Report: Suspects in Hariri’s Murder Left Lebanon, One is Probably Dead

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Primary data obtained by the Central Criminal Investigations Bureau indicates that the four suspects mentioned in the indictment in the probe into ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s assassination are not in Lebanon.

The four suspects have left Lebanon, informed sources told the Central News Agency on Saturday, adding however that one of them might be killed.

They said that the international investigation commission has requested “accurate information about the departure of some Lebanese from and into Beirut and the list of arrivals and departures at Beirut international airport and at the border crossings.”

Sources said that the criminal investigators didn’t rule out the possibility that the four suspects are still in Lebanon.

“They are carrying out discreet raids on some places they (the suspects) might have taken refuge … without excluding any area in Lebanon,” the sources stressed.

Meanwhile, the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) issued an international memo against the names indicted in the ex-premier’s assassination which included premeditated murder of Hariri and the use of large quantities of explosives.

Arrouwad website reported that the Interpol publicized the memo to all countries including requests to detain and arrest the named persons pending their transfer to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon headquarters at The Hague.

The memo includes the names of 21 people, the website said.

Comments 31
Thumb shab 09 July 2011, 17:55

Now no towelhead can protect the suspects

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 09 July 2011, 18:39

Stop digging graves - Bye Bye Mahkama .

Thumb sasi 09 July 2011, 18:42

oh he can he just sent them to Iran and killed one of them!

but lets see if this credible news!

Default-user-icon Abu Pierre (Guest) 09 July 2011, 19:05

Do us all a favor KILL them all.

Default-user-icon Entrecote (Guest) 09 July 2011, 19:11

The suspects, funders, killers, plotters... you name it are outside of Lebanon in a place called Israel. Go get them if you dare. As to the false witnesses and either in Paris (Saad and his pet Oqabo) or in Lebanon (Mafia Hariri & Co., SARL and his Christian Sunnis - aka losers). These will be captured, tried, thrown in prison and hanged for high treason and for trading the blood of all those killed, since Rachid Karame wa jorr.

Missing startrip 09 July 2011, 20:34

Too late for the one of them, but my advise to the other 3 is to head for the hills, lest they'd be found to have committed suicide with two bullets to the head a la Ghazi Kanaan style.

The terrorists Hezb is getting nervous...

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 09 July 2011, 20:41

As a follow up to the excellent Entrecote's comment I submit exhibit A,

As you can see in the clip he's a false witness, he was called an Israeli agent by his allies, he was in France, he's now in Lebanon.

He's a certified coward and a traitor to Lebanon. the Lebanese citizens who he lied to and he sold the blood and suffering of the Lebanese Army soldiers on the cheap and he even denied they ever existed.

There he is:

Missing peace 09 July 2011, 21:49

poor entrecote seems to have a defunct memory... let us remind him to re read or re listen to what his orange puppet general used to say before he accepted to work for his new persian dollar provider...

short memory entrecote...too bad for you, aging too early i m afraid!

Default-user-icon Marc33 (Guest) 09 July 2011, 22:24

One of Hizballah's supporters here in Canada told me that it was HA who did it. He stated that they had no choice cause Harriri was in the process of pushing Syria out of Lebanon and taking away their weapons SO, an executive decision was made and the carried out the attack.

They should have the guts to admit it!

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 09 July 2011, 22:47

Entrecote: go look for the nearest tree and hang yourself.
If you run out of trees in Lebanon you can always borrow hanging tress from your friends the Iranian (if they are not too busy hanging their own people.

Thumb benzona 09 July 2011, 22:59

Tout le monde sait qui est derrière les lâches attaques contre l'ex PM , députés et journalistes. Le grand Bachar voit le sol se dérober sous ses pieds et ses sbires libanais essaient encore de dissimuler des suspects, témoins et preuves. Pensent-ils qu'en les exfiltrant ou en les liquidant ils pourraient mettre leur grain de sable dans l'engrenage du TSL? Mais ils se gourent complétement les cocos. Les juges de Den Haag ne sont pas corruptibles et encore moins nommés par des politicards de basse classe. La justice sera rendue et il y aura des mises à prix sur les futurs déclarés coupables. Il pourront toujours courir mais leur vies seront infernales. Leurs complices devront et seront également jugés, je fais allusions aux sbires mentionnés ci-dessus.

