Nasrallah Says Resistance to Emerge 'Stronger' if Iran Deal Sealed, Warns of Targeting Ashura Processions
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةHizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah assured on Wednesday that the resistance will emerge stronger in case a deal was struck between Iran and international powers currently negotiating over Tehran's nuclear program.
Nasrallah surprised his supporters on Wednesday evening when he made a rare public appearance in the Beirut neighborhood of Rweiss, on the tenth night of Ashura.
A day before the annual popular procession is expected to take place, he warned that “bombings, bloodshed and booby-trapped car explosions” could take place, but he stressed, however, that nothing will stand between “people and (Imam) Hussein.”
"If after the negotiations with Iran things head towards a war, everyone must get worried, although others will become more preoccupied than us,” Nasrallah said in his speech.
"But if an accord was reached, our party will become stronger and with a better presence locally and regionally,” he added.
He elaborated: “When negotiations take place, usually allies of the communicating poles get worried but we are not. Our allies do not worry us and we have two allies only, Syria and Iran, that both never abandoned us.”
“Do you expect that Iran will ask Hizbullah to abandon its rights, resistance and hand over the country to the other faction? Those who know Iran's history know that this will not happen.”
Iran and world powers failed to agree a deal on Tehran's disputed nuclear program at talks in Geneva at the weekend but are planning to meet again on November 20 for further negotiations.
Western diplomatic sources say the two sides were close to a deal, but that Iran backed away because it was unhappy with some of the wording in the text presented by the six powers.
They have been negotiating with Tehran for years over its nuclear program, which some suspect is aimed at developing a nuclear weapon -- a claim Iran vehemently denies.
Nasrallah had started his Wednesday speech by pointing out to Israel's “efforts to push for a war in the region.”
He said: "There is no doubt that Israel is pleased to observe what is happening in the Arab and Islamic world, and to see the killings and the disputes between nations and inside each country and each society.”
Nasrallah continued: “It used all its power lately to prepare for an attack on Syria and today while the P5+1 are negotiating with Iran, (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu gets furious and tries to obstruct an accord and reaches out to his Arab allies.”
“Any accord that prevents a war in the region is rejected by Israel. It wants a war that secures its power and security.”
Nasrallah accused some Arab countries of acting similarity to Israel by rejecting any political solution in Syria and an international agreement with Iran.
Addressing Saudis, Qataris, Omanis, Kuwaitis and Emiratis, asked: “Where would a war in the region lead to? Israelis know very well, and their allies as well, that they can start a war anywhere but they cannot limit it to a certain region.”
Regarding reports saying Israel has installed devices to spy on Lebanese communications, Nasrallah remarked that Lebanon “has always been under threat.”
“The Lebanese must know that everything, from phone calls to things shared on the internet, is spied on,” he said.
The Hizbullah chief announced his readiness to confront this issue, if the Lebanese state fails to do so.
“If the state does not do anything to deal with this matter, the resistance will do so many things,” he stated.
“When the state is incapable, the resistance will not give up its responsibility and we are ready to assist in this respect.”
Speaker Nabih Berri revealed last Wednesday that Israel had set up a number of espionage stations along its border with Lebanon, starting from al-Naqoura passing by Khayyam all the way to Sheba.
The biggest espionage station is allegedly installed in al-Abbad and Jan al-Alam areas, which are located near the U.N. demarcated Blue line.
Tackling local political concerns, the Shiite leader accused Saudi Arabia of obstructing the formation of a new cabinet.
“There is a Saudi decision that calls on the March 14 alliance not to form a new cabinet,” he said
He continued: “We have advised them (March 14) to separate Lebanese matters from the Syrian crisis and not to bank on the developments of the neighboring country's war.”
“All facts indicate that things are heading towards a direction that is not desired by Saudi Arabia. All those waiting for a victory in Syria to form a cabinet, we tell them you will not win in the Syrian war.”
Nasrallah urged the formation of a new cabinet that is composed of 9 ministers from the March 14 coalition, 9 ministers from the March 8 alliance, in addition to 6 figures associated with President Michel Suleiman and premier-designate Tammam Salam.
He warned: “The collapse of the state's bodies and institutional vacuum cannot be dealt with by a caretaker cabinet.”
“We want a 9-9-6 council of ministers that preserves the rights of everyone.”
13 November 2013, 21:26
Nasrallah: I used to tell you that nothing should prevent you from taking part in the procession of Ashura and tomorrow no explosion, bloodshed, or booby-trapped cars will stand between us and Hussein.
13 November 2013, 21:17
Nasrallah: What are your betting on and what are you waiting for? When negotiations take place, usually allies of the communicating poles get worried but we are not. Our allies do not worry us and we have two allies only; Syria and Iran that have never abandoned us.
13 November 2013, 21:15
Nasrallah: If things head towards a war everyone must be worried, but others must be more preoccupied. But if an accord was made, our party will become stronger and with a better presence locally and regionally.
13 November 2013, 21:14
Nasrallah: Do you expect that Iran will ask Hizbullah to abandon its rights, resistance and hand over the country to the other faction? Those who know Iran's history know that this will not happen.
