مسؤول أميركي: الضربات على سوريا ستستمر أكثر من يوم ومستعدون للتعامل مع رد إيران وحزب الله

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صرح مسؤول اميركي كبير اليوم الاربعاء ان الولايات المتحدة تستبعد تحركا احادي الجانب ضد سوريا وتناقش مع حلفائها احتمال توجيه ضربات عسكرية يمكن ان تستمر اكثر من يوم واحد.

وقال هذا المسؤول الذي طلب عدم الكشف عن هويته لصحافيين ان "اي تحرك عسكري لن يكون احادي الجانب ويجب ان يشمل حلفاءنا الدوليين".

وقال انه اذا صدر الامر بشن تلك الضربات ضد سوريا فانها ستستمر اكثر من يوم، موضحا ان "الخيارات ليست محصورة في يوم واحد فقط".

ووسط تكهنات بان بريطانيا وفرنسا ستنضمان الى الولايات المتحدة في حال تم اتخاذ قرار بشن تلك الضربات، رفض مسؤولون اميركيون الكشف عن ما اذا كانت الضربات التي تجري دراستها ستتجاوز استخدام صواريخ كروز وستتطلب دخول طائرات مقاتلة المجال الجوي السوري.

وأجاب المسؤول "نحن ندرس كل الخيارات".

وتاتي هذه التصريحات في مؤشر جديد على ان الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما وحلفاءه يتحركون باتجاه شن عمل عسكري ضد سوريا بعد اتهامها بشن هجوم باسلحة كيميائية.

وقال المسؤول ان نواب اوباما يجرون مناقشات مع تركيا والاردن وغيرهم من الشركاء لوضع خطط طارئة لاي عمل انتقامي يمكن ان يقوم به النظام السوري في حال تعرض لضربة بقيادة الولايات المتحدة.

واضاف ان واشنطن تدرس "ما يمكن ان يكون عليه رد الفعل المرجح والعواقب".

كما أردف أن "هناك احتمالا ان تستخدم الحكومة السورية اسلحة كيميائية مرة اخرى. لا يمكننا استبعاد ذلك".

ولكن اذا لم تقم الولايات المتحدة باي عمل عسكري ضد سوريا، فان ذلك سيكون رسالة خطيرة للانظمة الاخرى التي تملك مخزونات من الاسلحة الكيميائية ومن بينها كوريا الشمالية، بحسب المسؤول.

واضاف في اشارة الى كوريا الشمالية "ما الذي يضمن ان الكوريين الشماليين الذين يراقبون ما يجري في سوريا لن يستخدموا اسلحة مثل هذه؟".

وقال مسؤول اخر في الادارة الاميركية ان مساعدي اوباما لا زالوا يعملون على تحديد هدف دقيق لاي تدخل عسكري محتمل.

واوضح ان الهدف من تلك الهجمات سيكون على الارجح ردع نظام بشار الاسد من استخدام اسلحة كيميائية مرة اخرى وضرب قدراته على القيام بذلك.

وحذر النظام السوري واشنطن من اي تدخل، الا ان المسؤول قال ان الولايات المتحدة مستعدة لاي عمل انتقامي محتمل تقوم به سوريا او حلفائها.

وقال "اعتقد اننا نستطيع ان نتعامل مع اي اعمال انتقامية سورية" او رد فعل "من لاعبين خارجيين" بمن فيهم ايران او حزب الله .

التعليقات 31
Thumb _mowaten_ 15:49 ,2013 آب 28

what was i saying? they can't afford to hit syria.

after their inflamed speeches they need to find some way out and let some time pass before they announce that actually they wont attack syria. because indeed, they wont. simply because they can't afford to.

any attack on syria will be met with attacks on saudi oil fields, and the consequences of this would be an explosion of oil price and worldwide economic collapse.

max they will do is a few insignificant strikes to save the face.

Missing phillipo 15:58 ,2013 آب 28

"any attack on Syria will be met with attacks on Saudi oil fields"
Whom, may I ask will do that? The Iranians, with so many US ships in the Gulf area. Syria itself, doesn't Assad have enough problems already? So WHO?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:00 ,2013 آب 28

FYI, it is Syria, not Iran, who produced all the missiles that HA has. And the ones they made for themselves are even bigger and of longer range. They can hit every saudi oilfield without problem, and if a total war is launched against them what would they have to lose?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:04 ,2013 آب 28

not to mention iran is bound by the mutual defense pact to enter war if syria is attacked. so the US bases all around iran better have deep bunkers.

Thumb jabal10452 17:08 ,2013 آب 28

I think that there will be a hit anyway. The West sabre-rattled long enough. It can't back down or it will be laughing stock of every tyran on this planet. My take on this latest development is that the US does not want to give the impression of going it alone. They want the world to know that France and the UK are on board as well, and we all that know they are. So strikes are coming.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:32 ,2013 آب 28

momo- you seem to be laying the ground work on naharnet to proclaim a "divine victory" for near future. I'm sure your bosses are very pleased with your performance so far. keep up the good work.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:07 ,2013 آب 28

jabal, yes, that's what i meant when i said "max they will do is a few insignificant strikes to save the face"
they will strike a few minor targets, but they wont go too far and avoid too sensitive targets.

potato-smash: what's your point anyway? if you dont have anything to say, you dont have to. unless you're paid by the comment?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:49 ,2013 آب 28

Yes momo- It's obvious that I am paid to comment and it's per comment as well. That is why my comments are all over naharnet. Genius deduction!
my point is exactly what I stated. you are paid propaganda machine and you are laying the ground work with your comments to proclaim a "divine victory" after the air strikes. Like I stated earlier, you are doing a good job of it as well. however, I find it hard to believe that you didn't get the point. Anyway take care and good luck to your employers on their future "divine Victory".