Missing peace 09 July 2011, 23:44

when hariri was killed remember in dahiye people were singing and distributing sweets?

if israel killed hariri it means that hezbollah supports the terrorist acts of israel no?
funny isn t it?!

Default-user-icon Solfami (Guest) 10 July 2011, 00:23

when hariri was killed, all of lebanon, except his mafia, sang and danced and offered sweets

Default-user-icon anonym (Guest) 10 July 2011, 00:36

so tell me people do you also believe that Oswald killed JFK?

no real justice in this world this game is far bigger than your heads its not a lebanese case its a regional case hence a world case the chess pieces moved by the powers that be manipulated through the "justice departments of the world" were the moles have already penetrated deep, and the expendable public "the pawns".

and what a great job you are all doing accusing each other while they smile at their plan unfolding right before their eyes.

if you think you will see justice and peace in your ideal world without hizb, these suspects tried and accused current government stepped down, and all the weapons in the hands of one army? then you must be so very naive.

Default-user-icon ben (Guest) 10 July 2011, 01:18

I wonder !!! Did Interpol ever arrest any of the 20 or so Isreali assassins who killed a man in Dubai last year ???

Missing peace 10 July 2011, 01:44

to SOLFAMI: how pretentious to think that dahiye is all lebanon! typical superiority complex!

to ANONYM: you are the one so naive here to think that a militia financed by a foreign state will bring peace and justice to lebanon! show me examples of peace and justice of thiers? no sign of it so far!
thinking that you can build a state where a political party can be more armed than the state itself proves how much you don t want lebanon to be a true state but a state controlled by a militia!
you are so naive...

but mabrouk to your beloved party to have brianwashed you so well !
(you then agree that a party can pledge allegiance to a foreign country? ( it means to obey whatever to this country at the diffrence of being allied which you can break) you agree that a party can impose his laws by the force of its arms? so you would agree to have another party as strong as the hezb in lebanon don t you? or two? or even three let s be crazy! yes or no? it is your logic... poor naive boy

Default-user-icon me (Guest) 10 July 2011, 01:44

Anonym, the naives are the conspiracy theorists - this is always the excuse when people are not capable of explaining complex or unpredictable events. It is also the excuse used by tyrants to spread fear and hatred.

There is no conspiracy, there are tactical and strategic moves, some of them succeed and some of them fail. But above all there are the so called "black swans" which are the unpredictable and rare events that shape the world and that are beyond anyone's control (think the invention of the internet and facebook that are changing the face of the middle east).

There is no such thing as a perfect crime anymore... they killed the guy, they never thought that it will trigger the chain of events that led to syria being kicked out... they never thought that there would be a STL and they thought that they could get away with it. Well, it didn't happen according to their plan, period.

Missing peace 10 July 2011, 01:56

ben it s good to compare israel with the hezb, they both protect their killers!

same outlaws, same methods! each one couldn t live without the other, hezb is the perfect ally israel needs to justify its wars over lebanon and israel is the perfect ally for hezb to sell his crap! without israel hezb is nothing, it s their selling business to justify his disobedience to the state and its rules over its strongholds!

Default-user-icon me (Guest) 10 July 2011, 02:01

Solfami, i guess you are talking about this?

Missing mabboud 10 July 2011, 02:17

sorry peace, I didn't wand to post on a new board but u show some positive and objective posts when we chatted that I couldn't resist... u attacked ANONYM for things he didn't say, read again his post and while u can agree or not with its content (like hitting each others like fool not seeing that the game is bigger), he didn't state that he was from Hezb and that he supports them. This is very funny and many people on those boards don't even take the time to read b 4 reacting as if hatred and insulting others was the fuel to their lives when it's the total opposite. Try to debate more and attack less, iy will be a better way to build a better future for Lebanon than pushing for this Boolean world. Take the time to think and be constructive and push others into thinking more and opt for exchanging ideas and 4 constructive debate rather than acting like badly programmed bots. Good night.

