Hariri Accuses Assad Regime of Launching 'Dirty' War on Tripoli, Urges State Action

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Al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri accused Syrian President Bashar Assad of being the mastermind of all crimes in Lebanon, and held the state responsible for the deteriorating security situation in the northern city of Tripoli.

In a statement issued by his press office, Hariri said it was “useless” to find ways to resolve the cabinet crisis, or hold a parliamentary session or resume the national dialogue after Tripoli has come under attack in a “suspicions war.”

“There is a dirty war that the Syrian regime has launched on Tripoli and its residents through its local partners,” he said.

The city has been engulfed in fighting between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen since Monday. The clashes have left scores of casualties.

The two districts have for years witnessed deadly gunbattles. But skirmishes began to flare with increasing intensity after the Syrian uprising began in March 2011.

Bab al-Tabbaneh's residents are mostly Sunni, like Syria's rebels. Jabal Mohsen has residents of Assad's Alawite sect.

Hariri said in his statement that the order to punish Tripoli was issued as soon as the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch arrested a network responsible for deadly car bomb attacks that targeted two Sunni mosques in the city.

Hariri accused the “mastermind of all crimes who lies in Damascus,” of “seeking to drown the city of Tripoli in the chaos of arms.”

The president, prime minister and army commander, in addition to all security leaderships know the truth, but they “bury their heads in the sand,” he said.

He also criticized them for holding in vain security meetings.

“From now on, we will not stand idle to watch the city burn,” he warned.

The Mustaqbal movement chief held the state responsible for “giving up the protection of the city and its residents and leaving it to become a ground for armed chaos.”

“The state should take the initiative to settle things and … salvage Tripoli from the plot that the Syrian intelligence's agents are executing,” he said.

“Otherwise, the state and its agencies … would be a partner in the war that the Syrian regime has launched on the city,” Hariri added.

Comments 39
Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 13:18

Saad Hariri just came out and said that M14 the proxy for the KSA wouldn't allow the formation of the Cabinet nor the assembly of Parliament ... The man is a traitor to Lebanon ...

Thumb smarty 26 October 2013, 14:09

Saad Hariri is sadly right, Bashar al Assad is behind the unrest, any denial of this fact is futile. The current government +if we may call it so+ is aware of it but remains powerless, should they go against their criminal partner he'd unleash further wrath against Lebanon.

Default-user-icon ex-recolutionary (Guest) 26 October 2013, 14:21

he's the biggest joke ever and also the biggest disgrace

Thumb king.of.kings 26 October 2013, 15:12

yeah thats the best that hariri could do. complain and accuse while living in the safety of Europe.

Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 15:28

His press release goes farther than complaints ... He is calling for a complete shutdown of government and blaming Assad for his position when everyone knows it is the sectarian treachery of the KSA that is behind his statement.

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 15:44

Nobody believes KSA commands Hariri except anti sunnis brainwashed or taqiya-addicted Hizbos...
Something u need to understand, u can call us terrorists, wahabis, u can infiltrate the security apparatus or be 60% of Lebanese, we will not bend to HizbIran. We want power-sharing, not civil war, but we're ready for it. Never will we bend to Vilayat Faqih...

Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 16:01

@ cedre

But there was power sharing ... both Miqati and Suleiman are M14. Seven of the Cabinet members are Sunni.

What is clear is that M8 had a clear majority as is entitled to run the government.

Miqati and Suleiman are there to veto any attempts at subterfuge.

Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 16:02

@ cedre

Anybody that doesn't believe Hariri gets his orders from the KSA is blind ...

Missing people-power 26 October 2013, 18:51

mckidiot..... there are not 7 Sunni Cabinet Ministers. Stop lying.

M8 did not have a majority at all. They have 58 MP's in Parliament, and M14 has 60 MP's in Parliament. PSP and 1 independent make up the rest.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 October 2013, 19:13

Mc. You say m8 has a clear majority? And they should form and govern. Why wasn't that extended to m14 when they had the clear majority in 2005 and 2009? You reek of hypocracy.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 October 2013, 19:15

Funny how m8 raised arms to insist on apparently m14 figures (mikati and Sulaiman) to head the govt. haha what fools we are surrounded by.

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 16:21

"complain and accuse while living in the safety of Europe." oh! doesn't it remind you of aoun who did the same? LOL

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 17:09

threaten to be killed by your allies....don't forget that part LOL

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 15:38

Wahabism doesn't exist u ignorant.
Everybody knows how Hariris are strict sunni Muslims, stupid propagandist...

Default-user-icon Emad (Guest) 26 October 2013, 16:18

Cedre, in what way are they strict? Didnt rafik hariri consume alcohol? There are MANY factors that show that the hariris are not strict muslims at all, rather they are secularists who just like the saudi regime use islam when it suits them. Yes hezbeshaytan does the same, but they are shia and go by a diffirent religion/ideology which allows them to be shady and have the double standards they have. Mustaqbal on the other hand dont have that as islam is very clear on the issues they violate.

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 16:10

@mckinl : instead of calling people blind, give us example where Hariri was following saudi agenda or geopolitical interests like HizbIran does...

Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 16:14

Hariri and Saqr were caught running men and supplies into Syria for the terrorists while M14 was chastising HA for doing the same ...

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 16:22

just focus on Hariri and give us proofs, facts boy...

Btw, no every fighters in Syria is a terrorist/takfiri, actually they represent less than 5% of the rebels, so just stop ur pro bashar/hizb propaganda please coz u begin to sound like another idiot here that attack sunnis on every possible occasion. he'll recognize himself...

Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 16:33

@ cedre

I do not attack Muslims but Hariri & Mustaqbal ... I do not attack Christians but Geagea & the LF ...

I attack them because they tear Lebanon apart. M14 is not a majority but a minority. If they want to run the country they need the votes.

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 16:42

" If they want to run the country they need the votes."

they had the votes in the previous 2 gvts but your M8 friends did all they could to 1/ block the parliament 2/ oust hariri with the threatening of weapons...

so what votes are you talking about when M8 NEVER respect the outcome of elections? LOL

nd the only ones to tear lebanon are hezbollah... they don't even respect gvt's decisions and you believe they favor stability? hypocrisy it is called....

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 16:43

nasrallah himself said that he didn't care about the results of elections!!!!!

Thumb mckinl 26 October 2013, 16:57

@ peace ...

M8 formed a government with a majority of MPs ... They have the right to run the government ...

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 17:13

poor FT always believing his BS...

"you mean they bought the votes." M8 did too... but strange they accepted to be part of the gvt even knowing that! one with dignity wouldn't like M14 who refused to be part of YOUR gvt... LOL

and still even with your rantings, M8 never respected the outcome of the elections as they did all they could to take over power like i reminded you before and which you carefully deflected! LOL
poor thing you are....

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 17:54

"M8 formed a government with a majority of MPs ... They have the right to run the government ..."

just like M14 had the right to run a gvt that M8 blocked and then took by the threatening of its weapons after turning in jumblatt to make a majority in the parliament! LOL

so if M14 are blocking the current one as you say , you needn't cry as M8 did the same and set the example! what was good for M8 is not for M14? LOL

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 October 2013, 19:19

You mean the poster draped on the building owned by arslan? Yeah. Nice try.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 October 2013, 22:56

Can your comment warrant anything but??? The building the poster you say was dropped on was and still is owned by arslan family. It was a move by them to discredit what was happening wether you care to admit it or not. So move on little boy. And check your facts that you preach about.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 27 October 2013, 06:23

Then why do you EVER speak? Practice what you preach.

Missing peace 26 October 2013, 16:20

assad and hezbi cannot bear the fact that north lebanon is not under their control. they ll do anything now to take it over and it starts with tripoli.
remember why hafez elassad settled alawites in tripoli in the first place... so that he has a stronghold in the north. and bashar is still using them to destabilize tripoli and the whole north with the help of hezbis ...
the army is unable to intervene because of the fear of its division and because hezbi and mustaqbal give political cover to both sides....

Default-user-icon Phlibon Giocaril (Guest) 26 October 2013, 17:49

He also accused the Assad regime for Rafic's preaching of the darouri, char3i and mou2aqat. Not only that, he also accused the Assad regime for Rafic bringing Jacques Chirac to tutor the Lebanese parliamentarians (smalla 3a heik bda3a) about the necessity of keeping the Syrian occupier in Lebanon until the resolution of the Palestinian problem. And if this is not enough accusing, he also accused the Assad regime for Rafic enjoying the scene of Lebanese, mainly Christians, being beaten by the Syrians and their tools and encouraging them, too. Thank God we have cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil to speak the truth.

Missing helicopter 26 October 2013, 20:23

May be so, but he is definitely more Lebanese thasn SHN. SHN is 100% Iranian heart, mind and soul.

Missing -karim_m1-- 26 October 2013, 20:42

Did Hariri mention that he's coming back "soon" LOL.

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 23:04

coming back where ? for what ?

Default-user-icon Hamza (Guest) 27 October 2013, 04:23

We accuse you and your mafia party of stealing from the Lebanese people between 1992 and 2008. You will go down in history as the most corrupt people in the history of Lebanon. You will all hang from the neck or die in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. You have infested the Akkar & Tripoli with your wahabi salafi elements and tried your best in the south but failed. You will rot in hell. What is happening in Tripoli is called a phases in detoxification and rejuvenation and making the city hygienic. All beards will be shaven Insha'Allah.

Missing servant-of-jesus 27 October 2013, 10:31

Ice-man, the Magos were Arabs. Not Persians or Kurds as people thought.

Missing servant-of-jesus 27 October 2013, 10:35

the expression "uios tou xpistou" does not exist in the Bible.
But I don't think it is a bad title, as it could mean you are the spiritual offspring of Christ. On that note, do you read the Bible daily? I would love to invite you to a weekly Bible study.

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 October 2013, 15:44

hariri should cut the hypocrisy and first speak to his own. ask bab el tabbaneh to stop attacking jabal mohsen.
last week celebratory gunfire was fired in jabal mohsen during assad's speech. that is plainly dumb, agreed, but doesnt justify the offensive on jabal mohsen, which killed score of innocents, starting with the first victim, a 12 year old child. today 2 more were killed by bab el tabbaneh snipers.
reminders of the civil war, snipers get paid "by the head", doesnt matter if it's civilians they slaughter...

Default-user-icon asdas (Guest) 27 October 2013, 16:38

Ksa paid Joker

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) 28 October 2013, 00:37

To basher lovers.

You are uncapable of explaining or arguing against saads main accusation that Bashar, the butcher, is behind all these crimes.

Yet you jump to attack him on other issues. This shows how much you are ignorant or incapable of assuming your positions.

I don't like the man but you have failed to demonstrate that you are capable of running or ruling this country and would prefer to defend criminals, murderers rather than defend your country.

Thumb Mystic 28 October 2013, 02:33

Hariri isn't better than any of the leaders. I remember back in 2008 the Halba massacre when his militias murdered unarmed civilians. All Lebanese leaders are murderous nobody is good.