المعلم يؤكد استمرار دمشق بـ"الجهد العسكري" في الغوطة : لدينا ادوات الدفاع عن النفس سنفاجىء الآخرين بها

Read this story in English W460

اكد وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم الثلاثاء ان دمشق "ستدافع عن نفسها" في حال شن الغرب ضربة عسكرية ضدها، مؤكدا امتلاك بلاده وسائل دفاع عن النفس "ستفاجىء الآخرين".

وقال المعلم خلال مؤتمر صحافي عقده في مقر الوزارة بدمشق "في حال صارت الضربة امامنا خيارين: اما ان نستسلم، واو ان ندافع عن انفسنا بالوسائل المتاحة، وهذا هو الخيار الافضل".

اضاف "سندافع عن انفسنا بالوسائل المتاحة"، مؤكدا ان "سوريا ليست لقمة سائغة، لدينا ادوات الدفاع عن النفس. سنفاجىء الآخرين بها".

ووسط تصاعد التلويح الغربي باحتمال شن ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري ردا على هجوم مفترض بالاسلحة الكيميائية قرب دمشق في 21 آب الجاري، تحدى المعلم الدول التي تتهم نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد بالوقوف خلف الهجوم، بتقديم أدلة على ذلك.

وقال "كلنا نسمع قرع طبول الحرب من حولنا. اذا كانوا يريدون العدوان على سوريا اعتقد ان استخدام ذريعة السلاح الكيميائي باهتة وغير دقيقة. ذريعة غير دقيقة على الاطلاق".

واضاف "اتحداهم ان يظهروا ما لديهم من ادلة".

وتابع "لا يوجد بلد في العالم يستخدم سلاح دمار شامل ضد شعبه"، مشيرا الى الغربيين "يبنون قصتهم على اوهام ويروجونها لدى الرأي العام. اذا كان لديهم دليل ضد سوريا فليتفضلوا باظهاره لشبعهم. لا نريده نحن لان لدينا ثقة باننا لم نستخدم هذا السلاح".

وردا على اتهام وزير الخارجية البريطاني وليام هيغ للقوات السورية بتدمير آثار الهجوم المفترض في الغوطة الشرقية لدمشق جراء مواصلتها القصف، قال المعلم ان "هذه الآثار لا تستطيع القوات السورية إزالتها لانها تقع في المناطق التي تقع تحت سيطرة الجماعات المسلحة"، في اشارة الى مقاتلي المعارضة.

وصعدت القوات النظامية في 21 آب من هجومها على مناطق في محيط العاصمة ابرزها الغوطة الشرقية ومعضمية الشام (جنوب غرب) في محاولة للسيطرة على معاقل للمقاتلين يتخذونها قواعد خلفية لهجماتهم تجاه دمشق.

واوضح المعلم ان القوات النظامية شنت الاربعاء "ضربة استباقية" على هذه المناطق، و"بسبب هذه الضربة الوقائية ظهرت هذه الامور على الانترنت"، في اشارة الى الصور والتسجيلات التي بثنها الناشطون على المواقع الاجتماعية، وقالوا انها لمئات من ضحايا "الهجوم الكيميائي".

وتابع "اذا كانوا يعتقدون ان هذه الضربة العسكرية التي يخططون لها سوف تؤثر على الجهد العسكري الجاري حاليا في الغوطة، اؤكد لكم انها لن تؤثر اطلاقا".

وقال "نحن نريد ان نطمئن سكان مدينة دمشق ان غاية هذا الجهد العسكري هو تأمين سلامتهم. الجهد العسكري لن يتوقف. اذا كانوا يريدون الحد من انتصارات قواتنا المسلحة فهم واهمون".

وكثفت العواصم الغربية اتصالاتها على اعلى المستويات في الايام الماضية، في حين افادت الصحافة الاميركية ان الرئيس باراك اوباما يدرس شن ضربة قصيرة ومحدودة ضد سوريا.

ويرجح ان تلجأ الدول الغربية الى خيار مماثل من خارج مجلس الامن، حيث يصطدم الحصول على موافقة على اي تحرك عسكري بمعارضة روسيا التي شدد الوزير السوري على انها لن تتخلى عن حليفتها دمشق.

وقال "اؤكد انه ليس هناك تخل روسي عن سوريا. علاقتنا مستمرة في مختلف المجالات ونحن نشكر لروسيا وقوفها الى جانب سوريا ليس دفاعا عن سوريا بل دفاعا ايضا عن روسيا".

