جعجع: ليرحل من يطالب برحيل سليمان ولن نقبل بحكومة إلا بإعلان بعبدا جوهر بيانها الوزاري
Read this story in Englishدافع رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع بقوة عن رئاسة الجمهورية والرئيس ميشال سليمان داعيا من يطالبه بالرحيل إلى "أن يرحل هو" ورافضا القبول بتأجيل الإنتخابات الرئاسية لأنها "مدخل لتحرير لبنان". ورفض جعجع أي حكومة لا يكون إعلان بعبدا بيانها الوزاري، مهاجما حزب الله الذي يفرض "هيمنة بثوب مقاومة" ويرى أن طريق القدس تمر "فوق أشلاء القصير".
وقال جعجع في ذكرى "شهداء المقاومة اللبنانية" في قداس نظمه الحزب في معراب مساء الأحد "مؤسسات الدولة تعاني شللاً شبه كامل، والإستحقاقات الدستورية مُلغاة حتى إشعارٍ الهي سوري آخر، والأمن سائب تنهشه فوضى السلاح والتفجيرات المتنقلّة، والإقتصاد لا حياة فيه، والوضع المعيشي حدّث ولا حرج".
وتابع "لبنان في اصعب ايامه، لأن حزباً مسلّحاً قرر نيابةً عن بقية اللبنانيين، وخلافاً لإرادتهم، مصادرة القرار الوطني والتصرّف به على هواه، داخلياً وخارجياً".
وأشار إلى أن حزب الله "قرر أن طريق فلسطين لا تمّر عبر المؤسسات الدستورية ولا عبر إعلان بعبدا أو القرار1701، وإنما فوق اشلاء اهالي القصير وحلب وحمص وغوطة دمشق، بعدما جعلها تمّر عبر شوارع بيروت وأزقّتها وقرى الجبل ولبنان بأكمله" مضيفا "ها إنّ القصر الجمهوري يصبح حيفا، ووزارة الدفاع الوطني ما بعد بعد حيفا".
وفي إشارة إلى الحزب قال "إنّها هيمنة منقّحة، لا تشبه هيمنة نظام الأسد في الشكل، لكن المضمون واحد. إنّها هيمنة، تضع مقدرات لبنان في خدمة متطلبات النظام السوري وايران.إنها هيمنة بثوب مقاومة. إنها مقاومة تحولّت هيمنة".
وتابع "لقد قرر حزب الله تغيير وجه لبنان المُشعّ، تيمّناً بما هو حاصل في الجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران" كاشفا "ان استراتيجية حزب الله لتغيير وجه لبنان قائمةٌ على قدمٍ وساق منذ امدٍ بعيد، إلاّ ان تورّط الحزب المباشر في سوريا عجّل في سقوط آخر اوراق التين التي تلطّى حزب الله خلفها كلّ تلك السنين".
ولاحظ جعجع أن " تورّط حزب الله في قمع الشعب السوري، أدّى الى استعداء عشرات الدول ومئات الملايين من العرب والمسلمين والمسيحيين والرأي العام العالمي، والى تشويه سمعة لبنان".
وسأل "ماذا تبقّى من معادلة "جيش وشعب ومقاومة" بعدما تفرّد الحزب بقراره فتجاهل وجود الجيش، وضرب عرض الحائط بإرادة الشعب" ليقول "ان هذه المعادلة المسخ قد ماتت على يد حزب الله بالذات، امّا نحن فتكفّلنا بمراسم دفنها ووضع حجرٍ كبيرٍ على قبرها منذ أمد بعيد".
عليه ذكر جعجع ان رئيس الجمهورية "قد يُستهدف بالصواريخ،قد يتعرضّ لحملات التخوين والتشكيك،قد يكون عرضة للابتزاز والترهيب" لكنه "لن يرحل".
أضاف "رئيس الجمهورية لن يرحل، لأنّ برحيله رحيلٌ للجمهورية، وهذا ما يريده البعض.من يريد لرئيس الجمهورية ان يرحل، عليه هو أن يرحل".
كذلك أعلن عدم القبول "بتعطيل الانتخابات الرئاسية" مضيفا "لن نقبل بعد اليوم بأن تأتي انتخابات الرئاسة ثمرة صفقة إقليمية من هنا أو نتيجة مساومة سوداء من هناك.".
أما عن الحكومة فأردف "لن نقبل بعد اليوم بأي حكومةٍ، سواء كانت سياسية او تكنوقراط، جامعة او حيادية، حزبية او غير حزبية، لا يُشكل "اعلان بعبدا" جوهر بيانها الوزاري".
