fool us with your Armani suites ! You are all sponsors of radicals & terrorists ! You are all ABEDS ( servants ) to one Master ! You all have NO GOD BUT ONE " MONEY " that is your god ! Do not place your idealism on us simple Lebanese but we are greater than that , we are much much more Educated than our forefathers' we know where you are taking our Holy Cedar Land & to whom you are selling it to ! Stop your BS ! May the will of God have Mercy on all your Souls !!
Signed Wolf.!!
where do you get your BS from???
In March 2007 Seymour Hersh, investigative reporter for New Yorker magazine, suggested that the Lebanese government was giving support to Fatah al-Islam, in order to defeat Hezbollah.[13] Independently, Dr. Franklin Lamb, a researcher at the American University of Beirut, a Hezbollah expert and the author of "Hezbollah: A Brief Guide for Beginners," made similar allegations. He claimed that David Welch, Assistant to Secretary of State, negotiated with the Saudis and Saad Hariri of the American-backed Siniora government to funnel aid to Fatah al-Islam, so that the Sunni group could eventually attack Shiite Hezbollah.