جعجع: حزب الله متمسك "بمصادرة قرار الدولة الاستراتيجي"
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، أن "حزب الله" ليس جاهزا لاي نقاش جاد حول الدولة، عازياً السبب الى "ارتباطاته الاستراتيجية بمصادرة القرار الاستراتيجي للدولة اللبنانية وتنظيماته العسكرية والامنية".
وفي حديث الى مجلة "روز اليوسف" المصرية، الذي سينشر السبت، اعتبر جعجع، ان جميع الافرقاء السياسيين في لبنان لديهم الميل للتجاوب مع مبادرة رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري حول الحكومة والحوار، الا أنه أشار الى أن "الطرف المعني فعلياً بهذا الأمر ليس جاهزاً وهو حزب الله".
وأوضح، قائلاً أن "حزب الله ليس جاهزا لاي نقاش جاد حول الدولة وهو متمسك بعقيدته وافكاره ومشروعه السياسي وارتباطاته الاستراتيجية بمصادرة القرار الاستراتيجي للدولة اللبنانية وتنظيماته العسكرية والامنية، فعلى ماذا نتحاور؟".
وأضاف أن حزب الله يريد التفاوض على "ما تبقى من الدولة اللبنانية، نحن نريد ان نتفاوض معه على ما أخذه من الدولة اللبنانية وما صادره مصادرة من الدولة وهو القرار الاستراتيجي، وهو رافض تماماً بحجة أن سلاحه غير قابل للمناقشة".
وشدد جعجع على أن سلاح حزب الله ليس سلاح الجيش اللبناني حتى يقول أنه غير قابل للنقاش.
يُذكر أن بري أعلن اواخر آب الفائت، عن مبادرة اقترح فيها على رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان "خريطة طريق"، تقضي بالشروع "فوراً بالحوار لمدة خمسة أيام متصلة"، يدعى إليها الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام، لمناقشة شكل الحكومة وبيانها ومنح الجيش حقه في تطويع خمسة آلاف جندي جديد لإنقاذ البقاع وطرابلس وكامل الحدود الشمالية من فوضى السلاح والمسلحين، ووسائل إخراج التداخل اللبناني من الوضع السوري وإعادة الحوار الى قانون الانتخاب وبحث الاستراتيجية الوطنية للدفاع".
من جانب آخر، وعن تمديد ولاية سليمان، التي تنتهي في أيار المقبل، لفت جعجع الى أن "الرئيس الحالي يرفض رفضاً باتاً وجازماً وحاسماً وواضحاً أي تفكير في التمديد لذلك علينا إسقاط خيار التمديد من حساباتنا".
ورأى انه "منذ انتهاء الحرب حتى الآن وبايحاء وضغط من نظام (الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد) الأسد لم تحدث انتخابات رئاسية حقيقية"، مضيفاً "كل الامر كان مجرد ترتيبات وتعيين بأيدي النظام السوري أو ترتيبات لوضع منصب رئيس الجمهورية على الهامش وخارج الحياة السياسية الفعلية".
وأكد أنه حان الوقت "للذهاب الى انتخابات جدية ورئيس له مشروع سياسي وطني واضح لكي تعود رئاسة الجمهورية لعملها الحقيقي ومن هنا أهمية اجراء انتخابات العام 2014".
أما عن الملف الحكومي، فرأى جعجع أن الحكومة أخفقت في مختلف الاصعدة، مردفاً "ليس لأنها حكومة تصريف أعمال يجب أن يكون الوضع كذلك، فحكومات تصريف الاعمال يكون عليها مسؤوليات ضخمة، هذا فشل ذريع".
وشدد على أن الحل هو في تشكيل حكومة جديدة "تكون صاحبة قرارها وليست حكومة تعطل بأيدي حزب الله".
ولفت الى أنه "طالما لن يكون هناك حكومة تُشكل لصالح مطالب المواطن اللبناني وليس لحماية مصالح ايران في المنطقة فسيظل الحال على ما هو عليه من غلاء وعدم توفير الامن".
يُذكر أنه وبعد استقالة حكومة ميقاتي في آذار الفائت، تم تكليف تمام سلام تشكيل حكومة جديدة الا أن جهوده لم تنجح في ذلك، في ظل تمسك كل فريق في مطلبه، الا أن الاتجاه لسليمان وسلام هو تشكيل حكومة 8-8-8.
