Hariri: Nothing Will Be Changed in Indictment Even If Nasrallah Holds 300 News Conferences

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former premier Saad Hariri stressed Tuesday that “nothing will be changed in the indictment” issued last month by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon along with arrest warrants for four Hizbullah members in the assassination of ex-PM Rafik Hariri, “even if (Hizbullah chief) Sayyed (Hassan) Nasrallah holds 300 press conferences.”

“I will return to Beirut as soon as possible,” Hariri, who is currently in Paris, announced in an interview on MTV, when asked whether his next interview will be broadcast from the Lebanese capital.

“At a certain point, I wanted to go away and watch things from afar and it was my own choice,” Hariri noted.

Asked about the timing of his televised appearance, Hariri said: “I have not decided to speak in order to break the silence, but rather to end the distortion of facts concerning several issues, topped by the indictment and the STL.”

“We are not the ones inciting the international community, the other camp’s press conferences are inciting the international community against Lebanon,” the ex-PM charged.

“The STL mentioned individuals, but Sayyed Nasrallah threw his support behind those individuals. We only want justice through this international tribunal,” Hariri added.

He warned that Lebanon’s non-cooperation with the tribunal “puts Lebanon in danger,” stressing that “no one can terminate the STL.”

“There won’t be stability without justice and the accused are not bigger than their country. Lebanon witnessed assassinations all through 30 years and this is the first time in Lebanon that a tribunal is established to try the murderers of political figures,” Hariri, the son of the slain premier, added.

He reassured that the indictments and the STL were not “against a certain sect,” noting that “the murderers are individuals and do not represent the Sunnis or the Shiites.”

Asked about the fact that he is not in power anymore, Hariri said: “I don’t want to be in power and today I’m satisfied that I’m not in power.”

“I was clear regarding reconciliation and forgiveness, but some people think that they are bigger than Lebanon,” Hariri said of the unsuccessful Saudi-Syrian initiative to break the deadlock in Lebanon, which preceded the toppling of his government on January 12 by Hizbullah and its allies.

“When I got engaged in negotiations, I knew that I would lose politically and popularly , but others do not want to make concessions, they only want to get rid of Saad Hariri. But anyway, why would those who got rid of Rafik Hariri want the presence of Saad Hariri,” Hariri went on to say.

The opposition leader and the former premier stressed that “the main problem in the country is the issue of weapons, which has become our problem with Hizbullah and the problem of Hizbullah itself.”

“Does it want to maintain its hegemony over the Lebanese?” Hariri said of Hizbullah.

“We, in March 14, will not remain silent and Saad Hariri will not remain silent. They are mistaken if they think that we will abandon our allies and we will keep on opposing weapons. The rift over the issue of arms is a major rift,” the ex-PM stressed.

Asked about accusations that the March 14 camp was seeking to harm the country’s stability, Hariri said: “March 14 does not possess weapons and therefore it can’t threaten stability. Do they want us to apologize for the death of our martyrs?”

Asked about whether he was willing to meet with Nasrallah, Hariri said: “I’m not against dialogue, but this time witnesses should be present in the meeting.”

The former premier noted that there is no political dispute between him and incumbent Prime Minister Najib Miqati, but criticized the new government as being “Hizbullah’s government.”

“The decision to topple Saad Hariri was taken by Sayyed Nasrallah and (Syrian) President (Bashar) Assad,” Hariri noted.

He accused the rival camp of being in the service of Hizbullah’s “mini-state.”

“The other camp does not want to be in the service of the State, but rather in the service of the mini-state,” Hariri charged.

Asked about his current relation with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid JumbIat, Hariri said: “I thank Walid Jumblat for the entire previous period as he was the one who stood up for the blood of Rafik Hariri on March 14 (2005) and I respect him and respect his supporters, regardless of our political differences.”

“When I said that I was betrayed, I was honestly referring to (Finance Minister Mohammed) Safadi and PM Miqati, and actually Lebanon was the one betrayed,” Hariri added.

“We will remain in the opposition camp until the government is toppled or until we win the elections,” he noted.