Missing peace 10 July 2011, 02:51

mabboud a world without the threat of hezbollah arms will be a better world...

everyone here claims to understand the game! evryone sees a plot, a conspiracy and everyone says his interpretation is the true one...

i personnally don t give a s... to the stl and to the outcome. i don t care who will be accused may it be israel or even M14 i don t care.
all i know is that for thousands of years those in power or who want to be in power manipulate people to bring them to their cause. no one can fight against the pupeteers. fighting for a party means you are already brainwashed. the only thing you can do is think about what could be the lesser of the two evils because all ideologies, political parties have never brought justice or peace. it s a matter of choosing between two evils.
so people who claim that their leader or party or regime is the best ever is already brainwashed. there are no ideal societies but some are better to live in than others.

Default-user-icon Secondo Paladium (Guest) 10 July 2011, 03:08

Look at how people celebrated in downtown Beirut on that glorious day:

Default-user-icon 3antar (Guest) 10 July 2011, 05:34

il shabeb 2arteen hableh ma btokhlas, it is quite entertaining reading your comments.

the metal militia, metallica, should rule lebanon.

Thumb bashir 10 July 2011, 09:15

If people think that there was rejoicing on the day Hariri's was murdered just wait to see the party the day the turbaned rat Nasrallah meets shaytan, hopefully at the end of a US or Israeli bunker busting bomb.

It will be as glorious as the Bin Laden killing party.

Missing mabboud 10 July 2011, 10:10

peace, ur last post is a good step in opening the debate and I agree with most of it except that Lebanon is not the world and I guess that the world as a whole would be a much better place with the US not attacking everyone and using its army to impose its will and control wealth and without racism and apartheid (and Israel is more evil than Hezollah, it is the world opinion when u ask people around the world who is the biggest threat for world peace, USrael comes at the top).

Lebanon would be better of without arms and being secular would help, this can be done and should be gradual & dialog is better than insulting others and jumping to conclusions (there r people who aren't either with m8 or m14, I know some and u probably have few of them as friends and I don't think u insult them at dinner so why this shouldn't be possible on boards)

One question, do u think that the STL will help disarm Hezbollah? will it help open dialog? will it create more and more "fitna"?

Missing mabboud 10 July 2011, 10:20

I'll have probably many people who will start insulting me for what I said about the world vs. Lebanon and that the arms of the Hezb are not that significant, it is called problem associating reality with personal feeling or good assimilation of a propaganda: Lebanon is not the center of the world, is a tiny country and if we were not in the north of Israel, no one would look at us.... no one would care of what happens in Lebanon except France because it was its master and many speak french.

Peace talked with lot's of sense saying that the problem is linked to power and manipulations and we should stop all playing the propaganda role and think about what is good for our country, what are the objectives and how it could be achievable... not what would please us or pleases us like saying I wish Aoun didn't came back from France or that Saad didn't replace his father, etc. we need to try to move forward in a clever way, all of us. I'll probably get a lot of down thumbs!

Thumb shab 10 July 2011, 11:09

Peace, singing and dancing in Dahyie menas the whole city is infiltered by Israelies.

Default-user-icon Alexander (Guest) 10 July 2011, 13:42

Israel killed Hariri and aftermath a dozen of March 14 followers to ignite strife. They expected a civil war to erupt based on the huge weapons reserve of March 14 and on their trained militia. Also, Israel and the US were expecting that their allies March 14 will be stronger without Gebran, Gemayel, Wassim Eid, etc... So when the series of killings ended 2 years later, Israelians realized that they made a mistake since poor March 14 could not erupt a war since they became in fact much weaker. Of course, killing officials from March 8 cannot ignite any strife. It will lead to a sure peace, because March 8 don't have weapons, nor a stronghold, neither a big militia. And they are a targeted sect (ne7na ma7roumeeeen). This is why Israel and the US decimated March 14 and of course will resume assassinations till civil war begins.

Now i am sure that you reader is shocked with my logic. If you are from March 8 camp, i wonder how your intelligence can accept such explanation of the facts.

Default-user-icon JH (Guest) 10 July 2011, 13:43

You are all losers and have nothing to do other than making stupid comments on this website!

Missing joesilver 10 July 2011, 14:06

If they run away.....then they must be innocent....

Missing peace 10 July 2011, 16:44

bubbaman or the embodiment of national dialogue the hezbi way!