هذا وذكر رئيس "القوات" أن "لا حول ولا دولة في لبنان اليوم، لأن اصحاب مشروع الدويلة والميليشيا وحلفاءهم، نصّبوا انفسهم امناء على مقدرات هذه الدولة".
وكانت دعوة من جعجع إلى رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري قائلا :مسؤولية كبيرة أن ادعوك للعودة، لكني قطعاً لن ادعوك للبقاء حيث انت، لأن لبنان ورفاقك في ثورة الأرز اشتاقوا اليك بالفعل.".
وأكمل "يوماً بعد يوم يزداد رهان اللبنانيين على تحالفنا، لأنّهم يرون فيه إنقاذاً لصيغة لبنان التنوع، لبنان الاعتدال".
من هنا تحدث جعجع عن الحركات الإحتجاجية في العالم العربي فأعلن أنه "على الرغم من المآسي والصعوبات والعراقيل والأثمان كلّها، نحن متمسّكون بالربيع العربي أكثر من اي وقتٍ مضى، لأننا متحسسون آلام الشعوب الثائرة، ومتفهّمون لقضايا الحرية والعدالة والمساواة التي يناضل الشباب العربي في سبيلها، بغض النظر عما يشوب هذا النضال من شوائب".
وذكر أن "المتطرفين والتكفيريين ليسوا من الربيع العربي بشيء، لأن مشروعهم العقائدي كان قائماً وناشطاً قبل بزوغ فجر الربيع العربي بعقودٍ ، ولأن هذا المشروع لا يعترف اصلاً لا بالعروبة ولا بالربيع".
كذلك نبه جعجع إلى أن "الأنظمة الديكتاتورية تريد ان تضعنا بين خيارٍ من اثنين:إمّا تكفيرية دينية، او تكفيريةٌ دكتاتورية بغلافٍ علماني. ونحن ضد الإثنين معاً".
وإذ شرح أن "إن السوط الطالباني والجزمة البعثية وجهان لعملةٍ تدميرية رجعية واحدة" قال "إن خيارنا هو لا السوط الطالباني ولا الجزمة البعثية، بل الربيع العربي الذي فتح امام الشعوب العربية آفاقاً ديموقراطية عصريةٍ جديدة، خارج هذه الثنائية المتحجّرة البائدة التي ما زالت تتبادل الخدمات وتُثير الدخان الأسود لتلويث اجواء الربيع وخنقه في مهده".
وأعطى مثلاً "إنّ الثورة السورية، وعلى الرغم من أثمانها الموجعة، وعلى الرغم من الطفيليات التي نمت على هوامشها، هي محطّ أنظار كلّ الطليعيين وأصحاب الرأي الحر في هذه المنطقة".
كذلك وجه "التحيّة الى الشعب المصري، آملين ان تتكلّل مسيرته بالنجاح، وأن تُفضي الى دستور جديد وانتخابات ديمقراطية فعلية في أقرب وقتٍ ممكن".
أما للمسيحيين في الشرق وبعد "إطلاق صرخة جديدة لفك أسر المطرانين بولس اليازجي ويوحنا ابراهيم والكهنة المخطوفين" طالبهم جعجع ألا يعيشوا "على هامش الثورات فذلك يعني ان تُصبحوا خارج كل المعادلات".
أضاف "إن رسالتكم الحضارية والإنسانية والتاريخية والوطنية تُحتّم عليكم اليوم الانخراط في معركة الدفاع عن قضية الحرية والإنسان في هذا الشرق على الرغم من كل الفوضى التي تعم صفوف الثورة".
والى "الإخوة" في التيار الوطني الحر توجه جعجع "ليست نهاية العالم أن نكتشف عدم صوابية خياراتنا، بل نهاية العالم أن نستمر بها ولو عن غير قناعة (.) عودوا الى حقيقتكم: تيار وطني سيادي حر، ولا تكملوا بعكس التيار".
وختم رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" قائلا للعونيين "كونوا حُرّاس ثورة الأرز، بدلاً من ان تكونوا انصاراً لحراس الثورة الإيرانية.اتركوا الكيماوي لأهل الكيماوي، وعودوا انتم الى البرتقالي.اخرجوا من 7 ايار وعودوا الى 7 آب.عودوا الى دفء 7 آب، بدل البقاء في برد 6 شباط" أي موعد التفاهم بين حزب الله والتيار "الوطني الحر".

