Geagea Calls for Suleiman, Salam to Form New Govt.

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Saturday the political powers' failure to form a new government, saying that the delay is “killing Lebanon's democratic and constitutional system.”

He said during the LF Europe Annual Convention: “President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam should form a new cabinet in a manner that meets their aspirations and relieves their consciences.”

“The parliament should then assume its responsibility towards this issue,” he remarked.

“The constitution grants the president and prime minister-designate the authority to exclusively form a government in a manner that they see fit,” he explained.

The cabinet should be formed after consulting political powers, Geagea noted.

“Should the delay continue, then the president and premier-designate themselves would unfortunately be hindering the formation of the cabinet,” he stressed.

“No political camp should enjoy veto power in the cabinet and its ministerial statement should not include the equation of the army, people, and resistance,” he continued.

Salam has said conditions and counter-conditions set by the rival sides have brought his efforts to form a cabinet to a stalemate.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat recently revealed that he dropped his support for a new cabinet in which the March 8 and 14 alliances in addition to centrists would get eight ministers each.

He instead called for giving the two rival camps nine ministers each and six ministers to centrists – Suleiman, Salam and Jumblat.

This formula prevents a certain party from controlling the government by giving veto power to Hizbullah and its team and another veto power to March 14, he said.

Comments 15
Thumb mckinl 13 October 2013, 09:31

Someone give Geagea a mirror so he can see who is a major cause of Lebanon's troubles ...

Thumb mckinl 13 October 2013, 10:32

I'm wondering when Sami will convert to Islam ... When the price is right I suppose ...

Thumb m1key 13 October 2013, 14:08

Sami will convert to Salafism to "protect the Christians"

Thumb m1key 13 October 2013, 14:53

Come to think of it he may have already converted... how do his current views on the region differ from a Salafist's?

Default-user-icon Zingavrosh Manakwalaj (Guest) 13 October 2013, 10:42

This is perhaps his 2,746th call AND NOBODY CARES other than Drs. Arteena Satleh. Will the arreet 7aleh ever stop? Of course not. Why should he as long as there are those who bounce and clap like the retards that they are every time his lips twitch? wlak akh mennak ya 7ak...awati bou tarsha2a akh. Dr. Arreet 7akeh's motto: I speak, therefore I am?

Missing -karim_m1-- 13 October 2013, 10:50

This man is a useless Al Qaeda sympathizer.

Thumb mckinl 13 October 2013, 11:07

Sympathy is one thing ... a wholesale sellout of Lebanon is quite another. Geagea has been a linchpin in the destabilization of Lebanon.

Lebanon is sliding into economic and social chaos just as the Saudi\US\Mustaqbal planned for. The middle east is in chaos except of course the GCC countries.

The IMF will come in slash wages, benefits and social services while selling off public lands, utilities and infrastructure for pennies on the dollar.

The Saudi and Western billionaires will end up owning Lebanon lock. stock and barrel and people will be overcharged on everything for excess profit.

Thumb habib 13 October 2013, 14:30

Allah men 3endo ye3tik tol l3omer li yabka lebnen.la5awef 3al watan ladayeh amsal Dr geagea viva qowet

Thumb m1key 13 October 2013, 14:32

Stop saying he's a DOCTOR!!! I'm in medical school but I won't call myself a doctor until I graduate!

Default-user-icon me2 (Guest) 13 October 2013, 14:39

His third interstitial nucleus is very small I bet and his amygdal-cross-pattern heteromorphic and synergistic in that regard :>

Thumb m1key 13 October 2013, 14:40

He dropped out of med school when he realized he could make more money being a politician.

Missing MyNigga 15 October 2013, 02:43

stop abusing the like/vote up button.

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 15:27

could those M8ers here tell us what is wrong in asking to form a gvt? or do you M8ers not want to form a gvt?

enlighten us please and tell us what is wrong with what geagea is asking for???? ....or is it too demanding?

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 17:37

omitting 1/3? LOL in your propaganda he is.....

Missing MyNigga 15 October 2013, 02:39

Naharnet should really check into mckinl and m1key accounts because every single one of their comments have likes disproportionate to the rest of the comments.

Also, every one of their responses receives the same amount of likes. When another person writes something similar they won't receive anywhere near the same amount.

Just too sketchy. You guys are desperate.