Hariri: Suleiman's Independence Day Speech Last Line of Defense for Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri praised on Friday President Michel Suleiman's Independence Day speech on Thursday, saying that it encompassed all that should be said in Lebanon given the recent “unprecedented” local and regional developments.

He said in a statement: “The president's message is the last line of defense of Lebanon's independence and coexistence among its people.”

“It should be supported in words and actions by all Lebanese who are keen on protecting their country's independence and coexistence,” he remarked.

“Suleiman's speech is the highest form of political rhetoric that could be reached during this extraordinary time in Lebanon's history,” he continued.

“On the occasion of Independence Day, Lebanon is standing at a fateful crossroads,” Hariri said.

This situation requires the people to confront the dangers facing them seeing as Lebanon is suffering from the impact of the Syrian war and from great sectarian tensions, noted the former premier.

“Suleiman's message came to highlight Lebanon's current reality and he has sounded the alarm on the fate of the nation,” he stated.

He reiterated the president's remark that the country's independence cannot be realized while some local parties decided to violate national consensus and get embroiled in the armed conflict in Syria.

Lebanon cannot enjoy independence as long as the state is incapable of exerting its authority throughout its territory, he stressed.

On the eve of Independence Day, Suleiman declared: “There is no independence when some Lebanese factions disregard national consensus, risk Lebanon's stability and get involved in the fighting in a neighboring country's war.”

He added: “There is also no independence if security forces were not the only groups authorized to carry arms in the country.”

Comments 33
Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 22 November 2013, 09:39

I am not with any side in Lebanon; but with all honesty, I think that the Hariri family has the love of Lebanon in their heart, especially the late Hariri whose love of Lebanon was printed on his forehead. It's time for Lebanon to have the likes of Harriri family so that we could go ahead with our lives and care about ourselves and economy. It's time we start feeling proud for being Lebanese.

Thumb geha 22 November 2013, 09:50

iran and hizbushaitan must leave Lebanon fast if they have a shred of brains.
all they are bringing is misery, death and destruction to mainly the shia community and Lebanon as a whole.
what Israel has failed over the years to do in Lebanon( i.e. destroy its economy) iran and hizbushaitan have nearly done it.

Thumb geha 22 November 2013, 10:51

you are a sick man who does not know how to read :)
where do you see me praising Saudi Arabia, and criticizing Christians and Shiites all day in the above comment?
you seriously have a sick mind.

Thumb mckinl 22 November 2013, 10:37

“The president's message is the last line of defense of Lebanon's independence and coexistence among its people.” Saad Harri

Saad Hariri cares little for the "independence" of Lebanon as he carries out the foreign policy of the KSA.

Saad Hariri cares little about the "coexistence" of the people of Lebanon as he carries out a divisive campaign of lies and slander.

Saad Hariri tears Lebanon's institutions apart leading the boycott of parliament and refusing rational compromise on the cabinet.

Sadd Hariri has no legitimacy in talking about Lebanon's independence at all as he and his party Mustaqbal are Lebanon's biggest internal enemy.

Thumb geha 22 November 2013, 10:52

the biggest enemies to Lebanon are iran and their offspring the terrorist organization called hizbushaitan.
these two are bringing death and destruction to Lebanon, which Israel was unable to do.

Thumb mckinl 22 November 2013, 11:12

It is Saad Hariri that boycotts parliament and refuses a rational compromise on the cabinet ... It is Saad that cripples Lebanon's governance with currently non-negotiable demands.

It is the KSA that spends billions to destroy Syria and Lebanon using their Takfiri brigades, suicide bombers and sabotage and interference of Lebanese governance.

Thumb geha 22 November 2013, 11:38

with whom? with a terrorist Iranian entity who denies agreements 2 minutes after they are made?
go play in your corner: no one believes you guys anymore :)

Thumb mckinl 22 November 2013, 11:43

@ geha

France made the last minute changes to the nuclear agreement. The rest of the P5+1 were already in agreement with Iran ... Try to keep up!

Thumb geha 22 November 2013, 12:10

even if the whole world enters in an agreement with iran, this does not mean Lebanon will be given to iran :) this has been settled already :)
hizbushaitan is the biggest looser.

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 12:16

_Flamethrower_ 3 minutes ago 10
how so? by not letting you have your sharia in lebanon, mr camel humper?

Then he wonders why he gets banned... your vocabulary in unacceptable.

Missing peace 22 November 2013, 12:25

"how so? by not letting you have your sharia in lebanon, mr camel humper?"

wahahaha! another marvellous double standard by stupid worm!

where is there sunni sharia other than in your paranoid mind?

but hezbi issuing fatwas to forbid any chia to replace resigned ministers is not shia sharia?

paying women to dress like ninjas is not hezbi sharia? LOL
forbidding shops to sell alcohol is not hezbi sharia?
threatening the state with its arsenal is not hezbi sharia? LOL

you d better shut up little worm before opening you stupid mouth and clean your own dirty camp....

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 12:50

Conchita is an artist! you should feel honoured!

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 13:03

lol man of steel.

that's why he whines every now and then :-p


Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 14:03

you live in denial Flamz. shias have change over the past decennial. I know this first hand from my neighbours in Beirut. they radicalized a lot, they stopped shaking our hands, women no longer look us in the eyes as if we are sons of Satan. I'm not saying it isn't the same with Sunni, but it's is smaller proportions within Lebanon. who imported the ninja outfit to Lebanon in the mid 80s? I can tell you for sure they were pro Iranian.

for those who wonder in which neighbourhood of Beirut I'm taking about, it used to be an orthodox one until the civil war raged and brought the ancestors of the Talibans shia-style in the hood.

