حزب الله "سيرد من حمص في حال حصول الضربة العسكرية على سوريا"
Read this story in Englishكشف مصدر صحافي أنه وفي حال حصول الضربة العسكرية على سوريا، فإن "حزب الله" سيرد على اسرائيل من داخل الاراضي السورية، تاركاً منصاته داخل الاراضي اللبنانية للرد بحال هجوم اسرائيل على لبنان.
ونقلت صحيفة "الراي" الكويتية عن مصدر مسؤول في "غرفة العمليات المشتركة"، التي تضمّ النظام السوري، وايران و"حزب الله"، قوله أن احتمالا الحرب على سوريا "لم تنته أبداً وهي مفتوحة على مصراعيها".
وأوضح أن "حزب الله" في سوريا "لن يتردد في المشاركة بالعمليات الصاروخية الهجومية وإطلاق صواريخ ارض - ارض من داخل الحدود السورية كي ينأى بنفسه عن توريط الداخل اللبناني بأي مبادرة تُحسب عليه".
ولفت الى أن الحزب يستفيد من مساحة موجود فيها في ريف حمص وتقارب 8000 كيلومتر مربع.
وشدد المصدر على أن "حزب الله يترك منصات الصواريخ التكتيكية والاستراتيجية المنتشرة داخل لبنان في مكانها من دون الحاجة لتحريكها ليتسنى العمل فيها عند اول استهداف اسرائيلي للمناطق اللبنانية".
وأشار الى انه في حال "كان المعتدي الاول على لبنان هو اسرائيل يصبح مباحاً لحزب الله امام الرأي العام اللبناني والعربي الرد على الاعتداء الاسرائيلي من داخل الاراضي اللبنانية".
يُشار الى أن التلويح الغربي باحتمال شن ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري، يتصاعد، ردا على هجوم مفترض بالاسلحة الكيميائية قرب دمشق في 21 آب الجاري، بعد أن صعدت القوات النظامية من هجومها على مناطق في محيط العاصمة ابرزها الغوطة الشرقية ومعضمية الشام (جنوب غرب) في محاولة للسيطرة على معاقل للمقاتلين يتخذونها قواعد خلفية لهجماتهم تجاه دمشق.
وكثفت العواصم الغربية اتصالاتها على اعلى المستويات في الايام الماضية، في حين افادت الصحافة الاميركية ان الرئيس باراك اوباما يدرس شن ضربة قصيرة ومحدودة ضد سوريا.
Fine, let HA fire rockets from Homs and bear the consequences. Just keep Lebanon and the Lebanese out of it.
everytime i see a silly title starting with "Report: Hezbollah..." i click knowing it's going to say somewhere "according to the kuwaiti newspaper"
ROFL guys, please let's be serious, this is simply an insult to intelligence! there's no way in hell that HA would share their secret strategic plans with that kuwaiti piece of trash.
mowaten of QOM: nobody is laughing except for you! The insult to intelligence is your complete denial of the facts. You denied HA involvement in Syria from day one and you said "Please be serious, this is simply an insult to intelligence". You truly are a spokesperson for HA. Oh, and you are an atheist yes?
lol guys, keep reading kuwaiti sources on HA's "secret intentions", that'll keep you well informed and knowledgeable :)
They do not share their plan with the Lebanese Government, army or people either. Only Iran and Bahsar are worthy of sharing their plans with.
So they think that Israeli defences can't reach Homs.
I hope that there will be enough body bags to bring them back to Lebanon after that stupid move.
Can we also understand from this article that the Syrian regime of Assad has given Hizballah these surface to surface missiles, because I very much doubt that they will move their own out of Lebanon. If this is the situation then Israeli will have every right to attack Syria, and not just Hizballah. So once again, very warped thinking on their side.
God Bless the Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) for adhering to the Baabda declaration and the government's dissociation policy. This news comes as no surprise to confirm the resistance' commitment to distance the Lebanese from the horrors of war. When HA launches rockets at Israel from Homs, Israel will not know these rockets were fired by HA. Any Israeli retaliation against HA in Lebanon will be pure un-called for aggression and will require immediate complaint to the UN. The whole world will see Israel for what it is: an aggressive terrorist takfiri loving outlaw nation. May the Lord bless our warriors and strengthen their resolve in fighting terror.
