Report: Lebanon to Receive Additional Grant from UAE to Boost Army's Capabilities

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanon is set to receive a new grant to aid the Lebanese army from the United Arab of Emirates, media reports said on Monday.

The grants aim at bolstering the Lebanese army’s capabilities amid the rising security threats as the turmoil in war-torn neighboring Syria is spilling over into the country.

On Sunday, President Michel Suleiman announced that Saudi Arabia has pledged to grant Lebanon three billion dollars with the aim of purchasing French weapons for the Lebanese army as soon as possible.

The newspaper reported that Suleiman decided at the last minute to change his planned press conference on Sunday and replace it with a speech due to several developments, including the bellicose rhetoric of head of al-Mustaqbal Movement MP Fouad Saniora during ex-Finance Minister Mohammed Shatah's funeral.

Sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper published on Monday that Suleiman was seeking “to announce advanced stances over several matter” but the latest security and political developments prompted him to change his much-anticipated press conference at the Baabda Palace.

“Suleiman had to announce the Saudi grant on Sunday to coincide with the summit between French President Francois Hollande and King Abdullah in Riyadh.”

The president described it as “the biggest grant ever in the history of Lebanon.”

A March 8 source told An Nahar newspaper that “the Saudi grant is linked to the extension of Suleiman's mandate as Saudi Arabia aims at controlling the army to confront Hizbullah.”

Suleiman also revealed in his speech that another 1.6 billion dollars might be offered during an international meeting in Italy in 2014.

In December, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta announced that his country is organizing an international conference in Rome to back the capabilities of the LAF in coordination with the United Nations and Lebanese authorities.

Comments 63
Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 08:50

another blow to the Iranians occupying our country :)

why is there still weapons outside the state when we have a well equipped army?

looking forward to seeing the Iranian guards leave our country :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 December 2013, 12:22

if we were as dumb as you we'd say the saudis occupying our country are trying to buy the army.
but we're not so we say mabrouk to the LAF, because we stand with it no matter what.

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 December 2013, 12:27

ps: yesterday you were talking about "shiites" being "expelled" from lebanon. today you disguise your sectarian comment under "iranian guards"?

grow a pair bozo, and speak as you think. or are you afraid?

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 December 2013, 12:32

saudis sent a check and already geha is getting all wet imagining half of the lebanese population will be kicked out. what does that say about you? not only you're a coward, a sold-out traitor ready to fight a civil war to obey a foreign power's desires, but also that you're delusional.
the difference between us and you, is that despite decades of receiving financial support and military aid, nobody in hezbollah neither official nor supporter, in public or in private, never said a word nor even thought about "expelling" any other sect from this country.
they killed shatah to get you to do that, fight hezbollah for them. and you're being the perfect little pawn. but if you think for one second that it is hezbollah that would suffer the most from that, think again.

Default-user-icon Moonsear (Guest) 30 December 2013, 09:04

The sad part is we believe this s***

Missing lebcan 30 December 2013, 09:26

'A March 8 source told An Nahar newspaper that “the Saudi grant is linked to the extension of Suleiman's mandate as Saudi Arabia aims at controlling the army to confront Hizbullah.”

'Ya of course you figured it out, who ever you are Mr. M8 source.'
Im happy that finally the Army will grow some balls.
Let Hizbshitan try to confront the National and People's Army... like they attacked Captian Samer Hanna's helicopter or when they killed one of their own Mr. Hashem Salman outside the iranian embassy. I truly believe that Hizbshitan would lose an election within their own if there were ever to have an election.

resistance against Israel. my As..
resistance against the Lebanese people and army is more of the truth.

The Formula is:
ALL LEBANESE + ARMY = Resistance!!! how hard is that ... simple, and no more this crap the lebanese army will be ill equipped to handle Israel ...
Mark my words the Thugs will now do anything to derail this army enhancement.

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 09:40

your mere commenting on this site with such hatred and no respect for the death is an insult to all the Lebanese people.

soon you will be leaving our country finally :)

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 09:57

rest assured there are no empty threats, nor even threats :)
this is a fact: we will regain our country from the Iranians.

there is no way we will submit to anyone threatening us.
we did not do it for the Palestinians, we did not submit to the Israelis, we did not submit to the Syrians, and we will never submit to the Iranians. (just talking about recent history only)

so live with this fact.

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 December 2013, 12:24

who is the "we" you're talking about geha? in m14 every leader surrendered at least to one of the foreign powers you mentioned.

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 09:28

to all Iranian traitors in Lebanon:

in light of the recent bombing and all your murderous activities in our country, you outstayed your welcome, so get the hell out of our country.

is that clear enough?