13 November 2013, 21:13
Nasrallah: We informed them, based on our sources, that there are negotiations over Iran's nuclear program and if an accord was made to end Hizbullah, we tell them not to form a cabinet with the ministers from the party.
13 November 2013, 21:12
Nasrallah: All those waiting for a victory in Syria to form a cabinet, we tell them you will not win in the Syrian war.
13 November 2013, 21:12
Nasrallah: We have advised them to separate Lebanese matters from the Syrian crisis and not to bank on the developments of the neighboring country's war. All facts indicate that things are heading towards a direction that is not desired by Saudi Arabia.
13 November 2013, 21:10
Nasrallah: There is a Saudi decision that calls on the March 14 alliance not to form a new cabinet.
13 November 2013, 21:09
Nasrallah: The collapse of the state's institutions and the vacuum cannot be dealt with by a caretaker cabinet. We want a 9-9-6 council of ministers that preserves the rights of everyone.
13 November 2013, 21:08
Nasrallah: Reality says that the only option left for Lebanese factions is to cooperate and determine together Lebanon's future, not the U.S. or John Kerry.
13 November 2013, 21:02
Nasrallah: Kerry and Obama's statements do not change anything and this could be considered an acknowledgment that we are a main component in Lebanon.
13 November 2013, 21:01
Nasrallah: Some factions were happy when U.S. Secretary of State Kerry said he does not want Hizbullah to determine Lebanon's future. Others, thought this declaration would worry us.
13 November 2013, 20:59
Nasrallah: The resistance's telecommunications network prevents spying and it is a guarantee for the resistance.
13 November 2013, 20:58
Nasrallah: When the state is incapable, the resistance will not give up its responsibility.
13 November 2013, 20:57
Nasrallah: If the state has not been able to do anything yet, the resistance would so many things.
13 November 2013, 20:57
Nasrallah: As a resistance, we are ready in this respect to offer the state what it needs.
13 November 2013, 20:56
Nasrallah: We should look into a formula to face these issues and we are ready to discuss any proposal.
13 November 2013, 20:55
Nasrallah: All the Lebanese must stand beside the state while dealing with these issues and we should show solidarity because spying affects everyone and so does the issue of water.
13 November 2013, 20:54
Nasrallah: Another issue to pay attention to is securing that Lebanon takes control of all its waters, and its petroleum resources.
13 November 2013, 20:53
Nasrallah: Lebanon was always under threat and the Lebanese must know that everything, from phone calls to things shared on the internet, is spied on. How could we face this?
13 November 2013, 20:51
Nasrallah: All those pushing for war will not succeed in their plans just like they failed in 1982.
13 November 2013, 20:50
Nasrallah: All nations in the region, among them Lebanon, must know who is looking for war and who is looking for political solutions and settlements that preserves the rights of Arabs and Muslims.
13 November 2013, 20:50
Nasrallah: When Israel was trying ton push for an attack on Syria, the interests and the worries of Americans stopped this step.
13 November 2013, 20:48
Nasrallah: We lament that Netanyahu has become the spokesperson for several Arab countries and we lament Livni saying the Israeli cabinet has received messages from Arab cabinets and this is not news.
13 November 2013, 20:47
Nasrallah: Israelis know very well, and their allies as well, that they can start a war anywhere but they cannot limit it to a certain region.
13 November 2013, 20:46
Nasrallah addressing Saudis, Qataris, Omanis, Kuwaitis and Emiratis: Where would a war in the region lead to?
13 November 2013, 20:45
Nasrallah: Some Arab countries are acting similarly to Israel and rejecting a political solution in Syria and any international accord with Iran.
13 November 2013, 20:45
Nasrallah: American officials said the substitute to a political solution is war and the American people do not want war. But Israel is still pushing for a war.
13 November 2013, 20:43
Nasrallah: Israel wants the U.S. to attack Syria, Afghanistan and Iran to preserve its security.
13 November 2013, 20:43
Nasrallah: Any accord that prevents a war in the region is rejected by Israel. It wants a war that secures its power and security.
13 November 2013, 20:43
Nasrallah: Israel lately used all its power to prepare an attack on Syria and today while the P5+1 are negotiating with Iran, Netanyahu gets furious and tries to obstruct an accord and reaches out to his Arab allies.
13 November 2013, 20:41
Nasrallah: When the September 11 events took place, Israel and the Zionist lobby employed all its political and security potentials to encourage the U.S. to occupy the region and while the U.S. said al-Qaida was behind the attacks, Israel accused Hizbullah.
13 November 2013, 20:40
Nasrallah: Israel is pushing towards a war and is not looking for peace, tranquility or assurance. It is looking for war.
13 November 2013, 20:40
Nasrallah: There is also no doubt that Israel is worried about the future because things can get out of control and reach a stage in which international powers cannot take control of. As such, those that prepared the turmoil will become victims to it.
13 November 2013, 20:39
Nasrallah: Israeli PM Netanyahu has become an expert on Shiite-Sunni affairs and this is Israel's project, to have all nations in the region weak and divided on a sectarian or ethnic basis, while it remains powerful in the region, forces its existence in Palestine and dominates over all states in the region.
13 November 2013, 20:38
Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the eve of Ashura commemoration: There is no doubt that Israel is pleased to observe what is happening in the Arab and Islamic world, and to see the killing and the disputes between nations and inside each country and each society. Israel is pushing towards this situation.