Yeah, Hizbullah firing the rockets from Syria is going to make all the difference to the Israelis. The Iranian militia is going to bring war from all sides into Lebanon!
hizb iran may wonder why it has so many enemies
maybe they should look at what they are doing and maybe that will give them some answers
If Egypt, KSA, etc. is attacked by the H.A. from Syrian territory, these armies would not respect the Lebanese/Syrian boarder specially since H.A. is not part of the official Lebanese army/security forces. If any H.A. attack against Israel would help further the Palestinian cause and Lebanon's sovereignty, may be H.A, should educate the Lebanese people and army and bring us up to speed as to why this is for Lebanon's interest and not Iran/Syria.
well maybe you should stop click on every article that talks about hezbollah. just saying
The plan is on track. Those men at the top behind closed doors know Hezbollah (or Syria) will strike Israel which will give Israel (secretly backed by the U.S.) the reason and doorway they want to start striking in order to escalate the destabilization of the middle east arab countries. The next piece in the chess game they'll wait for will be Iran coming to defend Syria.
The world has to know that Syrian government never used chemichal weapon against its people. The Kerry evidence is Powell evidence in 2002 against Iraq. Just another laughable presentation. Syria take a pride in these hallow accusation and insist on the USA, Saudi, Israel fabrication
News of the day, Homs is inhabited by chias after the extermination of Sunni populations.
Gather educated Christians and Moslems and fight the terrorists screwing up with our heritage.
Hezbollah is anticipating just what I suspected on yesterday. A US action sufficient to warrant a retaliatory strike, authorized by Iran and executed by Hezbollah, if it came from Lebanon, would give Israel the pretext to come after Hezbollah in Lebanon as a defensive rather than an offensive measure. However, if the retaliation is executed from Syrian territory, then Israel to retaliate, would have to justify a strike at Hezbollah in Lebanon, or put boots on the ground in Syria. This makes an Israeli response to a missile attack not so easy - either an attack on Lebanese territory, or entering the Syrian war
I am not too unhappy about this. For decades Iran and Syria and KSA and the PLO used Lebanon to stir the Lebanese front with Israel. This time It is Iran's and Syria's agent (HA) stirring the Syrian front. THis is a welcome change.
I'm ready to pay for it if they promise never to return. They're going to destroy Syria like they did for Lebanon. Ultimately, they should move to Iran..... I don't even think the good people of Iran will want assassins among themselves.
I hope this report is correct. The only thing that has prevented Israel from destroying hezb is the U.S. If hezb attacks Israel without Israel participation in the syria strike, Israel will have carte blanche to destroy hezb, regarless of from where hezb launches. Do you relly think Israel and the u.s. Wont know where and when hezb is in syria? Any syrian or hezb attack on Israel will mean real war (not the limited skirmish of 2006 but a full scale blitz from Israel's thousand plane airforce and 400,000 man army). Sixty thousand rockets sounds impressive, but hexb wont have the space, time, or manpower concentration, while under full invasion to launch more than a fraction of those missiles, who really only kill one person for every fifteen hundred launched. Go for it hezb. Im sick of you and will be happy to see you destroyed.
Israel has long stated that they will hold Lebanon responsible for any aggression by Hezbollah. HA is part of the Lebanese Government and supported by a portion of the Lebanese people. Whether they strike from Syria or from South Lebanon, Israel will have its excuse to involve us all in this war. And objectively speaking, they will be correct. If an organisation that was a part of the American government launched an attack on Russia or some other state from Georgia(the country), do you think the state being assaulted would/should just ignore the fact that in essence the United States launched an attack regardless of where from? Thankfully, I don't believe that Israel's silent supporters are keen on seeing this happen. Bitamena whatever happens it will stay in Syria.
Why would Hiz attack Israel? Because they are U.S. ally? If they think that is a good enough reason, when Israel is a sovereign nation that has not attacked them first, then Israel has the right to attack them where the shots came from, if not where the attack was planned.