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 09:41

sure you welcome this assistance from KSA and the UAE :) you really make us laugh.
you are the one to leave this country soon....

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 09:54

yeah we believe you:
- we see your comments full of hatred
- we see how you disrespect the death
- we see what m8 is saying or doing daily
- we see the threats of m8
- we see and know about all the personal calls to m8 leaders threatening them (thousands per day)
- we see you...

and you want us to like you?
and you do not want us to hate you?

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 10:08

an example of threats over the phone dearest ft :

Missing greatpierro 30 December 2013, 10:32

If any one has sectarian rhetoric is you FT spitting your hatred against the Sunni establishment in this country.

Thumb proudm14 30 December 2013, 13:08

FT your verbal support of HA is moral support of their violent actions against us...this is how you are anti-sunni.

Default-user-icon mjanet (Guest) 30 December 2013, 09:45

flaming fool, the hizb will never be with the state or its institutions as they represent the militias left over from the Lebanese civil war.

Ours is an epic battle between the remnants of our state against a powerful militia funded and lead from abroad

Thumb cedars2 30 December 2013, 09:51

"people like lebcan need to stop provoking hatred with their useless posts of confrontation between LAF and hezb. wont happen despite all your prayers to see the country burn"

So you know that if the army decides to reclaim the Lebanese peoples sovergeinty over all of Lebanon and disarm everyone and anyone (Hizb included) the country will burn. The army is not some armed militia with a bunch of brainwashed stooges following it. All of Lebanon is against your weapons of terror and destruction ya FT, show me one Lebanese outside the tight circle of HA that wants weapons in the hand of drug dealing murderous thugs.

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 09:59

he will now accuse you too of threatening him :)
he will accuse you too of blind hatred :)

his problem is that he does not want to see outside his cocoon formed of his hibushaitan buddies. he does not want to see how much hatred they have accumulated against them in Lebanon and the whole world.

Thumb smarty 30 December 2013, 10:15

May God bless KSA and the UAE for their donations. Unlike the Russian offer, this is not a money loan. Now that the two Satans are talking to each other (Iran - USA) the French and the Saudi's will be Lebanon's salvation. I hope they won't give the money to lebanese politicians from the current government (Ba$$il and the others are thieves) but that President Suleiman will go shopping in France and bill KSA.

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 10:25

what is good abut this grant is that it is paid directly to the French without passing through this government.

Thumb proudm14 30 December 2013, 13:11

amazing. finally some good news in this country!!

Thumb bipartisan 30 December 2013, 11:23

and every other country affiliated with M14.... Guys wake up the US is negotiating with HA through England..... never will salvation come from abroad.... we have 30 million lebanese denationalized and there are voices within calling for the naturalization of palestenians.... Wake up it is Bashir times..... It is true resistance time....Message to Samir Geagea..... put all your presidential dreams aside.... and get us a new resistance.... because we need it now or simply fall forever in silence

Missing michel_saba 30 December 2013, 12:29

30 million? You doubled the amount of the number that already was exaggerated!! That wont help us one bit. 30 million and lebanon is still a complete mess? Way to demoralize the people. Anyway, you made me curious so please answer 1. who should be in charge of that resistence in your opinion? And who should it resist? 3. what should be done about all the naturalized foreigners? 4. How to stop foreigners from identifying with lebanon? As we can see pals and others who live abroad but view lebanon as their home because they were born here, have relatives living here, they speak this dialect and so on. This too should be stopped. Dont take my questions as mocking you, i too am bothered and wish to see massive change. I want us to wake up instead of clinging on to hariri or hezballah, that is why we must debate these issues. We are pawns right now.

Thumb bipartisan 30 December 2013, 14:47

well mr Saba glad you asked... and i will try to get a constructive conversation rather than mere accusations (look above). First the constitution should preserve the people not the other way round... therefore we must accomplish citizenship.... but right now our institutions are already hijacked by 2 dominating groups.... who will inevitably drag the country to war sooner or were right i was wrong to put my chips on samir geagea... but i think that us... the youth of lebanon should take the initiative not restrain ourselves to reactions... Facts.... we have already 12 million lebanese between Brasil and argentina.... around 3 million in australia.... for the rest do the math.... anyway... regardless.... even if they were 1 million.... it is a crime that the state puts its weight against those people recovering their nationality where as we as lebanese debate the naturalization of PA.