Asked about the means his camp would use to oust Miqati’s government, Hariri said: “We’re seeking to topple the government with the democratic means and street action might be one of the options, but we won’t shut down an airport, burn tires or jeopardize the economy.”

He also said he did not believe the current government would last till the 2013 parliamentary elections, describing the March 14 camp as a “strong opposition movement.”

Asked by his interviewer to address a message to the embattled Syrian president, Hariri said: “No one is bigger than their country and the Syrian people are the backbone of the state in Syria.”

Addressing President Michel Suleiman, Hariri said: “We were hoping that he would remain true to his inaugural speech and I believe that what’s going on today is not part of that speech.”

“We want you a partner in this country, not a partner in harboring the accused individuals,” Hariri said, addressing Speaker Nabih Berri.

He also noted that he respects the “popular representation” of Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun. “I would’ve liked him to be among the ranks of March 14, but unfortunately he has chosen to be a Hizbullah ‘second-class officer’,” Hariri said of Aoun.

Addressing the supporters of the March 14 forces, Hariri said: “The rift in the country is political and not sectarian. Don’t be frustrated and rest assured that Lebanon’s future will be like you want it to be because we won’t abandon Lebanon and we will continue our path towards making Lebanon the democratic jewel of the Arab world.”

  • 12 July 2011, 22:27

    Hariri to March 14 supporters: The rift in the country is political and not sectarian. Don’t be frustrated and rest assured that Lebanon’s future will be like you want it to be because we won’t abandon Lebanon and we will continue our path towards making Lebanon the democratic jewel of the Arab world.

  • 12 July 2011, 22:23

    Hariri on Aoun: I respect his popular representation and I would’ve liked him to be among the ranks of March 14, but unfortunately he has chosen to be a Hizbullah “second-class officer.”

  • 12 July 2011, 22:21

    Hariri to Berri: We want you a partner in this country, not a partner in harboring the accused individuals.

  • 12 July 2011, 22:20

    Hariri to Suleiman: We were hoping that he would remain true to his inaugural speech and I believe that what’s going on today is not part of that speech.

  • 12 July 2011, 22:19

    Hariri to Assad: No one is bigger than their country and the Syrian people are the backbone of the state in Syria.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:57

    Hariri: If some wanted to discuss the issue of the STL during any national dialogue, Saad Hariri would not attend such a dialogue session and I think that March 14 would not also be present. But we are ready to discuss the issue of Hizbullah’s weapons.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:49

    Hariri: I don’t think that the government will last till 2013 because we are a strong opposition movement.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:44

    Hariri: We’re seeking to topple the government with the democratic means and street action might be one of the options, but we won’t shut down an airport, burn tires or jeopardize the economy.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:40

    Hariri: When I said that I was betrayed, I was honestly referring to Safadi and Miqati and actually Lebanon was betrayed. We will remain in the opposition camp until the government is toppled or until we win the elections.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:38

    Hariri: I thank Walid Jumblat for the entire previous period as he was the one who stood up for the blood of Rafik Hariri on March 14 and I respect him and respect his supporters, regardless of our political differences.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:38

    Hariri: The other camp does not want to be in the service of the State, but rather in the service of the mini-state.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:33

    Hariri: The decision to topple Saad Hariri was taken by Sayyed Nasrallah and President Assad.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:32

    Hariri: There is no political dispute with Miqati, but this government is Hizbullah’s government.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:25

    Hariri on whether he would meet Nasrallah: I’m not against dialogue, but this time witnesses should be present in the meeting.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:22

    Hariri: March 14 does not possess weapons and therefore it can’t threaten stability. Do they want us to apologize for the death of our martyrs?

  • 12 July 2011, 21:18

    Hariri: The main problem in the country is the issue of weapons, which has become our problem with Hizbullah and the problem of Hizbullah itself. Does it want to maintain its hegemony over the Lebanese? We, in March 14, will not remain silent and Saad Hariri will not remain silent. They are mistaken if they think that we will abandon our allies and we will keep on opposing weapons. The rift over the issue of arms is a major rift.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:14

    Hariri: Political Harirism believes in the rule of law and it has not created its own constitution.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:13

    Hariri: When I got engaged in negotiations, I knew that I would lose politically and popularly , but others do not want to make concessions, they only want to get rid of Saad Hariri. But anyway, why would those who got rid of Rafik Hariri want the presence of Saad Hariri.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:10

    Hariri: I don’t want to be in power and today I’m satisfied that I’m not in power. I was clear regarding reconciliation and forgiveness, but some people think that they are bigger than Lebanon.