اضاف "عماد قواتنا المسلحة يعتمد على العقود التي نبرمها معهم (الروس)، وهناك التزام من الطرفين بتنفيذ هذه العقود. روسيا جزء من صمودنا".

واكد ان "التنسيق على المستوى السياسي يكاد يكون شبه يومي عبر اتصالات هاتفية او لقاءات مع الدبلوماسيين المقيمين".

واعتبر المعلم ان اي ضربة عسكرية ستخدم مصالح اسرائيل وتنظيم القاعدة الذي ترتبط به بعض الجماعات الجهادية التي تقاتل ضد النظام السوري.

وتابع المعلم "انا اعرف ان اي شيء يتحرك في هذه المنطقة يجب ان يخدم مصالح اسرائيل، وبالتالي فان مثل هذا العدوان يجب ان يخدم اولا مصالح اسرائيل".

واضاف "ثانيا سيخدم بدون شك الجهد العسكري الذي تقوم به جبهة النصرة (الاسلامية المتطرفة) المرتبطة بالقاعدة في سوريا. اذا الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها يقومون بجهد حربي ضد سوريا لخدمة اسرائيل اولا، وخدمة جبهة النصرة في سوريا ثانيا".

ويستخدم النظام السوري عبارة "ارهابيين" في وصف مقاتلي المعارضة الذين يواجهون القوات النظامية في النزاع المستمر لاكثر من عامين.

التعليقات 68
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 14:11 ,2013 آب 27

Yislam Timmak Ya Walid wallah enta really Muallem. The Arab League as well as Europe do not exist and the United States is an ailing ex super power. Only Syria, Iran, and The Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) exist in this new world order. Yes, we will defend with all means available to us even with our bare hands to quell this takfiri zionist invasion of our beloved Syria. Lieberman said we and HA are not interested in any conflict with Israel and our history proves it. However, let no one be fooled. If attacked we will open a world of pain for the United States and its non existent European allies.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:30 ,2013 آب 27

yes samy, why dont you continue?

...that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.

Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
yet submits in its awakening.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.

Missing coolmec 17:00 ,2013 آب 27

I enjoy reading your comments and I praise your sense of patriotism and civic responsibility. That is based on all your previous comments on taking preventive measures on how to prevent more bloodshed in our beloved
Thank you

Thumb bigsami 17:20 ,2013 آب 27

Time to stuff that Muallem like a Thanksgiving turkey. God be with those fighting against evil forces.....aka HA, Assad and Iran. Time to clean the filth from the planet.

Thumb scorpyonn 07:53 ,2013 آب 28

Well said- especially Iran- once it is annihilated there will be a different world order- I have had enough of them always meddling oin other countries affairs and sticking their hooked noses and awful English accent where they do not belong.

Missing nai0271 18:24 ,2013 آب 27

keep waiting for the mehdi brother..I am quite sure he is on the way to save you...lol

Missing nai0271 18:28 ,2013 آب 27

yeah, you have plenty of suprise defenses....I am sure it will be used at a time of their chosing. Lol.....the only defense you have is bunker where you assad, and his dogs will hide in it like cowards. Just ask Nissrallah, he only sees the sun once every 2 years :)

Missing youssefhaddad 14:15 ,2013 آب 27

The criminal regime of Syria has caused so much harm to many and it will be a great day for the whole Middle East when Assad and this lier are behind bars with the rest of the members of the Syrian despotic regime.

Thumb Chupachups 15:05 ,2013 آب 27

roar, i hope u cheer for the wanderers.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:33 ,2013 آب 27

you dont understand roar, killing syrians is bad, so to save syrians lives they need to bomb them to oblivion. most people dont understand that, even in the US where 60% of the people are against a war in syria, and only 8% support it, but this too you can't understand because you're a backward savage who doesnt know democracy

Missing coolmec 17:00 ,2013 آب 27

behind bars? are you joking? Bachar will not even make it to the guillotine!! he will be torn in pieces before that by the Syrian people. His violent death is going to make khaddafi's death like a joke!!!

Thumb LightLeb 14:21 ,2013 آب 27

Hold on your hat boys! We are going to hell!!

Default-user-icon nyknagi (ضيف) 14:33 ,2013 آب 27

go eat baklava and sleep and save what's left of your dignity, and please stop threatening the U.S we all know including your regime how weak and cornered you have become lately.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 14:41 ,2013 آب 27

Except Iraq is a democracy now, run by a Shia majority so you should be happy about it. Saddam used to call it the mother of all battles, it took the US and its allies 3 weeks to wipe him out.