I listened live to his speech. Honestly, he is a cut above the rest. God Bless you Samir Gaegae. What a worthy president you will make.

President of Saudi Arabia. He'd have to convert to a Wahabist, but with the way he obeys Saudi Arabia, I'm guessing he already did.

Criminals should not be allowed to run for president. Geagea was a militiaman when he bomber the church. He was not fighting terrorists on the front line. Bombing churchs has no execuse. Criminals can not run for president. God bless!

The criminal and killer of children is Bahcar. You are barking up the wrong tree Mr. bustany. Stop accusing others of what you are.

The criminal and killer of children is Bahcar. You are barking up the wrong tree Mr. bustany. Stop accusing others of what you are.

The criminal and killer of children is Bahcar. You are barking up the wrong tree Mr. bustany. Stop accusing others of what you are.

President's role to be reinforced to how it was pre-Taef...?
Resistance? To some, LF was not resistance at all Mr. Geagea. Remember?
Massacres? Mmm, Geagea might know what it means as well, first hand.
Geagea president?
A president with blood on his hands, a hypocrite who is held on a leash by his Saudi kings?
I love the way war lords and war mongers talk as if they were so high on moral grounds.
There are so many intelligent, talented Lebanese out there. Why dont you people just drop these same old rags from the past and build a nation with a new, fresh outlook?

Yes pre-taef and also just to remind your numb brain, your speaker of the house istez has had way many blood on his hand especially during his intra-Shia wars, Jumblat I do not think you want me to go there, the hiding rat, again you do not want to go there which is why he is holed with no fresh air, the church bomb that was made up by The Syrian regime to throw him in jail got a hero out of him as he faced his enemies face to face and came out of it, he who laugh last is the real winner.

just an fyi... even with a syrian dominated judiciary, they still did not get a guilty verdict on the church bombing..

Oh i see that war criminal Geagea's speech is reaching the disillusioned Aounists. Geagea, FM are held on a leash by the Saudis.
Dont even go there. A golden advice.
There are so many intelligent, talented Lebanese out there. Why dont you people just drop these same old rags from the past and build a nation with a new, fresh outlook?

Oh i see that war criminal Geagea's speech is reaching the disillusioned Aounists. Geagea, FM are held on a leash by the Saudis.
Dont even go there. A golden advice.
There are so many intelligent, talented Lebanese out there. Why dont you people just drop these same old rags from the past and build a nation with a new, fresh outlook?

He has too much baggage from his past to be president. But, he is a cut above the rest. He used to speak as Christian. Now he speaks as a Lebanese. As a patriotic Lebanese. God bless him and others like him (Suleiman, Salaam, Miqati, Ahmed Asaad, etc).

He is one of the few that is saying the right thing--contrast that with what Berri said yesterday and it's no contest.