  • 12 July 2011, 21:01

    Hariri: The indictments and the STL are not against a certain sect. The murderers are individuals and do not represent the Sunnis or the Shiites.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:58

    Hariri: There won’t be stability without justice and the accused are not bigger than their country. Lebanon witnessed assassinations all through 30 years and this is the first time in Lebanon that a tribunal is established to try the murderers of political figures.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:55

    Hariri: The STL mentioned individuals, but Sayyed Nasrallah threw his support behind those individuals. We only want justice through this international tribunal.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:55

    Hariri: Lebanon’s non-cooperation with the tribunal puts Lebanon in danger and no one can terminate the STL.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:52

    Hariri: We are not the ones inciting the international community, the other camp’s press conferences are inciting the international community against Lebanon.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:52

    Hariri: Nothing will be changed in the indictment even if Sayyed Nasrallah holds 300 press conferences.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:50

    Hariri: I’ve decided to speak not to break the silence but rather to end the distortion of facts concerning several issues, topped by the indictment and the STL.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:49

    Hariri: At a certain point, I wanted to go away and watch from afar and it was my own choice to be away.

  • 12 July 2011, 20:46

    Ex-PM Saad Hariri to MTV: My next interview will be broadcast from Beirut and I will return to Beirut as soon as possible.

Comments 33
Missing allouchi 12 July 2011, 22:50

God bless and protect you Sheikh Saad and bless the true and free Lebanese. The truth hurts but it should always shine. It is time to confront the low life traitors that hide behind the Israeli excuse to stay in power and keep arms. Syrian regime will fall soon and the dogs of Assad, Hizb and Iran will be tamed again. You TRAITORS start looking for new masters or repent and start being loyal to your country. Saad Hariri is man enough to admit mistakes and apologizes to his fellow man. Mark my words sooner rather than later the aownis, baathis, hizbees, amalis and all the rest of the NAWAR will join the cockroaches of history. Hillou aana baa ya bajam...

Default-user-icon Jabbour81 (Guest) 12 July 2011, 22:54

Hariri on Aoun: I would’ve liked him to be among the ranks of March 14, but unfortunately he has chosen to be a Hizbullah “second-class officer.”


Default-user-icon biggerdig (Guest) 12 July 2011, 23:01

Is that a Persian accent I hear coming out of you?? Go back to Persia where you belong and take your Alawei friends with you

Missing startrip 12 July 2011, 23:18

Saad, you hit the nail on the head. Aoun the Clown is a "second class officer" with Hezbollah. An opportunistic remora on Hassan Nasrallah's butt hole. I think when Hezbollah runs dry, the remora will find another shark to suckle and Aoun's clowns, the mindless imbeciles they are, will follow him there too.

Thumb shab 12 July 2011, 23:24

Brave comments. The truth about the filthy militia's weapon and the problems in Lebanon. I can see now ehy they want to assinate him. Long live Lebanon

Default-user-icon biggerdig (Guest) 12 July 2011, 23:31

bigdig..Do you swallow?

Default-user-icon biggerdig (Guest) 12 July 2011, 23:36

bigdig, Persia Air called, and they are running out of seats for the likes of you to get the hell out of town

Default-user-icon Ex- March 14 supporter (Guest) 13 July 2011, 00:05

Saad be crazy X_X

instead of buying the elections, clubbin and spending your money on drugs and prostitutes while in Paris, you should start behaving a little more responsible by paying back your sister, cousin, employees and give back the lebanese what your mafia stole(solidere). You lost the premiereship because your a little brat that killed your own father for power. You say you want justice yet you align youself with the king of criminals (gagegae) and call him your "friend". What a disgrace you are to your father and the hariri name. ALLAH YIRHAMAK YA RAFIC HARIRI.