Thumb Senescence 15:10 ,2013 آب 27

He's a naive neocon, leave him.

Thumb Chupachups 14:48 ,2013 آب 27

i guess the US cheers for Lakemba and Auburn...what can ya do?


Thumb Chupachups 14:58 ,2013 آب 27

lol the roar, I can proudly say i have never set foot in Lakemba.. Auburn on the other hand.... -.-

Thumb Chupachups 15:15 ,2013 آب 27

haha yep, error is me...ah u made it to the north shore? congrats..lol @ where they cannot enter haha sounds like ur in Uluru, anyway thanks for the offer. U should visit us for the derby in syd.

Thumb terminator 16:25 ,2013 آب 27

if it wasnt for lakemba and auburn people like you would be stepped on. dont know about you, but i was born here, and i grew up around aussies. they hate me and YOU.
there fear of auburn and lakemba is what keeps us safe from there hatred.

Thumb geha 15:12 ,2013 آب 27

whatever happens after the strike, it will not be like before it.
by that I mean that Iranian influence will be at least weakened, so we hope we will be able to regain our country, and be rid of this Iranian invasion.

Thumb joesikemrex 15:26 ,2013 آب 27

Syria deserves everything that is coming. Looking forward to break up of this regime, fragmented, in pain, civil war, just like what they did us in Lebanon. Hope it lasts another 50 years

Thumb benzona 15:33 ,2013 آب 27

All regimes fight back international coalitions. Libya, Iraq, Serbia, etc... They were all defeated.

For now, we know it I'll strictly be tomahawks and air strikes.... There will be a second step afterwards.

Thumb geha 15:15 ,2013 آب 27

looks like our long wait is now going to be over finally.
hope to get rid of iran and hizbushaitan too at any cost, so we could finally rebuild our country and move on from this era of Iranian terrorism.

Thumb proudlebanon 18:40 ,2013 آب 27


Thumb beiruti 15:16 ,2013 آب 27

What proof, he asks, does the West have of chemical weapon use? He asks this? None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

Thumb Lebanese_Templar 15:35 ,2013 آب 27

Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

nobody now give ya no break
Police now give ya no break,
That old soldier man now give ya no break,
not even your idren now give ya no break héhé!

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna, do whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do When they come for you?

Why did you have to act so mean?
Don't you know you're a human being?
Born of a mother with the love of a father,
Reflection comes and reflection goes,
I know sometimes you wanna let go
hehehe i know sometimes you wanna let go

Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

You’re too bad, you’re too rude,
You’re too bad, you’re too rude,

Missing canadianadam 15:45 ,2013 آب 27

I don't think any of us are hoping for more suffering on our Syrian neighbors. They've suffered enough.

I can only hope in all this that HA keeps its assets there to "defend villages and holy sites" and that Nasrallah fulfills his pledge to go and personally fight. Even sewer rats arnt safe from bunker busters.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 16:27 ,2013 آب 27

Wow, they are going to surprise the world with their defences. Israel launched with impunity countless raids against several military targets in the heart of your capital, why didn't you use them?

Thumb geha 16:27 ,2013 آب 27

another scenario would be for assad, iran and hizbushaitan to retaliate on neighboring countries nut not Israel, like Turkey, Jordan and the Gulf states, under the pretense they are retaliating on American bases.
this scenario would be the most benefic for us as they will be totally wiped out.
unfortunately, the US wants to send a message and not wipe this regime off.
therefore I do not expect a major outcome out of this strike, as iran and hizbushaitan will not budge contrary to all they are saying.

Thumb jabal10452 16:37 ,2013 آب 27

This is what must happen:

1. The West pounds Assad's forces to oblivion.
2. With Assad's forces are pinned down by the west, the FSA focuses on ruthlessly defeating the Takfiris.
3. With both Assad and the Takfiris out of the way, chances for a democratic, all inclusive Syria are improved.

If step 2 is omitted, then welcome to Syrianstan, the new-and-improved headquarters of the Taliban in the Levant.

Thumb Senescence 16:41 ,2013 آب 27

"If step 2 is omitted, then welcome to Syrianstan, the new-and-improved headquarters of the Taliban in the Levant."
That's what most people are worried about, at least in Lebanon.

