Berri, Jumblat Warn against Forming 'Neutral Cabinet'

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Speaker Nabih Berri and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed the importance of forming a “consensual government” in order to avert any political conflicts, reported various media outlets on Saturday.

The two officials have warned against the formation of a neutral cabinet, “which will have catastrophic repercussions on Lebanon,” As Safir newspaper quoted Jumblat as telling Suleiman during a meeting earlier this week.

Such a cabinet will have catastrophic results on the presidency and Taef accord, cautioned the MP.

For his part, Berri reiterated his stance that a consensual government will help stage the presidential elections.

He added that a government that lacks parliament's confidence cannot hold the elections.

Jumblat advocates the formation of a cabinet that consists of nine ministers to each of the rival March 8 and 14 camp and six to centrists.

Suleiman had previously suggested the formation of a cabinet capable of staging the presidential elections even if it lacks parliament's confidence.

The proposal was rejected by the March 8 camp that deemed it as unconstitutional.

Suleiman's six-year term ends in May, but there are fears that the differences between the March 8 and 14 camps would lead to a vacuum in the country's top post.

Comments 60
Thumb EagleDawn 04 January 2014, 10:04

Two criminals, two warlords, two despots... on the same path of destruction and corruption.

Thumb cedre 04 January 2014, 10:07

with a lot of lebanese blood on their hands...
berri has a lot of palestinian blood on his hands as well...

Thumb Mystic 04 January 2014, 14:13

True, cedre is one of those naive muslim brotherhood fanatics, that believes the takfiris are going to be sweet men with beards handling out candy to kids.

Thumb Mystic 04 January 2014, 17:16

How can m14 form a neutral government? It makes no sense

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 10:49

There will be no agreement on the cabinet. The M14 position has been and will be to hold Lebanon hostage until it is in dire crisis, a crisis to which they have no solution to.

Thumb ice-man 04 January 2014, 10:56

Any news from the IMF and the Abyss?

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 11:19

Have you seen the budget deficit this year? It is 37% of the total budget ... That my friend is the edge of the Abyss.

Thumb ice-man 04 January 2014, 11:35

It is no doubt Geagea and Hariri's fault.

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 11:29

We are in the abyss. The question is how far down this abyss are we going until these guys see the light and pull the country up.

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 11:31

You are probably correct ... you should tell ice-man ... I'm waiting for the Lebanese currency to collapse ... that will be a hard landing ...

Thumb ice-man 04 January 2014, 11:37

@mckinl.... I have savings in LL. Should I hedge them in foreign currency? What do you think of the Iranian Riyal or the North Korean Won?

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 12:18

@ ice-man

see how much gold coins\bullion you can get your hands on ...

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 11:34

It will not collapse. it is pegged to the US Dollar and is artificially pegged to $1 =LL 1,500

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 11:37

Pegging a currency to the dollar does not guarantee safety. In fact it guarantees less control over the fate of the currency.

Thumb ice-man 04 January 2014, 11:38

what guarantees the safety of our currency @mckinl, the resistance?

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 11:39

you are right but as I said it is artificially pegged 1,500 to $1. It does not necessarily reflect its true value

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 11:37

I remember the days the days where $2 equal one LL but Sarkis then Governor of Lebanon converted it as $1= 2LL so as to attract tourists to Lebanon. The chawarma was 25 piasters falafel 15 piasters. 2 LL for a cab anywhere in Beirut. Piasters no longer exist and today 500LL barely brings you a chewing gum, while a while back 300LL was a monthly salary
Those were the days my friend

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 11:57

The development of Lebanese oil and gas deposits would go quite a long way to underwrite the LL. But as you know M14 holds that file hostage.

The way it is going Lebanese will see no benefit from their oil and gas as the proceeds will be used to pay for this ongoing M14 obstruction.

Thumb ice-man 04 January 2014, 12:05

I sense you have a vast knowledge in economics and finance. Do you hold a degree in physiotherapy?

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:08

Do not blame M14 for our lack of oil exploration/development. All of our stupid politicians from all parties are still debating how to form an exploratory committee to exploit such resources. in the mean time Israel is pumping our oil and gas under our nose and we are still waiting for this committee to be in place.
Poor Lebanon

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:12

Another important point is that our currency was and could again by covered/supported by gold at a rate of 85%. During the civil war some of our politicians tried to steal that gold. It is now help mostly in Switzerland and awaiting to again cover our currency with said gold.
I need to tell you also that only 3 countries in the world have such capacity . Switzerland, South Africa and Lebanon but we set that aside for fear that our politicians would steal it

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 12:20

@ coolmec

I read that the oil and gas file was ready to be implemented ... all that was needed was a cabinet vote ...

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 12:22

@ coolmec

Last figures I saw were that Lebanese gold holdings were at $15 billion ... however Lebanon's debt is now well over $70 billion and the gold price has dropped from the last quote.

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:04

The fortunes that our politicians amassed can cover at least half of our national debt, if not more

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:56

we are in

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:15

ice man
I hold a degree in

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:34

you are right in the sense that the ratio of gold holdings to the currency can vary with the fluctuating price of gold. two things to remember 1) I did say 85% gold covered not 100% (allowing the fluctuations). 2) our ratio of gold is based on the earlier value of gold years before the current heavy gold fluctuations started

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 12:39

Understand one thing ... Lebanon will be looted because of M14 obstruction. They are suicidal in their bondage to the KSA. By the time Lebanon is sorted the debt will likely be in excess of $120 billion.

