لبنان يصلي من أجل السلام في سوريا ودعوة لـ"إنقاذ" معلولا السورية

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أقيمت السبت صلوات في لبنان من أجل السلام في سوريا تلبية لدعوة البابا فرنسيس الأول التي أطلقها لكل بلدان العالم ولاقت تلبية واسعة.

ففي بازيليك سيدة حريصا أقام البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي صلاة خلال استقبال ذخائر القديس بوسكو وقال أن "الدعوة الى الصلاة من قبل البابا فرنسيس من اجل سوريا اليوم قد عممت على كل العالم، وطلب الانضمام اليها بالطريقة التي يراها كل دين من الدينات الاخرى".

وأشار إلى ان "هذا اليوم دعاء الى الله بواسطة السيدة مريم العذراء من اجل السلام".

داخيا أعلن الراعي أن "الامن في لبنان يتزعزع في ظل تفشي السلاح في الداخل وبروز ظاهرة الامن الذاتي، وبسبب الانقسام تتعثر المؤسسات الدستورية".

أضاف "يجتاح لبنان الصغير بمساحته مليون ونصف المليون من الاخوة السوريين النازحين هربا من النار والقتل مع ما يحمل النزوح من نتائج اقتصادية واجتماعية وامنية".

ودعا الراعي الى "تأليف حكومة قادرة وفاعلة، وان يخطو كل فريق خطوة ايجابية نحو الاخر، واضعاً قيام المؤسسات فوق كل اعتبار".

بدوره وجه راعي أبرشية الفرزل وزحلة والبقاع للروم الملكيين الكاثوليك المطران عصام يوحنا درويش نداء الى العالم قال فيه: "أنقذوا بلدة معلولا، انقذوا التراث والتاريخ والعيش المشترك".

وقال درويش خلال ترؤسه قداسا احتفاليا في كنيسة مقام سيدة زحلة والبقاع بمناسبة عيد مولد السيدة العذراء وتلبية لنداء البابا "أمام الشر لا يوجد الا الصلاة، ليصغي العالم الى صوت الضمير، نصلي اليوم بشكل خاص من اجل سكان بلدة معلولا، هذه البلدة المشرقية العريقة التي حافظت على تقاليد كنيستنا، واعطت الكثير من الرهبان والراهبات".

ورى أنه "تعرضت معلولا البارحة واليوم الى هجوم مسلح ومجزرة بشرية. الأديار والكنائس خربت، 80% من سكان البلدة هجروا، عدد من الشباب سيق مخطوفين، نساء عجز قتلن، كثيرون من اهل كهنتنا ما زالوا بخطر".

وختم "نصلي بحرارة لتتوقف يد الشر ويعود السلام الى سوريا والى الشرق".

من جهته رحب بطريرك انطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذوكس يوحنا العاشر اليازجي من مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي بعد عودته من الأردن بدعوة البابا فرنسيس إلى الصلاة من أجل سوريا، شاكرا الحبر الأعظم على هذا الموقف "لأن هذا مسعى الجميع".

أما بالنسبة لما حدث في بلدة معلولا السورية، فأشار الى انه "أجرى اتصالات مع الدير هناك، حيث أفيد عن حصول إشتباكات محدودة، ولم يحصل أي تعد". وتمنى اليازجي من المجتمع الدولي بأن "يرفض أي تعديات تطال المسيحيين هناك".

وعن توفر معلومات جديدة عن المطرانين يوحنا إبراهيم وبولس اليازجي، قال اليازجي أنه "لا جديد في هذا الموضوع"، كاشفا أنه طلب من الملك الأردني عبدالله الثاني المساعدة في هذا الموضوع "وقد أبدى إستعداده لذلك".

يذكر أنه عممت بطريركية السريان الكاثوليك على كنائسها دعوة المشاركة تزامنا مع الصلاة التي تراسها البابا فرنسيس في ساحة القديس بطرس في روما مساء.

وكان مجلس المطارنة الموارنة دعا الى التجاوب مع دعوة البابا فرنسيس و"تخصيص يوم السبت 7 ايلول (...) للصلاة والصوم والتوبة من أجل السلام في سوريا وبلدان الشرق الأوسط وفي العالم".

اسلاميا، رحب نائب رئيس المجلس الإسلامي الشيعي الأعلى الشيخ عبد الأمير قبلان بدعوة البابا فرنسيس الاول، مشيرا الى ان "الاسلام دعوة دائمة للسلام والوئام، ونحن دعاة سلام نستنكر القتل والارهاب والتدخل الاجنبي في بلادنا".

