رعد: حزب الله أول المرحبين بتولي الاجهزة الامنية مهامها في الضاحية ونحن على استعداد للتعاون

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شدد رئس كتلة الوفاء للمقومة محمد رعد ان حزب الله هو اول المرحبين بتولي الأجهزة الامنية مهامها في الضاحية الجنوبية لحفظ امن المواطنين واستقرارهم، معتبرا من جهة اخرى أن "الحكومة لن تتشكل الا على قياس وأحجام القوى السياسية التي تمثل الشعب اللبناني".

وأوضح رعد خلال حفل تأبيني اليوم الأحد، ان "بعد حصول التفجير في الرويس، كانت أجهزة الدولة عاجزة حينها عن القيام بدورها لتوفر الأمن والاستقرار لأهلنا في الضاحية، لذا قمنا ببعض الإجراءات التي كانت بمثابة إسعافات أولية ريثما تأتي الدولة لتقوم بواجباتها".

وقال: "لقد علت أصوات المحرضين والمصطادين بالماء العكر والمتواطئين، لأن هؤلاء هم الذين يريدون شرا بالمقاومة واهلها، وهم الذين يشكلون بيئة حاضنة للتكفيريين الإرهابيين الذين أرسلوا السيارة المفخخة".

ولفت رعد الى أن "إن الأجهزة الرسمية أبلغتنا بأنها أصبحت جاهزة لتولي مهام الأمن وحفظ الإستقرار في الضاحية"، مؤكدا "نحن أول المرحبين بذلك وبالخطة الامنية التي نأمل ان تؤدي غايتها".

وعليه، شدد على ان "حزب الله مستعدا كل الاستعداد للتعاون من اجل حفظ اهلنا وسلامتهم واستقرارهم".

ولقد اعلن وزير الداخلية مروان شربل لوكالة "فرانس برس"، ان قوة امنية مشتركة من الجيش وقوى الامن الداخلي تبدأ عملية انتشار غدا الاثنين في الضاحية حيث ستقيم حواجز لتفتيش المارة والسيارات.

وستتولى هذه القوة مسؤوليتها بدلا من الحواجز التي اقامها حزب الله خلال الاسابيع الماضية على اثر تفجير الرويس. وهو ما لاقى انتقادات حادة.

وحول الحكومة، أكد رعد ان "الذين يراهنون على نتائج ما في سوريا، ستخيب كل رهاناتهم"، معتبرا ان " شعب سوريا سينتصر بقيادته التي تصدت للتكفيريين والارهابيين وللمتواطئين الذين فتحوا ابواب سوريا امام التدخلات العسكرية الاجنبية فقطعت الطريق أمامها".

واكد أن الحكومة في لبنان "لن تتشكل الا على قياس واحجام القوى السياسية التي تمثل الشعب اللبناني بأحجامها في المجلس النيابي المنتخب".

وسأل "ألا تريدون الديموقراطية التي تقتضي ان تتمثل الناس بأحجامها في الحكومة؟ ألا تريدون تطبيق الدستور الذي ينص في مادته الـ95 ينص على وجوب تمثيل الطوائف بصورة عادلة في الحكومة التي تتشكل، والتمثيل العادل هو الذي يترجم حجم الكتل الموجودة في المجلس النيابي"؟

وأشار الى انه "من حق قوانا الممانعة في لبنان ان يكون لها نصيب 45% في الحكومة اللبنانية"، مضيفا: "يجب ان نتمثل بهذا الحجم، واذا كان هناك كسر في النسبة فنحن لا نريده، ولا نطالب بعشرة بل تسعة من اصل 24".

وتابع: "ليس لأحد ان يمن علينا بأنه قبل ان نتمثل، لأن هذا ليس من شأنهم أصلا، بل من واجبهم ان نتمثل نحن، ومن مصلحتهم ان نتمثل في الحكومة".

وإذ قال: "هؤلاء لا يستطيعون أن يأخذوا البلد الى حيث يشاؤون"، ذكر رعد أن "هذا البلد منذ الطائف على الأقل لا يمكن ان يحكم إلا بالتوافق"، متهما الفريق الآخر انه "لا يؤمن الا بمصالحه.

واكد تن حزب الله يرى ان مصالحه يحفظها الدستور والميثاق.

التعليقات 46
Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:59 ,2013 أيلول 22

I guess those teenagers they were forced to use domestically because they are fighting syria's war for them weren't able to keep dahie safe. Oh and here's a silly thought, how about you bring our Lebanese sons home so they don't die in vein because of your brainwashing you low life scumbag!