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 14:11

you should be happy icey cares for you and archives your poop, because believe me, nobody else does. not even your fpm employer.

Thumb mckinl 22 November 2013, 12:10

I explained it all ... Hariri is carrying out the KSA Salafist Fatwa on all non-Muslims with special attention being paid to the HA.

Hariri boycotts parliament and refuses compromise on the cabinet crippling Lebanon's governance ... There's no debate on this!

Missing peace 22 November 2013, 12:19

"Hariri is carrying out the KSA Salafist Fatwa on all non-Muslims "

where have you seen any fatwas from him esp he is not a religious figure to do so... LOL first stupidity...

"Hariri boycotts parliament and refuses compromise on the cabinet crippling Lebanon's governance ... T"

so for M8 it was right to shut down the parliament, for aoun it was right to boycott but for hariri it is not? LOL second stupidity

conclusion you d better shut your mouth and criticize your own camp for setting the example.... LOL

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 12:48

Flamz, your m8 employers been in power for years. what have they structurally done beside making syrians flee their own country and come settle in lebanon?

Missing peace 22 November 2013, 13:47

sure Ft sure.... and neither M8 nor syria had anything to do with all this, only ONE man... LOL how strong he was then, seems your aoun is a little beetle compared to him then!
destruction of beirut? but what have M8 do to stop concrete in beirut? LOL they encouraged it rather... LOL
oh! and concerning the train, hariri did have a big project of a railway along the coast to improve transportation but the MPs from YOUR camp and his never accepted because it would have harmed their businesses...

keep your M8 propaganda to shine in your FPM meetings but here you fool no one...

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 11:55

May God Bless You Sheikh Saad,

We wish you could return safely to Lebanon, but the truth is your father's assassins are still roaming in Lebanon freely and they will not hesitate to blow up your motorcade the day you land in Beirut at the Rafic Hariri International Airport.

We will keep fighting for justice, for you and for us because the current situation is unbearable.

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 14:08

I come to Lebanon at least once per year. my life is not yet endangered unless your chabiha friends are about to change this.

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 11:56

jealous of his dual citizenship?

I have three, so what? I'm lebanese first so is he.

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 12:17

If i had an israeli one, i'd go spend my $ on the southern border, so no it doesn't include an israeli one.

Missing peace 22 November 2013, 12:20

what are you complaining about then? just take the power and govern!! or are you too coward to assume it? LOL

Default-user-icon Concerned Human (Guest) 22 November 2013, 12:35

Be Patient All it will be over before you know it, God knows whats best for his Creation and in the end God Knows whats best. Regarding the situation in Syria, I wish I can get an answer as to why didn't all these Countries Arab, Persian etc... Put this effort to help the Palestinian cause that is being forgotton so sad all of you talk all this nonsense and the Palestinians suffer, the Holy Land where all the Prophets and all religions should be allowed to visit freely is being occupied. Then again God made Hell for these type of people. Then again who is benefiting watching all these Idiot Arabs killing each other and the real problem in the region gets ignored. May God Help All and in the end he who conquers, is with the will of GOD/Allah......

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 14:13

i repeat : Flamz, your m8 employers have been in power for years. what have they STRUCTURALLY done beside making syrians flee their own country and come settle in lebanon?

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 14:27

I think you don't quite understand the meaning of structural. please look it up. because all the provided examples are not structural!

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 14:52

lol working on the oil file, let me tell you that this oil has been debated already in the 60s without the satellite and drilling technology.


I told you, this oil is better where it is than in Bassil or anybody else's pocket because if Lebanon gets this oil, it will become like the GCC countries your despise so much. remember?

ha ha ! ! !

Default-user-icon Erik Abdallah (Guest) 22 November 2013, 15:17

Guys, wake up! The truth is that it doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong. The only thing that matters is that Lebanon belongs to Lebanese, regardless of their religion or their beliefs. Lebanon doesn't belong to Syrians, Saudis, Americans, Israelis, Russians, Chinese, French, Indians or any other country. These 10452 km2 that represent our country belong to the original 4 million lebanese that live in it. All others should be kicked out for our own sake.

Thumb benzona 22 November 2013, 15:36


I used to say he had 50, but I think he lost some of them.

so, it should be somewhere between 5 and 20 ;-)

Thumb bigsami 22 November 2013, 17:40

We love you man! Bring back Lebanon to reality and march towards a bright future whereby we recognize democracy is the the path towards growth, prosperity and human rights! We cannot afford to have regressed prehistoric caveman law of the land that is driven by religious extremists who live by the gun and intimidation aka Iran/HA!

Default-user-icon george (Guest) 22 November 2013, 18:33

i can remember that the lebanese civilian war was ENDED because of a peace conference between ALL lebanese (with help of saudi)in the !!SAUDI CITY!! of TAIF in 1989....at least 1 big benefit we had from saudi arabia,they intervened and helped the ending of the lebanese civilian war (1975-1990)
what has IRAN braught to lebanon,beside death,instability and destruction??
hezbelah ITSELF knows that theyr interference in SYRIA was a big big mistake.....but what can hezbelah do??....the WALI AL FIGH which is in IRAN ,the TRUE leader of hezbellaat,ordered hezbellaat to intervene in syria!

Default-user-icon bilkamdo (Guest) 22 November 2013, 21:06

As if he understood a word of it.