Thumb bipartisan 30 December 2013, 14:52

continuation... the main issue now is a question of legitimacy... what does the people want? in fact the people's demographic change is induced.... look at the village of lassa or Rweisat el metn or kfersalah at aamshit and you would have an idea of how big the investment is in changing lebanon's demography..... and the palestenian debate come in this framework these days. i even heard christians once part of basher's camp debating the necessity of legitimizing them.... the solution is in moving the debate toward more important issues.... You are right mr Saba we must put our goals in hindsight before moving a finger.... and in that prospect i think i find in you a good friend.... We have the duty as lebanese youth (I'm in my 30s) to shift the dialogue toward who brings more jobs, who improves communication, what are the domains in which lebanon can be successful, and in what domains can he grow independently.

Thumb bipartisan 30 December 2013, 14:58

When we do Mr Saba people will start to think out of the box.... already the crisis is biting, and less people have financial satisfaction, the state revenues are decreasing and the continuous slippery slope of the lebanese economy is haunting the souls. Still we have something to face; Hezbollah has got an independent economy that relies on war, the more he fights the more funds he has from iran, so his fate is opposed to the lebanese state. Take it differently, if the war stops and we have a normal debate, what could be hezbollah's argument? nothing.... so they pit themselves into an eternal war with israel, mean time we are reduced to silence with there induced growing number imposing their philosophy. Therefore it is now or never the time for revolution, if we want to preserve something of the lebanese culture,

Thumb bipartisan 30 December 2013, 15:02

Because mr Saba the rest of the political spectrum can stand in worst cases as political foes where as the Iranian group is an iranian infiltration of the lebanese sovereignty which is an aggression.... You are right finally nobody is to be trusted in our political spectrum but as in any crisis management mode you start to face the most dangerous enemy which is by the way, not the Shiite sect in lebanon but the Iranian group taking profit of their misery. Hope to have a reply from your part soon

Thumb cedars2 30 December 2013, 12:06

So you are receiving "loans" from Iran and plan on repaying them? Like I said you are a class A moron who just sits here talking and arguing but without a valid point to anything. You force people to insult you. Why don't you go spread your poison on an HA site your BS will go down easily there.

Thumb proudm14 30 December 2013, 13:16

FT you come off as a 20 year old going through an Ayn Rand phase.

No, there is never a time where a loan is better than a grant if they are to be used for the same purpose. That's just basic. Everything else you talked about was pointless waffling "enslave my decisions" oooh no KSA please don't buy us 3 billion dollars worth of French arms!

I guess defending Lebanese sovereignty against the SAA and giving it better capability to contend with Israel is not something you want? It's a rhetorical question, don't answer it. We already know your opinion.

Thumb proudm14 30 December 2013, 13:16

FT you come off as a 20 year old going through an Ayn Rand phase.

No, there is never a time where a loan is better than a grant if they are to be used for the same purpose. That's just basic. Everything else you talked about was pointless waffling "enslave my decisions" oooh no KSA please don't buy us 3 billion dollars worth of French arms!

I guess defending Lebanese sovereignty against the SAA and giving it better capability to contend with Israel is not something you want? It's a rhetorical question, don't answer it. We already know your opinion.

Thumb cedre 30 December 2013, 14:05

ft, u dont know anything about armies.
U're always dependent on ur supplier for training,ammo, spares, upgrades, technical assistance, etc...So u're hands are always tied.
Unless u invest for decades billions in the industry and R&D...

Missing coolmec 30 December 2013, 11:12

Thank God for that. Should this money pass by our politicians most of it will be gone to the politician's personal accounts.

Thumb cedars2 30 December 2013, 12:09

Omg this guy droning on about the grant be a loan. Do you suggest HA do the same? Does this imply HA are the indebted minions to Iran? You said it in your own words. Can you be anymore pathetic?

Thumb geha 30 December 2013, 12:11

it is about time you realize that no true Lebanese does not hate hizbushaitan.
it is about time you realize that your comments are the reason everyone hates you.

perhaps if you were Lebanese you would understand what we are talking about?

Thumb cedars2 30 December 2013, 12:16

geha speak Farsi to him he will understand better.

Missing michel_saba 30 December 2013, 12:33

Most lbanese are so easily bought whether by ksa or iran. You think ksa and uae has our best interested at heart? If so why didnt they arm the army before? Wake up. How cheap can a people be? always crawling to ksa or iran for money and dont mind being enslaved while at it.

