الموسوي دعا لمحاكمة المحكمة: وسام الحسن سلم التسريبات لوسيلة إعلامية وهذا اخبار

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أعلن النائب نواف الموسوي ان لديه بعض النقاط بمسائل طرحت اليوم "وقد أعددت ما كنت سأقول سلفا، ولكن بعد ان تكلم رئيس الكتلة عبر عن موقفنا بشكل كامل، ولكن لا نستطيع إلا أن نتكلم عن بعض النقاط لأن الذاكرة تخون كثيرا فكيف إذا كانت انتقائية؟

وقال:" نحن في حزب الله تعاونا مع التحقيق الدولي ومع السيد بلمار، ولمن لا يعرف، فإن لجنة التحقيق زارت مكاتبنا التي طلبت وبيوتنا التي سمت، وأكثر من ذلك، في الضاحية الجنوبية مكتبا خاصا بالتحقيق الدولي وأقولها الآن ومن شاء أن يزور هذا المكتب ابتداء من يوم غد أنا حاضر لأذهب معه الى هذا المكتب.

اضاف: "فتحنا مكاتبنا، ولم نكتف بذلك. ثمة الكثير من الأسماء التي طلبها التحقيق الدولي ذهبت الى المونتي فردي ومنهم من كان في عقدهم الثامن أو التاسع نسوة ورجال. قمنا بمسؤولياتنا الوطنية كاملة لأننا كنا حريصين على كل السبل التي تبدد أي شك لدى أي شريك لنا في الوطن بهذه الجريمة النكراء التي لا نقبل ان تنسب الى من صنع مجد التحرير في لبنان حتى بعد 3000 عام.

وتوجه النائب الموسوي الى النائب مروان حمادة بالقول: قبل أن تحلم بمحكمة من أجل فلسطين. لنطلب طلبا قريب المنال ان تعيد المحكمة صدقيتها لمحاكمة الشهود الذين ضللوا التحقيق على مدى 4 سنوات.

وقال: "هناك خبراء تستعين بهم المحكمة، لهم سوابق فإما هم ضباط إسرائيليين وفي الموساد، أو في أجهزة الإستخبارات الأميركية والفرنسية.

ورأى ان الجهاز الأمني الذي وزع الصور والسير الذاتية للمتهمين قبل إعلان القرار هو معروف وأقول ان من قام بتسليم هذه التسريبات الى وسيلة إعلامية لوحدها، هو العقيد وسام الحسن وهذا إخبار.

التعليقات 14
Thumb thepatriot 15:41 ,2011 تموز 07

Surrender your accomplices and stop busting our ba...

Missing allouchi 17:15 ,2011 تموز 07

Where is the proof??? it is very easy to accuse someone verbally...Moussawi is a big MF idiot just like the rest of these Hizb al NAWAR and its allies.

Default-user-icon STL (ضيف) 17:23 ,2011 تموز 07

Goodbye bigdig see you in jail with your friends, à tout à l'heure.

Default-user-icon Truthwar (ضيف) 17:56 ,2011 تموز 07

I wonder how did groundhog hassan explain to mowaten and the other sheep the drone footage evidence that he claimed was of the Israelis shadowing hariri's movements and the sudden appearance of structures not in existence before harir's murder, umm?. OK I'll give it to you it's probably the very hush hush extremely advanced Star Trek Israeli technology of the time traveling drones, yeah that's prolly it, prolly.

Missing allouchi 18:15 ,2011 تموز 07

ya mowaten, you talk just like a seasoned politician; you said something but you still haven't told me where is the proof? do you have url, a picture, a document, a video tape a voice tape etc...???? again where is the proof??? just because aoun or hizb say something...that's not proof.