LOL @ Gaegae: Sorry, but excuse me Hakim: "Those" who care about strategic decisions of the state do not resort to cheap attempts such as hiring Polish Ania Lisewska who is on a sex marathon to sleep with 100,000 men and whose trip to Lebanon was foiled by the General Security. The Dahiyeh" Shebab" were lining up the airport road to welcome her in an innocent show of hospitality for foreigners; a tradition the resistance and its Jumhour are well known for. Hakim, get it thru your thick bald head: you will never be president and all the Saudi-Harriri money will do is buy you some hair plugs and implants. Excuse me for being frank and honest with you. The resistance hand in hand with the Army will lead lebanon to the shores of safety and democracy.
More barking from the Saudi-Wahabi employee. He will stop at nothing to advance the cause of his Khaliji employers and his Al Qaeda brethren. Protector of the Christians al. LOL.
eh wa ba3den bas shatreen bel 7akee ana shee3ee wa sayed wa 3ayesh b bee2et nasralla eza wa7ad shee3ee 7eke gher le badon yeh bye2tlo aw bekebo bel7abes fa 7adertak sho 3am ta3mel gher el 7ake wa el 7ake ma by7abel
eh wa ba3den bas shatreen bel 7akee ana shee3ee wa sayed wa 3ayesh b bee2et nasralla eza wa7ad shee3ee 7eke gher le badon yeh bye2tlo aw bekebo bel7abes fa 7adertak sho 3am ta3mel gher el 7ake wa el 7ake ma by7abel
If i may; geagea is a like an outdate newspaper, i don't argee with that bass joumblat, aoun, berry, gemayel... Even nasrallah wich of them is new?...
LF comited atrocities during the war, bit frankly who didnot? And please don't go counting the bodies bc each one on this forum and in lebanon that has lived the war can tell his own stories and most of them are right, it was civil war and no white sheeps in it..(and please don't go that heznbollah didn't participated (iklim el tofah, assassination of leftist leadrers...) the only goid point for geagea is that he recognized the fact, late but he did, with sayed hassan we are still in denial phase "the arm of the resistance was never pointed to the inside"...
Guys if u wanna go over lebanese civil war at least be descent enough to aknowledge everyone's fault in it, first step for a new beging is to aknowldge our past mistakes....
Attrocities were done by all, wont give exemple but i'm sure we all have, i'm saying this that way southern not to show of but look back in our past no city, no village in lebanon is clean from war attrocities...
There is no clean way to kill people, for an reason, it is just killing, some in the name of islam, other in the name of preserving christian orher in the name of islamic resistance... (Not talking about fighting invadors or external enemies but civil war...)
You're absolutely right imagine. At least Geagea didn't harm anyone sine the 80s.... Unlike lady hassan naziallah.
The fact are FT : amal divided the army when the 6th comand (liwa2 al sedess) went this them into civil war (i might be wrong on wich liwa2 but i think the 6th), ahmad el khatib had "jeich lebnen el 3arabi" (most from lebanese army), the south lebanese "jech lebnen el janoubi" army was part of lebanese army at its beging... So what LAF are u talking about then? The part that stayed with aoun? And all the other part of the lebanese army? I'm not saying who was right and wrong but all took part in war, all crushed down our country, and very few of them only recognize this, what a shame...
Btw what was the position of general lahoud then?...
don't worry imagine... FT and southern want to make their allies appear like victims during the civil war... they are crying like offensed virgins...whereas ALL those participating in the civil war DID atrocities...
it only proves how biased, hypocrits and stupid they are....
Imagine- You have to forgive flamethrower. He is too young to have seen any of the things that happened in our horrific civil war and spends the majority of his time memorizing the things that his dad or uncles tell him. 100% of it is one sided with no self accountability on their part!
FT, all your allies supported and still support Syria against anything Lebanese (and that includes the LAF). Bala muzayade pleasse.
Not supporting geagea for president by the way (anyway no one will ask our opignon but...
mr. rastafarian,
I believe that people CAN change. Now I am not talking about Geagea himself.
But I am speaking of your generalization, "once a criminal always a criminal".
You should about Saul of Tarsus who was the greatest persecutors of the way of Jesus of Nazareth whom people called the Christ. Saul persecuted all the followers of the way, and he captured them and tortured them until they renounced Jesus as Christ or until their death.
Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus, and Jesus Christ confronted him.