Missing helicopter 30 December 2013, 18:59

I agree with you in that KSA and USA do not necessarily have Lebanon's best interest in mind. But I am 100% sure that President Sleiman does and I trust him. Every country has its own interests in mind, but the interests of two countries sometimes meet, and this is one of those cases. KSA is desperate to weaken Iran and Lebanon is desperate to assert the one army and one state formula. So this is one scenario that the interests of Lebanon and KSA converge and we will be unwise not to leverage this opportunity to benefit Lebanon. Remember how the Allies and the Soviet Union had the common interest of defeating the Axis and they fought them side by side? Alliances last for as long as the common interest exist.

Thumb Chupachups 30 December 2013, 12:41

Darling , I want to take I out for lunch to celebrate the 3 billion I received from the
Saudi king

Thumb cedars2 30 December 2013, 12:48

You came back from your "Arabian night in the desert" patriot?

Thumb FlameCatcher 30 December 2013, 12:49

Wiping and mopping : all that you, M8 and FT will ever be good for :)

Der General ...

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 12:50

(1). Michel, I disagree with you. let facts be facts, in spite of Lebanon being the land of all corrupt politicians, albeit a very few and rare ones, President Michel Suleiman is a person NO one can touch in as far as corruption is concerned. It's possible that you don't know Suleiman, but ask those people who know him well, the president is one of those very few and rare Lebanese personalities that have 100% clean hands, and general Qahwaji is one of them clean people too. Just like Bachir Gemayel, these people cannot be bought, corrupted or told to do anything against their will or principle. What is abundantly clear, Michel Suleiman is not liked by those polticians who cannot intimidate him into submission, he has shown now that he is a man of his own thinking.

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 12:53

(2). Michel Saba. The KSA has always preferred to deal with Lebanese leaders that have solid principles, it's quite possible that at some stage they will try to buy a leader, but when that leader stubbornly refuses, then they will respect him and trust him. Bachir Gemayel was one such person, he won not only their trust and respect, but in fact everyone's, even Hafez Al Assad's. For heavens' sake, we have a good president, who cannot be bought, who cannot be swayed, all he has is his impartial interest for his country, what are we talking about then?

Thumb FlameCatcher 30 December 2013, 12:55

Russia and Iran impose Hezbollah onto us along with their BS weapons which are good for nothing.

At least, with cash, we can buy real weapons, not Iranian and Russian cheap toys, and don't need to accept Iran's army in Lebanon along with it !

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 12:57

Everyone knows, that only a strong Lebanon with a strong LAF, and a strong constitution can guarantee our survival, yes, that's correct, you all heard me, Our Survival. In the absence of all these key elements, Lebanon will forever live under the shadow and the boot of militias and their foreign mentors. yesterday it was the PLO, then Syria, now Hezbollah, look you all at our current situation, we cannot even tie our shoe laces anymore, is that what we want?! When the KSA and the UAE say it's a grant, it means it's a grant. When France whose president went to the KSA and say, "we will supply the weapons" it means as the French president said. When will such a chance come again? We have a 100% clean president, a 100% Army general, a good PM designate, here's our real chance, to make that clean break from the merciless grip of militias and their foreign patrons, should we just postulate and remain paralyzed forever?

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 13:05

(4). It's clear, everyone has some kind of interest with their parties, with all my respects to them all, none of them can replace the state, even Bachir Gemayel at the peak of his powers and the Lebanese Forces', he has made it perfectly clear, no one can replace the state, even in its weakest of forms, so how about s strong state then? It was in 1982 when we Lebanese had our best chance to create a strong state with strong institutions, Bachir was taken away from us in a cold blooded murder, (and we all know who did it), today as we face the same nefarious situation still controlled by the militias, are we going to destroy this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and continue squabbling between ourselves or take the plunge and go for it?

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 13:12

(5). Maybe many of you still don't know this, but President Suleiman, general Qahwaji, and those very few noble Lebanese politicians are not waiting for anyone to tell them what to do, these people know what to do and they are doing what is best to save this country from total destruction and annihilation. Sure and without doubt, there will be many as of now who will be kicking and slurring about this move, as there will be many who will be here to assassinate the good character of the president and his top cadres, through their TV channels, they will deafen us with one wild rhetoric after the other, but they before anyone, they know, that in the history of many nations, their salvation has come during those darkest of theirs.

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 13:16

**they know, that in the history of many nations, the salvation of the nation has come during those darkest of the said nation.**

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 13:12

(6). We are today seeing our history boldly being written, by a few brave and courageous people, people who have the guts and the toughest of steel skins to weather all wrongful accusation thrown over them, when almost everyone is trying his utmost to break the legs of the people of Lebanon, and the country they love so much, a few good men remain to keep us standing, even in the face of the worst adversities. Maybe today as the people of Lebanon, we should recall the words of Sir Winston Churchill when he said, "never in time have so many owed so much to so few".

