Sehnaoui: Had There Been a Real State, Rifi Would've Been in Jail, Not a Lecturer in Sovereignty

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Caretaker Telecommunications Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui on Tuesday hit back at former Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi, stressing that the ministry abides by the cabinet's decisions regarding the handing over of telecom data to security agencies.

The ministry “used to deliver the data whenever authorized by the cabinet and it withheld the data only when the council of ministers asked it to do so,” said Sehnaoui in a statement issued by his press office.

On Monday evening, Rifi told MTV that slain ISF Intelligence Bureau head Wissam al-Hasan had evaded four assassination attempts before he was murdered on October 19, 2012 due to “lack of cooperation in the issue of telecom data.”

Rifi accused Sehnaoui of being accomplice in the assassination “because he withheld the telecom data from investigators.”

But the minister stressed that “security agencies were receiving the complete telecom data everyday during the past three years, including during the period of the assassination of martyr Major General Wissam al-Hasan and the other incidents.”

“Had anything suspicious been recorded, Maj. Gen. Rifi would not have hesitated for a second to publicize it during his command of the ISF,” Sehnaoui said, reminding that “the ministry hands over telecom data to security agencies three times per week in line with an agreement between the ministry and these agencies and according to the mechanism stipulated by the law, knowing that the ministry bypasses this mechanism during extraordinary situations and delivers the data even at a verbal request.”

“Rifi's accusation that the telecom minister is a front for Hizbullah is rejected, especially that it was issued by an officer who has become accustomed to working for all types of regional and international foreign intelligence agencies,” the minister added, describing the rest of Rifi's remarks as “political propaganda.”

“Had the state possessed any prestige, the retired general would have been in jail, not a lecturer in state authority, virtue and sovereignty,” Sehnaoui added.

Comments 39
Thumb haile.selassie. 15 October 2013, 18:47


Thumb primesuspect 15 October 2013, 21:03

Brilliant analysis.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 October 2013, 10:56

cant beat the customer service of fatfat

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 October 2013, 10:57

what a silly comment. i answer you sometimes, though all you speak is BS.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 October 2013, 05:26

your brain sounds like a hamster in a wheel.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 October 2013, 12:52

you're right phoenix, advice well taken :)

Thumb irus_da_virus 15 October 2013, 19:56

FT, to be objective, the guy left a few months ago after being in the force for 40 years, any crime busting the ISF is doing is because of the system that General Rifi has put in place. Maybe in 2 years from now we can say that the new command of the ISF is the one improving on the performance of the ISF but for now and until then any outcomes of the ISF are because of Rifi.

Thumb general_puppet 16 October 2013, 04:46

"submitted to foreign orders" -..,,_-..Flamethrower..-<_.-, this is another hysterical comment coming from someone who idolizes Assad's lackey Aoun and the Ayatollah's paid thug Nasrallah.

Thumb justice 16 October 2013, 12:27

Roar: During those many meetings where you sat with LF and Aouni groups, I am assuming these "uneducated" Lebanese Forces where's my meal type of folks were speaking in English, otherwise a person like you who does not speak, read, or write Arabic would not be able to understand those low life Lebanese Forces guys.... Yes?

Thumb irus_da_virus 15 October 2013, 20:30

You can disagree with me and that's fine but ai just wish for once we Lebanese can call a spade a spade, if your opponent does a good thing then why don't we say its a good thing, why do we let our political affiliations stop us from seeing the good in others even if we disagree with them.

Thumb irus_da_virus 15 October 2013, 20:30

FT, Wisam el Hasan was under the command of Rifi so you can't simply shrug that off as if Rifi had nothing to do with it. I mean Steve jobs didn't build the iPhone himself with his hands, he has a team to do it, that doesn't mean that he isn't the one responsible for that product. From memory during Rifi's time many Israeli rings were caught including Fayez Karam. I'm not going to list all his accomplishments, refer back to archives and believe me I am very objective and I am not affiliated to m14, as someone who comes from Tripoli I am very much out of sync with ALL our politicians here. back to the point of discussion, whether you like it or not Rifi was at the helm of the ISF and the current acting head was one of his subordinates so ofcourse he is following the system that Rifi put in.

Thumb primesuspect 15 October 2013, 20:33

Mr FT, who are/were general Rifi's superiors?

Thumb primesuspect 15 October 2013, 21:36

Bring out the gimp

Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 01:35

there seems 2 B a redthumb brigade.... or 1 isolate lunatic loser!

