Moussawi: Failure to Represent Resistance at Cabinet is Constitutional Violation

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi stated on Sunday that the constitution stipulates that the government in Lebanon should represent all components in the country, stressing that the resistance represents more than half of the people.

He therefore said: “Attempts to keep the resistance out of the new government are a constitutional violation.”

“Some sides are seeking to isolate and marginalize the resistance by depriving it of its constitutional right to be represented at the executive and legislative authorities in Lebanon,” he remarked.

He cited the article 95 of the constitution that says that the government is a representative authority that should include all Lebanese sects.

“Governments in Lebanon therefore cannot be technocratic or neutral or independent,” said Moussawi.

In addition, the MP accused regional powers of preventing local powers from forming a new cabinet through attempts to marginalize or eliminate the resistance Hizbullah.

Comments 20
Missing peace 13 October 2013, 13:48

components of the society does not mean political parties! if a PM chose chia as ministers that do not belong to your militia he is abiding by the constitution as chias are represented....

so sh...up....

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 14:06

"One- The confessional groups shall be represented in a just and equitable fashion in the formation of the Cabinet. " art. 95!

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 15:19

9 people voting down an excerpt from the constitution.... waw! i bet they claim they are "patriots" too! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 13 October 2013, 14:44

Bless you Musavi for speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. Yes, the constitution as per article 95 clearly states that all sects shall be represented in the the government. The Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance is a sect and as such it must be represented in every government. Furthermore, Article 69 states, to quote: " The Shia sect shall be represented by the Islamic Secular Resistance in any government and said representation shall be reflective of its weight in Parliament" end quote. Any other interpretations are mere hearsay and considered constitutional heresy.

Thumb m1key 13 October 2013, 14:57

I get the feeling you like to laugh at your own jokes in real life

Thumb general_puppet 13 October 2013, 22:32

RFT, I think there is something fishy with Article 69. The part you are speaking about is writing in Farsi.

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 15:20

no it is not southern.... the violation would be to not represent SHIA which is a TOTAL different thing!

always here to twist facts those M8ers.....

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 17:41

poor soutrhern , again avoiding and deflecting when faced with the TRUTH... let me remind your thick mind again...
the CONSTITUTION stipulates " The confessional groups shall be represented in a just and equitable fashion in the formation of the Cabinet. " art. 95"

not a PARTY... so any chia can represent their sect...

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 18:41

you don't get it as your mind seems very thick...

the sect needs to be represented NOT a PARTY! got it?

so ANY chia can be designated as minister because HE REPRESENTS THE CHIA SECT...

got it now or still too difficult? LOL

Thumb EagleDawn 13 October 2013, 16:24

Moussawi: Failure to Represent Resistance at Cabinet is Constitutional Violation.

But Failure to represent your political opponents such as Mustaqbal, Kateab, and LF in your Miqati government is of course constitutional. Don't tell me they declined....:) Coz i don't believe the honorable resistance would participate in an unconstitutional government:))))

Missing helicopter 13 October 2013, 17:25

I did not know the constitution even mentions HA (there is no RESISTANCE).
The constitution should represent Sects fairly but not armed militias or political parties.

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 17:39

yes but for M8 a shia cannot exist outside amal or heabollah....

Thumb shab 13 October 2013, 18:27

Filthy militia

Thumb beiruti 13 October 2013, 19:35

Mr. Moussawi, you and your Hezbollah are violations of the Lebanese Constitution. There is nothing in the constitution that requires foreign military proxie forces to be represented in the government.
So, the "constitution stipulates that the government in Lebanon should represent all components in the country" Says Mousawi? Well, in the Parliament, we still have seats allocated by confessional formulas, this is true, but there is no provision in the constitution that provides for a confessional formulation in the Council of Ministers. Sure some ministerial portfolios are traditionally allotted to one group or another, but this is "extraconstitutional" that is, outside of the Constitution, just like declaring war in a foreign country without the act of Parliament or a decree signed by the Government. This is what Hezbollah is doing in Syria.
Act constitutionally, my friend, before seeking to justify yourself by the constitution.

Thumb primesuspect 13 October 2013, 20:31

from a morphological point of view, mussawi doesn't look lebanese.

from an ideological point of view, mussawi isn't lebanese.

Thumb lebanon_first 14 October 2013, 07:53

What if he shaved?

Thumb lebanon_first 13 October 2013, 21:36

I dont mind Hezbollah to be in parliament.
I can even be convinced of 9-9-6.

But never will I accept the equation resistance people army.

First : it is not a resitance, it is an armed milicia
Second : today we need resistance against assad more than against israel.
Third : What about forgetting resistance and start thinking of growing our economy?

Default-user-icon micke (Guest) 14 October 2013, 02:15

is hizbullah a sect or is shia a sect?

Missing 14 October 2013, 03:03

Let us just agree that either (1) Moussawi is a simpleton who does not know the meaning of constitutional violation or (2) he thinks so little of his supporters that he can sell them any idiotic statement.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 14 October 2013, 08:36

There is no such thing as résistance: just a bunch of criminal outlaws, and basij mercenaires ! The constitution you have trampled on it long ago ya foul player !