Missing peace 13 July 2011, 00:08

some behavior here are typical of the political culture of some; meaning inexistent!

instead of fighting over ideas , which apparently they don t know, or don t even have, they insult people or the leaders whom they are against!
i m talking about supporters of M8 or M14 here.

it is not astonishing that lebanon is still a third world country when we read you!

if you want to country to developp and become a country envied by the whole world, you are taking the opposite path!

poor lebanon....

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 00:13

good post from peace and unfortunately so true.

Default-user-icon Tarabeesh (Guest) 13 July 2011, 00:21

Nothing will change now that the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS that Saad Hariri APPROVED the sale contact of the STL, which actually means that HE SOLD THE BLOOD OF HIS FATHER and the martyrs. END OF STORY. Regardless, though, out of his stupidity, blind hatred and vengefulness, he worked tirelessly to buy, buy truth which led to bye, bye justice. Those who made him a leader knew all of this and so once again Israel gets away with the murder of the century. Thanks, Marwan Hamade and step-son Zuhair Al Siddiq. Hasta la vista Hariri Mafia. Adieu Hariri's Christian Sunnis. SHALOM.

Thumb bashir 13 July 2011, 00:43

The hope , the glory and the future of Lebanon is heard.

Bless you shiekh Saad. We wont surrender ever to the Iranian regime.

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 00:53

I have never been comfortable in having a Saudi as prime minister, under the Syrian era as long a Saudi Arabia and Syria were ok we had to but now it might be over.

Anyhow, though I don't like him either, I guess that the Mous'ta'bal will have a better Future with Siniora leading, he is not Saudi (to the best of my knowledge) and has more credibility as a politician.

Just giving my honest opinion, I cam't call for freedom while having a leader that is Saudi... no?

Missing charlie 13 July 2011, 01:15

Hey bigdiggie..hey big diggiediggie..Khameni is looking for your seet ass..hop on to your home Qom an do some chest beating for us Monkey

Thumb shab 13 July 2011, 01:40

It’s really odd. Every time a politician or a commentator express views about democracy, peace with neighbors, justice, freedom, education, equality and other normal civilized human rights needs, the sheep of the filthy non-Islamic mafia militia automatically start to comment negatively and focuses on the person’s private life and sect, instead of listening to the message. What’s wrong with you people,. You act like teenagers with movie star posters on the wall of their room competing on who’s is best etc. and the and the fixation of the individuals is really infantile. Try to look at the bigger picture, what kind of a society do you want for yourselves ? Your leaders are not perfect, They are only human being and do make mistakes .

Thumb sasi 13 July 2011, 01:45

Well said.

I have to say, that i simply agree with all what he said.

He spoke the truth of my mind!

Long live Lebanon of democracy! STL is there and you cannot fight the world!

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 01:54

bigdig, Saad has 2 passports but he lived almost all his life outside of Leb, when he became numero 1 at parliament in 2005-2006, he had a baby and his wife gave birth in Saudi Arabia, et.

There is no need to continue, when Saudi interest comes b 4 Leb and when u talk about freedom and democracy u have no credibility whatsoever.

As for Siniora credibility, I was talking as a political leader for a Lebanese movement and relatively to Saad, he is more credible (it doesn't mean that he is credible to people who do not agree with the future movement)

Concerning Hariri the father, there is no doubt that he was much better for Lebanon and a much more capable person... but I have some reservations as well, Solidere, Job creation, Industry related policy, high debt, strong dollar policy, etc. But yes, nothing as fundamental as Saad who thinks that PM is a function comparable to King of KSA, he should have stayed home (teasing few just).

Missing sikoflebanon 13 July 2011, 02:01

I don't get it bigdig, so you say saad has a saudi agenda and then you go supporting hassan and aoun who have a syrian-iranian agenda... then you give lessons on credibility???

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 02:28

Shab... in a democracy, everyone has the right to have his opinion.

No one spoke about sect or private life of Saad, I don't care what he eats or if he cheats on his wife but as a matter of fact, I am a nationalist and prefer a prime minister who is fully committed to his country and who stands by his people in difficult time. Bashir Gemayel lost a daughter and sooner after his life, Saad was away in 2006 ( he was an embarrassing to every on, you can read the wikileaks, even the US ambassador was embarrassed for him).