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:43

again don't lay the blame on M14 Blame ALL of our politicians. trust me they are all corrupt

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:35

our gold is undervalued because it is based on low value. Moreover it stands at much higher than $15 billion and I need to add that there is no correlation between the amount of our national debt and the value of gold that could again support our currency. We should not mix oranges and apples

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:36

I heard that also that our oil and gas file was ready last year. Where is it?? why has it not been effected?? lol

Thumb mckinl 04 January 2014, 12:44

All the oil and gas file need is an approval by the cabinet from my understanding. Mikati pulled the rug out from under that by dissolving the cabinet just before a vote ... He still refuses to assemble the cabinet even when it is in Lebanon's best interest, even though Lebanon faces this dire crisis.

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:50

He can't assemble the cabinet It is a care taker cabinet and has no constitutional right to convene for such a decision. Also the committee supposedly has been in the works for quite a long time with no progress in sight. The cabinet resignation is not to be blamed really. Blame it on the inaction of previous governments. It has been in the works for some time now

Thumb Chupachups 04 January 2014, 16:23

Mcknil , just cos ur m8 and I'm not .. I'm not going to discriminate against u for ur views.. So here have a chupachup

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 12:44

Also screw Iran and Saudi Arabia they are both using Lebanon as a tool for their political benefits. I only support Lebanon period

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 13:00

dog killer
It is a lost cause since our politicians are unpredictable and only protect personal interests

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 13:01

let's have a chupachup?? lol

Thumb Chupachups 04 January 2014, 16:22

Chupachup for u my friend!

Default-user-icon LMB (Guest) 04 January 2014, 13:08

Both camps were given enough time to agree, they failed. So it's time for a neutral government.

Missing peace 04 January 2014, 13:11

the only ones to blame are the lebanese... accepting to be ruled by crooks and militiamen....

lebanese deserve the chaos they accept! LOL

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 13:21

hum not quite ya dogkiller

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 13:33

ya dogkiller
the reply would be rather expanded and to be honest I have to go out meet some friends for lunch
maybe later?
btw are you in Lebanon?

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 13:23

I just read that the Saudi terrorist who just got caught a few days ago just died
wow strange coincidence don't you think??

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 15:21

I read it 1wt on L'orient le jour website wrote the comment here then it appeared on naharnet, What is weird is that when it appeared on naharnet your comment there stated it was posted one hour before it appeared
how's that??

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 15:52

ya dogkiller
are you following my IP address? lol

Thumb lonerider 04 January 2014, 13:33

A neutral cabinet will be formed but will not have the confidence of parliament. Salam will be replaced. Protests begin in the streets by March 14 followed by March 8 counter protests. Scuffles will occur. One or two more car bombs follow. The Arab league is powerless and the UN is powerless to control the events on the ground. New coalitions will form just before elections. Hizbollah will not lose power will agree to disarm to state. Everyone will claim victory and the summer tourist season will be salvaged.

Thumb ice-man 04 January 2014, 16:10

what happens to bandar? Will he go?

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 16:15

ice man
I like your off the wall comments. It brings smiles...
keep it up

Thumb lonerider 04 January 2014, 16:25

Bandar must go

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 15:23

@min canada
your questions lead to one answer
This is Politics here in Lebanon so go

Thumb Chupachups 04 January 2014, 16:24

What's this article about? I forgot by the time I scrolled through the comments.....

Thumb -phoenix1 04 January 2014, 16:54

(1). Though I may be tempted to try and understand why Messrs. Jumblat and Berri want to warn us, I would also want to question their approach. A repetition of a shared government between mostly M8 and M14 wuill only extend the failures that have gripped this country for sometimes now. A neutral cabinet, despite all the challenges that await it, remains our very best chance. If made entirely of professionals and technocrats, and if both M8 and M14 can keep their hands OFF the workings of this cabinet, then in a relatively short time, we as Lebanese will begin to see solutions instead of repeated failures. But from the statements coming out of the major political faction, both sides, it is clear that literally all parties don't trust each other, thus being the case will not and cannot see the options of the benefits of the people, but the party related ones.

Thumb -phoenix1 04 January 2014, 16:56

(2). If things keep going like this, then one thing is for sure, Lebanon will die a slow and agonizing death, and this time there seems to be no "salvation" in sight. But keep this in mind, with refugees now nearing the 2 million mark, (all nationalities confounded) I am sure there will be no shortage of takers to replace the Lebanese, politicians included. It is now only a question of time, that is if we still have it in us the capacity of thinking wisely and patriotically.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 04 January 2014, 17:19

Min-canada. A neutral cabinet is catastrophic to their future. They are afraid that a neutral cabinet will do a far better job than they ever did and hence will never be in power again. They may all end up in jail and Lebanon can start moving in the direction of a reputable state. They can't have that happen!

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 17:41

My lunch was ok. I am hungry again
order a delivery perhaps. Hope it won't have a bomb in

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 17:48

Ha ha ha no way
Actually I only watch the news or listen to music

Missing coolmec 04 January 2014, 17:58

of course not I don't even understand it if the news were in Arabic
I watch CNN, BBc France 24

Thumb cedre 05 January 2014, 00:37

M14 maneuvring to make HA lose its christian cover.
FPMers,maradas and other M8 christians have to choose and show their real allegiance, HA or LAF...

Thumb cedre 05 January 2014, 01:50

we'll see soon enough...

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 05 January 2014, 14:24

Outpatriot M8, what a phrase! You have outdone yourself FT
Lets see:
-HA an Iranian maltia per excellance
-Farangiyah a stooge for the Syrians
-Aoun a walking talking predicament. "If the Syrians leave Lebanon we will have no animosities towards them". What happens if the Lebanese go to Syria ya aflatoon?
-FT the banana wants to disarm HA by using his entellect but now is not the time. When will it be abbrobriate to disarm them? Blease tell. We will wait for your instructions as to the time you deem fit to bressure them to disarm. You think your witty when you pronounce your P with a B, you are pathetic.