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 16 October 2013, 02:07

That's all we need, a proven corrupt politician denouncing an honourable retired member of our security forces. Riffi should have inlisted in the army, shot religious leaders at checkpoints and of course awarded a medal. Not to mention the blind worshippers of Aoun coming to his defence right or wrong.
Sectarian bigots to the extreme would be a mild description of Aoun's worshippers.

Thumb general_puppet 16 October 2013, 04:53

If you have evidence that will put Rifi in jail then turn it over to the authorities. Or are you going follow your leaders path and write a book about it.

Missing -karim_m1-- 16 October 2013, 05:22

Agreed a thousand times.

Default-user-icon @karim (Guest) 16 October 2013, 18:25

1001 ((:

Thumb geha 16 October 2013, 06:17

your comments prove each day your stupidity.
it is well known that sehnaoui and the fpm have been hiding key information from our security agencies and the international court, while giving it away to hizbushaitan.
go play in your corner, and when the time comes, your masters will be held accountable for their crimes.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 October 2013, 11:03

also the government is not m8. miqati is not part of m8, never was, and he runs the gov. m8 was the major power that drove the push to unseat saadoun, but once miqati took his place he took the powers that go with it. his term clearly shows he did not act as m8's agent.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 October 2013, 11:43

On basis of what would Aoun be jailed? You not liking him is not a valid cause. And when you look at his opponents CVs, i think he wouldnt be the one in trouble if we started prosecuting political figures.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 October 2013, 11:45

Ziad Baroud once was rifi's superior, we saw how rifi complied to direct instructions.

Missing allouchi 16 October 2013, 12:06

Sehnaoui is just another mouth piece for Aoun and thus Hizbala...SHAME..

Default-user-icon @allouchi (Guest) 16 October 2013, 18:22

if those that speak the truth make the mouth, what does it make those who lie incessently like your friends in m14? (@:

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 October 2013, 12:54

lol roar, indeed. the poor dude has 20 accounts and is constantly posting irrelevant comments, yet issues judgements on others. he's not even worth replying to

Missing peace 16 October 2013, 13:25

funny FT... sometimes he says M14 are finished and are nothing now and sometimes that they rule the country preventing M8 to do its job...

according to his propaganda of the day...

another proof of his hypocrisy and stupidity! typical FPMer ... LOL

Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 13:25

Mr Mowaten, is your name Mr FlameThrower?

Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 13:28

¿Icy, Wat's this MF thing? Don't befriend them too much, they might bite u back coz they don't believe in love after love.


Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 15:49

¡Hola tinywinybrain!

The enemy lives among Lebanese populacion, he wears black, walks around with a yellow flag. He kills in the name of God and worships a giraff. Go figure Wat's wrong with him too. Israel is the #3 enemy after that man and the Syrian dictator.

Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 16:34

Shame on u 4 insulting me -..FoamThrower..-

U shame all Lebanon, because readers of this website are also non lebanese... Theyll judge us, and think we'r all like u.

¡Shame shame shame!

Thumb EagleDawn 16 October 2013, 17:17

but if Mustaqbal are friends with Israel, why did your Sayyed adamantly accuse Israel of his assassination?

Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 17:31

U r the FEMEN Mr Flame

Default-user-icon zizankazi (Guest) 16 October 2013, 18:20

thank you sehnaoui for having the courage to bluntly say the truth and exposing rifi for what he is

Thumb primesuspect 16 October 2013, 20:53


Default-user-icon zizkikaza (Guest) 16 October 2013, 18:25

allah yihmik for exposing their lies, i commend u for having the perseverence to educate those who are thicker than a brick wall

Missing peace 16 October 2013, 18:29

"That's not patriotic/that's treason."

exactly... M8 choose their enemies according to THEIR interests, not that of lebanon.... and to try to appear "patriotic' they try to make believe that half lebanon is allied with israel!!! LOL
they don't even fear to be ridiculous as if it is a second nature with those "people"....

Default-user-icon @bigjohn (Guest) 16 October 2013, 18:31

israeli interests, and m14 do that

Missing peace 16 October 2013, 18:57

simple example:
have we seen M8ers denounce the bombings on akkar by the syrian army?
never or just to say they are right to violate lebanese sovreignty...

they pretend syria is no more occupying lebanon so we can have state to state relationship but they know perfectly well that syria still pulls the strings here through their faithful proxies...
and there are many other examples...

the difference is that objective people say israel and syria and iran and islamist radicals are enemies to lebanon...

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 17 October 2013, 14:14

These garbage Christian politicians are worthy of missing on them. I am a christian and feel that these nut heads don;t represent me. If Rafi, whom I have no connection to or like, should be in Jail, his master Aoun should have been given 5 life time jail sentences for destroying the Chritian fabric in Lebanon.