OMG....! Alona and I cued up all day long in Rwais to get a glimpse of Sayyed Hassan, and we were blessed and rewarded as he appeared live in front of millions of worshipping fans. We were in tears as Sayyed delivered his purely religious speech on this holy occasion of Ashura. He tackled the religious meaning of Ashura and the martyrdom of Hussain and his 72 followers in the battle of Karbala. We were overwhelmed with emotions as Alona and I found ourselves involuntarily standing up, pumping our fists in the air, and chanting "Labayka Ya Nassrallah". We thank Sayyed Hassan (God Bless him and give him long life) for his live appearance, his humility, his poise, his vision, and finally for adhering to religious issues away from messy and complicated political issues.

Nasrallah: The resistance's telecommunications network prevents spying and it is a guarantee for the resistance.
WRONG! Your communication network have been compromised multiple times. How many Israeli spy devices were discovered on your network. How many have yet to be.

Translation: Nasrallah is more than worried that Iran will drop him like a bad habit if that is the condition for Iran to continue its nuclear development program, or come out from the sanctions regime.

we lament Livni saying the Israeli cabinet has received messages from Arab cabinets and this is not news.
No not new at all the Syrian regime perfected this, we remember when Bashar sent Ibrahim Suleiman on a mission with Israel in 2006 while Lebanon burned as a result of Nasrallah's Iran dictated war.

theresistance from those words you utter I fear you might be a Mushrik (Allah(swt) Knows what is in your heart) but you write something I would tremble at my knees to say what you say in fear of Allah(swt)... to say LA BAYKAY YA ..... other than Allah (Glory to Allah Alone)... Allah(swt) Curse the Mushrikeen.

Look at these guys! They are the ones who are running the country. Like the other side is any better. Please take both your sorry derriers of human beings and leave Lebanon and go to lands of your respective masters. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have oil money. You guys can be very rich there and live a good life. There was a reason why the Christians fought "tooth to nail". They knew this scenario was coming. Are you guys happy that your puppet leaders serve religious mongers?

so now he is justifying the relationship with the big devil ?
i wonder if the bearded guy in teheran write his speeches. khomeine must probably been turning arouin the hell. oh i mean grave :P

Arrogance personified. He is afraid Iran drops his milicia like a hot potato.
You remind me so much of a good FPM friend of mines (he is Christian like us) who, for reasons he can never explain, dislikes his Sunni compatriots and believes that allying with the Shiite compatriots is better for Christians cause minority alliances help each other. Mind you no logical reason why that is true just his opinion.
Hariri is no angel but that does not imply that Nasrallah is a saint. Mark my words, the likes of Nasrallah are ideological to the bone and are interested in only one thing - advancing their beliefs at any cost. Right now it suits them to court Aoun and his FPM but should they succeed in becoming the single power in Lebanon they will drop Aoun and his FPM like a hot potato. You can remind me in a few years of what I said should HA, God forbid, game the ultimate upper hand.
One must never trust a theocratic ally driven political entity or any entity that believes it has the sole lock on what is, or is not, the right path. Hitler comes to mind...
Iran has finally decided to come to the table because it's economy can no longer be sustained given the sanctions. The US is there because establishing a Shiite vs. Sunni balance in the ME is it it's advantage Israel and Saudi notwithstanding.
Never say never my friend. As a Lebanese I really don't care if Iran continues to support the Shiites, in fact I expect and welcome it. What all Lebanese should care about is that HA surrenders it's arms and arrogance.
Remember the arrogance of Ahmadinejad Najad? It went by the wayside as nations' self interest and preservation comes before any emotional or ideological considerations. For all the ideology in the world, Iran is now willing to make a deal with the great Satan to save its hide, no more no less.