Saul (a proud name, the name of the first king anointed by prophet Samuel) became Paul (which means small). He became one of the greatest preachers of the way of Christ. He preached from Syria to Rome with all the nations in between. In the end, he faced Caesar himself, and preached to him, and died decapitated.
People CAN change.
Criminals can be redeemed.
God can do this.
Yes, even a mass criminal like Geagea. Not that I would know if he changed or not. But I believe everyone can change if they are open to God changing their heart.
hassan nasrala is a criminal too and a big one... few of his last victims are Rafic Hariri, Officer in the LAF Samer Hanna, sab3a ayyar people who died, Hachem al Salman and and and much more....
and plz note we are in peace time (after the war) so el Hakim was a warlord and when the war ended he gave his arms to the state, nasrala didnt and he is assasinating and kidnapping in peace time...
bas yalli m3a2ad bi moutt m3a2ad! GG for president.
thanks for your easy reply based only on your hatred but with no arguments to support it... as usual you are writing empty posts
Samy u are simplyfing things too much, it was not that clear, i wish it was, we wouldnot been there now...
The parties under the banner of lebanese front (kateeb, frangieh, ahrar (LF didn't existed yet) began united then killed eachother for different reasons... The harakeh wataniyeh was a big mess to, everyone killed everyone socialist, comunist, pnss.... Palestinian also killed each other; fplp/ fplp general comand, fateh/fateh el intifada... The civil war was really a big mess and instead of readding it calmely learn about how dumm we were, we chose to act like nothing ever happened and keep our nonsence division in mind... In a way war never stopped we only stopped the shotting ,and again not always...
Don't get me wrong but we just haven't learned shit of it, the proof is how we r acting now...
If u all permit can i ask a simple questio...
What is it u really want from a the lebanese state? In term of social, economic, educational matter?
And please if u reply do it frankly and only on social/economic and education points, not politics nor geostrategy for once... And not who should be president and premier....
To me, socialism hasn't got its place in politics. People should help each other out of kindness. It shouldn't be done thru taxation. A doctor can do his pro bono, lawyers as well.... So should families of te needy. Because the day the State does it, is the day people become much more selfish. I witnessed this everywhere in te western world.
the most pressing is to disarm hezbollah then the state will have its hands free to work and the country to be free from this blackmail! then lebanon can easily rise.....
True, so berry, aoun, frangieh, gemayel, joumblat, assad herdan.... (The list is long) all of them were lovely people full of humanity then?...
And they r all still there, and it was not that far away...
Really all saints?....
FT i hv to admit to you that i find that aoun played a lesser role in the war than this others but there are some facts he did opened war on LF and on his way burried most of what known as est beirut, he decided after battling with the only real forces batteling syria to go to war with syria alone?? Come on.. And at last hd left his man die on the field just few moments after telling them on the radio tgat he will stay with hem till "the ship sinks" anyway i hv to admit to u that i found him less ugly than the others, i even had some hope when he came back that he was bringing some modernism, secular thinking, civilisation with jom from france; untill i saw him with lahoud... After his position with hezbollah made me sick, really with a religious party, the same one he was critisizing before, i had no more trust in him at all, and since he did nothing to prove it wrong, every single day... That's the truth FT.
aoun not a mafiosi like all the others? LOL! if there is one who is biased here it is FT... seems his blindness prevents him from seeing the facts, testimonies and history... all well documented! LOL
No one else? Come on for once.. Try something else than fighting over history, maybe we all warn a very similar future after all...
I WISHHH Mr. Lady Geagea didn't bend down to pick up that lovely flower on that beautiful April morning.
this is M14 camp strategy:
They allow their own politicians to get killed either through Mossad agents or Road side bombs or however. At which point they do there best to gather as many supporters as possible and try to take them to the streets to try to make some sort of forceful change as they did with Hariri and also they tried and FAILED to do with Wissam El-HAssan.
They need to smarten up and change their tactic. You think if HA wanted to take Geagea out they couldnt??
like flamethrower said: the truth hurts Mr. Hulk Smash, if that is your real name.
the truth is M14 is weak. They have restored to the worst options and have used them all up. They are stuck and cant do anything anymore. It seems they cant get a grip of what happening around them at home and in the region. They are nobody's and will soon be forgotten. Im Sorry
But Southerm, how about your idols Berri and SHN, are they up to date, 21st Century leaders?
Who assignedd you as a Supreme Court Justice? Your idols have killed many more Lebanese than Gaegae. Once they spend as many years in jail, then we can talk about deporting all of them.