ودعا البابا الاحد الماضي العالم اجمع، من مسيحيين وغير مسيحيين، الى يوم صوم وصلاة من اجل السلام في سوريا وفي الشرق الاوسط. وكرر العبارة التي قالها البابا بولس السادس في الامم المتحدة في 1964 في خضم حرب فيتنام، "انها صرخة السلام! انها صرخة تقول بقوة نريد عالما يسوده السلام. نريد ان نكون رجال ونساء سلام. (...) لا للحرب ابدا! لا للحرب ابدا!".

التعليقات 20
Thumb kanaanljdid 13:36 ,2013 أيلول 07

Religious leaders all talk about Peace as a theoretical thing. But when one's has to take real steps for Peace, no one does. The Sheikh should state that a Christian man has the right to marry a Muslim woman. The Christians should state the same, even if they are already more open-minded on that subject. Then they should state that Lebanon should seek peace with its neighbors, and consider Syrians as equal human beings. The same applies with Israelis, which should be declared as brothers of the Lebanese as human beings, but also as Hebrews and holders of the Old Scriptures. Of course none of all this will happen, religious leader have nothing spiritual, they are cynical political leaders, without courage and vision like Jesus had.

Thumb benzona 16:05 ,2013 أيلول 07

J'applaudi ton discours. Je partage la même vision. If people don't mix and stop relying and their 'communities' no everlasting peace can be achieved. This applies to the entire world.....

Communautarism is the enemy of peace.

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:32 ,2013 أيلول 07

ykatter 5eyrak 7abibi. Il y a encore des gens sur qui espérer dans ce pays!

Thumb benzona 22:59 ,2013 أيلول 07

The problem Taco Bell is that people from all religions in Lebanon are substituting themselves to God. They think they were given the right to judge others. Look at this couple that got married in a civil way a few months ago. Qabbani or whoever it was said they'd not be allowed to be buried in a Muslim cemetery next to their loved ones. Perhaps the State should start considering opening cemeteries where all sects can be represented.... Just a thought. The State shouldn't listen to the religious leaders but to the will of the people who pay them and elect them.

This is just one example.

Missing hb9z 06:06 ,2013 أيلول 08

fully agree , put the religion at HOME!!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon JonysBarBeirut (ضيف) 16:08 ,2013 أيلول 07

Israelis are not hebrews, they are converts to judaism and have nothing to do with the ancient hebrews nor are they our brothers in any way, they are satans workers helping him in spreading misschief on earth. As for interfaith marriage, its wrong and will only lead to confused children so neither the sheikh nor the priest should encourage it. If someone wants to convert then that is a diffirent thing but having interfaith marriage only causes unecassary problems for the couple and their children. How much fun is it for the won or the daughter to think one of his parents will end up in hell? After all, islam states that christians who do not convert to islam will end up in hell and christianity states that those who dont convert to christianity will end up in hell. Be logical, there is no peace in such a marriage. Religious leaders do more good than you who want your religion to be something its not.

Thumb geha 21:51 ,2013 أيلول 07

this is the true spirit that should prevail if ever peace is to be achieved.
however, religion is being exacerbated s that people can be brainwashed in the name of religion to do the worst things to others.
how wrong is it to think that ones identity is defined by his religion and not by his deeds?

Thumb phoenician 14:51 ,2013 أيلول 07

How about muslims praying for the tortured Christians of Maaloula in syria who still speak our mother tongue in Lebanon Aramaic., we pray you hate.
Partition please.

Thumb lebnanfirst 23:45 ,2013 أيلول 07

It saddens me to say that comments like yours is precisely what we do not need in our beloved Lebanon. Who are you to pass judgement on Lebanese is a traitor and which is a patriot?
The Lebanese want, and deserve, a nation where free speech is the norm without fear of being labeled this or that. You are free to believe as you wish but that freedom stops when you infringe on the freedom of others.
Tolerance is what the Lebanese need, even crave, if Lebanon is to continue as a model of mixed religious existence.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 15:26 ,2013 أيلول 07

Southern: for heavens sake take a breather man, when Patriarch Al-Rahi calls his fold to prayer, that means the LF and the Kataeb, why didn't you mention Aoun. Even when their is a call for peace you seem to find doors to criticise and attack. Remember when you pray, pray for peace, don't pray for Assad and HA to be victories.

Thumb phoenician 16:57 ,2013 أيلول 07

@ exlebanese
Surah tubah verse 51 you lying prick
Partirion please.

