بري: لن نسمح بترجمة الإنفعال في المجلس إلى توتر في الشارع

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رأى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري خلال الجلسة الرابعة لمناقشة البيان الوزاري مساء الأربعاء أن "ما نسمعه يؤكد أن هذه البلد بحاجة إلى مصالحة حقيقية وأنتم (النواب) مسؤولون عن هذه المصالحة أمام الناس".

وكشف أن "هناك مراهنات أن يترجم الإنفعال في المجلس إلى توتر في الشارع وهذا ما لن نسمح به".

وحاول بري طوال الجلسة تهدئة الأمور فقال لوزير الصحة علي حسن خليل وهو مستشاره السياسي:" إما أن تسكت أو أخرجك من الجلسة" لأن الأخير قاطع عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب تهاد المشنوق عدة مرات.

كذلك توجه إلى نواب كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" و "التنمية والتحرير" بالقول بصوت عال ٍ: "من يدير الجلسة أنتم أم أنا".

وتستمر جلسات مناقشة البيان الوزاري حتى مساء غد الخميس، ويتوقع ان تنال الحكومة الثقة.

التعليقات 8
Missing jabbour 22:39 ,2011 تموز 06

Addressing the members of his Development and Liberation bloc and Hizbullah’s Loyalty to Resistance bloc, Berri shouted: “I’m the one running this session, not you!

we all know who is running the show...

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 22:53 ,2011 تموز 06

forming this kind of gvmt is already spilling.
what u heard ya nabayh in the parliamentary show, is 10 pct of the street,don't be so confident about the "calm" street,the storm is coming, and u ,hassan and ur khizmatci general are the dark clouds.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 23:07 ,2011 تموز 06

What is the meaning of a vote of confidence in a cabinet and its policy statement if the statement, as submitted to Parliament has already been violated by a principle coalition partner, Hezbollah? Will Hezbollah drop its position with regard to the STL if Parliament votes to support the STL "in principle"?
"In principle"? What does that mean exactly? That the Mikati Cabinent supports the idea of pursuing justice with regard to political assassinations in Lebanon? Does it mean pursuing truth?
If Hezbollah defines justice and defines truth and under Hezbollah definitions, the STL has neither, then Mikati is turning his back on the STL while saying that he supports it. The veil is very thin and transparant and Nasrallah has already showed his butt, so there is no mystery and no need for the veil of cover any more.
Mikati is a cover of legitmacy for the illegitimacy of Hezbollah those who vote for the Mikati government are voting for the illigitimacy that created it.

Default-user-icon Iben el Nimer (ضيف) 23:29 ,2011 تموز 06

Mr Berri

They control the governemnt not you GET USED TO IT also Iran wants to save the Kadhafi regime what do you say to that? Lebanon first is where you should be...

Default-user-icon Hassan (ضيف) 23:55 ,2011 تموز 06

Deputies should stop arguing like dyouk, and get to work. All the talk about STL is useless bla bla bla. The STL will carry its course and the criminals will be judged in absentia, whatever anybody says. Hezbollah will not rest their weapons until the regional situation changes, whatever anybody says, and Hariri will keep on trying to buy people off, whatever anybody says. Why put all this energy on sterile discussions. We have a million other issues other than the STL. dachro the STL and focus on the important. For one thing, We are loosing 300 people a day on our highways, shouldnt we do something about it for example instead of useless bickering?

Thumb joesikemrex 03:03 ,2011 تموز 07

Go fetch a bone you traitor

Thumb leblover 10:14 ,2011 تموز 07

Mr president knows very clear that the only people can make troubles and closes the roads and the airport are his people not others, so he must say that to his population.

Missing 7osrom 10:51 ,2011 تموز 07

There are unconfirmed rumors that the political bureau and secretary general of Hizballa have decided to commit HARAKIRI ( self disembowelment ) for the sake of keeping the security & stability of their dear country Lebanon as the ultimate sacrifice from devout citizens....