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:49 ,2013 أيلول 22

lol @ the hypocrisy

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 06:33 ,2013 أيلول 23

Show me hypocrisy genius. Just because you claim it doesn't make it so. Do you even know the meaning of it?

Thumb _mowaten_ 08:48 ,2013 أيلول 23

"how about you bring our Lebanese sons home so they don't die in vein(sic)"
like you care about HA fighters. stop being a hypocrite, we know you have wet dreams about them dying.

Missing peace 18:11 ,2013 أيلول 22

it is just a hezbi comedy show! they failed to prevent the bombing so they are asking the state to come so that next time they ll throw the blame on the state . then their followers will not throw the blame on hezbis who fail to secure their area! Politically it is bad for them to show the gap between their barking in meetings that dahiye is the safest place thanks to their militia and the fact that they cannot prevent bombings... so now they will blame the state and continue their propaganda ...
for years they prevented police and army to enter and now they are desperate to see them? LOL

Missing peace 20:39 ,2013 أيلول 22

LOL mowaten they resort to the state to acknowledge their FAILURE... and as i said a real comedy!
they DO NOT respect the lebanese state only when it suits them...

ignorant fool you are....

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:10 ,2013 أيلول 22

the_roar: what? I didnt understand

Thumb Bandoul 15:49 ,2013 أيلول 23

@peace, Bravo!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18:14 ,2013 أيلول 22

Is there any doubter left out there that the Islamic Secular Resistance supports the state and its institutions.. I think Raad's words fell like "thunder" echoing the sentiment of most of us Lebanese. Yes, we want to be represented by our weight in kilograms in the cabinet. Yes, we want to implement the constitution which clearly states the aforementioned. Article 95 of the constitution clearly states, and I quote" Sects will be represented in a fair way in any government according to the weight measured in kgs of their elected MPs in Parliament. Fair representation is further explained under article 69 which states" Shia representation in any cabinet shall be limited and exclusive to members of Amal and the Islamic Secular resistance. Any other representation of the Shia sect outside those 2 entities shall be considered unconstitutional and void". The article goes on to say" Sayyed Hassan has the right to name the Sunni prime minister and submit to the president for approval".

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18:44 ,2013 أيلول 22

The article further explains in detail the approval process " In the event the president fails to approve Sayyed Hassan's nominee or delays the approval process, a contingent of "Black T-Shirts" shall be deployed throughout the lebanese territories to facilitate the democratic due process and convince the President"

Thumb primesuspect 03:25 ,2013 أيلول 23

RFT 4 Presidente!

Missing peace 18:15 ,2013 أيلول 22

"Don't you want to implement the constitution, whose Article 95 stipulates that sects must be represented in a fair way in government?” Raad went on to say.""

and you don't you want to implement the constitution which stipultes in the same article that sectariansim should be abolished? = "The first Chamber of Deputies which is elected on the basis of equality between Muslims and Christians shall take the appropriate measures to realize the abolition of political confessionalism according to a transitional plan."
where are your measures to abolish confessionalism? are you asking to implement the whole article 95? HYPOCRITS....

Missing peace 18:17 ,2013 أيلول 22

strill in article 95 :"One- The confessional groups shall be represented in a just and equitable fashion in the formation of the Cabinet.
Two- The principle of confessional representation in public service jobs, in the judiciary, in the military and security institutions, and in public and mixed agencies shall be cancelled in accordance with the requirements of national reconciliation; they shall be replaced by the principle of expertise and competence. However, Grade One posts and their equivalents shall be excepted from this rule, and the posts shall be distributed equally between Christians and Muslims without reserving any particular job for any confessional group but rather applying the principles of expertise and competence. "

are you asking for it? NO.... so your speech is just hypocrisy and populism at its best....

Missing peace 19:33 ,2013 أيلول 22

great thumbs down for citing the constitution, i bet it is a hezbi lover who has no respect for it....

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:44 ,2013 أيلول 22

Hezbollah, Amal and FPM are the only ones who ask for secularism you bum! It's your farateen who were hell bent against it. Next time get a reality check before opening your mouth, save yourself some ridicule.

Missing peace 20:41 ,2013 أيلول 22

poor mowaten... stop your lies ok? NOBODY wants the end of confessionalism too bad for their religious business hezbis the first ones...
blind fool you are...