Thumb justice 17:07 ,2013 آب 27

coz then we will have Hizbustan and Syriastan. It seems you don't mind the first!

Thumb Senescence 17:14 ,2013 آب 27

"coz then we will have Hizbustan and Syriastan"

Why would I mind the first? Obviously I don't; I don't need your condescending allusion to the obvious good sir.

Thumb scorpyonn 07:31 ,2013 آب 28

... and if all steps are executed accordingly, the west can bomb Iran back ionto the stone age where it belongs.

Thumb jabal10452 16:39 ,2013 آب 27

CNN breaking news: U.S. military response to Syria's alleged chemical weapons use could come "within several days," official says.

Thumb cityboy 17:20 ,2013 آب 27

Relax noname, don't get too excited. Sorry to burst your bubble but Bashar will still be around this time next year and twice as popular. in your face to all you foolish sell out Arabs.

Thumb cityboy 18:15 ,2013 آب 27

To ..... if you are Lebanese, then you are arab. if you are to inferior to admit it, then I feel sorry for you. is that what you do, resort to name calling when you someone doesn't agree with you. sad case you are.

Thumb cityboy 18:37 ,2013 آب 27

I side with Syria and its people, and right now the people want and need bashar to get through this period. when they overcome this then bashar will go. in the meantime, I am glad I am not worthy of your respect, don't think I would want it anyways.

Missing mark 17:22 ,2013 آب 27

Unfortunately they can only destroy Lebanon. To hell you, your regime, and your puppets ha.

Thumb cityboy 17:38 ,2013 آب 27

Bashar has admitted mistakes were made in Lebanon, get over it. Destroying Lebanon involved way more than Syria. You had divisions within, the interference of the west, france, Israel, qaddafi, Saudi Arabia, saddam, iran, plo, the list goes on and on. Now you want to cheer for America to attack Syria, do you think they are doing it for you Lebanon's good. If you do then go give your head a shake.

Missing zahle_nights1 17:56 ,2013 آب 27

cityboy, I will cheer SO MUCH when US attaks Syria. I do hope they annihilate the cancer called Baath party... Cheers!!!

Thumb cityboy 18:25 ,2013 آب 27

cheer all you want, all the cheering in the world not going to change the fact that bashar and the baath party will still be around next year and more popular to boot. cheers:)

Missing samiam 18:06 ,2013 آب 27

keeps bringing up the israel card even though the only bullets fired from the syrian regime in the last 40 years have been to destroy a truck.

Thumb cityboy 18:21 ,2013 آب 27

so my boys cheered when USA attacked Saddam, stop spreading bs. Last I recall, Syria and iran did not join coalition where as your arab partners sure did. Furthermore, my boys knew very well that americans did not come to make things better so stop spreading lies. you on the other hand are cheering for America to attack Syria, can you tell me what benefit it will be for the Syrians or Lebanese for that matter. try to form an opinion this time rather than shouting insults and lies.

Thumb proudlebanon 18:38 ,2013 آب 27

i laughed at your post (lebanon memories or crap like that :P) but what's funnier is you don't see how HA is the most one responsible for dragging lebanon into this mess

Thumb Bandoul 19:24 ,2013 آب 27

This is a news flash bulletin for the cheerleaders of war: Let me tell you about war! WAR is charred remains and severed limbs. WAR is children plucked from this world without rhyme or reason. WAR is desolated streets filled with uncollected garbage and demolished buildings. WAR is acrid smoke and filthy living conditions. WAR is no running water, food or humanity. WAR is what makes our father in heaven cry for what his children do to one another. WAR is what makes us less than animals. WAR is what will end our species and rid this blue planet of our mayhem and total disregard for beauty. WAR is a mental handicap for those who cannot reason and are blinded by hate and greed. I pity all the war cheerleaders and pray for mercy for the rest of us.

Missing samiam 20:42 ,2013 آب 27

War is never a good thing, but for the sake of Lebanon and the people of Syria, the stalemate must be broken. The war has attracted the worst kind of people like the jihadists and the longer that the conflict goes on, the more likely it will attract groups like the Taliban. Something must be done now or it will progressively get worse for the whole region.

We have already felt the effects the last week with the bombings in Tripoli and Dahiya, and it appears that the situation in this country is in freefall. War shouldn't be a solution, but unfortunately, the sides are too far apart for a more peaceful solution.