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 18:38 ,2011 تموز 07

allouchi , its because of people like you that this country's is so blinded,

for the love of your country and the respect of your fellow citizen's and the insult of an intelligence of a paragraph you just wrote to those quite "aware ones" wanting to ask that question why and what and who and how?

if you consider an "accusation" as proof? if you consider countless false witnesses and bribed corrupt investigations as proof? if you consider a communications network "lead" which has lead nowhere and is infllitrated by the mossad as has been proven countless times as proof? and above all if you can show me one and i say again! one evidence pointing towards a "car bomb" or a roadside bomb" as proof?? and not having considered any any possibility of mossad involvement whom have been practicing similar assasinations on palestinians for years as proof? then i don't know what your proof really is? please show me and convince me as a citizen i have the right to demand it!

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 19:27 ,2011 تموز 07

Mowaten, don't bother with these fools, blinded and refuse to see indeed!

for them the case isn't about STL or justice anyway , they have one goal and one goal only and they will sleep wtih the devil to get it and that is , elimnate the oppsosition "Hizb /Syria/Iran/christians... at all costs and by all means possible who cares who did it as long as this "weapon" "Stl" is used again'st my fellow citizens, they'll burn every house to the ground and sell their souls if they have any to get there, besides how could they fail they have the backing of the just and righteous international tribunal at their back.

Default-user-icon True Lebanese (ضيف) 19:46 ,2011 تموز 07

Ya mouwaten,
The STL does not have to answer these stupid allegations now. The court proceedings do not happen on TV. The STL is not the accused in order to answer you.
All the allegations that you have enumerated will certainly be elucidated once the court proceedings will start.
Until then you have to be patient and wait.
In which court in the world did you hear a court defending itself about its behavior.
Why are you so naive?
The Court has procedures for lawyers of defendants to make their case. They can bring all those matters in front of the court and they will get the answer.
Only at this point we will be able to make a learned judgement.
Don't worry, Justice will be served. Nothing can stop it any more.
No more bullshit.

Default-user-icon Truthwar (ضيف) 19:58 ,2011 تموز 07

Yes mowaten and the Israelis are obviously as dumb as you and hassan are, monitoring hariri's movements after he was murdered and zionist jamil sayyed had cleaned up the scene of the murder of any evidence.

Funny you bring up Siddik the only so called "false witness" not under the protection of the Syrian regime.

I have proof given to me by Nasrallah himself. it's a small Mikatri melon sized ball and when you put it on the floor it does not roll away PROOF THAT THE EARTH IS NOT ROUND!!! HAHA up yours scientists and scientiseuses!

Missing allouchi 20:26 ,2011 تموز 07

Ya anonym and mouwaten, just because you bark loudly doesn’t mean you are in the right…keep lying and you start believing your own lies…how pathetic you really are, because people like you we are moving back to the stone ages ... I really feel sorry for you and yours...Most of us true Lebanese love our country, freedom and democracy and must defend these precious values from people like you, aoun, hizballah, iran, assad and the rest of the NAWAR…brain washed and loyalties in question….sooner or later we will win and establish a true democracy and strong Lebanon but we will protect the ignorant like you because unfortunately being an IDIOT and an Ignorant is not a crime yet LOL

Missing peace 21:16 ,2011 تموز 07

it is really funny that some here keep saying they have proofs as if they know every pieces of evidence that is in the accusation files of the STL! did these persons have the opportunity of reading the accusations proofs? they are better than anyone then!

it is not because there were some leaks through the press that it means it is politicized! then given this logic ALL the trials in the world are politicized! just have a look at the DSK trial in NY and all the leaks in the press!! noone said the tribunal was politicized because of that...

finally don t you remember your friend AOUN SAID IT WAS THE SYRIANS...he must be an agent of the mossad then according to your logic...

very funny indeed that pretention of M8 to know everything and so sure that they have the truth on their side...

if you were so intelligent you would argue AFTER seeing all the evidence that the STL will disclose not before. Only then you could judge or not...

before it means that YOU are politicizing the STL.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 21:25 ,2011 تموز 07

Wissam el hassan will soon be in jail like all his masters .

Thumb shab 23:55 ,2011 تموز 07

Iranian Parliament? get a tie and a shave punk

Thumb shab 00:01 ,2011 تموز 08

Is it a coincidence but are all member of the Shiite mafia militia have the typical inbreed appearance. unkempt and shabby looking with some kind of facial skin diseases or discoloring?