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:50 ,2013 أيلول 22

you are really bums arent you? you keep commenting here but you lack any kind of basic knowledge
"Lebanon Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri withdrew his electoral law proposal during the electoral sub-committee’s meeting on Thursday after it was rejected by the Future Movement, National News Agency reported."

"Future bloc representative at the meeting MP Ahmad Fatfat rejected Berri’s proposal, while OTV said that Free Patriotic Movement and Hezbollah MPs approved it."

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:54 ,2013 أيلول 22

sorry that was the wrong link, here it is:

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:58 ,2013 أيلول 22

and another

Missing peace 21:02 ,2013 أيلول 22

"And everybody — from Samir Geagea to Michel Aoun to Saad al-Hariri — has thrown a huge hissy fit.

Let’s pause for a moment and appreciate the irony of this situation. Abolishing political sectarianism — which is ostensibly a core component of Free Patriotic Movement and March 14 values — has now become the issue over which the likes of Aoun, Geagea, and Hariri find common ground to rail against."

forgot to mention this passage? not only future but your friend aoun did not want to...

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:09 ,2013 أيلول 22

Aoun did not Berri initiated it and Hezbollah supported it, while M14 completely burned it down, so when you were hissing at Raad for allegedly not taking the "appropriate measures to realize the abolition of political confessionalism" you were completely off. as usual.

Besides that, i think kifanabki throwing Aoun in was not really accurate, i dont remember hearing him ever say anything against secularism, to the contrary:
"Our answer to this is to adopt secularism as the foundation of the Lebanese state and throw away the religious basis of government. Religion belongs in the church and the mosque and the home. It does not belong in the public arena."

Missing eternalpeace 18:27 ,2013 أيلول 22

they are short on men, and now they want to use the ISF and the army to secure the previously forbidden areas because they are short-handed and want to use their men for the war in syria

Thumb Bandoul 16:00 ,2013 أيلول 23

No, they want to blame the next incident on the ISF so they can point the finger and say "See, I told you the government is incapable then turn the anger of the people for lack of security from being towards HA to being towards the government. That's how they manipulate and brainwash people. Two birds, one stone.

Thumb beiruti 18:39 ,2013 أيلول 22

@eternalpeace, you have hit it on the head. Hezbollah is shorthanded due to its Syria War commitment! and so it is seeking foreign aid from the Lebanese Government. The cabinet is formed up based on the recommendation of the PM and President, approved by pArliament. There is nothing that says or requires that the Council of ministers should meet some quota requirement based on relative party strength in parliament.
I wish Raad would cite the Lebanese constitution more often! like how the military authority of the state is with the defense minister! the council of ministers and the President, there is no role for Iranian clerical agents, and nezbollah's not there either

Thumb general_puppet 19:05 ,2013 أيلول 22

“the country can only be ruled through consensus.”... the country can only be ruled by the people thru a government they elect. The Iranian militia now wants the security forces to protect its strong hold, that is good... in return stop fighting for Assad, turn in your armament to the authorities and start obeying Lebanese laws.

Thumb general_puppet 19:22 ,2013 أيلول 22

Mr the_roar, without a doubt you are the most pompous blowhard on this site... your Iranian friend must be speaking about the Axis consensus, that is the only one they care about. As far as re-lealecting themselves they all did it including your idol the lunatic Aoun.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:11 ,2013 أيلول 22

interesting... HA allowing the state in their regions... Would that been allowable in 2010?
i wonder what is happening behind the scenes.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:32 ,2013 أيلول 22

interesting question roar. Why are we against HA in spite of all the restraint they perceive they are exercising.

The answer is that it is very unsettling to have a conversation or a negotiation with an armed interlocutor. We have to do their way and comply with their agenda. Else we get beaten, or threatened, or best case, they "show patience" like if we were kids and they are the power brokers.

This is why I treat HA as if they were another race.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:23 ,2013 أيلول 23

Roar. Christians are protected by Aoun's agreement with HA. HA will not risk the legitimcy that GMA gave him.
But I am not talking as a christian. I am talking as a lebanese. Lebanese were threatened and beaten up by HA in 2007. Chiites (salman, a lebanese, was killed for an anti-iran protest). And since then, LEBANESE dont dare do anything that would displease HA for fear of reprisals.