Thumb Chupachups 30 December 2013, 13:44

thumbs up

Missing helicopter 30 December 2013, 19:05

Thanks phoenix for taking the time and writing a thoughtful analysis.

Thumb proudm14 30 December 2013, 13:21

FT don't worry, as soon as some M14 ministers get into the cabinet, we will get to work on the oil file. I see you bring up this issue a lot and I just wanted to assure you that we will be drilling within five or so years, just not with Aoun in control of the cabinet. See, we want the oil revenues to go towards building infrastructure and other things of that nature, not to Ba$$il's personal bank account.

Thumb cedre 30 December 2013, 13:36

Russia ???? I cant remember that.
They proposed the non existing lebanese air force rusty MIG21.
We refused them and ask for Mi24 Hind. We are waiting for their answer for 4 years...

Thumb cedre 30 December 2013, 15:37

i'd prefer hawkers, cheaper cost per hour of flight, of maintenance.Such mig21 crap jets are useless and expensive for maintenance so helicos are better. They were already crap in '67,'73, so why should we get them? Ever heard of Operation Mole Cricket 19 ? here some reading for u :

Btw, give us evidence that israel vetoed old mi24 for lebanon? They're not threat for israel, syria, iraq have them...
Russians proposed us something they knew we'll refuse, or they're damn stupid...

Thumb cedre 30 December 2013, 14:27

the fact, air defence costs more than $3 billions, will be vetoed by USreal or destroyed in Beirut port. Plus to be coherent u need an air force to protect it.
It wont be 3 billions in acquisition, it doesn't work that way. 30 to 50% will go to parts, ammos, training,etc...
We'll probably get more M4/M16,.50cal HMG, Milkor MGL, aifv/m113, leo1 from old european stocks, milan 2 atgw, i hope 84mm rl or rpg32, we defo need communications, artillery and NVG. The navy needs to get upgraded coz of the offshore oil so probably helicos, patrol boats and patmar aircrafts.
We wont get manpads. Probably some DRAC uav even if i'd rather US scaneagles...

Missing helicopter 30 December 2013, 19:07

Please ad one submarine to the list :}
I agree with you in that a portion of the money should go towards recruiting/training and infrastructure/maintenance.

Thumb -phoenix1 30 December 2013, 14:45

The president being the ex army General, plus having a good right hand man in Qahwaji heading the LAF, I am sure that Lebanon will have the right to chose its weaponry. It might surprise you that our army needs the most of basic elements, add this new modern weaponry and we are on our way to becoming a nation of laws under a strong army. No one needs to see this as a double edged knife, the majority of the Lebanese am sure will feel the same as I do.

Missing greatpierro 30 December 2013, 14:49

A monumental bullshit like ever FT. It was Saad Hariri himself that was negotiating the purchase the purchase of Russian helicopters. The deal did not go through as the army refused the technical and financial conditions set by the Russians. Bravo for your brainwashed lobotomized brain.

Thumb FlameCatcher 30 December 2013, 14:57

You are right Pierro. Actually Elias el Murr whom they tried to assassinate was behind the deal.

Thumb FlameCatcher 30 December 2013, 15:02

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

Unlike you, before accusing Hezbollah, Hariri waited for evidence to be gathered and analysed.

Hassan Nasrallah started defending his terrorist party even before anyone accused him of murdering Hariri. This is a verifiable fact.

Talking about evidence : if Hezbollah had "evidence" from the start implicating the Israelis, why did they wait so long to talk about them ? and why did they still fail to submit them ? If they knew Israel was monitoring Hariri's route, why didn't they warn him ? They could have done so even before the STL was created.

I will tell you why : THEY ARE GUILTY !

Missing helicopter 30 December 2013, 16:50

The answer is simple, because SHN knew his evidence would not stand the scrutiny of the STL. So he chose to expose his evidence to feeble minds of his followers to give himself immmunity from any STL findings.

Thumb FlameCatcher 30 December 2013, 20:04

Evidence he had from day 1 :) Even before Hariri's assassination... and it took them years to even mention them when their "evidence" could have acquitted them from day 1 without even having to imagine an STL.

Missing peace 30 December 2013, 16:20

oh! this will not please hypocrit M8ers... the army getting weapons? no way! they prefer it to stay weak to justify their divine militia! LOL

Missing peace 30 December 2013, 21:19

sure bigjohn: if the army gets strong then M8ers will have no more excuses to have a fake "resistance" ! so arming the army is a very bad thing for their business! LOL