Thumb Bandoul 22:10 ,2013 آب 27

@samiam, the world should have reacted and intervened when the Syrian regime opted to use tanks and artillery to quash peaceful demonstrators and not waited for 100,000 + dead civilians and near total destruction of the entire country. I am a simpleton with an opinion but now it's too late, terrorist are on the ground...a game changer. There could be no good outcome and I am afraid the regime won't fall and the FSA won't win. The people will continue to suffer for years to come and nothing will be solved but WW3 might start.

Missing samiam 22:25 ,2013 آب 27

agreed Bandoul, but someone has to ask mother Russia on why they kept blocking any intervention (as well as China) early on. One needs a spark to start a fire, and Russia has let this conflict turn into an inferno by giving the regime a green light.

there is enough blame to go around and all sides have a slice.

Thumb Bandoul 22:36 ,2013 آب 27

@samiam...you perhaps can answer your own question by considering what Russia has to gain by using its position on the security council to block the other members from acting against Syria. Is because Russia is resurgent and desires super-power status to compete with US interest in the region? Is it about oil? Arms sales? Trade? Economy? I am a nobody, I can only guess...

Missing samiam 00:21 ,2013 آب 28

Bandoul, it is simple--Russia wants a warm water port--this has been a historical need for over two hundred years. Its ports in the Baltic and Siberia aren't usable for several months a year and its port in the Ukraine is considered vulnerable because it can be blocked by Turkey so it has alway yearned for a port it can use all year and hence Tartus.

Some things aren't as complicated as they may seem

Thumb Bandoul 21:53 ,2013 آب 27

@the_roar, humanity and kindness are offensive to those who abhor them. They adore mayhem and chaos in the service of their lust for power and false glory.

Missing youssefhaddad 21:06 ,2013 آب 27

Run Muallem run....

Thumb ironlikelion 21:53 ,2013 آب 27

" warned that any military action against it would serve the interests of Israel"

Although our boarder with syria has been quiet for the last 40 years under the assad regime, we would have preferred a democratic and piece seeking syria over the existing "state of war" between us and the assad regime; one that would have severed the iran-syria-hez axis. In light of the emerging dominance of nusra/qeida, however, if the western intervention only helps tilt the balance of power without eliminating the nusra/qeida elements then none of this situation is at all in israel's interests, or the region's for that matter. I guess all we can do is hope for the best...

Thumb jabal10452 22:05 ,2013 آب 27

I think that the West's intervention in Syria should be conditional on the FSA aggressively moving on the loonie Takfiris at the same time, while Assads forces turn their attention to the Tomahawks. Otherwise the situation will go from bad to worse.

Thumb ironlikelion 23:17 ,2013 آب 27

I agree %100. Unfortunately though, I'm not sure that the fsa alone has the necessary resources(including manpower) to effectively combat and defeat the consistent flow of incoming foreign takfiris; I think they may need some type of assistance, which complicates the situation even further.

Thumb Senescence 23:52 ,2013 آب 27

jabal10452. Agreed. The problem with people when discussing such issues is that they perceive as black or grey; they believe that if one is against rebels then one is aligned with Al-Assad. I'm against both, and my belief therein comes from the fact that once a radical insurgent base is entrenched in the country, it is almost impossible to remove. Afghanistan is the epitome of such a example. After more than a decade of war and billions invested, US/NATO couldn't remove the taliban and are now in negotiations to get them back on equal feat with the government or provide some compromise. Other examples include the obvious; iraq, lybia, yemen, chechnya, etc. where insurgency enjoys effervescent health. The world should have acted been wiser and predicted this--to oust the relevant fanatics, and I can only hope that it is not too late.

Thumb Senescence 23:53 ,2013 آب 27

jabal10452, Al-Assad should bolt and a new government should be instated, but the utmost important priority as its first order of business should be the elimination of extremists. If it is by war Al-Assad is removed, fanatics will remain due to weak government/significant number of Al-Assad sympathizers/civil war will drag on unnecessarily. If however he admits defeat and recedes power/tried/whatever--diplomatically, the government will be in a much stronger position to wage its war against extremists and this is the course of action that in my opinion should be pursued.

Thumb ironlikelion 00:42 ,2013 آب 28

I agree with you that these would be a logical series of steps mapped out in a logical order and could even potentially be the most efficient and effective way prevent syria from turning into a "failed state" and to achieve stability. The factors to consider though, are:
1. As you mentioned, whether not it's "too late". (I hope it's not)
2. Whether or not assad would agree to step down. (To me, it doesn't seem realistic, but I could be wrong)
3. Whether or not an election would yield results that reflect the values of the initial demonstrations.

