U.S. Expresses 'Deep' Concern over Security in Lebanon, Calls for Restraint

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The United States expressed on Wednesday its “deep” concern over the “worsening” security situation in Lebanon, including the northern city of Tripoli, it said via the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.

It tweeted that it call for all sides in Lebanon to exercise restraint.

“The violence in Tripoli shows need for parties to protect Lebanon from the fallout of the Syrian conflict,” it continued.

It also condemned the targeting of the Lebanese army in Tripoli, while commending it on its role and sacrifices in Lebanon.

Furthermore, the U.S. noted that the involvement of Lebanese parties, “especially Hizbullah, in Syria worsens sectarian tensions and jeopardizes security.”

Clashes erupted last week between Tripoli's rival Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods, leavings scores of casualties.

The Lebanese army deployed on Tuesday along Syria Street, the road that separates the two neighborhoods.

Three soldiers were wounded on Monday during a clash with gunmen as troops deployed in Bab al-Tabbaneh, whose residents are mostly Sunni and back the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The military had earlier deployed in Jabal Mohsen that is mainly Alawite, the sect of Assad.

The two neighborhoods have repeatedly witnessed rounds clashes that have only grown in intensity after the eruption of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.

Comments 19
Thumb Bandoul 30 October 2013, 16:55

It is hilarious that some people call my country the "warmonger" when the country to which they seem to have pledged allegiance, namely Iran, is the axis of evil.

Thumb Bandoul 31 October 2013, 18:29

Fox news is so awesome, I just love it and I freely admit it. The US will fight as many wars as necessary to keep the evil doers of this world where they belong, underground, deprived of sunshine and oxygen.

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 30 October 2013, 18:25

The hell with Syria, Iran, saudi, US etc.. These are two neighborhoods in the SAME city, in the SAME country. This is pathetic!

Missing peace 30 October 2013, 18:26

"Les Americains tablent sur l'experience democratique des Libanais sur le pluralisme, sur le dialogue entre les civilisations que l'on retrouve chez nous... Mais malheureusement, au Liban, on ne fait pas la difference: les Americains veulent lutter contre le terrorisme et ne provoquent pas, comme on les accuse, ce que l'on appelle un choc des civilisations. En realite, ce sont les integristes musulmans qui sont hostiles aux autres civilisations aussi bien musulmane, chretienne que bouddhiste; ce ne sont pas les Americains qui appellent au Jihad. "

Et puis les Americains ne sont-ils pas les parrains de Taef? Ceux qui ne misent plus aujourd'hui sur eux, pourquoi l'ont-ils fait par le passe? Pourquoi les Libanais n'ont-ils pas le droit de le faire, de defendre leur souverainete et leur independance? ..."

Missing peace 30 October 2013, 19:08

the post above was said by michel aoun... not me....

Missing peace 30 October 2013, 21:14

hezb is the main problem... by being above laws it has only given way to counter reaction by other extremists ... why can hezb bear arms and go freely and not others? are there two laws in lebanon, one for hezbis and one for others? that is the logic hezb has set ....

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 21:16

It baffles me how the United States of America is "concerned" about the deteriorating situation in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East.

American foreign policy is much to blame for the never-ending fire pit that is our region.

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 21:37

I did not say it was all US doing. I said they are "much to blame" for the chaos and this is very much true.
Mr. Nasrallah's organization should be integrated with the army in some way, however, I do not see how disarming Mr. Nasrallah's organization is going to solve the crisis in Lebanon. I actually believe it will help destabilize the situation more so.

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 22:14

You are getting upset at my use of the word "organization" to describe Mr. Nasrallah's organization?? Do not be petty please, it is not a nice quality.
I did not realize that Mr. Nasrallah's organizations arms is stopping Lebanon from holding elections? Did the issue of their arms stop Lebanon from holding elections a few years ago??

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 22:31


1)I am a American, born and bred. So if you do not mind, please to do not label me anything I am not.
2)What happened to the citizens demonstrating was disgraceful
3)Please do not respond to my question with questions of your own, it shows a lack of debating/thinking skills. I asked you if the arms belonging to Mr. Nasrallah's organization stopped Lebanon from holding elections. Please answer my question.

Missing peace 30 October 2013, 22:42

seems you don't understand hezbi strategy: they are not interested in taking over the state but rather to pull the strings through their allies... if the state does not please them they either block it or take it by force and stall the country... they are the real power now, and they govern, not the state, by the threat of their arms, plain and simple!
if they ever took the gvt by force and impose their laws they know they won't be able to, so they use their allies to do the job and then appear clean!
they are not here to care about lebanon but to obey iran and their agenda.

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 22:50

The name is Mr. Black but maybe this insideman you speak of has equally challenging rhetoric.

I am afraid you did not answer my question. Did the arms belonging Mr. Nasrallah's organization prevent Lebanon from holding elections? Election's that the March 14th camp were the victors mind you.

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 23:09

It's Mr. Black, thank you.

Maybe I need to be more specific with my question, I am sorry but I do not think you understand.
In the 2009 Lebanese General Elections, did the arms of Mr. Nasrallah's organization prevent Mr. Hariri from winning the elections?

Missing peace 30 October 2013, 23:17

with or without elections nasrallah does not care... if any decisions from the state displease them they just block the gvt ... they prefer to appear "democratic" in the eyes of people. they already rule the country with their arms whoever is elected!...
so elections? they don't care as long as their hands are free to do what please them...
don't let yourself deluded and open your eyes...

Thumb mr.black 30 October 2013, 23:42

Is there a love affair you have with Mr. Insideman that I need to know about?
Your answers to my questions are silly. It seems as if you are answering me out of anger.
For the record, I do not agree with everything Mr. Nasrallah's organization does but the sad reality is that Mr. Nasrallah, even amongst his enemies, is still trusted and is known to be a man of his word.

Missing people-power 31 October 2013, 03:21

Yes blackie, when Ayadevil told Nasrallah to kill Rafik Hariri, Nasrallah said "yes boss", and he kept his word.

Thumb Bandoul 31 October 2013, 18:42

Hello mr. black, you say you a are born and bred American. Just a news bulletin for you fellow American, your country and mine, the USA, considers HA a terrorist organization. As an American, you have a moral obligation to be aligned with the security stances of your government whether you disagree with them or not. Alternatively you are free to ignore your government security stances and side with the enemy. Gotta love freedom, no?

Default-user-icon Patriot (Guest) 31 October 2013, 01:15

Everybody wants to cry about the US meddling in their affairs, blah blah blah, yet you accept all the foreign aid, disaster relief, food and many other things that the good ole US of A has given to Lebanon for decades. I agree our foreign policy has been weak in that part of the world, but to say that Lebanon can have a even a slight chance of having some form of a democratic government while you have an organization within that wields more strength than the army of Lebanon is just plain laughable.

Thumb Bandoul 31 October 2013, 18:43

beautifully said, thank you.