New STL Arrest Warrants to Include MPs, Ministers

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing into the assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri will issue 14 arrest warrants that will include Lebanese officials, the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Anbaa reported on Saturday.

Diplomatic sources told the daily that the warrants are expected to include Lebanese officials and military personnel and other people from different nationalities.

“The new circulated names include a current MP (in the parliament) and former Ministers and MPs,” they said.

Sources involved in the Lebanese situation stressed that “the satisfaction that followed the appointments and the release of the seven Estonians might not last long with the near release of the new arrest warrants.”

The diplomatic circles said that the arrest warrants are expected to be issued before the end of July.

The STL submitted a confidential indictment and arrest warrants for four suspects in June. The names were not released but were leaked to the media and later confirmed by the Lebanese government.

Mustafa Badreddin, Salim Ayyash, Assad Sabra and Hussein Anaissi are all members of Hizbullah.

However, their whereabouts are unknown.

Lebanon now has 30 business days to find and arrest the four named in the warrants.

If no arrests are made, the court can publicize their names and call on the accused to surrender within a month, after which the defense chief can himself appoint lawyers from his office's list to represent defendants in absentia.

Comments 19
Missing joseph 16 July 2011, 16:56

@bigdig, Whoever is indicted, is certainly, implicated in the murder and it is obvious that these alledged criminals are against Hariri, otherwise why would they murder him. Time for these gangsters to wrap up and hide.
Can't wait to see how many MP is implicated. The joke is that Aoun might end up being alone in the cabinet.

Missing startrip 16 July 2011, 17:34

Only an imbecile wouldn't predict that the criminals who killed Rafiq Hariri were in fact "against" him.

Default-user-icon isaac (Guest) 16 July 2011, 18:24

Only an imbecile will not understand what bigdig meant. He meant politically against Hariri, and that doesn't imply that they all killed him.

Default-user-icon i_ataoui (Guest) 16 July 2011, 18:28

the most obvious ones who realy are behind the assasination of Harriri are who have already criminal acts which identified them; such as phalange party members and Geagea this last one was convicted to death as civil war criminal.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 16 July 2011, 18:39

michel samaha and sleiman franjieh tops the scnd list.

Thumb shab 16 July 2011, 18:45

Bring it on. Entertaiment at highest level. Get the popcorn, Long live free Lebanon

Default-user-icon sweden (Guest) 16 July 2011, 19:00

1) A terrorist organization kill politicans and intellectual one by one until it has bullied itself to a blovking third.
2) The it uses their new power to tear down the democratic chosen government.
3) The it force part of the former bloc to change sides with threats and intimidation so it can set up their own government.

And then the terrorist organization think they can get away with it! :)

Default-user-icon Novello (Guest) 16 July 2011, 22:27

The names od these MPs and ministers shall be announced in an open 7aflet zajal Lebanese style. The famous dance troupe Hezzeh 7alima shall perform during the ceremony. Tickets are free for all imbeciles, aka March 14 and Lebanon Never First. After all, they are the proud sponsors and co-producers with Israel of the ongoing farce known as the STL.

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (Guest) 16 July 2011, 22:51

I swear that some that post on here do it out of spite. I thought at first it was ignorance but now figure it's out of spite. They like to yank the chain of common sense posters. If I'm wrong, it means that they are actually implants from Hizthrowup or other idiotic groups. One more's ok to read international news that gives other opinions. That's all I got to say about that...

Default-user-icon Bobo (Guest) 16 July 2011, 23:00

Lahoud has to be implicated in Hariri's murder.

Default-user-icon golook (Guest) 16 July 2011, 23:01

This will not bring down the mafia that rules Lebanon (and I don't mean one single party but all of them together), but it's a step, and might be the first step to be followed by others. Godspeed.

Default-user-icon Citizen (Guest) 16 July 2011, 23:23

When Harriri was murdered, a lebanese citizen could not fart without Jamil Sayyed and the syrian intelligence knowing about it. It is inconceivable that high ranking lebanese officials were not involved, facilitated, or covered up for the operation. Hizbullah executed the assassination under direct orders from Syria and was helped by military and intelligence personnel. The STL will provide the evidence of their involvement. One of the "Ashraf Al Nass" who carried out the assassination was talking to his morocan whore and got caught. The same person was talking to high ranking hizbullah officials in Dahiye....etc. I hope they will face justice soon. Criminals and murderers driven by prejudice, jealousy, and hatred.... and they operate under the disguise of resistance.....

Missing mansour 17 July 2011, 02:03

i_ataoui you moron the only CIVIL WAR CRIMINALS are your filthy dirty Palestinians , Syrians ,Druze and all those Sunni grubs who tired to rape and murder the Christians out of Lebanon.
Now when you want to mention that geagea was convicted, understand that he was convicted when Syria was in control of Lebanon and he and ONLY he you disgusting grub did not side with Syria when the rest of your filthy kind did.Now do me a favor and the rest of the civilized Lebanese people and go crawl in that RAT hole with nasrallah.RAT

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 17 July 2011, 03:09

ALERT ALERT!!! zionist detected!!!

joseph, startrip, mustapha, shab, sweden, mansour.

i just wander...did you guys got place in zionist information war department because you were incapable for real army or you are sons of politicans and they worked through "connections" to save you from real recruitment?

Missing th21 17 July 2011, 04:35

Dear i_ataoui,

yes... that's right, geagea plotted the murder from his prison cell.

That makes perfect sense, how didnt we see that coming !

Seriously ataoui, dont swallow every little piece of unsubstantiated gossip your media feeds you.

Oh! and does this mean every person who got convicted to death as civil war criminal was involved in the murder (based on your conspiracy theory)

What about the warlords of our civil war that actually got away with their crimes. You love them so much, (and swallow their bullshit so easily) that no matter how much EVIDENCE will be sent your way, you wont believe it if it does not fit your mind...

anyway, goodnight

Default-user-icon large stick (Guest) 17 July 2011, 05:47

obviously it is hisballah and his turban head hassan are the criminals, who else was on the ground druing hariri killing. buttom line is the whole world knows hisbebola is a terrorist group carrying illegal activities like alqaida and yet they think they are angels doing the will of GOD. MOre likely the doing the will of the devil himself because clearly stated ' you shall not kill", but islamic sheilkhs approves of killin humans then tell us that islam is a loving peaceful religion more likely a political movement trying to control the world by killing people who don't believe in their ways or beliefs.
and that makes the future very dangers but bottom of the is the abyss of the ocean for shiekhs who preach crimes and their souls will Go to hell noway around that because they are tuned on killing innocent people.

Thumb bashir 17 July 2011, 11:10

When jabal amel's father or employer makes a point he can't answer he shouts 'Zionist detected' at them, LOL.

What a fool.

Default-user-icon KILLERS (Guest) 17 July 2011, 11:14

> Emile Lahoud & Son
> Suleiman Frangieh
> Wiam Wahab
> Nasser Qandil

Missing peace 17 July 2011, 14:26

be careful!!!!!!!!

jabal amel is a sionist agent! he is saying that all the others are sionist just to disguise himself!

easy to say these stupidities isn t it? takes a 3 yr old to write it, maybe the age of jabel amel!!!