Finally, I am not a kid or a teenager anymore and I don't judge politicians to what they say but what they do, Aoun was also talking nice in the 80s (we all wanted a free and sovereign country) but his actions weren't good; Same goes for Amine Gemayel when he became president or Walid Jumblat (always saying nice things - depending where u stand when he turns).

If u only could read well b 4 jumping to conclusions and insulting others, u will avoid embarrassing yourself

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 02:44

Sasi.. wake-up, there is no democracy in Lebanon (just read the board).

Feudalism and blind allegiances, if Saad is for democracy so let him speak for his people in Saudi Arabia... same apply for many other leaders in Lebanon who talk about democracy but think in Feudalism mind.

Saad said nice things but when he was prime minister he didn't achieve much, in fact, he made a government with Hezbollah and headed a government backing the HA.... he did politics & and he is doing it again.

Hiding behind international community and just talking no matter how nice it is what you say, it doesn't help much.

Action is what counts not words; before Mikati being elected, he made a nice speech saying that democracy will talk, few days later he loses and we have violence in Tripoli and don't insult my intelligence in trying to make it as if he didn't know.

When we had issues prior to the fall of his gov. Mr, Saad was outside Leb more than 50% of the time instead of being responsible & b here...

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 03:15

Geagea is not going to be happy... being a "second officer" of Beyt al Hariri.

Next talk with HN, Saad wants witnesses but he didn't mention if it is false witnesses

"Political Harirism believes in the rule of law and it has not created its own constitution": but it believes also in money ruling and Kanaan electoral law

But anyway, why would those who got rid of Rafik Hariri want the presence of Saad Hariri: no need for the STL anymore.. but I'll talk with the killers to become PM again (cf. above)

Mikati stabbed Saad in the back already remember Saad in the (Hakika Leaks NewTv) , yet he betrays Saad now, a second time after being insulted on tape of the IIIC!!!

It's late and I wanted to finish with a not too boring message targeting 7 reds (it's a lot easier than trying to argument!!!)

Thumb benzona 13 July 2011, 03:50

La tension monte de jour en jour et il paraît inévitable qu'Assad demanderait à ses larbins hezbollahis de détourner l'attention de la communauté internationale. Franchement, la tête de Nasrallah devrait être mise à prix comme l'a été celle de Ben Laden, un milicien de son propre parti rendrait service au Liban et à la paix en l'éliminant vidéo à l'appui. Le hezbollah, pseudo parti islamique finance ses campagnes 'civiles' et militaires (entendez également la propagande) avec l'argent de l'héroïne et de la cocaïne. Bravo les bons musulmans, vous êtes de futurs martyrs exemplaires et vous avez tout compris des textes sacrés!

Thumb sasi 13 July 2011, 06:31


STL Cassese writes today in views in International Herald Tribune about Justice!

Lebanon will be always democratic and justice will be served!

Great views of the TRUTH!

Thumb tabasco 13 July 2011, 07:38

Kudos to Hariri !

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 13 July 2011, 08:21

This interview shows that the SAD SAAD , knows he will neverrrrrrr come back to Lebanon .

Stay where you are , it is better for you and for Lebanon , because next week , the files of YOUR father's corruption and yours , are open .

Make sure you take siniora with you and raya el Hassan , with Rifi and Wissam el Hassan and many more from your al mustakbal zbélé party , before we throw them in jail like rats .

We have nothing to do with YOU , you are a disgrace to YOUR country KSA ! where you are not wanted and persona non gratta .

Thumb leblover 13 July 2011, 10:21

alla yehmik sheikh sa3ed, alla ykhalik shawki bi 3youn el safawyeh wel farisyeh, keep talking coz when you talk the other byef2a3ou men ahroun, ans specialy strange peaple like bigdig and his friend LE Safawicien

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 13 July 2011, 11:59

nothing will change if you hold 300 conferences, you are stil a crook, a traitor that works for saudis/americans and i have heard quite convincing theory that you and your brother killed your father.

and if shab and startrip and other traitors write 300 00000000 posts they will still be traitors.