Thumb cityboy 22:46 ,2013 آب 28

I tried to calm the war hunger folks yesterday as well that an attack was very unlikely but it was fun making watching them make fools of themselves.

Thumb habib 15:59 ,2013 آب 28

Mowaten ro7 3ol tabkhet mjadara heda yali btefham fi trok siyesi la ashaba

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:06 ,2013 آب 28

walla shaklak enta ktir fehem, bass ma l2itelleh ella 7al jaweb el beyekh? rou7 kol gheir chi, ese f7emt chou asde.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:10 ,2013 آب 28

posting under multiple names? it's useless, you're equally lame and pointless in either.

Thumb habib 16:00 ,2013 آب 28


Thumb LebCynic 16:16 ,2013 آب 28

Shame on you naharnet for exploiting the Syrian victims and using the picture of hurt children to inflame opinion against the Syrian Presidency..

Default-user-icon Swiss_leb (ضيف) 16:38 ,2013 آب 28

To choose between the devil and the devils son is not easy,

I choose to side with Bashar because he is the lesser of two evils.

Also whoever believes that Bashar used chemical weapons THE SAME DAY as the UN inspection team arrived to Syria is delusional.

Thumb smarty 17:32 ,2013 آب 28

The United States of America will be the only ones launching Tomahawks. Great Britain and France will only endorse the short campaign as they do not dispose of similar technology. None will fly over Syria because of their Russian SAM defence system.

It is only a message to the Assad regime not to repeat his mistake. the Americans have a recording of the syrian defence minister talking to his general about the chemical attacks launched on Ghouta. it's solid proof. A weak Assad is better for the Western World and Israel than a strong democratically elected leader that would take his place. That's where we stand today.

Thumb Senescence 17:42 ,2013 آب 28

smarty, source?

Thumb benzona 20:23 ,2013 آب 28

Just heard this on TV 2 min ago as well.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:41 ,2013 آب 29

if you heard it on TV it must be true then :)

Missing -_-wolf-_- 18:19 ,2013 آب 28

Arabs a disgrace ? Your entitled to "speakfreely " but remember this Issac & Ishmael were born to the father " Abraham " !
If you are calling Arabs a disgrace then what language have you left for the Jews !!!
I will leave it up to your imagination .
Signed Wolf !

Thumb insideman101 19:14 ,2013 آب 28

"The strikes against Syria, if ordered, could extend beyond a single day, the official said".......you think????

Obeying Israeli demands is going to land the US in some deep khara...deeper than Afghanistan, Iraq...even deeper than the hole in Saed Hariri's head.

Thumb irus_da_virus 19:25 ,2013 آب 28

Or even deeper then the whole Mr Hassan Nusralla is living in?

Thumb irus_da_virus 19:25 ,2013 آب 28


Thumb Bandoul 21:08 ,2013 آب 28

Please let's no muddy the water and cloud the truth. Israel is opposed to a US strike on Syria because it fears HA will be ordered to strike Israel with thousands of missiles. Kindly do not try to promote irrational propaganda and accept the fact that Israel and Syria have enjoyed an informal truce for over 30 years.

Thumb Senescence 00:39 ,2013 آب 29

But Bandoul, what if, for example, Al-Assad is to be replaced with someone not only harmless to Israel, but actually sympathetic? Doubt he'll last long really, but I'm just saying a better alternative is definitely possible for Al-Assad in regards to Syria's relation with Israel.

Thumb Bandoul 17:21 ,2013 آب 29

You mean like (strong sarcasm) Egypt's Al-Morsi? Please folks, the US Mid-East policy only makes sense to the people driving it as us the average American people have no clue. This Arab Spring mambo jumbo is turning out to be a real detriment to the USA as far as I am concerned thank you very much Mr. Obama (more sarcasm)

Thumb insideman101 19:35 ,2013 آب 28

its nice to see fellow lebanese supporting Israeli, US strikes on a Arab nation.
what a tool

Thumb insideman101 20:01 ,2013 آب 28

so you're admitting you're undying support for Israel??? Beautiful :)

As far as Assad is concerned, I could give a crap about him or what happens to him personally...All i know is that he is a million times better than your Takfiri, suicide bombing, Israeli loving allies.

Thumb irus_da_virus 20:19 ,2013 آب 28

Your putting words in my mouth, and this lame tactic of making everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion as an Israeli traitor is also getting really old. I don't give a crap about Syria or any other country, I care about Lebanon. And by the way Syria has millions of people, so don't insult my and others intelligence by saying that the Syrians have only two choices either the tyranny of Hezb Al Baath or the crazy fanatics, I am sure that the number of moderates in Syria by far exceeds those two limited choices that you have portrayed.ps: my handle is irus-da-virus, no need to make lame punt on it, if we are to debate then lets debate on intelligent points and not lame one liners.

Missing -_-wolf-_- 20:13 ,2013 آب 28

Well "speakfreely " then I would say to you to be specific on who you attack in the future, do not generalise . If it was not for our ancestors we will not exist as a matter of I'm proud of my heritage. If their are radicals amongst us then they should be treated accordingly. Having said that, there are as much radicals if not more in Israel sanctioned by their own Government killing, murdering , assassinating, thieving , occupying , terrorising , jailing , & conspiring incitement amongst its neighbours into sectarian hatred , I mean who is worse than who ? The Government of Israel or a few Radicals that live amongst us ?
Signed Wolf !

Missing -_-wolf-_- 05:34 ,2013 آب 29

BJ , you are certainty a " LoneWolf " !!!
Welcome Aboard !
Signed Wolf !