Vote Green if U want GeaGea -------4 --------Prezident
Vote Red if U want Suleiman -------4 --------Prezident
Don't Vote if U want Sami Gemayel--4 --------Prezident

The role of law should decide who is the criminal here. Geagea killed Christians in church bombings. Killed Karami. Killed Palastinians. Therefore Geagea is criminal. He was not a head of state fighting terrorists. He was a militiaman killing for hunger to blood. Period

I dont condone any massacres or killings at anytime but There is a big difference between a civil war and a relatively peaceful nation. Everyone knows somebody with blood stained hands during the civil war. Is the whole nation a nation of criminals?

Exactly Lebanon4ever. Still, he doesn't belong as president not anyone with blood-stained hands. At least, he repented for his mistakes. I wish other would do the same. All of them belong in a court of justice, Nasrallah in a cell at the Hague.

"The dictatorial regimes want us to choose between two options: Religious Takfirism or a dictatorial, secular Takfirism, but we are against both”.
What the hell is "secular" Takfirism? LOL what is this Saudi-obeying lunatic on? Does he realize the irony in its statements? He is a Saudi Arabian employee and by association, an Al Qaeda ally and a puppet of Wahabism.
Protector of the Christians al. LOL!

Nothing protects the christians more than a strong State which he is asking for. The State that M8 destroys every day a little bit more. Soon there will be nothing left: no elections no cabinet and soon no president. Is the state present in "ARMY, PEOPLE, RESISTANCE?"
But noooo!! we who think this way are all saudi-zionist-american-takfiris paid to destroy Lebanon and Hizbullah is trying to stop us and to defend Lebanon.

Funny thing is that Saudi is both a dictatorship and the land of Takfiris. No choosing there at all it seems :)

Bombing churches is a crime. No where but in Lebanon, a convicted criminal has followers.

Nowhere but with people like you that nation killers are dictators for life, go fly a kite Mr. bustany.

Nowhere but with people like you that nation killers are dictators for life, go fly a kite Mr. bustany.

"The dictatorial regimes want us to choose between two options: Religious Takfirism or a dictatorial secular Takfirism , but we are against both "
Well let me say this to you , your Paymaster KSA is as much dictatorial as they try to pretend to be Royals who were implanted by the British, they & along with the GCC states are the " Mothers " of all Dictators who created , support & supply the existing Takfiris' in our country & Region and you Gaga are a mere " Abed" that have sold your inner soul , family & country to the "Gatekeepers of Hell "
Now go back to your Cell !
Signed Wolf ....!!!!!

blah blah blah.....ma 3ndak money to return to people kamen..aw bass shater bil ba3 ba3a

this man is asking for freedom and peace, yet all the haters keep bringing up Saudi Arabia, at least they didn't occupy and kill Lebanese people

From a memo in 1981: (http://www.nytimes.com/1981/10/06/world/excerpts-from-israeli-foreign-minister-s-speech.html)
"Without Saudi support, the P.L.O. would have remained an insignificant terrorist organization with meager resources. The major sources of financial support for the P.L.O. comes from Saudi Arabia. In addition to logistical support, the Saudis are supplying the P.L.O. significant quantities of arms."
La2 la2 akid akid they never killed and occupied Lebanese people. They were only the main sponsor of the terrorist organization responsible for igniting Lebanon's civil war and killing tens of thousands of Lebanese.
Al Qaeda sympathizers are the funniest.

The culture that created terrror is responsible for the most heinous crimes in the world. Who commited Sep11 were Saudis mainly. Imagine if they were Syrian or Lebanese. The world will accuse us of breeding terror yet no one accused Saudi Arabia. Conclusion, the world that still ok with the culture of Saudis is responsible for terror

Karim, tens of thousands of lebanese were killed by other lebanese sponsored by world wide nations. The syrian regime and those it sponsors killed more lebanese than what saudi arabia did yet you love it. You are naive if you think lebanons civil war was started by saudi. Our civil war started 100 years ago between diffirent sects living in lebanon and it still hasent ended. Lebanese started our war. The plo, syrian regime, qaddafi, saudi arabia, israel and a bunch of arab mukhabaret have their share of blame but the main blame should be directed against the lebanese who never were shy of comitting the worst of crimes and torture against eachother. Geagea comitted crimes i admit that but as did everyone else yet you embrace some of them. Geagea is currently the one who makes the most sence, you should appreciate that if you care about lebanon. Our leaders are only a product of our own society so if you cant accept geagea then you also shouldnt accept aoun.

