جنبلاط:العدالة لا تكن بالسقوط في لعبةالأمم والسلم الأهلي فوق كل اعتبار
Read this story in Englishحذر رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب وليد جنبلاط من السقوط في ما أسماه بـ"لعبة الأمم"، مشددا على التزام الحتمي بين الإستقرار والعدالة، مؤكدا أن السلم الأهلي فوق كل اعتبار.
وعليه، قال جنبلاط في مؤتمر صحفي عقده ظهر الجمعة من دارته في كليمونصو:" أما وقد صدر القرار الاتهامي بتوقيت سياسي وانسجم مع ما كان سُرب مرارا، فلا شك أننا امام مرحلة جديدة تتطلب التحلي بالمسؤولية والوعي والعلاقنية والهدوء".
ولفت جنبلاط الى أن " تزامن مريب حصل مع تسليم القرار الاتهامي وتسريب الاسماء المعنية"، موضحا أن "البيان الوزاري وتصريحات رئيس الحكومة كانت واضحة لناحية الالتزام بالمحكمة الدولية ، وهو معاكس لما روجته العارضة".
ولاحظ جنبلاط أن "الأساس هو التلازم الحتمي بين الاستقرار والعدالة، لأنها الملاذ لكل الشهداء بقدر ما ان الاستقرار والسلم الأهلي هو العنوان للمستقبل".
وأضاف:" قال رفيق الحريري لا أحد أكبر من بلاده، وكم هي معبرة هذه الكلمة، كان ملتزما بالسلم الاهلي ولم يميز بين اللبنانيين، وكان حريصا على الاستقرار في لبنان، واثبت ذلك في العديد من المحطات"، مذكرا أن رئيس الحكومة الأسبق رفيق الحريري هو من "الذين يتخلون عن مصالحهم الخاصة لحساب المصلحة العامة".
وقال: "لو كان رفيق الحريري موجودا بيننا، لكان اتخذ موقفا منسجما مع هذه الرؤية ليجنب البلاد الفتنة".
وإذ رأى أن "توجيه الاتهام الى أفراد لا يمكن أن يوجه الى جهة او حزب أو طائفة"، أكد جنبلاط أن " ذلك سيكون بمثابة منزلق خطير يضرب السلم الاهلي، ويهدد كل أسس الوحدة الاسلامية من لبنان الى كل المنطقة"، مشيرا الى أن "الأكيد ان تحقيق العدالة بالنسبة لرفيق الحريري ورفاقه لا تكون بالتوتر والسقوط بلعبة الامم التي كنا اول من حذر منها".
وأردف:" في كل المراحل السابقة أكدنا بالفعل أن السلم الاهلي فوق كل اعتبار، وان الانجرار الى التوتير يولد العنف ويجر الى العنف وهذا يدخل البلاد الى ما لا تحمد عقباه كما اثبتت التجارب السابقة"، موضحا أنه كان أول من دعا لاعتماد الحوار كسبيل وحيد لمعالجة كل الوسائل الخلافية ولتجنيب البلاد الانزلاق الى الفتنة والتوتر".
وعليه، كرر جنبلاط دعوته الى الحوار، "آخذين بالاعتبار ما شهدته المنطقة من تغيرات تحتم علينا الالتفاتا الى كيفية رص صفوفنا"، مردفا: " اعتقد ان العدالة والاستقرار يجب ان يكونا عنوان المرحلة المقبلة وعلينا أن نكون بحجم التحدي".
هذا، ودعا جنبلاط "الى الترفع عن الصغائر والنظر الى الامور بمنظار المسؤولية"، مؤكدا أن "الحكومة تقوم بواجباتها والقضاء والقوى السياسية والمؤسسات الامنية تقوم بواجباتها لعدم الوقوع في المهجول".
وخلص جنبلاط مشددا على ضرورة أن "شعار رفيق الحريري لا أحد أكبر من بلاده شعار هذه المرحلة".
