اسرائيل تحمل حكومة لبنان مسؤولية "اعتداء" الصواريخ ونتنياهو يهدد بضرب "كل من يحاول الحاق الاذى بنا"
Read this story in Englishحذر رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الخميس من ان الدولة العبرية ستضرب كل من يحاول الحاق الاذى بها، وذلك بعد اطلاق اربعة صواريخ من صور على شمال اسرائيل.
وقال نتانياهو في بيان متلفز "على كل من يلحق بنا الاذى او يحاول ذلك ان يعلم اننا سنقوم بضربه".
من جهته أعلن المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي أفيخاي أدرعي أن "حكومة لبنان تتحمل المسؤولية عن الاعتداءات الصاروخية المنطلقة من أراضيها".
وقال "لن نحتمل استهداف مواطنينا".
كما كشف أن "رئيس هيئة الأركان الجنرال بني غانتس يجري تقييما للأوضاع مع كبار قادة الجيش".
وبعد ظهر الخميس دوى انفجار في شمال اسرائيل بالقرب من الحدود مع لبنان، بحسب ما اكد شهود عيان ومراسل لوكالة فرانس برس بينما اعلنت مصادر امنية لبنانية عن اطلاق اربعة صواريخ من منطقة صور في جنوب لبنان.
وافاد مصدر امني لوكالة فرانس برس انه تم اطلاق اربعة صواريخ من منطقة صور في جنوب لبنان في اتجاه اسرائيل.
وقال "اطلق مجهولون اربعة صواريخ من منطقتي تقعان الى شرق وجنوب مدينة صور في اتجاه الاراضي الاسرائيلية".
واكد الجيش الاسرائيلي ان نظام القبة الحديدية لاعتراض الصواريخ اعترض احد الصواريخ التي اطلقت من صور الخميس.
LOL @ Niten yahoo. The Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) is waiting for your move to teach you a lesson. You will look back at the 2006 war and say "Amaan Ya Rabbi Amaan".
@roaring flame,
you now sound very lame.you are not funny but irritating.irritating not in your views,but the way you express them.
Natin yahoo, please bomb the hizb territories and not Lebanon as we are de facto not the same country anymore. They have their own army, checkpoints, intelligence, port and airport.
Agree with cedre. Dont try to punish all Lebanon like you did in 2006. Its counter productive going after infra-structure and Hizbollah soldiers that hides out and launch attacks from non shia-areas. Hit them where it hurts the most, in their own back yards. Make them loose support among their own ranks by showing that there is no such thing as a divine victory.
Bachar is Israel's ally; Hezbollah is Bachar's ally; hence Hezbollah is also Israel's ally.
The only losers are us, the democratic and pacific Lebanese... We only care about our economy and well being of our people.... Which isn't of Israel's taste since we compete with them. Nasrallah is just trying to make sure we don't thrive economically.....
It's so bloody obvious.
its amal that fought the palestinians in the south and the camps, its HA that got rid of any sunni elements in the resistance in the south.
Israel is the pretext that helped HA to take over Lebanon. Israel invaded the south when palestinians where fighting there and left when HA took control. Jews know that shias hate sunnis more than anybody.
First, HezbAllah is a legitimate resistance to Israel, even if they are pro Iran and Shia, they do scare Israel and therefore can be considered a resistance (even if you dont believe in their political ideology).
Secondly, Israel can never be trusted, they were the ones that worked with ASSAD to kill president-elect Bashir Gemayel. Their objective is to protect their land and their ECONOMIC INTERESTS, knowing Lebanon is more powerful then Israel is, Israel always seeks to undermine Lebanon (both politically and militarily) . Dont make the mistake of thinking anyone is friends with Lebanon. The only friends Lebanon has is its own population - they just need to sort out their differences.
And as for that "legitimate resistance to Israel": dude, I'll lend them my own GPS kit, but Israel is Southwards, not in Syria! And what sort of resistance could you possibly be talking about when they're hacking at the elderly with machetes? When they fought against Israel in 2006, pretty much all of Lebanon rallied behind them even though we all knew that technically Hizb started it, even though we all were wary of them prior to that due to their involvement in the assassination of our politicians. But before the same year was out, they occupied downtown and led to the economic crisis that all M8 supporters have been so fond of placing squarely on M14's shoulders. Shù 3am ti7kinè “resistance” w ballouta? Much less “legitimate”...
Cedar. Hezbollah IS NOT a Legitimate resistance. Youre completely wrong. It WAS a legitimate resistance.
Sure, Israel doesn't have friends. They have political deals with Egypt and Jordan. It could. Perfectly be the same for us yet some people are reluctant to move on because the sectarian balance would be at stake. This is where everyone is wrong. At least if we beleive in Darwinism.... There are so many options that no one ever dares to consider such as asking the refugee to convert to christianism if they want to remain on our and and acquire the citizenship.
with stockholm-syndromed traitors like yourself there will be no Lebanon soon... so after HA is dismantled traitors like yourself will be hanged on public squares( history obliges )