And who is supplying all the other Palestinian factions other than the PLO? Right, it is Iran, Syria and HA.
So, put on your Lebanese hat and stop supporting those who are underminning Lebanon.

Your attacks at Geagea's speech are so lame and bankrupt of fact and logic. What in his speech irrititats you? Let me guess, is it the attack against HA's actions or maybe his position on the formation of the cabint or the defence of the Presidency? The same old infliction convayed under the guise of defenders of the resistance against Israel and the support of the regime that represents this resistance. The SSNP is still well and kicking hiding behind Aoun and support of HA. When will this destructive part be eradicated and outlawed, I see their filth on nearly every page of this website.

Whats important toxay is, the Syrian government to make clear to the world that evidance and evidance only is the way we accuse people or nation of wrong doing. We live in a civilized societies. The LAW and only evidance support the law should speak. Syria is a country of law and order. And any attempt to bring it backward to Saudi-style culture is unacceptable

You can not be president if you bomb churches whether you paid or not for your mistakes. Common sense prevail, people with criminal record are not allowed to run for president. Anyways, this is the law of Syria this is why we do not allow Muslim brotherhood, Wahabis to be president because although they might not killed anyone so far, they always think of killing or raping.

Are you telling me that there is no evidence that your Assad destroyed Lebanon, stole its wealth and killed its anti-Syrian leaders? Go fly a kite Mr. bustany.

Not that I am pro or anti Geagea, my understanding of today's Takfiris is that it condone acts of violence as legitimate methods of achieving "religious" or "political" goals. We've experienced this, and it has been explained by Middle East experts. So, "dictatorial/secular Takfirism", is basically when those people who use Takfiri to achieve a religious outcome exercise or misuse Takfiri for political gains. Either way if you do not prescribe to Takfirism, it should not matter whether the proponent is exercising it for religious or political gains. I personally think this Takfiri business doesn't belong is civil institutions.

OK, lets make sure that it is not misused or abused for other than its intended goals.

he was the only one convicted of civil war crimes because he opposed Syria, but all the others were also guilty of crimes regardless of their affiliations. The haters keep bringing up the past regardless what people stand for now. He is only saying that he wants the state to be strong and independent. They bring up Saudi Arabia but forget about Syria and Iran who killed more Lebanese than Israel.

Gaga has 666 inscribed on his enlarged forehead , why are some supporting this psychotic murderer of Christians ? He is part of Hell & its Clan !
Singed Wolf !

LF wolves don't bark you idiot !
Your IQ is below average !
Signed Wolf !!!!!

I'm sorry, but the hypocrisy going around here is ridiculous. Please.
Geagea is not following any sort of Saudi Arabian plan, his vision for the country is moderate and well thought out and yet every single person on this comment board who has differences between their views and his make no grounds on which to attack the content of his speech. Or any of his speeches. In fact, you can expect to see the same regurgitated responses again and again from news post to news post. Saudi Arabia? Fuck Saudi Arabia. He's talking about Lebanon. In contrast to his opponents who openly declare their allegiance to Iran. I'm sorry. Take a long hard think about that.

again, not M14, just anti m8
i know in your small minds that anyone not supporting m8 or the farsi takeover of this country is automatically m14, but simple minds need simple reasons. they can't grasp the concept of common sense.
oh yeah, since let's see fpm isn't a member of m8 (or so they like to say), berri just withdrew, is there really an m8, or are they just saying that to get more representation in the cabinet?

not as funny as aoun pretending to do what's good for the country by promoting a militia to be the police and not holding them accountable to anything.