Default-user-icon Mario Gregory (ضيف) 19:03 ,2013 أيلول 07

Well when all is said and done(Thx,will again be given to US/AEF)as Assad Would Clean The Streets Of Your Persons every year and Terrorize All Beruit For the past 30years while using PalistineCivilans for Slave Labor for over 30years(Thx Israel,Your Still not Getting Your Narco Subs Back or Ariel T.Transports or Palestine.) it's about time ALL Show Their True Selfs,Lord Knows we Will And Have (IE:Libya/Win,Iran/Winning,Afghanistan/Win,S.America/Winning,Africa/Win,S. and N.Korea/Winning,USSR/Win.China/Winning.)Your Welcome Now I Get Ti Meet My Kids For The Dirst Time In 21 years,Due To F-Ups/NarcoDealers/Kiddnapers/Dictators/And AssHole 'Powers That Wanted To Be',Your Welcome USA AEF 596 A1 Fd/06 PS:Im under 22k/KIA'Allied' 1986-2014 w/all the Nuke and Chem Babblers threats over My 20+year Job Being A Good-Guy,Thx Mesa Mike(Allied US Coast Gaurd/S.America 1990's.) 'No More DOMS' you F'en dressed up girlies!!! Love Christo and Karow.

Thumb Maxx 20:07 ,2013 أيلول 07

Though without doubt I am all for peace in Syria and everything, but! I think this is utterly perverse! Where were all these faithful to pray and urge Baschar to quit massacring his people? Only now that the U.S. threatens to intervene do they pray? Seems like America is the Church's biggest friend, since so many "faithful" are attending now.

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:36 ,2013 أيلول 07

Here we go: religion mixed with identity and politics is the eviliest poison man have. I am muslim, believer and quite religious. But I say that sheikh or clerics should not have a single word about the destiny of a country. And there should be civil marriage and people should stop to refer as their sect or "religion": most of the purported "christians" and "muslims" in Lebanon are just christians or muslims by name, but just hypocrites in their behaviour which has nothing pious.

Missing samiam 22:37 ,2013 أيلول 07

It's been going on for 30 months--the family that could have brought peace bombs people in bread lines and gasses its own people. Maybe these prayers should have come 29 months ago.

I wish for peace for the syrian people, but not with the baath party and the ASSad's in charge. Since 1973, that family has meddled in lebanon killing thousands and making thousands of others 'disappear'. I wish to see them in the Hague facing charges.

Missing hb9z 22:44 ,2013 أيلول 07

Isn't that weird that precisely when the strikes are going to happen , we have prayers for peace......I mean the massacres of innocent people has been going on for 2 years and here and there rahi speaks a little but this TIME he pulled out the canon I should say...soon he will excommunicate Obama if he could.... weird.....

Thumb bustany 05:34 ,2013 أيلول 08

Iraq under Baath had a flourishing Christian community. USA came, the only loser was the Christians. Egypt had a flourishing Christian community, the 2011 revolution came, the Christian were the ones who lost the most. Syrian Christian flourished for 50 years under Baath, rebel came, Syria lost its Christian. Can you put dots together here? Funny the USA is the one supported the Muslim brotherhood Egypt and Syria rebels

Missing hb9z 06:03 ,2013 أيلول 08

are you an idiot or just speaking like one? do you really think that the USA goes to war just to defeat christians? or that they calculate that the war will end up with christian loss? Why don't you argue that most of iraq and syria and lebanon were christians BEFORE the PROPHET came in 600 BC and after the fatah ? Does that NOT bother you? all right man I am a christian and lived all that fucked up war in lebanon and the only reason there are christians there is because of the eastern area militias...and so if the christians in other countries are threatened , the only way to defend themselves to get armed , trained and organized...do u know in 1972-3 president frangie foresaw what was gonna happen in lebanon and asked pierre gemayel and the kataebs to arm themselves....

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 10:43 ,2013 أيلول 10

"If Frangieh foresaw what was going to happen in Lebanon" “I like that”!!! If he knew then why he allowed the Palestinian to carry weapons in country that had it is sovereignty. If Lebanese government did not arm the Palestinian in Lebanon, we would not have a war against the Palestinians. Unfortunately, every politician then has committed treason by allowing another entity to carry weapons that exceeded the power of the Lebanese Army!!! Lebanese government failed to protect its own people and that called treason. However, who cares anyway in a country that no one cares about anything!!! And continuously people would pay the price until a rogue state is over!!!
History has witnessed that!!!

Thumb eagle_eye 02:32 ,2013 أيلول 11

It doesn't matter what group or individual it is - political or religious - its a good thing to speak, gather, pray for peace. If there's no counterbalance to those proclaiming war - then how will it be stopped? "Evil exists only because good people allow it" - those of us wanting peace and joyful living need to speak up no matter who you are. A new religion needs to be created called PFH Doctrine (Peace Freedom Happiness)