Also, there is the issue of radicals using the time of elections to regroup,recharge build momentum for a second round, only this time against young and less experienced government... I don't know, its a tough situation

Thumb Senescence 01:33 ,2013 آب 28

ironlikelion, yes indeed, quite unfortunately your considerations prove that Syria's future may be even more cataclysmic and volatile. I so far far believe this to me the course of things, by considering the fact that terrorist elements have been at the forefront of many decisive rebel victories, and the lack of any concrete organization of the FSA.

I can confidently state that extremists will be a problem because of what they fight for. By the rebels' own admittance, Hizbullah has been a strong force not by its number but rather by how determined its fighters are and the cause they fight for, which like the terrorists, are religiously motivated, mostly. They said, that if it was the SAA only, they would have had no problems destroying them.

What I envisage as to the future of Syria with the current givens is one that is ruled by amateurs, a prosperous haven for larceny, the venal, and of course, the tyranny against minorities who sided understandably with Al-Assad.

Thumb Senescence 01:40 ,2013 آب 28

ironlikelion, what I suppose I hope for if indeed the regime falls, is that it should be done as such through the mediation of both the opposition and the current government, or at least, mediated by the West/USA. In light of that, I also hope the US would not show itself again as how Russia's FM described today, as being akin to a monkey with a grenade when it comes to the Islamic world. The aim of this whole thing was reform to allow more rights and more freedoms, a democracy of sorts, refined. What I fear is indeed what you seem to fear also, which is your last point made. To allow a non-interim government would be wrong, and also would be wrong the handing of power to non-moderates who the revolution was aimed to hand power to!
KSA and Qatar's contribution of both arms and fighters sort of I think, diluted the opposition, and that the men they supplied aren't the ones who fight for neither secularism nor rights nor freedoms nor a democracy.

Thumb Senescence 01:40 ,2013 آب 28

ironlikelion, I've seen countless videos of Chechens, Lybians, Iraqis, and others of other nationalities pledging to turn the country into an sharia state that is without a doubt oppressive of many dignifying human rights and freedoms, and expanding it-- that, I fear indeed.

I can again, only hope that the West will be perspicacious and extremely calculative regarding its actions in a very fragile region.

Thumb Bandoul 23:38 ,2013 آب 27

For all those cheerleaders of war, what breaks my heart is that you don't realize that as soon as American bombs fall on the Syrian regime, Hezbollah missiles will rain on Israel which in turn will only mean Israeli bombs will indiscriminately send Lebanon back into the stone age. No body is looking at the big picture because they're too per-occupied with revenge and savoring the demise of the other at the expense of Lebanon, yes, yet once again.

Thumb ironlikelion 01:35 ,2013 آب 28

I think that people are not quite cheering for war, but rather for an end of the status quo. Humans have a tendency to want to or try change/improve their situations by solving the issues that are clearest(which seems logical) without considering that these issues are actually symptoms of a less obvious but more fundamental issue. No matter how many times one tries to treat the symptoms, they will always resurface until the true fundamental issues are addressed.
Similarly, people who are eager or desperate to change their situations may not consider the potentially farther reaching consequences of the actions taken to achieve that change. Most humans are guilty of these types of error at one time or another.

Thumb cityboy 01:11 ,2013 آب 28

I share your sentiment Bandoul but in this case I don't think Hezbollah will be sending missiles into Israel unless Israel acts first. What action if any the west does take will be met with a response from the Syrian side and Syria might just even brush it off if its nothing more than a symbolic attack. Hezbollah will only become seriously involved if its the real deal but I don't think the americans are serious in attacking Syria.

Thumb Senescence 01:46 ,2013 آب 28

"Syria might just even brush it off if its nothing more than a symbolic attack"

Most believe this to be the case; agreed. The Americans do not want multilateral war of any kind; they'd rather be a bit humble (if not something of a vice, under Obama) and shape things from behind the curtain. Most likely, I'd say, a diplomatic resolve will eventually ensue, but I'm not willing to bet on it really.

Missing helicopter 04:15 ,2013 آب 28

Muallem said Syria had capabilities that would "surprise" the world...........

Impressive indeed, so why were such capabilities not used against Israel to Liberate Palestine? I forgot, they were meant to keep the family in power and to continue to toy with Lebanon.

Thumb scorpyonn 07:32 ,2013 آب 28

Muallem has a severe weight problem and needs to lose weight!