11:37 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: فليكن شعار المرحلة شعار رفيق الحريري "ما حدا أكبر من بلاده"
11:35 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: في العام الماضي كنا نقول أن القرار الإتهامي سيصدر في أيلول وكنا دخلنا بالسين سين وقالوا أن القرار تأجل الى وقت لاحق فالغريب أنه عندما تشكلت هذه الحكومة صدر القرار الاتهامي
11:34 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: ليس هناك فتنة ولكن الحوار أساس وفي البيان الوزاري الجميع دعا الى الحوار كي نستكمل بناء الدولة
11:32 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلااط: علينا أن نكون جدا حذيرين ونحكم بالعدل لتثبيت العدالة
11:31 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: الحكومة والقضاء والمؤسسات السياسية و الأمنية تقوم بواجباتها اللازمة
11:31 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: العدالة لا تكون بالسقوط في لعبة الأمم وفي كل المراحل السابقة وكنت أول من دعا لإعتماد الحوار لحل كل المسائل الخلافية وأكرر هذا المطلب لتجنيب البلاد الكثير من التوتر
11:30 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: علينا رص صفوفنا وأجدد الدعوة لكل القوى السياسية للترفع عن الصغائر والإبتعاد عن كل ما يفاقم الإحتقان
11:29 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: يبقى الأساس هو التلازم الحتمي بين الاستقرار والعدالة فبقدر اهمية العدالة لأنها الملاذ لكل الشهداء بقدر ما ان الاستقرار والسلم الأهلي هو العنوان للمستقبل
11:29 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: صدر القرار الاتهامي بتوقيت سياسي وانسجم مع ما كان سُرب مرارا فلا شك اننا امام مرحلة جديدة تتطلب التحلي بالمسؤولية والوعي والعقلانية والهدوء
11:28 ,2011 تموز 01
جنبلاط: هذه المرحلة تطلب الكثير من المسؤولية والدقة
Did you understand something in what he said ? Walid ya walid , try to be clear and dont be afraid , say it , say that this indictment will not affest anyone in Lebanon , say it , say that this is a joke and a big one ... The Saudis will not stop their financial engagements dont worry , they need you for other things .
Come on, 'maintain a balance between justice and stability"? Total BS. No stability without justice. Stability and Injustice are the Syrian Baath model, not what we are aiming for! Nor even what the HA ideology is! Plus royaliste que le roi M. Joumblat?
Exactly, those 4 suspects aren't bigger then their country and shoud be rapidly delivered to the respective authority. Needless to add that stability comes from justice and not cheap compromises.
Mr Jumblat, thank you for adressing the press with such an empty content of information. You are waisting our time.
What are you nproposing?
What should be done?
What is your position here? Do you have one?
You talk about "dialogue"... between who?
You want no tension... why, are we supposed to shut up and watch?
You talk about balancing stability and justice!!? Now what the hell does that mean!!! If there is Justice, there will be stability! Balance has nothing to do with it! We CANNOT balance Justice Mr Jumblat!
To achieve their goals in Lebanon the Syrian and Iranian regimes have terrorized the Lebanese, killed some of their leaders, intimidated some and fed the political ambitions of some. Walid is one of the intimidated to the point of losing all integrity.
It is better for Walid if he is so scared to step aside. Enough senseless statements that are offensive to his constituents and to all Lebanese.
Balance between justice & stability means that: if indictments were to show that alleged criminals were tachnag, Lebanese forces , Mustakbal or Mafia related individuals...justice would be served. This is the true meaning of the new government position. Much simpler to understand than the new Jumblati & Mikati rhetoric. it also means that the Hizb is self accusing himself wether indictments are served or not . Moroever , once indictments are made public (one month), reasonable evidence would be shared with the public and this could not serve stability for years to come...
What could prevent this move ?
Since Walid has dropped his pants (baissé le pantalon) he is a completely changed person. His community is in complete disagreement with what he is doing. But he will change again once the sword of Damocles is removed i.e. the syrian regime collapses.
As usual, sitting on the fence, talking bullshit. We should start calling jumblat humpty-dumpty... It would be nice to have a political class that stood for something, consistently.
Why are you scared walid? A coward dies many times before his death, so why are u scared to die? Pussy boy
It doesn't surprise to hear a man who has never stood on principles to encourage abandonment of justice to serve a political end.
At least your father stood for something.
the more yu listen to this terrified guy,the more u value HAKIM !!!!!! ,justice is the solid base of stability, not the law of the jungle ya walid WITHOUT THE RULE OF LAW STABILITY WILL DEFINITELY COLLAPSE,AND BILAD EL ARZ WILL PREVAIL BY BRUTE JUSTICE.
Yes Walid is correct in quoting the late Rafiq Hariri, "No one person is greater than the state".
This could mean that the vindication of the assissination of Hariri by means of the special tribunal, if it results in a breach of civil peace is not worth the cost.
Therefore Hariri is not greater than the state.
It could also equally mean that Hassan Nasrallah is not greater than the state. That justice is the great equalizer, the essencial necessity to civil peace and that when justice is served then there is genuine civil peace in the state. Nasrallah's threats to thwart the legal processes which have been in motion despite his best efforts to stop them are an attempt to make Nasrallah and Hezbollah -- greater than the state and this will not happen.
Civil peace means sparing the country from Hezbollah retribution should the government keep its international commitments to the STL.
It also means that breaching civil peace by denying justice, likewise is to be avoided.
Yes Walid is correct in quoting the late Rafiq Hariri, "No one person is greater than the state".
