الجميل يرى أن الحكومة الجديدة نالت ثقة 56 نائبا من البرلمان

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رأى رئيس حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" الرئيس امين الجميل في اول تعليق على نيل حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي الثقة ب 68 صوتا، انه "في الواقع، حصلت حكومة الرئيس ميقاتي على 56 صوتا.

وأوضح الجميل أن "الكلام الذي قاله النائب محمد رعد خلال مناقشته البيان الوزاري يتناقض جذريا مع البند الرابع عشر للبيان الوزاري الذي ينص على إحترام المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان، بينما كلام النائب رعد يتنكر بشكل قاطع لهذه المحكمة ويعتبرها غير موجودة".

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 19:55 ,2011 تموز 07

Sheikh Amin is correct. Hezbollah is not in accord with the Policy Statement's provisions with regard to the STL. Their vote for the Cabinet and its policy statement, in light of the position of Nasrallah and all of the Hezbollah Deputies, especially Mr. Raad's, is dishonest.

Where does Hezbollah stand now with the STL? Do they stand with Nasrallah or with the Policy Statement under which their government was formed.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 21:01 ,2011 تموز 07

Cheikh Amine , Go and learn how to count , and also , learn democracy and respect .
You are not entitled to speak officially , let your son Samy speak , at least an elected MP and will never say stupid things like you do .

Default-user-icon Ali Hajj Hussein (ضيف) 00:00 ,2011 تموز 08

God bless the Islamic republic of Iran for resuming it's financing of Hezballah's "Shiite trying to pass for a Christian" program and our Shiite bother Le Finicien.

I wholeheartedly agree with you Shiite brother Le Finicien, Cheikh Amine is not entitled to speak officially as opposed to Sayyed Hassan officially appointed by the magnificent his beatitude Grand Ayatollah Khamenei as his special official spokesman in the Levant, well said my Shiite brother Le Finicien well said.

Also as the magnificent Mohammed Obaid of Hezballah said Bashir Gemayel deserved to be murdered he was an Israeli agent, not any replies from you my Shiite brother Le Finicien and the magnificent GMA of anyone in his party of his media because it's true.

Default-user-icon melkadri (ضيف) 00:10 ,2011 تموز 08

Yet you seem so quick to listen to Nasralah ya Phenicien... :) At least Gemayel was once president and has been elected before...Nasrallahholds none of those benefits

Default-user-icon Portocal (ضيف) 00:11 ,2011 تموز 08

By to the same logic of cheikh Amin 3ala al fashal al da2em, the 5-member Phalange party now counts only 2, Amin and Samy.

Default-user-icon Fadi (ضيف) 07:30 ,2011 تموز 08

There only down to 2 because hezbollah murdered the others, all the political murders hezhollah was behind them 100%.

Also there is one thing I believe strongly is that the murder of Pierre Gemayel was murdered and I reckon Fadi Abboud (minister of tourism) had a hand as at that stage he was with him day and night and he was the one that knew all his movements, and then after 2 years Aoun puts him as a minister, something to think about............ Fadi Abboud is a phony............

Thumb bashir 11:50 ,2011 تموز 08

Miqati’s Govt. Actually Got 1 Vote, Nasrallah's.

That was all they needed.

Enjoy your decent into Hezbollah dominated hell Lebanon.

Enjoy your upcoming pounding by Israel

Thumb leblover 16:21 ,2011 تموز 08

Le Phenicien
يا اخي ملينا من تعليقاتك و مسخرتك
كلامك دليل حقد و خرفة و لا ادري ماذا اقول بعد
كانه البلد بطل فيه ناس بتفهم الا اساتذتك

Default-user-icon Avigdor Liebertando (ضيف) 04:54 ,2011 تموز 09

Who's counting? The important thing is whose butt was kicked good to the point where a few were kicked out of this continent with more to follow. Always miscalculating, always repeating the same mistakes, always wrong.