Default-user-icon guestapo (ضيف) 19:14 ,2013 أيلول 22

lol at the fools who think it's because of shortening in manpower

lak ya zalama ay badkon? Bi 2oula eh la2 msh zabta hek hekm el zet, w ba3den bt2oulo la2 msh zabta hek hekm el dawleh yaaa masatil loool

m14 is blind to everything, blind they're all slaves to backwards al saud, and blind of goodwill

that's I suppose the saudi way, blind and backward. M14 have learned well lol

Missing peace 19:32 ,2013 أيلول 22

the roar... you seem to live on another planet... FOR YEARS hezbis didn't want any army or police in dahiye, if you ve been there more often you would see that hezbis do their own police... if the police comes WITHOUT the consent of this militia they have trouble and have to go back from where they came...
so please spare us your ignorance of facts!

Thumb lebanon_first 20:36 ,2013 أيلول 22

roar. Peace is right. Dahieh was a "red line" to the security institutions. You are not living in lebanon, or driving through dahieh, so you wouldnt know.

Missing peace 20:45 ,2013 أيلول 22

sure he wouldn't know... never seen hezbi agents posted at each crossings, never seen hezbis agents sitting around watching people, never seen hezbi agents arrest someone by making a fishtail to check his IDs (no more than two days ago in front of my eyes... LOL!!) , never seen hezbis agents asking questions to each household on who is living in the house and their names...
so the state to protect dahiye,LOL it all proves it is a comedy show by hezbis to justify any further action thet ll take by throwing the blame on the gvt.... wait and see!

the roar knows nothing but only pretends to... all he knows is by watching elmanar or otv! LMAO!!!

Missing peace 19:36 ,2013 أيلول 22

you d better not laugh the roar for your M8 friends kept on saying that nothing was going on in syria and it was a little unrest that assad would crush by the next tuesday...
so the camp you are supporting are no better in predictions! LMAO....

Missing peace 20:47 ,2013 أيلول 22

"Yes they got that wrong indeed, but hey no one is perfect. "

so why mock others doing the same as your friends? hatred maybe? propaganda? stupidity? LOL!

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:43 ,2013 أيلول 22

Aoun made 1 prediction, it turned out wrong. How many times did you guys predict his days were counted? and insisted over months, then started saying his months were counted, and then his years are counted. now you're counting by the decades... Phew! at this rate he's going to live to be a thousand years old!

Missing peace 23:30 ,2013 أيلول 22

1 prediction? wahahaha! how dishonest you can be... elmanar was talking about unrest, that only a few cities were concerned, it wasn't a revolution... aoun kept repeating that nothing was going on... 1 prediction! you sure make me laugh... LOL better get your propaganda straight! LMAO

Thumb lyom 20:06 ,2013 أيلول 22

Great! Now, beyond praising, make your weapons and punks disappear. Then, hand over the South to the army (positions, law and order, and weapons). Finally, get rid of your yellow flags.
Actions like these would put you back on the Lebanese map.

Missing peace 20:48 ,2013 أيلول 22

would they welcome the state if the state decides that ALL weapons must go to the army? LOL they would rather start a civil war! so hezbis are just HYPOCRITS when they pretend to obey the state! LOLLLLLLLLLLL!

Thumb benzona 22:40 ,2013 أيلول 22

this is absolutely fishy. there is treason in the air. I wonder what they're trying to cover up, there is more to this story than meets the eye. We will find out soon enough because, after all, the trutH will surface.

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:47 ,2013 أيلول 22

lol, and this ladies and gentlemen, is beautiful example of cognitive dissonance-induced paranoia! when reality clashes with one's beliefs and yet that person is not able to give up his beliefs, he makes up for it in different ways. here, it's by imagining there is some "hidden truth" that would comfort his otherwise confused certainties.

Thumb primesuspect 03:24 ,2013 أيلول 23

Do u beleive in love after love?

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 01:44 ,2013 أيلول 23

A cat toying with a mouse, HA will do what pleases HA. they are in full control of the country.
- They will deploy the Mahdi army where they please.
- They will deploy the Lebanese army where and when they please.
- They will form a cabinate how and when they please.
- Arrest, kidnap and kill who they please.
There is nothing you can do about it. what is disturbing is the fact that after all the hipocracy of HA's actions in and outside Lebanon, you still have people supporting Aoun, not that they can't see the hipocracy, but they have to support their God Aoun.

Thumb shab 01:57 ,2013 أيلول 23

filthy militia

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 09:03 ,2013 أيلول 23

It's as though Bashar welcoming the decision of the syrian state to hand over the chemical weapons ! Funny.

Thumb Bandoul 16:08 ,2013 أيلول 23

Gharib ya 3ammeh, there are so many political science PHD's on this site. So much talent being wasted on this little witty bitty website.