He is a really good Hypocrite, a lier and a great sheep hypnotizer ... I don't know about all you guys but this guy when he talks DOESNT!!! make Sense.

Southern!!! NO!!!
USA and
the Zionist state! are the friend of YOU!?

anonymetexasusa, Who the hell gave you so many thumbs Down ... What you say is in Our FACE a FACT... anonymetexasusa some people are truly blind ... God help up, this is truly a sad world....

dahiye will look like tehran tomorrow... pityful hezbis that have taken shiites 1000 years back!

His speech reeks of treachery. Lebanon is ours and we make all decisions concerning the state, we will form a cabinet when we please and to our liking, we will direct the course of Lebanon's foreign affairs, we will choose the battles and celebrate victory before victory is attained. You the Sunni, Christians and Druze of Lebanon are all traitors and will abide by our rules and dictates. Surrender to these facts or die like so many died before you.
This virtually sums up the essence of his speech.

FT my fellow Lebanese, I know how much you would like to tear this guy apart. But alas you must stick to your guns and practice your usual personal abuse against your fellow Lebanese, until than try to to come to terms with this predicament of an alliance Aoun has placed you in. like our famous poet wrote, " A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me." A strong leader will take the reigns and will rid us of this Iranian occupation, and I hope he does while alive and not have to die like Harriri did in freeing us from the Syrians.

As for defending the Dahieh HA has dismantled dozens of booby-trapped cars during the summer especially during the month of Ramadan. So they have protected the Dahieh to the best of their ability. At the end of the day no superpower in the world can guarantee the discovering every bomb planted. Example U.S at the boston marathon bombing.

Blackie learned some tricks at Taqiya school. A few weeks ago, he claimed to be an American journalist. Now he claims to have served in the Lebanese Army.
Nobody believes a word you say Blackie.
Appreciate the good spirit you employ in debating though our opinions may differ.
Iran was feigning its willingness to negotiate up until now. Obama extended his hand to Iran when he became president only to have it bitten by them. There are no permanent friends or enemies in politics only masaleh.
Had it not been for the Palestinians during the 70s-80s timeframe and then HA during the late 80s-till now Lebanon would have needed to worry about defending itself. Lebanon was the jewel of the ME before those two destroyed it.
That said HA's existence is bringing nothing but calamity to our beloved country. The Lebanese Christians lost their distinguished position because of their arrogance in not wanting to grant their Moslem compatriots equal rights much like Bashar is now doing in Syria. Let's be honest with ourselves as Christians, our past generations made big mistakes for which we are now paying.
HA is making the same arrogant mistakes our forefathers made.

Let's give him a little credit for climbing out of his bunker, after all it is not easy overcoming his terrible fear of the Israelis even for a few minutes above ground.

Nothing new from the Ayatollah's man in Lebanon. Amazingly the M8 cheerleaders do not have a problem with his words… “Do you expect that Iran will ask Hizbullah to abandon its rights, resistance and hand over the country to the other faction?", it has never been a secret that Hizbullah does what Iran tells it to do.
"we have two allies only, Syria and Iran"… this is what he climbed out of his hole to remind us of.

He is like a submarine & has to surface every once in a while to refresh his wind bags, for all those telecast speeches he makes.

This speech reveals one thing, he's nervous, he's trying as hard as he can to intimidate us because he lives in fear. he knows his terrorist organisacion is going down the drain.

We don't need his chabiha to fight jihadists. No thank-you very much.

Like u say, stop thinking ur thoughts are facts.
Otherwise, bring some evidences KSA is commanding m14/sunnis...
But we all know u won't do, 90% of ur posts are just anti-sunni/m14 baseless BS.

You are serving Israel interrests by intervening in Syria, is it why you are sure that it will not target you and you came out of your hole, Hassan???

u r right Phoenix , but facing the takfiri threat by unified Lebanese is far better than what this fanatic is doing.They will follow him cross the border after a while.

Phoenix: During the Taiff agreement, Israel was represented by the US and an agreement was reached and guaranteed by the Americans that the Israelis will pull out of the South within a certain timeframe as well as a two phase withdrawal from Lebanon of the Syrian forces. HA knew of this withdrawal and capitalised on it. Please stop thanking them for liberating the South. The Shiaa fully endorsed the occupation and supported the Israelis. The only action that HA instigated against the Jewish state was secure their Northern Border as a result of the 2006 war.

Saudi is sending money for poors and reconstruction while Iran is sending arms
Saudi is sending money for schools while Iran is sending the payroll of Hezbo fihters.
Saudi is sending food while Iran send bombs
I am talking about the 80s and 90s .Now it may be different