This could mean that the vindication of the assissination of Hariri by means of the special tribunal, if it results in a breach of civil peace is not worth the cost.
Therefore Hariri is not greater than the state.
It could also equally mean that Hassan Nasrallah is not greater than the state. That justice is the great equalizer, the essencial necessity to civil peace and that when justice is served then there is genuine civil peace in the state. Nasrallah's threats to thwart the legal processes which have been in motion despite his best efforts to stop them are an attempt to make Nasrallah and Hezbollah -- greater than the state and this will not happen.
Civil peace means sparing the country from Hezbollah retribution should the government keep its international commitments to the STL.
It also means that breaching civil peace by denying justice, likewise is to be avoided.
So here is the bottom line: You can kill and murder and intimidate and terrorize a whole nation simply coz u have weapons and you call urself "resistance" and u are "sacred". When people demand justice, they start talking about strife and civil war!!!! Unbelievable....this distorted logic. So, in the end what this weirdo Junmblat and his likes are saying" Ok you can murder and kill, and when justice is being served upon the killer, we have to deny it coz the murderer is armed to the teeth, and he may get angry and start killing more people".....!!!!! Strife.... who will coz strife other than the killers? What a joke this man is...
Give this guy a brake will you!! why every body against him? think about it for a secound!! if he voted for march 14 goverment what would happen now after the truth coming out!!? Jumblat is very smart man and i think he and march 14 are still togather behind doors, !! this is the way to deal with the terrorist be thier friend first and then blow them up like what they are (
hizballah) good at in doing!
By the way!! why we have to see two pictures of his beautiful face !!
In other words, the truth should be sacrificed to appease certain parties in Lebanon and elsewhere.
he was one of the first to accuse hezbollah... now shiting in his pants?
To those who are siding with Zionist America and Zionist Israel: The blood thirsty American and Israeli zionist terrorist states who have murdered millions and invaded and occupied dozens of countries (and also have NUKES) do not scare the Lebanese people. The lebanese people do not fear HA, Syria, or Iran. If HA tries to make lebanon a religious Muslim state the Lebanese people including more than half of Shiites will resist them.
Most Lebanese (including a devout Secular anti Islamist person like myself) support ANY resistance to Israeli threat All Lebanese leftists, M8, and M14 consider Israel lebanon's only enemy. Just as long as the the American leaders act like prostitutes in totally supporting Israeli aggression, M14 leaders need to condemn and totally disassociate themselves from Zionist America or they will be even bigger losers in 2013 elections.
Since I doubt that any invading foreign force will invade lebanon to search and find those 4 alleged suspects...who will arrest them? The ISF? This reminds me...After the cold blooded executions massacre In 2006 of SSNP members in Halba, the ISF was searching to arrest the killers so JUSTICE can be achieved. Five years later, no one has been arrested. I wonder why?
Just think about the twisted logic Walid Baik is using (after he was threatened by Hezbollah). If a bank robber takes a hostage, then we should give him the money. Why? because we want civil peace. Just let the killers go because if we don't they will do more killing. No one should accept this.
The only way to stop the political assassinations in Lebanon is by indicting and trying the culprits. No such thing as a politicized international court. This is Hezbollah's way to wiggle out of a crime in which they look awfully suspicious.
No Mr. Jumblat. You sold out your father, but you will not sell Lebanon on our behalf.
As they say: No justice... No peace.
Would Jumblat just shut up and spare us his poison? He has hand delivered Lebanon to a criminal organization and a criminal regime and he is following Nasrallah and Berri path of taking his community to the abyss. Where is accountability? Are Druze and Shia as dumb as those Libyans still supporting Khadafi after he and his family raped the country? I am certain Druze and Shia are much smarter and more sophisticated than this and this nightmare of rotten leaders and rotten government imposed by Assad and the Basij will soon be over. Beiruti is correct. Jumblat 180 degree turn towards Assad was to protect him from Hizb. Now he is stuck among wolves and the proud Druze will pay the price.
John you wrote "Zionist Israel: The blood thirsty terrorist states who have murdered millions" How many Millions did Israel kill exactly ?
In one month in "Black September" King Hussein of Jordan killed more Palestinian than Israel did since beginning of conflict between both nations.
Beside you don't mention the killing of each other in the Arab world.
How many millions been slaughtered by each other?
Israel is "Blood Thirsty" when someone trying to jeopardize its existence.
Don't us us Lebanon will remain unharmed.
Don't murder you parents then cry you are an orphan .
For years Lebanon became a nest to most of terror acts against Israel by groups settled in Lebanon.
As said, don't touch us , we won't touch you.
About your hate to "Zionism and Israel" take a pill .high blood pressure is dangerous, as we are here for 63 years as independent country and we'll remain for many years after you.