Missing future_vision 13 July 2011, 13:23

@to ALL M8 fans
U knw what I like when i read these comments ..
is that I find that its MAJORITY is actually the TRUE MAJORITY that won the Elections in 2009 and is going to win again in 2013 !! if this "Syrian/Hizbulla/Iranian" government, if god forbids, last till 2013..


all the majority rules also on the thumbs up and down for every comment: a M14 comment will always get higher thumbs up
M8 comment will always get higher thumbs down

u can say it is silly to judge a majority from naharnet but its a start!

@Ex-14 supporter
please have some self respect .. if u want to drugs look at how Hizbullah finance himself and then talks about being the Good Muslim .. Hariri just said it yesterday that he was going to accept his pain (killing of his father) in return of building a state where there is no weapons and we could have One STATE .. u talk about Geagea being king of criminals just wait for the STL and see who is the king of criminals when we r not even at war..

Default-user-icon victory (Guest) 13 July 2011, 13:35

Saad Hariri is done, yes he is DONE. Do you think he does not know the truth behind his fathers murder? Saad is a puppet of the USA/Israeli plot against Lebanon and the many strong sects that keep lebanon prosperous.

Open your eyes M14, and join the real nation, one that will help Lebanon move to an era of peace, stability, improvement, technology, better economy, etc..

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 13 July 2011, 15:25

Hariri has given a very strong speech and answered the questions posed forthrightly. He is growing up. Maybe in his father's household, where he was a young boy, appeals to fairness and kindness were successful strategies, and Hariri tried this in Lebanese politics only to find himself addressing the Lebanese people on a jumbo flat screen from Paris.
He has passed through his sulking and hurt feelings at betrayal by Mikati and Safadi.
Hopefully he is toughing up into a seasoned politician ready for the crucible of Lebanese politics. It is cut throat, Machiavellian and now Orwellian. Hariri is the leader of the M14 coalition, the indispensible Sunni leader to match with a Christian party coalition partner, who is yet to emerge.
M14 is evolving slowly, but well, and will supercede the Hezbollah project in Lebanon which is alien to Lebanon and does not arise from the Lebanese people.

Missing future_vision 13 July 2011, 23:56

haha u can say whatever u want it is still a plus from the vibe of the comments and the thumbs up and down for M14.. I was expecting of course some laughs I admit it is funny ..

now to serious stuff .. If u talk about money during elections please don’t play innocent when u know how many Syrians come vote ,without knowing to who they vote, just vote M8.. it is dumb to say one camp cheats because you know that they both cheat .. even if I come now and say that the elections of 2009 were the least corrupted compared to the previous one, you are going to deny it so what is the point?

Missing future_vision 14 July 2011, 00:00

@ ALL M8 FANS & Mowaten
And if you want democracy in your country, you are never going to get it with a militia that doesn’t respect the opinion of others and uses its weapons to threaten you and impose their opinion
•Walid Jumlat switchin political position,
•Michel Sleiman delaying the reunion for appointin a minister,
•Having 1/3 of the block in the ministry when they are a minority !! NEVER EVER has this existed in any so called DEMOCRACY) ..
• Having their own telecommunication network in which the state is forbidden to control and invade the downtown on May 7 2008 with their weapons,
•Locking out the airport and welcomin Jamil el Sayed on a red carpet when he is supposed to go the court after threatening the life of the prime minister on TV
Stealing electricity in dahieh

So Yes, I prefer M14 preaching Democracy and not once, can I hear M8 doing so, specialy Mikati saying that he will respect the STL when Raad just before, said it was all Bullshit, who r u mockin?

Default-user-icon Bilatos Bondi (Guest) 14 July 2011, 01:22

The change is already done with or without speeches by anybody, and this change is MONUMENTAL. Finally, Hariri Mafia's party and Party are both over, and their only hope of a revival is the return of the barbecued Rafik men ta7 sebe3 ard (alla yghame2lo). Finally, Lebanon's Spring is a reality. All decent Lebanese, REJOICE!!!