Khamenei Says 'No Retreat' on Iran Nuclear Rights

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Iran's top decision-maker Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday he will not allow any "retreat" on Tehran's nuclear rights, ahead of a new round of talks with world powers.

While expressing support for negotiators engaging in nuclear talks in Geneva today, the supreme leader said the Iranian team was instructed to respect Tehran's "red lines."

He appeared to be referring to Iran's insistence on continuing to enrich uranium on its own soil, a process that can create medical isotopes and fuel for power plants, but at much higher levels can also be used to generate a key component for an atomic bomb.

"I insist on stabilizing the rights of the Iranian nation, including the nuclear rights," Khamenei told militiamen of the Basij force in Tehran, in a rare, live televised address.

"I insist on not retreating one step from the rights of the Iranian nation," he added.

The remarks come as the so-called P5+1 group of world powers -- the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia plus Germany -- seek an elusive deal with Iran to curb its controversial nuclear activities.

The P5+1 representatives and Iranian negotiators, led by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, meet for the third time in a little over a month in the Swiss city on Wednesday.

World powers suspect Iran is masking military objectives in its nuclear work, despite repeated denials in Tehran and officials insisting the nuclear program is for purely peaceful purposes.

Final decisions on the program rest with Khamenei.

"I am not interfering in the details of these negotiations but there are red lines and limits that must be respected," Khamenei said.

"I have told the officials that they must respect these limits, and not fret about the hullabaloo of the enemies and those opposed" to these talks, he said without elaborating.

Comments 17
Thumb mckinl 20 November 2013, 12:13

This is the position that Iran has always taken. Despite reports to the contrary the US and Israel have no evidence that Iran is even planning to use its refined uranium for military purposes.

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 20 November 2013, 12:25

Satan said so?

Thumb @wolf. 20 November 2013, 12:25

If Israel has the right to nuclear reactors as well as the nuke bombs , then why shouldn't not only Iran but all of the ME countries should also have the same right !
Unless Israel gives up All of its nuclear program & its warheads then not a single country should develop its own nuclear program in the ME .
ZION you have started this race towards Nuclear development , now it's up to you only to stop this , not anyone but you ZION !
Signed Wolf !

Thumb primesuspect 20 November 2013, 13:02

iran is like japan, there are so many devastating earthquakes there. it wouldn't be wise.

Thumb @wolf. 20 November 2013, 13:12

The ME is as a whole is about to to have a major catastrophic earthquake !
Look up your Geography .
Signed Wolf !

Thumb benzona 20 November 2013, 13:44

Can I know what's being done to arrest the killers of Lebanon Option Party member mr Hachem?

The picture is clear, you can indentify the killers one by one

Thumb ishteraki 20 November 2013, 14:05

its funny how by wearing the religion mask you can fool a nation and control a country and its resources

Thumb benzona 20 November 2013, 14:06

what's being done by your employers to capture the assassins of mr Hachem of the Lebanese Option Party?

the picture where you can see the killers is clear.

Thumb ishteraki 20 November 2013, 14:57

to easy flame I’ll give you the Iranian bases :
1- Hezbullah in Lebanon
2- Al mahdi army in Iraq
3- The Kuwaiti Hezbollah in Kuwait
4- Houthi in al yemen

Thumb ishteraki 20 November 2013, 14:58

the list goes on , they are unconventional bases but they are doing much better in controlling the countries they are in way better than conventional bases

Thumb ishteraki 20 November 2013, 15:12

i dont care about the usa empire they can go to hell all i care about is who is ruining and destroying lebanon and than will be you faresi ,masters flame

Missing applesandoranges 20 November 2013, 16:27

Your comparison between the US and Iran is -to say the least- pathetic.
Answer me this:
Can you walk freely on the streets of any Iranian city wearing a cross around your neck or a necktie for that matter?
Can your wife or your mother or your sister walk freely on the streets of any Iranian city without a headscarf?
The US (on the other hand) was founded on the principal of freedom.

Missing applesandoranges 20 November 2013, 16:59

Is that all you've got.Truly pathetic.

Thumb FlameCatcher 20 November 2013, 19:06

FT : the US pays billions of dollars for countries to host their military bases. What did Iran pay for us to host Hezbollah ?

NOTHING ! So unless they pay billions to the STATE of Lebanon, they can move Hezbollah and Nasrallah to Syria. A country they seem to care more about than Lebanon !

Thumb FlameCatcher 20 November 2013, 19:10

Needless to say : Some countries do not willingly host US military bases. These bases are forced on to them (ie : Cuba, ...).

The same goes for Iran's "military base" in Lebanon- Hezbollah ... it's forced on to the lebanese people ... They do not enjoy popular support and threaten everyone who dares turn against them !

Default-user-icon Persian Guy (Guest) 20 November 2013, 20:39

Viva Iran.

Thumb FlameCatcher 21 November 2013, 11:32

I honestly don't know where you come up with this ... how wild your imagination goes to justify your point of view. Blackmailing by the NSA leads to the establishement of US mlitary bases ???

How about you answer my question rather than try to find irrelevant excuses. The US pays countries billions every year for their military bases. What does Iran pay Lebanon for hezbollah ?

The Lebanese government clearly is not in control of Hezbollah. It's an Iranian army in Lebanon that takes direct order from them. You cannot deny this. What do WE LEBANESE get out of it ? Don't tell me "protection" ... because it's from Hezbollah that we need to be protected !